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1、Technology,Miranda,Technology in educationAdvantages,Technology is a powerful tool to engage(吸引)students.Technology can make lessons much more interesting.Students can do research using online resources.Students can study at their own place.Adults can take distance learning courses.Students can stud

2、y whenever and wherever they want.Students also learn skills which are useful for their future job.For example,they learn to write reports using a word processor.,Technology in educationDisadvantages,People rely too much on computers.Young learners do not become proficient(精通)in some basic skills.Th

3、ey use word processors and spelling may suffer.People should be able to write a letter by hand.Technology is no substitute for(取代)a real teacher.Learners need a structured course.An experienced teacher knows what materials to choose.Computers are expensive to maintain and can be unreliable.,Technolo

4、gy in educationOpinion,Institutions should supplement(增加)traditional teaching with the use of technology.Technology is part of our daily life.It can enhance a teachers lessons.Students can use online resources to help with homework.Students must still learn to write by handThey should still use trad

5、itional sources of information such as books.,Technological innovations科技的创新,Encourage innovationTechnological breakthroughs 科技突破Scientific discoveries 科学发现,Advance scientific knowledge推动科学知识的发展,Adopt new technologies.采用新的科技Adopt在雅思作文为接受,采纳新事物的意思Eg.People should be encouraged to adopt a healthier li

6、festyle.this policy has been adopted by some educational authorities(教育问题的主管部门).Meet new challenges 应对新的挑战,Industrial automation 工业自动化,Office automation 办公自动化Perform repetitive tasks 从事重复性劳动,Increase efficiencyImprove efficiency,Boost productivity/make people more productive 提高人们的生产率Reduce costs 减少成

7、本Meet consumers needs 满足消费者们的需求,Are widely used被广泛的使用,Assembly lines 工业装配线Mass-produced goods 被批量生产的产品,Has revolutionized the way we communicate彻底地变革了我们交流的方式,Revolutionized=transformed 彻底改变,The information age 信息时代,The knowledge-based economy 以知识为主导的经济The technology-driven economy 主要受科技推动的经济,Electro

8、nic deviceselectronic equipment电子设备,Should limit the time their children send on electronic devices(家长们)应该限制孩子使用电子设备的时间Should limit the time their children spend on the internet/video games,Thin and lightweight很薄的而且很轻的,Are portable and easy to use.非常便携而且方便使用的Are user-friendly 方便使用的Modern convenience

9、s 泛指现代科技产品Eg.Modern conveniences are contributing to our unhealthy lifestyle.,Farming machinery农用机械,Machine 一台具体的机器Machinery 泛指机械Factory farming 工厂化养殖Use chemical fertilizers 使用化肥Increase crop yield 提高农作物的产量Reduce hunger 减少饥饿现象Increase food supplies 增加食品的供应Prevent food shortages 避免食品短缺Boost farming

10、productivity 提高农业的生产率Help fo keep food prices stable 有助于保持食品的价格稳定,Farming machinery农用机械,Pose health risks 构成健康方面的风险Organic food 有机食品Is safer and more nutritious 更安全而且更有营养Offer subsidies to organic farmers向生产有机食品的农民们提供补贴,Genetically-modified foodGM food转基因食品,Genetic engineering technology 基因工程技术Genet

11、ically-modified crops/GM crops转基因农作物Increase crop yield 提高农作物的产量Make food look more attractive 让食品看起来更诱人Are more resistant to decreases and insects.对病虫害的抵抗力更强,Genetically-modified foodGM food转基因食品,Disrupt the food chain 扰乱自然界里的食物链Pose health risks to consumers 给消费者们带来健康风险Regulate genetically-modifie

12、d food/regulate GM food 对转基因食品进行严格的监管Regulate+宾语=对严格的监管Eg.The government is looking at whether it should regulate the use of wild animals in the entertainment industry.,Organic foodnaturally grown food有机食品,Is safer and more nutritious 是更安全而且更有营养的Are produced without chemicals 是未使用化学产品生产的Distrust gen

13、etically-modified food(消费者们)不相信转基因食品,科技对生活的影响,Keep in touch with their family and friends,Stay connected with their family and friendsLive away from home/live far from familyFeel homesick 非常思念亲人Video chat(v.)/video chatting(n.)视频聊天,Use online resources,Search engine 搜索引擎Find information quickly and

14、easilyIs a popular leisure activity 是一种流行的休闲活动Is a important source of information 是很重要的信息来源Is a useful educational tool 是一种有用的教学工具Are just a few clicks away(网络资源)只需要点几次鼠标就可以轻松找到Promote free exchange of ideas and information.促进思想与信息的自由交流,E-books/electronic books,Are interactive 是有互动性的Provide many se

