1、Writing Skills-Point and Support,Writing is different from TalkingMy boss is a hard person to work for.Its not safe to walk in our neighborhood after dark.Poor study habits keep getting me into trouble.Raising the petrol price will solve the traffic and pollutiion problems casued by vehicles.Student
2、s are better off working for a year before attending college.Remoting learning(online learing)can be a better option than classroom-based learning.In writing,any idea that you advance must be supported by specific reasons or details.,Employees get job satisfaction in a number of ways.Firstly,a perso
3、n needs to feel that they are doing valued and valuable work.So positive feedback from superiors is important in this respect.A sense of fulfillment is also encouraged if a worker feels the job is worth doing because it contributes to the society or the economy as a whole.Secondly,when someone feels
4、 they are improving or developing their skills through training opportunities,for example,then there is a sense of progression and purpose that rewards a worker.The sense of belonging to a team or a working community also contributes to the job satisfaction because cooperation can be a source of uiq
5、ue satifaction that an individual never get all by him/herself.Consider the happniess of football players when,along with team-work,they defeated their common rivals and win the honor of championship.,Writing Skills-Point and Support,Writing Skills-Point and Support,Remoting learing can is an exciti
6、ng technological advance.The flexible learning schedule is extremely convenient for full-time workers.They could plan their personal learing progress according to the working arrangments.And learing serivices are always available no matter they are on a trip or vacation.Remoting learning also makes
7、education affordable.Unlike the classroom learing where a lecturer could serve literally limited number of students,the digitial resources,like videos,voice records,word transpcripts,can be used by infinte number of learners.That may be why every single student is charged a little fee to cover the c
8、ost of such services.Moreover,all the students have equal access to the courses of the best qulaity.Courses given by professors of the top-class universities are available to all instead of being monoplied by the lucky few.,Writing Skills-Point and Support,Remote learing makes learing extremely conv
9、enient for students.With the flexible learning schedule,full-time workers could plan their personal learing progress according to the working arrangments.And learing serivices are always available no matter they are on a business trip or vacation.It is also a blessing for students who prefer to take
10、 cross-disciplinary courses offered by different learning institutions.I had always been interested psychology,but unfortunately,it is not included in the curricula of my college.Three months ago,I enrolled in an online psycholoy course offered by a famous college in Britain,and I am enjoying this w
11、onderful learing experience.Disabled people could also benefit from this online learning.Many of them are deprived,openly or in disguise(for example,the condescending help and empathetic care from others),of the chance of learing.This remote learing enable them to take courses independently.,Writing
12、 Skills-Point and Support,Evidencereasonsanecdotespersonal experiencesfactsstudiesstatisticsopinion of experts,Writing Skills-Point and Support in an Essay,Writing is a skillprocess of self-discovery,Writing Skills-writing strategy,Writing is a process that involves the following steps:discovering a
13、 thesis-often through prewriting.developing solid support for the thesis-often through more prewriting.organizing the thesis and supporting material and writing it out in a first draft.revising and then editing carefully to ensure an effective,error-free paper.,Writing Skills-Begin with a Good Thesi
14、s(选个好论点),Begin with a point or thesisA good thesis does two things:1)it tells readers an essays topic.2)it presents the writers attitude,opinion,idea or point about a topic.eg.Owning a pet has several important benefits.topic:owning a petthe writers main point:has several important benefits.,Writing
15、 Skills-Begin with a Good Thesis(选个好论点),ExerciseOur company president should be fired for three main reasons.The internet has led to new kinds of frustration in everyday life.The twentith century produced three inventions that dramatically changed the lives of all Americans.My first night as a secur
16、ity guard turned out to be one of the most frightening experience of my life.Advertisers target young people in order to market cigarettes,alcohol,and adult movies.Before moving away from home,every person should have mastered certain key skills.Independent mom and pop stores are superior to larger
17、chain stores for a number of reasons.,Writing Skills-Begin with a Good Thesis(选个好论点),Writing a good thesis(确定一个好论点),Writing Skills-Begin with a Good Thesis(选个好论点),Writing a good thesis(确定一个好论点),Writing Skills-Begin with a Good Thesis(选个好论点),Writing a good thesis(确定一个好论点),Writing Skills-Begin with a
