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1、Practice 4,Pepsi-cola hits the spot,Twelve full ounces,thats a lot,Twice as much for a nickel,too,Pepsi-cola is the drink for you.From Sharp minds,come Sharp products.The driver is safer when the road is dry.The road is safer when the driver is dry.Advertisementvocativefree Features:poem,rhythmTrans

2、lation strategy,Text types and translation,Peter Newmarks model A B C Expressive Informative Vocative典型范例 文学/权威 科技类 广告宣传类文体风格 文如其人 文中无人 意在文外译文偏重 原语 目的语 目的语着重对象 原作者 客观现实 读者翻译方法 较重文字 强调语义 灵活对等翻译单位 较小一般(句)较大,Conclusion,How to translate a textIn translation(expression),we need also operate the material

3、in different levels:text,sentence and word.(as in understanding)In textual level,we need to pay special attention to the logic(order and coherence)among sentences.As to syntactic level,the patterns and figure of speech used should be paid attention to.In word choosing,we need consider the context an

4、d collocation.,Chapter three:Unit three(I):Georgia on My Mind*translation of attributive clauses,Discussion,Compare the following sentences and their translations.P93 2 line 2,4,7 sentences one and two,P94 8 line 4,10 the last sentence,12 the second sentence.Do we express in the same way as the Engl

5、ish speaking people do?If not,whats the difference?Discuss with your classmates.Try to draw a conclusion on how to translate them in Chinese.,Difference 1,英语和汉语句子结构中都有定语,汉语中定语由名词、形容词、代词、四字词来充当,用于修饰名词、代词,常常置于被修饰语之前,由“的”字连接,有时称为“的字结构”,如:“艰巨的任务、美丽的姑娘、我的书包、李莉的爸爸、精神焕发的老人”;英语中的定语较汉语中的复杂,首先它不仅由词来充当,短语、句子都可

6、用来作定语。如:“a hard task,the woman holding a baby,the man who is talking”等,其次,从位置来看,有前置的也有后置的,前置的与被修饰语之间无需任何词来连接。,Difference 2,定语的翻译1.1 英语中有些词作定语时习惯置于被修饰语之后,汉译时往往将词序进行调整,译为汉语的“的”字结构。(以下几个英文例子中体现出英语单词作定语后置的几种情况)He is the only person reliable.(以-able/ible结尾的形容词作定语时常后置,汉译时应进行调整)Lets do something exciting.(

7、分词作定语时也常后置)the action taken 所采取的行动every person,old or young(成对的修饰语作定语时也常后置)Each voice,rising and falling like the clamorous cackling of chickens.,Difference 3,1.2 有时两个或两个以上的单词同时放在被修饰语之前作定语时,英语和汉语中的排列顺序不尽相同 Chinas vast size and resources,her extraordinary economic progress over recent years,have made

8、 her an increasingly important player.1.3.短语作定语的翻译1.4.句子作定语(定语从句)的翻译,Translation of attributive clauses,Conclusion A sentence with an attributive clause:A+noun+that/where/who+B.(English)-Chinese:A+noun,+B.(A+noun+B.)A+noun,+reference+B.A+noun.+noun+B.A+noun,+reference+noun+B.A+noun+B.A+B的+noun.,Patt

9、ern 1,English:A+noun+that/where/who+B.Chinese:attributive A+B的+noun He is reading the book that I borrowed yesterday.他正在读我昨天借的那本书。The person who is a stranger is talking to my brother.那个陌生人正和我哥哥说话。,Pattern 2,Chinese:separate sentenceA+noun,+reference+noun+B。He introduced us to his son,our guide for

10、the afternoon,who had been studying English for 6 years。她把儿子介绍给我们作下午参观活动的向导,这小伙子(他的儿子)已学了六年的英语了。A+noun,+reference+B。We visited with his mother and grandmother,who were readying the sweets。我们和他的母亲及祖母进行交谈,她们正在准备甜点。,Pattern 3,We have seen many chemical changes,from which physical changes are different.

11、我们见过许多化学变化,它们和物理变化不同。The activity was postponed,which was exactly what we wanted.这项活动延期了,这正是我们所希望的。A+noun。+noun+B。He wanted us to see the grape arbor that provides both shade and the ingredients for the wine he makes each year。他请我们去参观葡萄架。葡萄架即可遮阳,结的葡萄又可作每年酿酒的原料。,Pattern 4,Chinese:simple sentence(as p

12、art)A+noun,+B。(A+noun+B。)There is a man downstairs who wants to see you。楼下有人找你。(谓语)He who is a doctor knows clearly about his responsibility。作为医生,他深知自己的责任。(状语)A good deal went on in the steppe which he-her father-did not know.草原上发生了许多事情,他她的父亲并不知道。,Attributive clause as adverbial clause,Some of the e

13、nergy is converted into heat,which helps to maintain our body temperature at about 37c.能量的一部分转化为热,来帮助维持体温在37左右。(目的)Universal military service,which has little support in the U.S.,is a fact of life in Russia.普遍军训在俄国行之已久,但在美国却得不到人们的支持。(转折)Anybody who commits the land power of the United States on the

14、continent of Asia ought to have his head examined。如果有人使美国的地面部队陷入到亚洲大陆中去,那他就是个大傻瓜。(条件),Comparison(1),Switzerland which is known as the garden of the world,due to its lush green summer pastures,turns into a white world every winter.世界著名的花园国家瑞士,由于它的夏季绿色草场,每到冬天都成为白色的世界。有世界花园之誉的瑞士,每逢冬天变成了一个白茫茫的世界。由于瑞士夏季绿

