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1、lets review,Mr Zheng,形容词性物主代词,Review,1.你是护士吗?2.你是德国人吗?3.你是哪国人?4.你是做什么工作的?5.他是做什么工作的?6.她是做什么工作的?7.我是一名键盘操作手。8.我是一名工程师。,Are you a nurse?,Are you German?,What nationality are you?,What do you do?,What does he do?,What does she do?,Im a keyboard operator.,Im an engineer.,我是 I,你是 you。见面问好 How are you?我的

2、my,你的 your。(问人名字Whats your name?)男是 he,女是 she,非人It 好记忆 男的 his,女的 her,它的Its 别搭错。我们 we,他们 they.人称不同别乱缀。他(她)们的 their,我们的 our,复数形代也得会,be 的用法口诀我用am,你用are,is连着他,她,它;单数名词用is,复数名词全用are.变疑问,be要句首提,句末问号莫丢弃变否定,更容易,be后not莫忘记疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑,How are you today?,New words,how 怎样 today 今天 well 身体好 fine 美好的 goodbye 再

3、见 see 看见,见到,New words,h_w 怎样 t_day 今天 w_ll 身体好 f_ne 美好的 g_ _db_e 再见 s_ _ 见,o,o,e,i,o o y,e e,Listening and answer,How is Emma?Shes very well.,Steven:Hello,Helen.Helen:Hi,Steven.Steven:How are you today?Helen:Im very well,thank you.And you?Steven:Im fine,thanks.Steven:How is Tony?Helen:Hes fine,thank

4、s.Hows Emma?Steven:Shes very well,too,Helen.Steven:Goodbye,Helen.Nice to see you.Helen:Nice to see you,too,Steven.Goodbye.,:,Listening,Listen to the tape,and then find out the blank.,Hi,Steven.,一.Fill in the blanks:,Hello,Helen.,Greeting 英文打招呼 1.Hi,Hello,Hey 2.How are you?3.Good morning/afternoon/ev

5、ening.4.Nice/glad to see you.初次见面(非正式)5.How do you do?(正式)6.Long time no see。,How,Im very,thank you.,well,are you today?,=How are you doing today?,And,you?,Im.,fine,Thanks.,=And how are you?,How?的一些社交上的用法:1、用于询问健康状况或一般生活情况:How are you?你好么?2、正式介绍中的一句套话,从不用来询问健康。How do you do?3、How经常用在询问目前状况的疑问句里:Hows

6、 life?生活如何?How are things?情况怎样?Hows work?工作怎么样?,A:How are you?=How are you doing?B:Not so good.不是很好。Not bad.一般般。Pretty good.挺好的。Great.非常好。Couldnt be better.再好不过了。,is,How Tony?,He fine.,is,How are you?Im well.I am well.,How is she?Shes fine.She is fine.,A BHow are you Hes fine.How is he?Im well.,How,

7、is Emma?,She is very,too.,well,Goodbye,Nice to see you,Steven.Goodbye.,Helen.,Nice to see you.,too,=Nice seeing you=Glad to see you.,=See you later.=See you.=See you around.,S:_,Helen.H:_,Steven.S:_ _ _ _?H:Im very _,thank you._ _?S:Im _,thanks._ is Tony?H:Hes fine,thanks.Hows Emma?S:Shes very well,

8、_,Helen._,Helen.Nice to see you.H:Nice to see you,too,Steven.Goodbye.,Hello,Hi,How are you today,well,And you,well,How,too,Goodbye,特殊疑问词who(谁),where(哪里),which(哪一个),what(什么)when(是么时间),whose(谁的)why(为什么)how(如何,怎么样),特殊疑问词口诀 what“什么”who是“谁”;when问时间较模糊,要与what time 分清楚。where只问地点在哪里,which“哪个”whose谁的要牢记。询问原因

9、why常在,回答要用because。,_ is your name?_ are you from?_ singer do you like,Lagy GaGa or Biber?_ old is your pet?_ is this woman?_ song is this?,My name is Gina,I am from China,What,Where,Which,How,Who,Whose,Lesson 10 Look at.,fat(胖的),thin(瘦的),tall(高的),short(矮的),dirty(脏的),clean(干净的),cold(寒冷的),hot(热的),youn