15、arch options 提供很多的搜索选择Can change the font size 读者可以改变字号Take up much less space 所占的空间远远更小Are easy to store and carry 方便存储和携带Meet their needs 满足他们的要求Reed books on a screen 在屏幕上看书May cause eye strain or headache.有可能会导致眼睛疲劳或头痛,Paper books/printed books,The texture of the pages 纸张的质感Enjoy turning the pag

16、es 喜欢翻阅书籍的体验Are easier on the eyes 不容易导致眼睛疲劳Can take notes comfortably 可以舒服的做笔记Prefer to hold a real book in their hands 喜欢手执一卷的感觉,Online shopping,Online shops 网店Physical shops 实体店Provide more choices 提供更多的选择Is easy and efficientIs more eco-friendly 是更有益于环保的Shop(v.)at lower pricesCan easily compare

17、pricesCan read customer reviews 可以阅读评语,Distance education远程教育,Distance learning coursesSelf-paced learning 可以由学生自己控制进度的学习Can study at their own paceImprove efficiency and reduce costs,Distance education远程教育,Traditional classrooms/physical classrooms 传统的实体教室Have lively face-to-face discussions 进行生动地面

18、对面的讨论Develop good learning habits 形成良好的学习习惯Form close friendship 形成亲密的友谊Supplement their teaching with online resources 利用网络资源补充他们的教学,Work from home/work remotely 远程上班,Have more freedom 拥有更多的自由 Have more flexible work schedules有更灵活地工作时间Can achieve a better work-life balanceSave money on transport co

19、sts Have more job opportunities to choose fromReduce office costs(雇主)减少办公室的成本开支Video conference 视频会议,Internet addiction网瘾,Game addiction/television addictionLead to a sedentary lifestyle 缺乏运动Lead an unhealthy lifestyle 过不健康的生活Stare at a computer screen for many hoursCause eye strain or headaches,In

20、a virtual world在一个虚拟的世界里面,Social networking websites/online social media 社交网站Video sharing websites 视频共享网站Online community 网络社区Make friends online 在网络上交友Share information and exchange ideas 分享信息并且交换想法Participate in online forums 参与网络论坛里的讨论Interact with their friends online Cause social isolation 导致脱

21、离社会的生活方式Reduce face-to-face interaction.,Rely too much on computers,Reduce their dependence on computers/mobile phones/cars,Artificial intelligence人工智能,Can store more information 能够储存更多的信息Can process data more quickly 处理Are o=more efficient Make fewer mistakesAre controlled by computer programmesPer

22、form repetitive tasksPerform dangerous tasksMilitary robots 军事机器人Make cause the unemployment rate to riseBecome self-aware 变得具有自我意识Become completely autonomous 变得完全独立自主,Video game consoles电子游戏机,Interactive entertainment 具有互动性的娱乐Increase hand-eye coordinationStimulate imagination and creativityOnline

23、 educational gamesOnline intellectual games 网络上的益智游戏,Are highly addictive,Are addicted to video gamesCause lack of sleepLead to bad posture 导致不良的身体姿态Lead to a sedentary lifestyle 导致缺乏运动的生活方式Cause eyestrain or headacheViolent games 暴力游戏Violent or sexual images 暴力和色情的画面Glorify violence and killing 美化暴

24、力和杀戮Make children more aggressive 让儿童变得更有攻击性,Internet fraud/Online fraud网络诈骗,Online ID theft 盗用用户名(名词短语)Computer hackers 电脑黑客Email viruses 邮件病毒Malicious software 恶意软件Security bugs 安全漏洞Are infected with viruses or Trojan horses.(计算机)被感染病毒或木马,科技对通讯方式的改变,Means of communication交流的方式,Mobile phone users手机

25、用户,Stay connected with their family and friends.Get help quickly in an emergency 当遇到紧急情况时快速获得帮助Browse the internet on their mobile phones.用手机上网Pay bills from their mobile phones 用手机支付账单,Mobile phone users手机用户,Mobile gamesIs a popular leisure activity Is an important source of entertainment/informati

26、on/tax revenueMobile phone=handset 手机,Mobile phone radiation手机的辐射,Too much use of mobile phones/excessive use of mobile phones 对手机的过度使用Pose health risks 构成健康风险May suffer from headaches and loss of concentration 有可能会出现头疼和注意力不集中等症状,Cause distractions for students,Ban mobile phone use while driving 禁止在开车时使用手机Public placesNoisy conversations 喧闹的谈话Send text messages 发短信,


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