15、草茵茵,素有世界花园国家之称。每到冬天它都会变成一个白茫茫的世界。瑞士夏日碧绿的草地郁郁葱葱,因而有世界花园之誉,但一到冬天则变为一个白茫茫的世界。,Comparison(2),In 1874,he established a watch workshop which is the predecessor of the famous Piagets workplace.终在1874年创立了制表工作室,也就是知名首饰厂PIAGET的前身。他于1874年建起了手表作坊,也就是著名的伯爵手表厂的前身。在1874年,他建起了一个手表作坊,这个作坊现在是著名的伯爵表厂的前身。在1874年,他建起了现在是

16、著名的伯爵表厂的前身的一个手表作坊。,Comparison(3),After the Second World War,Piaget,not only made the first watch engraved with the symbol of Piaget,but he also invented an ultra-slim 9P rotary watchwhich is thinner than a ten-dollar gold coin.在二次世界大战后,皮亚杰不仅制造了第一块刻有Piaget标志的表,他还发明了一款比一个十美元金币还薄的超薄9P机械表。在二次世界大战后,他不单制造

17、出第一只刻有Piaget标志的手表,还创造出超薄9P运转装置,制造出比一个十美元金币还细小的表芯。二战以后,皮亚杰不仅造出了第一只刻有“Piaget”标志的手表,还发明了一款超薄9P型机械表,该表比一个十美元金币还薄。二战以后,皮亚杰不仅造出了第一只刻有“Piaget”标志的手表,还发明了一款超薄9P型机械表,其厚度还不及一个十美元金币的厚度。,Comparison(4),Of all his classic items,the Grande Sonnerie,which has more than a hundred diamonds and fifty sapphires,is one o

18、f his best designs.在他的经典之作中,镶有百余粒钻石、五十颗蓝宝石的豪华钻表最为出类拔萃。在他所有的经典制作中,镶有百余粒钻石、五十颗蓝宝石的豪华钻表为出类拔萃的一款。在他的经典之作中,豪华钻表为其最得意之作,其上镶有百余粒钻石和五十颗蓝宝石。,Comparison(5),Until now,all Piagets timepieces have been made in the workshop in La Cote-Aux-Feesit is the only watch factory where all aspects of watch making are carr

19、ied out on the same premises and accessories are made of 18-carat gold or pure platinum,the factory even has its own gold foundry.Until now,all Piagets timepieces have been made in the workshop in La Cote-Aux-Feesit is the only watch factory where all aspects of watch making are carried out on the s

20、ame premises and(for)accessories are made of 18-carat gold or pure platinum,the factory even has its own gold foundry.,Comparison(6),至今,所有的伯爵表都是在科特奥费的工厂里制作的。那是唯一的一家生产厂家。在那里所有的制表工艺都在同一个场所完成,而且饰品是由18K金或纯白金制成的,工厂甚至有自己的铸金厂。至今,所有的伯爵表都是在科特奥费的工厂里生产的,而在同一个场所完成所有制表工艺流程的厂家,那是唯一的一家。而且所有饰品采用18K金或纯白金制成的,因此那里甚至有自

21、己的铸金厂。时至今日,所有的伯爵表都是在科特奥费的工厂里生产的,那是唯一一家能在同一个场所完成所有制表工艺流程的厂家。由于所有的饰品均采用18K金或纯白金制造,该厂还拥有自己的铸金工厂。时至今日,所有的伯爵表都是在科特奥费的工厂里生产的,那是唯一一家能在同一个场所完成所有制表工艺流程的厂家,那也是唯一一家所有的产品饰品均采用18K金或纯白金制造的厂家,因此该厂还拥有自己的铸金工厂。,Comparison(7),Piaget has gone from rotary research to jewelry watch-making,mechanic timepieces to quartz de

22、sign,a workshop with only six craftsmen to a factory with more than two hundred workers,but still the company Piaget strives for perfection,a principle that drove its founder Georges over a hundred years ago.,Comparison(8),皮亚杰走过了从机械表的研制到首饰表的制作过程,走过了从机械钟表的设计到石英钟表的设计的历程,也走过了从六位工匠的作坊到二百多人的工厂的过程,但伯爵公司仍然

23、坚持精益求精,这也正是百余年来其创始人乔治提出的原则。虽然伯爵表厂经历了从机械表的研究到首饰表的制作,从机械表的研发到石英钟的设计,从只有六名工匠的作坊到拥有二百多名工人的工厂的建立,精益求精仍然是伯爵表厂奉行的原则,正是这一原则在百余年前推动其创始人乔治迈步向前。从机械表研究到首饰表制作,从机械钟表到石英钟表,从只有六名工匠的作坊到拥有二百多名工人的工厂,伯爵表厂虽然经历无数转变,但却仍然精益求精,美更求美,这也正是百余年前推动其创始人乔治迈步向前的一条原则。,Some other points,six more craftsmen Piaget(the name of a person,a factory,a brand)complemented the skill and development for design rotary watch This new success as a famous jewelry watch maker.,Homework,About the translation of attributive clauses:(read the following)P98,note 15P274-282Passage 7,paragraph 1 to paragraph 7Read the text and its translation,


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