10、g(年轻的),old(老的),busy(繁忙的),lazy(懒惰的),tall 高的young年轻的fat肥胖的,New Words,short 矮的old 老的thin 瘦的,coldlazyclean,hot 热的busy 忙碌的dirty 脏的,New Words,t_ll 高的y_ _ng年轻的 f_t肥胖的,New Words,sh_rt_ldth_n,a,o,o u,o,a,i,c_ldl_z_cl_ _n,h_t 热的b_s_ 忙碌的d_ _t_ 脏的,New Words,o,o,u y,a y,ir y,e a,Key Structures,Look at that man,h

11、e is very fat.,Key Structures,Look at that man,he is very short.,Look at that woman!She is thin.,Look at that teacher!She is clean.,Reading,Number Eleven T:Is that man fat or thin?那个男人是胖还是瘦?S:Hes not thin.Hes fat.他不瘦他胖Number SeventeenT:Is Steven hot or cold?斯蒂文热还是冷?S:Hes not cold.Hes hot.他不冷他热Number

12、 TwentyT:Is that air hostess young or old?那位空姐年轻还是年老?S:Shes not old.Shes young.她不老.她年轻,Number Twelve T:Is that woman thin or fat?那位妇女是瘦还是胖?S:Shes not fat.Shes thin.她不胖她瘦Number Eighteen T:Is Emma cold or hot?埃玛冷还是热?S:Shes not hot.Shes cold.她不热她冷Number Fourteen T:Is that policewoman short or tall?那位警察

13、是矮还是高?S:Shes not tall.Shes short.她不高她矮,Reading,Number Nineteen T:Is that milkman old or young?那位送奶工是年老还是年轻?S:Hes not young.Hes old.他不年轻他老Number FifteenT:Is that mechanic dirty or clean?那位技工是胖还是干净?S:Hes not clean.Hes dirty.他不干净他脏Number ThirteenT:Is that policeman tall or short?那位警察是高还是矮?S:Hes not sho

14、rt.Hes tall.他不矮他高Number Sixteen T:Is that nurse clean or dirty?那位护士是干净还是脏?S:Shes not dirty.Shes clean.她不脏她干净,Reading,B,一、从下面A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把正确的字母编号写在括号里。()1.I am afraid I dont know._.A.Thanks a lotB.Thank you any way C.You are welcome()2.My cousin is not tall.He is _.A.shut B.short C.long()3.The

15、boy is not hardworking,he is _.A.old B.lazy C.hot()4._ color is yellow.A.Its B.Its C.yours()5._!This is my new pencil-box.A.Look B.Look at C.See()6.Please _ the picture.A.look B.look at C.see()7.I cant _ the book.A.see B.read C.look()8.I want to _ the film.A.see B.watch C.look()9.Give me some orange

16、s,please._.A.Here you areB OK,give you C.Thats all right()10.Which of the two policemen _ Mike?A.am B.is C.are,B,B,B,A,C,A,B,A,B,二、改写句子。下面的句子是一组对话,但是顺序被打乱了。请你根据对话的内容将他们按顺序排列好。(1)Yes?(2)Is this your passport?(3)Excuse me?(4)Whose passport is this?(5)No,it isnt.(6)I think it is Tims.(7)Thank you very

17、much._,(3),(1),(2),(4),(6),(7),(5),三、阅读短文。判断下列五个句子是否符合短文内容,符合的请写“T”,不符合的写“F”。Mr.White works in a factory.There are not many people in the factory.They make shoes there.The workers go to work early in the morning.On Saturday and Sunday they dont go to work.They stay at home.Mrs.White cooks for the wo

18、rkers in the factory.She likes cooking.In the middle of the day the workers have lunch in the factory.They are very friendly.They like the food Mrs.White cooks.()1.Many workers work in the shoe factory.()2.Mr.White goes to work early in the morning.()3.Mr.and Mrs.White stay at home on Saturday and Sunday.()4.The workers have their lunch in the factory.()5.The workers are kind to Mrs.White,F,T,T,T,T,四、作文。谈谈你对学英语的感受,不少于6个句子。,


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