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1、Module 7 A famous storyUnit 1 Alice was sitting with her sister by the river.,Alices Adventures in Wonderland,New words and expressions,1.fall 2.follow 3.hole 4.rabbit 5.ground 6.strange 7.adventure 8.already 9.arrive at 10.fall down,1.下落 2.紧跟,跟随 3.洞 4.兔子 5.地面 6.奇怪的 7.冒险 8.已经 9.到达 10.掉下,New words an

2、d expressions,1.fall 2.follow 3.hole 4.rabbit 5.ground 6.strange 7.adventure 8.already 9.arrive at 10.fall down,1.下落 2.紧跟,跟随 3.洞 4.兔子 5.地面 6.奇怪的 7.冒险 8.已经 9.到达 10.掉下,Read out and say Chinese,fall down,arrive at,ground,rabbit,hole,already,adventure,strange,follow,fall,Look at Chinese and say English,

3、掉下来,到达,地面,兔子,洞,已经,冒险,奇怪的,跟随,跌落,Say out Chinese and English,掉下来,到达,地面,兔子,洞,已经,冒险,奇怪的,fall down,arrive at,ground,rabbit,hole,already,adventure,strange,follow,fall,跟随,跌落,the White Rabbit,the Red Queen,the March Hare,the Mad Hatter,the Red King,the Cheshire Cat,The Queen of Hearts,爱丽丝奇境历险记讲述了小姑娘爱丽丝追赶一只揣


5、切都是自己的一个梦境。,点击添加标题,点击添加标题,点击添加标题,1,2,3,sees theCheshire Cat,has a tea party at the March Hares house,follows a white rabbit,Listen and number the pictures.,Fast listening,Q:What are they mainly talking about?,Fast listening,They are talking about the story about Alice.,D,1.What is Betty doing?A.Shes

6、 singing.B.Shes reading.C.Shes dancing.2.Where were Alice and her sister?A.In a tree.B.In the garden.C.By the river.3.What was the Cheshire Cat doing?A.It was running.B.It was sitting in a tree.C.It was playing a strange game.4.Who was the March Hare having a tea party with?A.The Mad Hatter and a mo

7、use.B.The White rabbit.C.The Queen of Hearts.,Detailed Listening,was sitting with her sister by the river.,was running with a watch.,was sitting in a tree and smiling at everyone.,was sitting with the Mad Hatter and a mouse.,were having a tea party in the garden.,was playing a strange game.,with her

8、 sister by the river.,with a watch.,in a tree and at everyone.,with the Mad Hatter and a mouse.,a tea party in the garden.,a strange game.,Alices Adventures in Wonderland is a _English story.Its about a girl _Alice.She goes to Wonderland and meets some strange(奇怪的)_and_.First she meets a white rabbi

9、t.Then she sees the Cheshire Cat.She goes to a _ party(聚会)with the Mad Hatter and the March Hare._,she meets the Red King and the Red Queen.,famous,called,tea,people,animals,Finally,1.茶话会2.继续3.掉下来4.冲微笑5.坐在树上6.在河边7.在花园里8.一个奇怪的游戏,1.茶话会2.继续3.掉下来4.冲微笑5.坐在树上6.在河边7.在花园里8.一个奇怪的游戏,a tea party go on fall dow

10、n smile at sit in the tree by the river in the garden a strange game,1.昨晚八点钟我正在看电视。I _ TV at 8 oclock last night.2.孩子们正在吃晚饭时,灯熄灭了。While the children _,the light went out.3.当妈妈回来时,爸爸在看书,我在写作业。My father _ and I_ when my mother came back.4.他们正在河边散步,突然下起了雨。While they _by the river,it suddenly began to r

11、ain.5.在那个清晨,鸟儿们站在树上,唱着动听的歌。On that early morning,the birds _ in the trees and singing the lively songs.,Test,was watching,were having supper,was reading was doing my homework,were walking,were standing,the past continuous tense(过去进行时),表示过去某一时刻或某段时间正在进行的动作.,was/were+doing,Guide to language use:,Modul

12、e 7 A famous story,Unit 2 She was thinking about her cat.,New words and expressions,1.suddenly 2.conversation 3.pink 4.once 5.twice 6.hole 7.pocket 8.think about 9.hear sb.do 10.have nothing to do,1 突然 2 对话 3 粉色的 4 一次 5 两次 6 洞 7 兜,口袋 8 考虑 9 听见某人做10 无事可做,New words and expressions,1.suddenly 2.convers

13、ation 3.pink 4.once 5.twice 6.hole 7.pocket 8.think about 9.hear sb.do 10.have nothing to do,1 突然 2 对话 3 粉色的 4 一次 5 两次 6 洞 7 兜,口袋 8 考虑 9 听见某人做10 无事可做,Read out and say Chinese,have nothing to do,hear sb do,think about,pocket,hole,twice,once,pink,suddenly,conversation,Look at Chinese and say English,无

