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1、完成句子专练,(初二下册),Module 1,1.他既是我们的老师,又是我们的好朋友。He is our teacher _ our good friend 2.路上许多车,结果我们迟到了。There were too much traffic,and _ we were late.3.许多小孩花太多的时间玩电脑游戏。Many children _ too much time _ computer games 4.明晚将有一场晚会。_ tomorrow evening5.我喜欢各种类型的音乐,比如,流行音乐,古典音乐和摇滚音乐。I like all kinds of music,_pop mu

2、sic,classical music and rock music.,as well as,as a result,spend,in playing,There will be an evening party,such as,6.他的最新小说下周将出版。His latest novel _ next week.7.跑步很累人,我们都对它不感兴趣。Running is tiring,none of us _ it.8.昨天的采访占用了我们经理很多时间。The interview _ a lot of our managers time yesterday.9.她今天一直在生我的气。She i

3、s angry with me _ today.10.学生们已收拾好实验室,现在整洁了。The students _ the lab.Its tidy now.,will come out,is interested in,took up,all the time,have tidied up,Module 2,1.我很抱歉,我现在不能马上把照片给你看。Im sorry,I cant show you the photos.2.事实上,她一直都挺相信你。_,she believes you _.3.这问题太难了,我们不能回答。The question is _answer.4.沿路的左侧驾驶刚

4、开始有些别扭,可是习惯 了就好了。_ is strange _ but you get used to it.,right now/at the moment,In fact,all the time,too difficult for us to,Driving on the left,at first,5.我决不会与不诚实的人交朋友。I will not _ a dishonest person.6.她说她记得在哪见过我。She said she _ somewhere.7.嘲笑他人是不对的。Its not right _,make friends with,remembered meet

5、ing me,to laugh at others,8.老师告诉我们这种气体和空气不一样。The teacher tells us that the gas _ air.9.那天晚上我们下了两盘棋。That night we played _ games of chess.10.他害怕再迟到,所以跑步去赶地铁。He_ late again,so runs to get the subway,is different from,a couple of,is afraid to be,Module 3,1.他在24岁时成了一名医生。He became a doctor _twenty-four.2

6、.昨天校长带我们参观了这所学校。The headmaster _the school yesterday.3.天下雨了外出要记得带伞。Its rainy._an umbrella when you go out.,at the age of,showed us around,took us around,Remember to take,4.我知道到哪里能找到这个男孩。I know _the boy.5.我一周和朋友踢一次足球。I play football with my friends _.6.当你驾车时,要注意红灯。When you drive a car,you must_ the r

7、ed light.,where to find,Where I can find,once a week,look out for,7.学生们讲个不停,老师变得很生气。The students _and the teacher got very angry.8.老师从窗户往下看着我们。The teacher _ us from the window.9.他们告诉我们几点需要准备了吗?Have they told us _get ready?10.我们来到村子里请求帮助。We came to the village _ some help.,kept talking,looked down at

8、,what time we need to,to ask for,didnt stop talking,Module 4,1.如果蛇咬了你的手,你该怎么办?If a snake _,what will you do?2.昨晚我肚子痛,吃了些药我感觉好多了。My stomach ached last night and I felt much better after I _.3.他跳进河里,救了女孩一命。He jumped into the river and _ _.,bites you on the hand,took some medicine,saved the,girls life,

9、4.当故事发生时,他保持冷静慢慢地从车里爬出来。He _ and climbed out of the car slowly when the accident happened.5.看,灯还亮着。可能昨晚有人忘记关了。-Look,the lights are still on.-May be someone forgot to _ last night.,stayed cool,turn them off,6.如果你想看新闻,你就打开电视。,If you want to watch TV news,please _ TV.7.我昨晚没睡好,现在头痛得厉害。I didnt sleep well

10、 last night and my head _now.8.昨天我们看见一条蛇从箱子里爬出来。Yesterday we saw a snake _ _the box.,turn on,aches a lot,climb out of,9.我喜欢踢足球,但我弟弟喜欢拉小提 琴。I like _,but my little brother like _.10.对他人友好对我们来说很重要。_ to be friendly to others.,playing football,playing the violin,Its very important for us,Module 5,1.他到底还是

11、来了。He has come _.2.他爸爸还在为那事生他的气。.His father_ about that3.如果她成为了明星,那她父母就会为她感到骄傲了。If she _ a star,her parents _ her.4.我愿意走路而不愿意做公共汽车。Id_.5.她们说月底会来看我。They said that they _to see me _this month.,after all,is still angry with him,becomes,will be proud of,rather walk than take a bus,would come,at the end

12、of,6.如果你再犯同样错误,我就请你走了。If you _,Ill _.7.这电脑我买了5年了。现在经常出毛病。I have had the computer for 5 years and it often _now.8.说实话,我认为我们没有获胜的机会了。_,I dont think we have a chance of winning.9.我听说他们已住在一起了。I hear that they have lived_.10.她姑姑已经表示要帮她学舞蹈了。Her aunt has offered _ her dancing,make the same mistake,send you

