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1、高考复习之短文改错 Proof Reading,Right or Wrong?添加,1.He seemed know everything about wildlife.2.He seemed know everything about wildlife.3.He seemed know everything about wildlife.,X,X,to,to,to,X,X,X,1.What are you looking at for?2.What are you looking at for?3.What are you looking at for?,Right or Wrong?删除,

2、X,X,Right or Wrong?修改,1.The fruits are small in size,but juicy and taste.2.The fruits are small in size,but juicy and taste.3.The fruits are small in size,but juicy and taste.,tasty,tasty,tasty,以上为不规范答题,均不给分,绝不手下留情,假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除 或修改。增加:在缺词处

3、加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。,Pay attention to the requirement,I should return to home now.,the,in,3.多词,I like playing guitar.,I major at Math.,2.漏词,1.错词,一.短文改错设错方式及规范,二 短文改错解题方法及答题原则,1.速读全文,了解大意.2.细读全文,逐句改正.3.再读全文,验证答案.,1

4、.以改变实词形式为原则.2.以单词形式变化最小为原则.3.以添删或更换虚词为原则.4.以多“改正”少“添删”为原则5.以保持原意不变为原则,1.标点符号不改。2.大小写不改。3.词序错误不改。4.单词拼写不改。文中出现带汉语注释的词,在句中不可能用错。,如何拿下高分?,得法者,事半功倍,解题方法,Limerick短文改错 口诀,代词格,细领悟介词短语要牢记冠词连词常光顾逻辑错误须关注,动词形,名格数;还要注意形和副;非谓语,细辨别;句子成分多分析,动词时态的误用I was only four when she passes away.Tea in China was traditionally

5、 drank from cups without handles.A woman saw him crying and telling him to wait outside the shop.We can lie on the grass for a rest,or sat by the lake listening to music.,一、动词形,a.现在时和过去时的混用(题1)b.动词过去式或过去分词的拼写错误(题2)c.对and,or 前后谁与谁并列的误用(题3,4),passed,drunk,told,sit,Charles and Linda were seeing near th

6、e top of the building.(全国卷)One evening she told me that something happened when their parents was out.(福建卷)Play football not only makes us grow up tall and strong,but also gives us a sense of fair play and team spirit.(全国卷)David and I wanted go off to find help but Bill insisted on staying near the

7、car.(全国卷),一、动词形,动词的语态错用(题1),主谓不一致的错误(题2),非谓语动词的误用(题3,4),seen,were,playing,to,非谓语,细辨别;句子成分多分析,1.but after class we become stranger at once.(全国卷)2.She was doing her homeworks one Sunday morning when(福建卷)3.The man is a friend of my father.(全国卷),1.可数名词的单复数的错用。(题1)2.可数与不可数名词的混用。(题2)3.名词的格的误用(题3),二、名格数,st

8、rangers,homework,fathers,Also,the sport teaches us the important of obedience.(全国卷)Unfortunate,there are too many people in my family.(全国卷)As a result,people in the modern world generally live much more longer than people in the past.(全国卷)This river isnt as longer as that one.,1.形容词和名词的误用(题1)2.形容词和副

9、词的误用(题2)3.原级,比较级和最高级的误用(尤其是在本身已是比较级的词前加more)(题3,4),三、还要注意形和副,importance,Unfortunately,long,Whats more,you have to be friendly with your pupils and take good care of him.(湖北卷)A lot of we post-80s are making great efforts to live a good life.One day I wrote a little story and showed to my teacher.,四、代

10、词格,细领悟,1.人称代词前后指代不一致(题1)2.人称代词主格和宾格的误用。(题2)3.各类代词的误加或漏用(题3),them,us,it,4.I am going to attend mine first lesson this afternoon.(全国卷)5.There are so much that we often share them with our neighbors.(课标卷)6.He had a deep voice,which set himself apart from others in our small town(新课标2013),my,him,set.apa

11、rt from.把.从.区别,many,4.形容词性与名词性物主代词的混用(题4)5.不定代词的误用(题5)6.人称代词与反身代词的误用(题6),四、代词格,细领悟,A beard that turned from black toward gray over the years.(课标I卷2013)The book Im reading of talks about afternoon tea in Britain.(课标II卷2013)No more toys to you.(课标I卷2012)He lent to me lots of clothes.(新课标I卷2011),五、介词短语

12、须关注,习惯用法要记住,1.介词的少用,多用或误用2.介词短语和习惯用法的搭配,for,to,1.So when I have the problem,I will turn to her for help.(2013)2.and after that,I would go to Xiamen for long holiday.(课标卷2011)3.In a fact,he even scared my classmates away(课标I卷2013)4.I bought my ticket but turned around to pick up my bag from the floor

