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1、七年级(下)Units 58,第4讲,1zoo(n.)zoos(pl.)动物园2beauty(n.)beautiful(adj.)美丽的;美好的beautifully(adv.)美丽地;美好地【高频】3Australia(adj.)Australian(n.&adj.)澳大利亚人;澳大利亚的;澳大利亚人的4south(n.)southern(adj.)南方的;在南方的5Africa(adj.)African(adj.&n.)非洲的;非洲人的;非洲人6sleep(v.&n.)slept(过去式/过去分词)睡觉sleepy(adj.)困倦的;不活跃的asleep(adj.)睡着的7friend(n



4、参观者;游客21pay(v.&n.)paid(过去式/过去分词)付费;支付22north(n.)northern(adj.)北方的;在北方的23easy(adj.)easily(adv.)容易地【高频】24spend(v.)spent(过去式/过去分词)度过;花(时间、钱等)25country(n.)countries(pl.)国(家)countryside(n.)乡村;农村【高频】,1kind of 稍微;有点儿2get lost 迷路3be in(great)danger 处于(极大)危险之中4cut down 砍倒5(be)made of 由制成6read a newspaper 看报纸

5、7go to the movies 去电影院8eat out 出去吃饭9drink tea 喝茶10make soup 做汤11wash the dishes 洗餐具,12take a message 捎个口信13call(sb.)back(给某人)回电话14at once 此刻;马上15across from 在对面16in front of 在前面17next to 挨着;靠近18go along(the street)沿着(这条街)走19turn right/left 向右/左转20enjoy reading 喜欢阅读,1你为什么不喜欢老虎?因为它们真的很吓人。_ _ you like

6、tigers?_ they are really scary.2他会直立行走。He can walk _ two legs.3这是好运的一个象征。This is _ _ _ good luck.4大象是泰国的象征之一。The elephant is _ _ Thailands symbols.5他正在通过电话交谈。He is talking _ _ _,Why dont,Because,on,a symbol of,one of,on the phone,6上海的天气怎么样?_ _ _ in Shanghai?7近来可好?How _ it_?8听起来你玩得很开心。Sounds like you

7、re _ _ _ _9你能否叫他给我回个电话?Could you just tell him to _ me_?10我和我的家人正在山里度假。My family and I are _ _ _ in the mountains.,Hows the weather,is,going,having a good time,call,back,on a vacation,11你们国家现在很热,对吗?Its hot in your country now,_ _?12这周围有银行吗?_ _ a bank _ here?13餐馆在你的左边。The restaurant is _ your _14我喜欢在

8、那儿度过周末时光。I like to _ _ there on weekends.,isnt it,Is there,near,on,left,spend time,kind【典例在线】Im kind of tired.我有点累了。Therere three kinds of apples on the table.桌子上有三种苹果。The shop sells all kinds of fruits.这家商店出售各种各样的水果。Our teacher is kind to us.我们老师对我们很好。Its kind of you to help us.你帮助我们真是太好了。【拓展精析】kin

9、d作名词,意为“种类;类型;类别”。常构成短语:a kind of.一种;all kinds of.各种各样的;different kinds of.不同种类的kind作形容词,意为“和蔼的;亲切的;善良的”。可用于句型Its kind of sb.to do sth.意为“某人做某事真是太好了。”kind of意为“稍微;有点”,用来表示程度,修饰形容词或动词,相当于a little。,【活学活用】1)Do you know that there are many different _ animals in the zoo?Yes,I do.And I also know that som

10、e of them are _ scaring.Akinds of;kind ofBkinds of;kinds ofCkind of;kinds of Dkind of;kind of,A,enjoy【典例在线】The children enjoy playing football.孩子们喜欢踢足球。We enjoyed the film very much.我们非常喜欢那部电影。They enjoyed themselves at the party last weekend.上周末他们在聚会上玩得很开心。【拓展精析】enjoy作及物动词,意为“喜欢;享受的乐趣”。enjoy sth.喜欢

11、某物;enjoy doing sth.喜欢干某事enjoy oneself“玩得愉快”,相当于have a good time或have fun。,【活学活用】2)The retired couple enjoy _ photos.AtakeBtookCto takeDtaking3)我在公园里玩得很开心。I really _ in the park.,enjoyed myself/had fun,D,Why do you like pandas?你为什么喜欢熊猫?Because theyre very cute.因为他们很可爱。【典例在线】Why do you like English?你为

12、什么喜欢英语?Because its interesting.因为它很有趣。【拓展精析】why疑问副词,意为“为什么”,相当于what.for,用来询问事情发生的原因,以why引导的特殊疑问句常用because来回答。,【活学活用】1)_ is the street crowded with so many people?Because they are waiting to watch the boat races.AWhy BWhere CHow DWho2)Listen up,everybody!Show me your licence.Dont ask _Just do it.(201

13、5,无锡)Awhat Bwhen Chow Dwhy3)Because_of_the_rainstorms,hundreds of flights have been cancelled at the airport.(对画线部分提问)(2015,乌鲁木齐)_ have hundreds of flights been _ at the airport?,D,A,Why,cancelled,I am watching TV.我正在看电视。【典例在线】Theyre studying.他们正在学习。We are working on a farm these days.这些天来我们正在农场工作。【