13、 away,goes wrong,To be honest,all together,to help her with,Module 6,1.你认为这个故事这是地反映了生活吗?Do you think the story is very_?2.你想和我面对面交谈吗?Would you like to talk to me_?3.在我看来,他们是广受欢迎的演员。_,they are very popular actors.4.他经常在电影中扮演警察。He often _ in films.,true to life,face to face,In my opinion,plays a polic

14、eman,5.她在这电视剧中演得非常出色,使得角色真实可信。She acted well in this TV play,and_.6.他从来不担心功课和考试。He is never _ homework and exams.7.演出结束时,他们鼓掌长达十分钟。_ the play,they clapped for ten minutes.,made her character believable,worried about,At the end of,8.刚才医生建议我好好休息。The doctor _ a rest just now.9.除了几个单词以外,我对英语一无所知。_ a few

15、 words,I know nothing about English.10.那老师做在学生中间。The teacher is sitting_.,advised me to have,Except for,among the students,Module 7,在1979年前,没几个人知道这个地方。Before 1979,_ this area.2.李叔叔说学会保护自己是非常重要的。Uncle Li said that _to protect yourself.3.他告诉我要好好照顾自己。He told me _.,it was very important to learn,few peo

16、ple knew,to look after myself,4.你不要怕犯错,毕竟你还是个学生。_.After all,you are still a student.5.这里的岩石以奇形状著称。The rocks here _strange and special shapes.6.如果你觉得累了,你可以休一段时间的假。If youre feeling tired,you can_.7.她爱这男孩,就好像她是他的母亲一样。She loves the boy _ she were his mother.,are famous for,as if,take some time off,Dont

17、be afraid to make mistakes,8.李先生告诉我们佛山以陶瓷而出名。Mr Li told us that Foshan _china.9.他问我住在哪一层楼。He asked me _.10.他太累了,我们叫不醒他。He was so tired that we couldnt _.,was famous for,which floor I lived on,wake him up,Module 8,1.他们一到那儿,就马上开始工作。They began to work _ they got there.2.她到处找那本丢了的书。She looked _ for the

18、lost book.3.他有困难,我们应该把他拉一把。Hes in danger.We should _4.每年春节,我们一大家都会聚在一起吃饭。My big family always _ to have a big meal every Spring Festival.,as soon as,all over,help him out,get together,5.当时他们只靠听收音机获取新闻。They only _ the radio for news at that time.6.天气一转好我们就打算出游去。Well go out for a trip _.7.你可以用不同的方法做这工

19、作。You can do the work _.,depended on,as soon as it is fine,in different ways,8.去年中秋节我们放了半天假。We _ on the last MidAutumn Day.9.你跟她们在一起时,她们带你去 了一些有趣的地方了吗?When you _ them,did they take you around _,had half a day off,stayed with,somewhere interesting,10.我们能否去还得看天气。Whether we can go or not_ the weather.,

20、depends on,Module 9,1.他一生致力于语言研究。He _the study of languages.2.尽管下大雨,吉姆好事按时到达了学校。_the heavy rain,Jim come to school on time.,gave his life to,In spite of,3.当我在街上看见我的朋友时,我停下来和他说话。When I saw my friend in the street,I _ talk with him.4.这学期她学习很努力,为了考试考得好。She worked hard this term _she could do well in th

21、e exam.,stopped to,so that,5.我们应该学会独立生存。We should learn to live_.6.他太小了以致不能照顾自己。He is so young that he cant_himself.,look after,on our own,(by ourselves),take care of,7.他多次努力想通过考试,最后成功了。He tried many times to pass the exam and he succeeded _.8.尽管遇到了暴风雨,飞机还是安全着陆了。_ a bad storm,the plane landed safely

22、.,in the end,In spite of,9.他是一位英雄。他把生命奉献给了别人。He is a hero.He _others.10.姚明是位优秀的运动员因为他擅长打篮球。Yao Ming is an excellent player because he _ playing basketball.,gave his life to,is good at,Module 10,1、语文和英语一样重要。Chinese is English.2老师叫我们用方框里的单词填空。The teacher asked us the blanks the words in box.3.他讲得很大声,我

23、们大家都听得很清楚.He everyone of us heard clearly.,as important as,to fill,with,spoke so loudly that,4直到雨停我们才回家。We _ _it stopped raining.5.-我看过英雄这部电影。我也看过。很精彩,是吗?-I have seen the film hero._.Its wonderful,isnt it?6依我们看,你们那样做是不对的。,its not right for you to do that.,didnt go home until,So have I,In our opinion

24、,7他父母根本不想他当警察。His parents want him to be a policeman.8、他女儿年龄够大,可以上学了。His daughter is.9许多小孩太多依赖老师和家长。Many children _ their teachers and parents.10大多数学生高中毕业后都上大学。Most students after senior high school.,dont,at all,old enough to go to school,depend too much on,go to college,11我们认为你不必为你父母担忧。We _you _ your parents.12现在越来越多人到外国做生意。Now more and more people go abroad_.13老师叫我们多练习讲英语。Our teacher asks us to _ more English.14.明天我会跟叔叔去钓鱼。Tomorrow I _ with my uncle15我一到广州就给你电话。I _ I arrive in Guangzhou.,practise speaking,would go fishing,will call you as soon as,on business,dont think,have to worry about,


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