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1、八年级(下)Units 34,第11讲,1sweep(v.)swept(过去式/过去分词)扫;打扫2throw(v.)threw(过去式)扔;掷thrown(过去分词)3lend(v.)lent(过去式/过去分词)供给;借出borrow(反义词)借;借用4develop(v.)development(n.)发展;发育;成长【高频】developing(adj.)发展中的developed(adj.)发达的5fair(adj.)fairness(n.)公正;公平unfair(反义词)不合理的;不公正的【高频】6ill(adj.)illness(n.)疾病;病【高频】,7drop(v.)dropp


3、adv.)清楚地;明白地16compete(v.)competition(n.)比赛;竞赛;竞争17typical(adj.)typically(adv.)典型地18quick(adj.)quickly(adv.)很快地19usual(adj.)unusual(反义词)不常见的;不普通的【高频】,1take out the rubbish倒垃圾2do the dishes 洗餐具3sweep the floor 扫地4make the bed 整理床铺5all the time 频繁;反复6as soon as 一就7in order to目的是;为了8depend on 依靠;依赖9take

4、 care of 照顾10at least 至少,11look through 快速查看12big deal 重要的事13work out 成功地发展;解决14get on with 和睦相处;关系良好15communicate with sb.和某人交流16cut out 删除;删去17in ones opinion 依看18turn down 调小19say sorry to sb.向某人道歉,1我刚在电视机前坐下,我妈妈就过来了。The minute I sat down _ _ _ the TV,my mom _ _2我和你一样累!Im just _ tired _ you are!3

5、一个星期以来,她没做任何家务,我也没有做。For one week,she did not do any housework and _ _ I.4每个人应当尽一份力来保持房子干净和整洁。Everyone should _ their _ in keeping the house clean and tidy.5结果,他经常生病,成绩也下降了。_ _ _,he often fell ill and his grades dropped.6孩子们越早学会独立,对他们的未来就越好。_ _ kids learn to be independent,_ _ it is for their future

6、.,in front of,came over,as,as,neither did,do,part,As a result,The earlier,the better,7我和我最好的朋友打架了。I got into a _ _ my best friend.8我不想在电话里谈论这件事。I dont want to _ _ it on the phone.9你害怕在人们面前说话。You are _ _ speaking in front of people.10你最好的朋友不再信任你。Your best friend does not _ you _11在学校我不得不和我的同班同学竞争。I h

7、ave to _ _ my classmates at school.12她们总是把他们和别的孩子对比。They are always _ them _ other children.,fight with,talk about,afraid of,trust,anymore,compete with,comparing,with,compare【典例在线】If you compare the two books,you will see that this one is better.如果你比较一下这两本书,就会发现这一本更好。Compare your answers with those,

8、you will see if they are right.把你的答案与那些对照一下,你就会知道它们是否正确了。Shakespeare compared the world to a stage.莎士比亚把世界比作舞台。【拓展精析】compare此处作及物动词,意为“比较”,compare.with.“把与作比较”,常用于同类比较。而compare.to.“把比作”,常用于异类比较、比喻。,【活学活用】1)When you _ yourself with others,you miss the wonder of who you are.(2015,扬州)AcompareBcommunica

9、teCcontact Dconnect,A,in order to【典例在线】In order to get a complete picture,further information is needed.为了掌握全面情况,还需要详细资料。【拓展精析】in order to意为“目的是;为了”,比单纯的to do更强调“目的”,可以放在句首,也可以放在句中。其否定形式为in order not to do。【活学活用】2)Many people give money to Project Hope _ help the poor children to go to school.Aas so

10、on as Beven thoughCso that Din order to,D,while【典例在线】I was taking a bath while my mother was preparing dinner.我妈妈准备晚餐的时候,我正在洗澡。Tom was watching TV while(he was)eating.汤姆边吃边看电视。【拓展精析】while作从属连词,意为“当的时候;在期间”,引导时间状语从句,其谓语动词必须为延续性动词。它强调主句的动作在从句动作的过程中发生,或者主句的动作与从句的动作同时发生,且持续时间一般较长。当while所引导的从句与主句的主语相同,且该

11、从句的动词为be动词时,从句的主语和be动词有时可以省略。,【活学活用】3)_ the children have fun,parents can take dancing lessons on the beach.AThough BIfCWhile DOnce4)Bob took a photo of his girlfriend while she _ at the party.(2015,资阳)Adances Bwas dancingChas danced Dis dancing,C,B,mind【典例在线】Do you mind if I open the window?我打开窗户,你

12、会介意吗?Would you mind parking your car there?你介意把车子停到那边吗?Not at all.不介意。【拓展精析】mind动词,意为“介意;在乎”,后常接从句或动名词作宾语,不能接动词不定式。Would you mind.?是交际用语中表示“请求”的常用句型,意为“你介意吗?”其肯定回答(即不介意对方做某事)常用:Not at all./Certainly not./Of course not.等。否定回答(即介意对方做某事)常用:Im sorry,but./Im afraid you cant./Yes,youd better not.等。,【活学活用】