14、拓展精析】现在进行时表示现在(说话瞬间)正在进行或发生的动作,也可表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作。现在进行时结构:助动词be(am/is/are)v.ing,一般疑问句则把be动词提前,否定句则在be动后加not。注:表位移的动词(come/go/arrive/leave等)可以用现在进行时表将来。,【活学活用】4)Where is your father?(2014,重庆)He _(watch)the World Cup in the living room.5)Look,so many people are running out of the station.I wond

15、er what _(happen)6)Would you mind turning down the music?I _(write)a report now.,is watching,is happening,am writing,Whats the weather like?天气怎么样?【典例在线】How is the weather?天气如何?Its raining/rainy.正在下雨。【拓展精析】询问天气的句型。Whats the weather like?How is the weather?其答语可用表天气状态的形容词(sunny/snowy/windy/wet/foggy等)或

16、现在进行时(is raining/snowing等)表示。【活学活用】7)The weather is too_hot today.(对画线部分提问)(2014,达州)_ _ the weather like today?8)The _(fog)days last too long.We hate them.,What is,foggy,Is there a hospital near here?这附近有医院吗?【典例在线】There is a book in my bag.我书包里有一本书。【拓展精析】there be结构,表示某处有/存在某人或某物。其中的be动词应根据主语的人称、数的不同

17、而变化,主语是单数名词或第三人称单数时用is,主语是复数名词或其他人称时用are。there be结构的一般疑问句是将be动词提到句首,句尾用问号。回答时先用Yes或No,再作简单回答。其否定形式是在be动词后加not。注:there be结构中be的后面若只有一个主语,谓语动词的数则取决于主语的数;若有几个主语并列,则通常与靠近的主语的数保持一致。,【活学活用】9)There _ lots of sheep and pigs on my uncles farm now.(2014,重庆)Awas Bwere Cis Dare10)There _ some beef in the fridge

18、.Lets make some beef noodles.(2015,长春)Aam Bis Care Dbe,D,B,other,the other,others,the others与another【典例在线】Do you have other questions?你还有其他问题吗?I have two pens.One is red,the other is black.我有两支钢笔,一支是红色的,另一支是黑色的。Some are dancing,others are singing.一些人在跳舞,另一些人在唱歌。There are forty students in our class.

19、Twentyeight of us are boys,the others are girls.我们班有40名同学。28名是男孩,其余的是女孩。I dont like this one.Please show me another.我不喜欢这一个。请让我看看另一个。,【拓展精析】other既可作形容词,也可作代词。作形容词时意为“别的;其他的”,泛指“其他的(人或物)”the other意为“另一个”常用于两个人或物中的另一个。句式为one.the other.,意为“一个另一个”。others是other的复数形式,泛指“另外几个;其余的”,在句中可作主语、宾语。常用于句式some.othe

20、rs.当中,意为“一些另一些”。the others意为“其他东西;其余的人”,特指某一范围内的“其他的(人或物)”,是the other的复数形式。注:the othersthe other复数名词。another既可作形容词,也可作代词,只能用于三者或更多的人或物时,泛指同类人或物中三者(三者以上)的“另一个”,只能代替或修饰单数可数名词。,【活学活用】1)My family has two dogs.One is white,_ is black.Aother BanotherCthe other Dothers2)Could we see each other at 9 oclock

21、tomorrow morning?Sorry,lets make it _ time.Aothers Bthe other Canother Dother3)There are twenty teachers in this grade.Eight of them are women teacher and _ are men teachers.Athe other Bthe othersCothers Dother,C,C,B,message与information【典例在线】Can I take a message for him?我给他捎个口信好吗?Please send me the

22、information about your company.请把有关你公司的信息发给我。【拓展精析】message可数名词,通常指(书面或口头的)信息、消息、音信。information不可数名词,通常指信息、消息、情报、资料、资讯。相关短语:take a message for sb.为某人捎口信;leave a message留口信;collect/receive information搜集/接收信息。,【活学活用】4)When Peter comes,please ask him to leave a _5)The student didnt find much _ about the

23、 topic on that website.6)You can find much _ about the famous film star on the Internet.Amessage BpicturesCtickets Dinformation,message,information,D,across,cross,through,past与over【典例在线】They walked across the bridge.他们走过了那座桥。Be careful when you cross the street.当你过马路时要小心。The river runs through the c

24、ity.这条河从城市中间流过。She walked past a bank.她路过了一家银行。The birds flew over the city.鸟儿飞过城市。【拓展精析】across介词,意为“穿过”,指从物体表面穿过,有on的含义。cross动词,相当于go/walk/run across。through介词,意为“从通过;穿过”。指从物体内部穿过,有in的含义。past介词,意为“经过;路过”,指从物体的旁边经过。over介词,意为“穿过”,常指越过高的障碍物等。,【活学活用】7)The two men run _ the forest.8)The little girl ran

