1、中国富豪正移民海外,主要是为了避免空气污染造成的危害。过去几年,诱发癌症和呼吸系统(respiratory)疾病的污染物含量屡创新高。中国北方城市的空气问题已持续若干年。但是最近几年“空气末日”(air apocalypses)和屡创新高的PM2.5,人们的抱怨声此起彼伏,越来越多的富豪开始计划移居海外。PM2.5是指直径小于2.5微米(人类头发直径的30分之一)的微型污染物,能够进入血管并且可能引发癌症和呼吸系统疾病。,Chinas wealthiest residents are emigrating to other countries,in large part to avoid aw
2、ful air pollution.The past few years have seen record-high levels of dangerous pollutants that have been linked to cancers and respiratory problems.The air in northern Chinese cities has been poor for a while.,But after the past few years of“air apocalypses”and record-high levels of PM 2.5,the dange
3、rously small pollutants under 2.5 micrometers in size(1/30 the width of a human hair)that find their way into the bloodstream and have been linked to cancers and respiratory problems,citizens have increased complaints and growing numbers of rich have started making plans to move away.,中国取得的杰出的学术成绩无疑
5、化测评方法。,中国取得的杰出的学术成绩无疑受到全世界瞩目。2013年,经济合作与发展组织举办的调查对65个地区的孩子进行了测评,结果显示上海15岁大的孩子们在数学、科学和阅读方面独占鳌头。,China has undeniably gained the worlds attention for outstanding academic performance.Shanghais 15-year olds lead in mathematics,science and reading,as seen in the 2013 survey by the Organization for Econo
6、mic Cooperation and Development,rating the performance of children across 65 regions.,中国的城市家庭尤其重视孩子的教育投资。一项研究报告指出中国城市家庭将30%的中国收入用于孩子的教育投资,而相比之下,英国只有2%。,Urban Chinese families are particularly invested in their childrens education.A research paper points out in that these families spend more than 30%
7、of their household income on their childrens education,compared to 2%in the UK.,但这种“虎妈狼爸”的教育方式未必就没有不良影响。和世界其他地区的同龄人相比,中国的青少年更加忧郁,自信心不够。据报道,去年秋天,成都一名10岁的孩子没有完成老师要求写的1000字检讨,便从30层的楼上跳下摔死。,But the“tiger mom,wolf dad”approach to education is not without consequence.Chinese youth suffer higher levels of
8、depression and lower self-esteem than their peers elsewhere.Last autumn,a 10-year-old boy in the city of Chengdu reportedly jumped 30 floors to his death after failing to write a 1000-word letter of self-criticism demanded by his teacher.,或许是由于这些现象的缘故,中国新式教育机构在不断地增加。这些学校推崇全面教育理念,尤其是针对幼儿园和小学生,采用质化测评方
9、法。,Perhaps in reaction to this phenomenon,China has seen a major expansion of alternative teaching establishments.These schools emphasize a holistic approach to education and use qualitative assessment methods,especially for kindergarten and primary school students.,歌谣和神话远在文字出现之前,歌谣跟口头流传的神话就已大量产生。中国
10、的文学正是开始于此。不过,歌谣本是人们在生活中随兴而发的东西,上古时代也没有保存和记载它们的方式,因此也就很快湮灭,不留痕迹。如今,我们只能从一些古书中推断它们的存在。古书中记载了一些年代非常久远的歌谣,但是大多出于后人的伪托,能够断定出处的歌谣要到诗经里才能看见。从这点来看,古代神话对中国文学的影响更为显著。,据周一发布的一份条例草案规定,中国拟全面禁止任何形式的烟草广告、赞助活动以及烟草产品促销。China is mulling a ban on all forms of tobacco advertising,sponsorship and promotion of tobacco pr
11、oducts,according to a draft regulation on Monday.,所有室内公共场所一律禁止吸烟smoking is banned in all kinds of indoor public places体育、健身场馆的室外观众座席、赛场区域outdoor seating areas and venues of stadiums and fitness centers公共交通工具的室外等候区域outdoor waiting areas of public transportation 电影、电视剧及其他节目中的吸烟镜头smoking scenes in film
12、s and TV shows,故宫博物院近来努力改变自己严肃沉闷的形象,其中一个举动便是开发一系列有趣可爱的纪念品,将历史文化的细枝末节与现代元素和科技融合起来。这类文化创意产品在故宫淘宝店开售以来,受到广大网友热捧。,The Palace Museum has been making efforts to change its solemn and dull image.One of its initiatives is new souvenirs that are fun and cute,and marry historical minutiae with modern sensibil
13、ities and technologies.The creative cultural products,which are sold through the museums Taobao store,have become a big hit with netizens.,细枝末节 minor/insignificant/unimportant/petty details细枝末节的?元素elementsensibility n.情感;敏感性,灵敏度;感觉,感性;感光性,感光度审美感觉;作者情感体验这个故事兼有悲剧与闹剧的元素。The story has elements of traged
14、y and farce.,在这座15米长的彩车名为“锦绣潇湘”,融合了湖南的历史和现代元素。The 15-meter-long float is named Splendid Xiaoxiang and combines Hunans history and modernity.举动initiativeinitiative n.主动权;主动性;主动精神;adj.自发的;创始的;初步的 have/seize the initiative on sth.拥有(抓住/掌握)的主动权take the initiative 采取主动;首先采取行动,initiative 积极的行动;倡议 Governme
15、nt initiatives to help young people have been inadequate.政府在积极帮助年轻人方面做得还不够举动 movement;move;act;activity;action;behavior纪念品 souvenirssouvenir 纪念品;纪念物;旅游纪念品;keepsake/memento/token keepsake 纪念品,赠品,信物memento 纪念品,用以回忆的东西,遗物,token 纪念品,象征(物/标志)受到热捧 become a big hit with be welcomed bybe popular among/in/withenjoy popularity among,