13、5)Its too cold today.Would you mind _ the window?(2015,安顺)Certainly not.Go ahead.Ato close BclosingCclose Dclosed6)Would you mind working in the countryside?_I will be glad to work there.(2015,重庆)AOf course not BIm afraid soCI dont think so DYoud better not,B,A,allow【典例在线】Who allowed you to leave th

14、e camp?谁允许你离开营地的?They allowed smoking in this room only.他们只允许在这个房间里抽烟。You are not allowed to smoke here.这里不允许吸烟。【拓展精析】allow动词,意为“允许;准许”。allow sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事allow doing sth.允许做某事be allowed to do sth.被允许做某事,【活学活用】7)My parents didnt allow me _ to the party.(2015,天津)Ago Bto goCgoesDwent8)In our sc

15、hool,boys are not _(allow)to have long hair.,B,allowed,as soon as【典例在线】The baby began to cry as soon as she saw her mother.那个婴儿一看见她妈妈就开始哭。Well go to play basketball as soon as the rain stops tomorrow.明天雨一停我们就出去打篮球。【拓展精析】as soon as意为“一就”,引导时间状语从句。在使用时,要注意主、从句时态一致。当主句是一般将来时或过去时时,从句应使用对应的一般现在时或过去时。,【活学

16、活用】9)Would you please give this newlypublished novel to Jack?(2015,泰安)Certainly,_ he comes back.Abefore Bas soon asCuntil Dunless,B,For one week,she did not do any housework and neither did I有一个星期,她没做任何家务,我也没做。【典例在线】She doesnt like tea.Neither do I她不喜欢茶,我也不喜欢。She cannot swim and neither can her sist

17、er.她不会游泳,她的妹妹也不会。They will play soccer tomorrow.他们明天去踢足球。So will we.我们也去踢。She knows little English.她英语懂得不多。So she does.她的确如此。,【拓展精析】neither作副词,意为“也不”。Neither did I是一个倒装句。“neither助动词/情态动词/系动词主语”,表示前面叙述的否定情况也适合另一个人或物。“So助动词/情态动词/系动词主语”表示与上述肯定情况相同。“So主语助动词/情态动词/系动词”表示强调,即对前面所说的情况加以肯定。,【活学活用】1)I like ve

18、getables and fruit.(2015,广元)_In fact I eat a lot every day.ASo do I BSo am ICSo I do2)Taian is a really comfortable city to live in._,and its worldfamous for Mount Tai.(2015,泰安)ASo it is BSo is itCSo it does DSo does it,A,A,The earlier kids learn to be independent,the better it is for their future.孩

19、子们越早学会独立,对他们的未来就越好。【典例在线】The more you eat,the fatter you will be.吃得越多,你就越胖。Our country is becoming more and more beautiful.我们的国家正变得越来越美丽。【拓展精析】“the比较级,the比较级”意思是“越,越”。“比较级and比较级”意思是“越来越”。,【活学活用】3)Boys and girls,believe in yourselves.The _ you are,the better grades youll get.(2015,哈尔滨)Amore careful B

20、more carefullyCmost carefully4)The weather is becoming _(2014,兰州)Ahotter and hotter Bmore hot and hotChoter and hoter Dmore and more hot,A,A,Why dont you talk to your parents?你为什么不和你的父母交谈呢?【典例在线】Why dont you buy a suit for your husband?你为什么不给你丈夫买一套西服呢?Why not learn some Chinese pop songs?为什么不学一些中国的流

21、行歌曲?What/How about going for a walk?去散步怎么样?【拓展精析】Why dont you do sth.?Why not do sth.?是提建议的一种表达方式。类似的表达方式还有:What/How about doing sth.?Shall we do sth.?Lets do sth.Youd better do sth.其肯定答语为“Good idea!/OK./Wonderful!/Great!/Sounds good!”等;其否定答语为“Sorry,but.”等。,【活学活用】5)What should I get my mom for her b

22、irthday?Why _ get her a scarf?Adont you Bdo youCnot you Ddont6)Look!Its raining heavily!_ take a raincoat with you?Well,Ill take one right now.(2014,阜康)AWhy not BWhy dontCWould you mind DWould you like,A,A,borrow,lend与keep【典例在线】I borrowed a book from Jack yesterday.昨天我从杰克那里借了一本书。Jack lent me a book

23、yesterday./Jack lent a book to me yesterday.昨天杰克借给我一本书。How long can I keep the book?这本书我可以借用多长时间?【拓展精析】borrow指“借入”或“借他人的东西供自己使用”。固定短语borrow sth.from sb.意为“向某人借某物”。lend指“(把自己的东西)借出”。固定短语lend sb.sth.或lend sth.to sb.意为“借给某人某物”。keep意为“保存;保留”,可引申为“借用”,此时常与一段时间或how long等连用。,【活学活用】1)Jim,can I _ your car?So