18、Good Thesis(选个好论点),Writing a good thesis(确定一个好论点)1.Write Statements,No AnnouncementsThe subject of this paper will be my parents.I want to talk about the crime wave in our country.The baby boom generation is the concern of this essay.My parents each struggled with personal demons.The recent crime wa
19、ve in our city has several apparent causes.The baby boom generation has changed American society is key ways.,Writing Skills-Begin with a Good Thesis(选个好论点),2.Avoid statements that are too broad(避免论点过宽)Insects are fascinating creatures.Men and women are very different.Strength,organization,and commu
20、nication makes ants one the natures most successful insects.Men and women are often treated very differently in the workplace.,Writing Skills-Begin with a Good Thesis(选个好论点),3.Avoid statements that are too narrow(避免论点过窄)The speed limit near my home is sixty-five miles per hour.A hurricane hit southe
21、rn Florida last summer.A person must be at least thirty-five years old in order to be elected president of the United States.The speed limit near my home should be lowered to fifty-five mile perhour for several reasons.Federal officials mades a number of mistakes in their response to the recent Flor
22、ida hurricane.The requirement that a U.S president must be at least thirty-five years old is unfair and unreasonable.,Writing Skills-Begin with a Good Thesis(选个好论点),4.Make sure statements develop only one ideaOne of the most serious problems affecting young people today is bullying,and it is time mo
23、re kids learned the value of others.Studying with others has several benefits,but it also has drawbacks and can be difficult to schedule.Teachers have played an important role in my life,but they were not as important as my parents.One of the most serious problems affecting young people today is bul
24、lying.Studying with others have several benefits.Teachers have played an important role in my life.,Writing Skills-Point and Support in an Essay,A smile is the shortest distance between two people.Earth provide enough to satisfy everymans need,not very mans greed.Good habits result from refusing tem
25、ptation.?,Employees get job satisfaction in a number of ways.Firstly,a person needs to feel that they are doing valued and valuable work.So positive feedback from superiors is important in this respect.A sense of fulfillment is also encouraged if a worker feels the job is worth doing because it cont
26、ributes to the society or the economy as a whole.Secondly,when someone feels they are improving or developing their skills through training opportunities,for example,then there is a sense of progression and purpose that rewards a worker.The sense of belonging to a team or a working community also co
27、ntributes to the job satisfaction because cooperation can be a source of uique satifaction that an individual never get all by him/herself.Consider the happniess of football players when,along with team-work,they defeated their common rivals and win the honor of championship.,Writing Skills-Point an
28、d Support,Writing Skills-Point and Support,Remoting learing can is an exciting technological advance.The flexible learning schedule is extremely convenient for full-time workers.They could plan their personal learing progress according to the working arrangments.And learing serivices are always avai
29、lable no matter they are on a trip or vacation.Remoting learning also makes education affordable.Unlike the classroom learing where a lecturer could serve literally limited number of students,the digitial resources,like videos,voice records,word transpcripts,can be used by infinte number of learners
30、.That may be why every single student is charged a little fee to cover the cost of such services.Moreover,all the students have equal access to the courses of the best qulaity.Courses given by professors of the top-class universities are available to all instead of being monoplied by the lucky few.,
31、Writing Skills-Point and Support,Remote learing makes learing extremely convenient for students.With the flexible learning schedule,full-time workers could plan their personal learning progress according to the working arrangements.And learning services are always available no matter they are on a b
32、usiness trip or vacation.It is also a blessing for students who prefer to take cross-disciplinary courses offered by different learning institutions.I had always been interested psychology,but unfortunately,it is not included in the curricula of my college.Three months ago,I enrolled in an online ps
33、ychology course offered by a famous college in Britain,and I am enjoying this wonderful learning experience.Disabled people could also benefit from this online learning.Many of them are deprived,openly or in disguise(for example,the condescending help and empathetic care from others),of the chance o