14、事可做,听到某人做,考虑,兜,口袋,洞,两次,一次,粉色的,对话,突然,Say out Chinese and English,听到某人做,无事可做,考虑,兜,口袋,洞,两次,一次,粉色的,have nothing to do,hear sb do,think about,pocket,hole,twice,once,pink,conversation,suddenly,对话,突然,Read and choose the best answer:,1.How was Alice feeling when she saw the rabbit with a watch?A.shy B.afrai

15、d C.strange2.What was her sister doing?A.Reading a book.B.Playing with Alice.C.Running after a rabbit.3.What did the rabbit say?A.“Theres much time.”B.“Ill be late.”C.“Where shall I go?”4.Where did the rabbit go?A.It went into a hole.B.It went into a house C.It climbed up the tree.5.What happed next

16、?A.Alice went down the hole with her sister.B.The rabbit asked Alice to go together.C.Alice went down the hole after the rabbit.,Read the passage and put the pictures in correct order,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.,1.偶尔,一两次2.无事可做3.考虑4.没什么奇怪的5.从中拿出来6.太而不能7.听到某人做8.看到某人做,1.偶尔,一两次2.无事可做3.考虑4.没什么奇怪的5.从中拿出来6.太而不能7.听到某

17、人做8.看到某人做,once or twice have nothing to do think about nothing strange takeout of tooto hear sb do see sb do,1.在那个时候,Alice正在和姐姐在河边玩儿。At that time,Alice _ by the river.2.今天早晨我看见一只小狗跑进了我们学校。I_ into our school this morning.3.莉莉听到妈妈打开门,悄悄地进了卧室。Lily _ and go into the bedroom.4.警察在房间里没有发现异常情况。The police f

18、ound _ in the room.5.爸爸回来时,我睡着了,手里还拿着本书。When my father came back,I _ in my hand.,Test,was playing with her sister,saw a dog run,heard her mum open the door,nothing strange,was sleeping with a book,Fill in the blanks:,Alice and her sister were sitting 1)_the river.Her sister was 2)_ but Alice had 3)_

19、 to do.Suddenly a white rabbit 4)_ pink eyes 5)_ past her.Alice felt very 6)_when she saw the rabbit 7)_ out a watch of its pocket.Alice ran quickly 8)_ the field 9)_ the rabbit.The rabbit went into a rabbit 10)_and Alice followed.,by,reading,nothing,with,ran,strange,take,across,after,hole,1.Alice _

20、by the river.艾丽斯正坐在河边.2.She _her book.她没正在读书.3.The White Rabbit _at its watch.白兔正在看它的手表.4.What _ at 7 pm yesterday?I _my homework.昨天7点钟你正在干什么?我正在写作业.,_1.Alice was sitting by the river.艾丽斯正坐在河边.2.She wasnt reading her book.她没有正在读书.3.The White Rabbit was looking at its watch.白兔正在看它的手表.,4.What were you

21、 doing at 7 pm yesterday?I was doing my homework.昨天7点钟你正在干什么?我正在写作业.,One day Alice was sitting with he sister by the river,and her sister was reading a book.,A white rabbit ran past her.,It was looking at its watch.,It was going to a tea party.,So Alice ran after it,Suddenly she fell down a rabbit h

22、ole,and went into their strange world.,Alices Adventures in Wonderland,Activity 8 P48,Alice met some _ people when she went to Wonderland.She was sitting near the river feeling tired when she saw a 1)_ looking at its 2)_.She jumped and when the rabbit went down a 3)_,she followed it.Then Alice came

23、to a garden,found a cat.When she spoke to the 4)_,she saw it was 5)_.When she met the Mad Hatter and the March Hare they were having a 6)_.Finally,she met a 7)_ and a 8)_.,strange,rabbit,watch,hole,cat,smiling,tea party,king,queen,知识背景,刘易斯卡罗尔刘易斯卡罗尔(Lewis Carroll)英国数学家、逻辑学家,其真实姓名为查尔斯道齐森(Charles Dodgs

24、on)。卡罗尔于1832年出生,幼年家境贫寒,生活艰辛,但他学习特别用功。卡罗尔(Carroll)十分喜欢文学,博览各类文学书籍,12岁就开始写作。1850年他去牛津大学(University of Oxford)基督堂学院,1854年被任命为数学讲师,直至退休。基督堂学院院长利德尔的三个女儿常和卡罗尔玩儿,缠着他讲故事。卡罗尔很喜欢这三姐妹,常常自己编些故事讲给她们听,后来他把这些故事写了下来。小说家金斯利发现了这些手稿,便说服利德尔夫人,力劝卡罗尔发表这部作品。于是爱丽丝漫游奇境便问世了。,Lewis Carrolls real name was Charles Dodgson.He wa