24、rry,I _ it to Steven just now.How long will he _ it?Two days.2)这本书你可以借阅一周。(2015,白银)You can _ this book _ a week.,borrow,lent,keep,keep,for,provide与offer【典例在线】They provided the children with good food and clothing.他们给孩子们提供了衣服和食物。The manager offers a job to me in his company.那个经理在他的公司里给我提供了一份工作。【拓展精析】

25、provide意为“提供;供应”,常用于provide sb.with sth.或provide sth.for sb.固定搭配中。offer意为“提供;给予”,常用于offer sb.sth.或offer sth.to sb.固定搭配中。另offer to do sth.意为“(主动提出)做某事”。,【活学活用】3)That company _(提供)us with 3,000 dollars in 2015.4)Parents often _ their children _ some good advice.(2014,兰州)Aoffer;with Boffer;/Cprovide;wi

26、th Dboth B and C,provided,D,instead,instead of,rather than【典例在线】Last summer I went to Qingdao.This summer Im going to Dalian instead.去年夏天我去了青岛。今年夏天我将改去大连。We should do something instead of just talking about it.We should do something rather than just talk about it.我们不应该只是谈论,而应该做点什么。【拓展精析】instead作副词,意

27、为“代替;而不是”,常位于句首或句末。instead of和rather than都可以表示“而不是”,常位于句中,两者都可接名词、代词等作宾语。若后接动词时,instead of后接v.ing,rather than后常接动词原形。,【活学活用】5)If youre busy,you may come another day _6)He would play computer games _ do his homework.7)You should try your best to finish it _ giving up.,instead,rather than,instead of,一

28、、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示补全单词。1I think doing chores helps to _ childrens independence and teaches them how to look after themselves.2The boy _ his cup on the floor and broke it.3I cant understand what you said.Can you _ it to me?4_(无论什么)you say,I wont believe you any more.5My parents always _(争论)at home.What s

29、hould I do?,develop,dropped,explain,Whatever,argue,二、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。6请一到家就给我打电话。Please call me _ _ _ you get home.7我们吃蔬菜越多,我们就越健康。_ _ we eat vegetables,_ _ we will be.8许多父母总是喜欢拿自己的孩子与别人的孩子比。Many parents always like _ their own children _ others children.9露茜与她的同学相处得很好。Lucy is _ _ well _ her classmates.

30、10彼得没有完成作业,我也没有。Peter hasnt finished his homework and _ _ _,as soon as,The more,the healthier,comparing,with,getting on/along,with,neither have I,三、单项选择。11May I _ the English dictionary?Yes.You can _ it for two weeks.Aborrow,lend Bborrow,borrowCborrow,keep Dlend,keep12_ buy a scarf?Good idea!AWhy do

31、nt BWhy notCWhat about DWould you like13We _ to smoke in public.Adont allow Barent allowedCwill allow Dwont allow,C,B,B,14Weve got no coffee.Lets have tea _Aeither Bhowever Cyet Dinstead15The movie is so interesting that I dont _ seeing it again tomorrow.(2015,青岛)Aenjoy Bmind Ckeep Dfinish,D,B,话题情感表

32、达一、本话题常用表达表达个人对事物喜恶的句式1I love/like/.2I dont like/dont mind/cant stand.表达事物对个人影响的句式1.make sb.adj.2.made sb.do sth.其他表达1Once upon a time,.2I have already.3I havent.yet.,参考谚语1To weep is to make less the depth of grief.流泪可以减轻痛苦。2After a storm comes a calm.雨过天晴。3Honesty is the best policy.诚实至上。4No one ca

33、n call back yesterday.时间一去不复返。,二、佳句欣赏与模仿1She heard a song full_of feelings about returning home on the radio.【(be)full of装满,充满】我决不会忘记初中生活,因为它充满了爱和快乐。Ill never forget my middle school life because it was full of love and joy.2Listening to the Tomes is a_good_way_to wake up.【a good way to do sth.做某事的好

34、办法】我的同学告诉我哭泣不是解决问题的好办法。My classmates told me that crying wasnt a good way to solve the problem.,3The new couple were so happy that they couldnt_stop_smiling when they got married.【so.that.如此以至于;cant stop doing sth.忍不住做某事】我同学所做的一切让我如此感动以至于忍不住喜极而泣。What my classmates did made me so moved that I couldnt

35、 stop crying for joy.,三、写作范例(2015,潍坊)Teens Feelings是一个国际青少年网站,以下内容取自其贴吧。假设你是李华,请用英语回帖,给Eric提出23条建议。要求:1.不要出现考生本人信息;280词左右。,【参考范文】Hi,Eric.Please dont worry about what others think of you.Youd better do something to change.First,try to talk with your classmates or help them when they need.Then try to answer one easy question before everybody in class.If you start,you will feel much better.And its a good idea to go out and have fun doing sports with your friends.If you can do this,you will be more confident.Li Hua,China,


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