34、f learning.This remote learning enable them to take courses independently.,Writing Skills-Point and Support in an Essay,The layout of an essay,Writing Skills-Support the Thesis with Specific Evidence(用具体论据),Identifying the parts of an essayEvaluating thesis statementsCompleting thesis statementsWrit
35、ing a thesis statementLimiting a topic and writing a thesisProviding specific evidenceIdentifying adequate supportive evidenceAdding details to complete an essay,Writing Skills-writing strategy-writing a first draft,When you write a first draft,be prepared to put in additional thoughts and details t
36、hat did not emerge during prewriting.,Writing Skills-Point and Support,Remoting learing can is an exciting technological advance.The flexible learning schedule is extremely convenient for full-time workers.They could plan their personal learing progress according to the working arrangments.And leari
37、ng serivices are always available no matter they are on a trip or vacation.Remoting learning also makes education affordable.Unlike the classroom learing where a lecturer could serve literally limited number of students,the digitial resources,like videos,voice records,word transpcripts,can be used b
38、y infinte number of learners.That may be why every single student is charged a little fee to cover the cost of such services.Moreover,all the students have equal access to the courses of the best qulaity.Courses given by professors of the top-class universities are available to all instead of being
39、monoplied by the lucky few.,Writing Skills-Point and Support,Remote learing makes learing extremely convenient for students.With the flexible learning schedule,full-time workers could plan their personal learing progress according to the working arrangments.And learing serivices are always available
40、 no matter they are on a trip or vacation.It is also a blessing for students who prefer to take cross-disciplinary courses offered by different learning institutions.I had always been interested psychology,but unfortunately,it is not included in the curricula of my college.Three months ago,I enrolle
41、d in an online psycholoy course offered by a famous college in Britain,and I am enjoying this wonderful learing experience.Disabled people could also benefit from this online learning.Many of them are deprived,openly or in disguise(for example,the condescending help and empathetic care from others),
42、of the chance of learing.This remote learing enable them to take courses independently.,Writing Skills-writing strategy-prewriting techniques,Technique 1:Making a listHow to make a worker satisfied with the job?This is a list of my first repsonses:valuablefeedback superiorcontribute to a nationtrain
43、ing programimprove working skillscope with challengesnot fearful for being fired,a sense of securitycooperationteamworkfootball teamcollective goalconfidencemoney.,Writing Skills-writing strategy-prewriting techniques,Technique 1:Making a listA smile is the shortest distance between two people.,Writ
44、ing Skills-writing strategy-prewriting techniques,Technique 2:Questioning(设问)remote learning is a positive change.Questions:Answers:What is the merits of remote learing?-Who benefit from this new learning approach?-When can people need such learning most?-Where is is new learning most influential?-H
45、ow can people make good use of it?-,Writing Skills-writing strategy-prewriting techniques,Technique 2:Questioning(设问)A smile is the shortest distance between two people.Questions:Answers:Why smile unites(instead of distance)people?-The distance between whom can smile shorten?-Where can be smile used
46、 to shorten the distance between people?-When do we need smiles to shorten the distance?-How can I do?-,Writing Skills-writing strategy-prewriting techniques,Technique 3-clustering 列图表,Writing Skills-writing strategy-prewriting techniques,Technique 3-clustering 列图表,Writing Skills-Support the Thesis
47、with Specific Evidence(用具体论据),Remote learning is an excitng change.flexibleaffordableequalSmile is the best manner to create a close relationship.1.strangers2.embarrassing situation3.hatredA person can hardly start and maintain a good habit if he/she fail to resist temptation.1.make a new start 2.pe
48、rsistance agaist comfort and uncertainly3.huan nature to persue pleasure,Writing Skills-Introductions and conclusions,A well-organized essay needs a strong introductory paragraph,an effective concluding paragraph,and sometimes a good title.attracts the readers interest,encouraging him or her to cont
49、inue readingsupplies any background information that the reader may need to understand the essay presents a thesis statement.This clear,direct statement of the main idea of the paper usually appears near the end of the introductory paragraphIndicates a plan of development(optional).,Writing Skills-I
50、ntroductions and conclusions,1.Begin with a broad,general statement of your topic and narrow it down to your thesis statement.Bookstore shelves today are crammed with dozens of different diet books.The American public seems willing to try any sort of diet,especially the ones that promise instant,mir