25、_ the road.9)When I walked _ him,I found something strange on his face.10)The cat jumped _ the wall and ran away.,through,cross,past,over,cost,spend,take与pay【典例在线】The dictionary costs 30 yuan.这本词典花了三十元钱。It took me two hours to do my homework last night.昨晚我做作业花了两个小时。The journey took me two weeks.旅行花了

26、我两周时间。He spent five dollars on the book.他买书花了五美元。He has paid 50 dollars for the medicine.他已付了50美元买药。【拓展精析】cost的主语只能是物或事,而不能是人,常用于sth.cost(s)(sb.)some money结构。take主要指花时间,常用结构为:It takes sb.some time to do sth.it作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式。spend的主语必须是人,常用于spend time/money on sth.或spend time/money(in)doing sth.结

27、构中,其中in可省略。pay的主语是人,通常用于pay some money for sth.结构,意为“为而付款”。,【活学活用】11)Tom _ for the meal just now.12)How much do the shoes_?13)I _ an hour on this math problem this morning.14)It usually _ me two hours to do my homework every day.,paid,cost,spent,takes,一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示补全下列单词。1The meat soup tastes _Rea

28、lly?Then we can have it next time.2The elephant is a _ of Thailand.3England is in _ and China is in Asia.4Dont worry.We can finish the work _(容易地)5Xiangyang is a _(美丽的)city and I want to travel there again.,delicious,symbol,Europe,easily,beautiful,二、根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。6Its cloudy today and it will be _

29、(sun)tomorrow.7Tea drinking is an important part in the life of _(Russia)8Children are not in the dining room.They _(watch)TV in the living room.9We must save the elephants and not buy things _(make)of ivory.10There are so many _(child)on the playground and they are playing games.,sunny,Russians,are

30、 watching,made,children,三、单项选择。11My parents enjoy _ for a walk after supper.Ago Bgoes Cto go Dgoing12Tom,you should know how to get on well with _ students in your class.Athe others BotherCothers Dthe other13Hurry up!Your father _ for us.But mum,I cant find my shoes.Ais waiting BwaitedCwaits Dwill w

31、ait,D,B,A,14I will give a speech on protecting the environment next Monday.What should I talk about?You can find some useful _ from these books.Ainformation BmessagesCnews Dtext15Do you often get online?Yes,I _ lots of time on it.Acost Bspend Ctake Dpay,A,B,话题规章制度一、本话题的常用表达各种规章制度和法律等表达句式1祈使句:如:Dont

32、arrive late for class.Wear school uniforms,please!2You can/cant.3You are(not)allowed to do sth.4You are supposed/expected to clean the classroom every day.5You have to/must do sth.6Arriving late is not allowed in our school.表达违规后果的句式1If you.,you will.2Youd better.,or.,表达观点的句式1I agree/disagree with.2

33、In my view/opinion,we should.参考谚语1A nation has its rule and a family also has one!国有国法,家有家规!2Everyone is expected to stick to the rules.每个人都要遵守规则。3Keep to the rules,and nothing can go wrong.按规矩办事情就不会出岔子。,二、佳句欣赏与模仿1It_is_best_not_to run away from our problems.【It is best(not)to do sth.最好(别)做】当你对家规不赞同

34、时,最好尽可能与父母沟通。When you dont agree with your family rules,its best to talk with your parents as possible as you can.2So youre_halfway_to_solving a problem just by_talking to someone about it.【be halfway to doing sth.把某事完成了一半;by doing通过/靠】上课认真听讲,相当于你的作业已经完成了一半。Youre halfway to finishing your homework b

35、y listening to the teacher carefully in class.,3He thinks the_first_step_is_to_find someone you trust to talk to.【the first step is to do.第一步就是】当你遇到困难时,首先就是向你信赖的朋友请求帮助。When you meet difficulties,the first step is to ask the friends you trust for help.4So it_is_not_common_for_teenagers_to_move_out【It

36、 isadj.for sb.(not)to do sth.(不)做某事对某人来说怎么样】学生因迟到一会儿而不能参加考试,这不公平。Its unfair for students not to take a test if they are a little late.,三、写作范例(2015,福州)假设你是李杰,正通过email和美国友好姐妹校的朋友Tom交流校纪班规,请你用英语向他介绍下面的“班级公约”。班级公约1准时到校穿校服,见到老师问声好;2上课专心勤思考,作业认真按时交;3教室保洁常打扫,离班熄灯关门窗;4和谐相处应友爱,互相帮助共进步。要求:1.内容完整,书写清楚,表达通顺,书写规

37、范;2请勿逐字翻译,词数90左右,不包含已给出的句子的词数。参考词汇:school uniform;be active in thinking,【参考范文】Dear_Tom,Id_like_to_introduce_my_class_rules_made_by_us_all.First,we_should come to school on time in school uniforms.Its polite to greet our teachers when we meet them.Second,we must listen carefully in class and be activ

38、e in thinking.Also,we ought to do our homework carefully and hand it in on time.Third,we need clean the classroom often and always keep it clean.And were required to turn off lights and close windows and doors before we leave.Fourth,being friendly is important.Were supposed to get along well and help each other to make progress together.Its_our_duty_to_follow_all_the_rules_above.What_about_yours?Please_write_soon.Yours,Li_Jie,


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