25、s teaching maths at the University of Oxford,England.One day he saw Alice in a garden.She was playing with her sisters.Carroll went to meet the girls and they asked him to take their photos.He became good friends with the Liddell children.One day they were having a picnic by the river,and Carroll wa

26、s telling the girls lots of stories.Alice asked him write down the stories.Then Carroll wrote Alices Adventures in Wonderland.Finally,Alices Adventures with Lewis Carroll ended when she grew up.,Writing,1.当我正在房间里做作业时,门铃响了。While I _in my room,the doorbell rang.2.已经11点钟了,爸爸还在工作。It was already 11 ocloc

27、k.My father _ 3.昨晚八点钟你在做什么?_at eight oclock yesterday evening?4.我们正在吃晚饭时,灯灭了。While we were eating dinner,the light _.5.今天上午我没有看见任何人进入他的房间。I didnt _ this morning.,Test,was doing my homework,was still working,What were you doing,went off,see anyone enter his room go into,boating;drawing pictures;fishi

28、ng;watering flowers;buying food;running;reading a book;taking photos;flying a kite;,Last Sunday,it was a sunny day.There were many people in the park.Look!.People were doing different things.They were having a good time at that time.,假设你是大明,老师请你描述一下上周日你和家人做事的情景,并表达你的感受。提示词语供选用。提示词语:Last Sunday morni

29、ng,I,my father,my mother,in the afternoon,in the evening,busy,happy,Last Sunday morning,I was helping my mother and my father do some housework.In the afternoon,I was doing my homework.It took me two hours to finish it.My father was reading a book in his room.My mother was doing some washing.Then I

30、was shopping with my family.In the evening,my parents were watching TV and I was listening to the songs by my favourite singers.We were busy on that day but we had a good time.,()1.One day Alice _ by the river with a book.A.is sitting B.sits C.was sitting D.will sit()2.My mother _ when I got home ye

31、sterday evening.A.is cooking B.cooks C.was cooking D.will cook()3.They _a movie with their friends at 10 oclock yesterday morning.A.watch B.were watching C.watched D.watching()4.Look!The girl is smiling _ you.Do you know her?A.at B.on C.in D.of()5.Alice _ a rabbit hole and went into their strange wo

32、rld.A.fell off B.fell in C.fell behind D.fell down,()1.-What _ you doing at eight oclock yesterday evening?-I was watching TV.A.do B.are C.were D.will()2.I _ for the bus at the bus stop at 7:30 yesterday morning.A.was waiting B.am waiting C.wait D.will wait()3.My mother_ watching TV in her room when

33、 you called her.A.isnt B.wasnt C.didnt D.doesnt()4.That white rabbit _ under the tree and it was smiling at that time.A.sit B.sat C.sits D.was sitting()5.Bill was having a birthday party.His friends _ the birthday song for him.A.are singing B.were singing C.will sing D.sing,()6.That white rabbit _ p

34、ink eyes is very lovely.A.in B.of C.with D.without()7.Jim _some money out of his pocket and gave it to the poor girl.A.take B.takes C.is taking D.took()8.My family _ dinner when suddenly all the lights went off.It was very dark.A.are having B.were having C.have D.has()9.Did you see anyone _ into thi

35、s room just now?A.run B.runs C.ran D.to run()10.Betty likes reading very much._ can stop her from reading.A.Something B.Anything C.Nothing D.Everything,1.昨晚八点钟我正在看电视。I _ TV at 8 oclock last night.2.孩子们正在吃晚饭时,灯熄灭了。While the children _,the light went out.3.当妈妈回来时,爸爸在看书,我在写作业。My father _ and I_ when my

36、 mother came back.4.他们正在河边散步,突然下起了雨。While they _ by the river,it suddenly began to rain.5.在那个清晨,鸟儿们站在树上,唱着动听的歌。On that early morning,the birds _ in the trees and singing the lively songs.,1.在那个时候,Alice正在和姐姐在河边玩儿。At that time,Alice _ by the river.2.今天早晨我看见一只小狗跑进了我们学校。I_ into our school this morning.3

37、.莉莉听到妈妈打开门,悄悄地进了卧室。Lily _ and go into the bedroom quietly.4.警察在房间里没有发现异常情况。The police found _ in the room.5.爸爸回来时,我睡着了,手里还拿着本书。When my father came back,I _ in my hand.,1.当我正在房间里做作业时,门铃响了。While I _in my room,the doorbell rang.2.已经11点钟了,爸爸还在工作。It was already 11 oclock.My father _ 3.昨晚八点钟你在做什么?_ at eight oclock yesterday evening?4.我们正在吃晚饭时,灯灭了。While we were eating dinner,the light _.5.今天上午我没有看见任何人进入他的房间。I didnt _ this morning.,


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