13、.(课标I卷2014)5.Unfortunately,I wont be able to meet you at the airport although I have classes in the afternoon.(周考3)6.My parents are very kind to me,because I dont want to leave them.,六、冠 词,连 词 常 光 顾,1.冠词a,an和the的错用(题1)2.冠词的多用或少用(题2)3.习惯用法的搭配(题3)4.并列连词but,and,or,so和从句连词although的错用(题4,5,6),a,and,so,a,

14、because,Our English teacher,Miss Zhao,who is 30 years old,begin to teach us in 2012.She loves English so much and had been teaching English for more than two year.Her English is very good.And she always wears a pair of glasses.She likes we,and she is very strict in all of us in class.After class,we

15、often play and chat together.Although she is a bit short and not so beautifully,but we consider her as ourfriend.She is really good teacher.We are love her very much.Weresure well get in well with each other.,Practice 1,动词形,名词数;还要注意形和副;非谓语,细辨别;句子成份多分析代词格,细领悟;介词短语要牢记;冠词连词常光顾;逻辑错误须关注,Our English teach

16、er,Miss Zhao,who is 30 years old,begin to teach us in 2012.She loves English so much and had been teaching English for more than two year.Her English is very good.She always wears a pair of glasses.She likes we,and she is very strict in all of us in class.After class,we often play and chat together.

17、Although she is a bit short and not so beautifully,but we considerher as our friend.She is really good teacher.We are love her verymuch.Were sure well get in well with each other.,began,has,years,us,with,beautiful,a,along/on,固定短语,错词考查最多;需要添加或删除的词中,一般均为虚词,如(介词,冠词,助动词,不定式符号to等),而动词,名词,形容词等有实际意义的一般不添加或

18、删除,否则会改变句子的原义。,2.名词性从句,3.状语从句,1.定语从句,4.句式结构,1.He used to take me to the biology lab,when I saw pigs,cats and other animals.,where,2.Ill never forget the day which I first went to school.,when,1)定语从句,关系代词和关系副词的误用,1.We would return at night to hear that hed picked up from the radio in the day.,what,2.

19、But it didnt matter that I would win or not.,whether,3.When people are playing games,they move a lot.That is how sports are good activities for their health.,why,2)名词性从句,连接代词和连接副词及从属连词的混用,1.He got up early in order to he could catch the first.,that,2.Make a mark which you have any doubts or question

20、s.,where,3)状语从句,引导词的误用,As we climbed the mountains,we fed monkeys,visiting temples and told stories.,2)I particularly enjoyed driving through the countryside with you and saw the changing colors of the leaves on the trees.,visited,seeing,4)句式结构,3)Why you think so many people still suffer from povert

21、y now?,do,4)Hot water is provided for 24 hours,but lifts work day and night.5)I thought it was dull to watch a game in which players kicked a ball to each other.Therefore,my father loves football.,and,However,主要考察一个句子是否完整,是否存在否定误用的问题,省略现象是否有误,平行、并列关系是否混乱,强调句结构是否完整等.,Last weekends,I went shopping by

22、myself.It was a sunny day and I feel very happy.When I had bought that I needed,I went to the bus stop to take a bus.Unfortunately,there were too much people at the bus stop.Then it was my turn to get on,there was no room.I had to wait the next bus.Suddenly,it started to rain.I had no choice but to

23、call a taxi.Half way through the journey,the taxi was broke down.I was filled with angry when I saw an emptier bus go by.Finally,I decided to walk home in a rain.What an unlucky day!,Practice 2,Dear Jim,Id like to tell you something more about our school sports meet.It was holding on Oct.6th,it was

24、a fine day.There were over 1,000 students and teachers attended it.Wang Lin,a student from my class won the 100-meters race.He finished the race in 12.6 seconds and broke the school record.The sports meet was really success.That was because we were all trying to do my best.Although I was not one of

25、the winner,I was proud of that we had done.Looking forward to receive your letter.Yours,Li Ping,Practice 3,Last weekends,I went shopping by myself.It was a sunny day and I feel very happy.When I had bought that I needed,I went to the bus stop to take a bus.Unfortunately,there were too much people at

26、 the bus stop.Then it was my turn to get on,there was no room.I hadto wait the next bus.Suddenly,it started to rain.I had no choice but to call a taxi.Half way through the journey,the taxi was broke down.I was filled with angry when I saw an emptier bus go by.Finally,I decided to walk home in a rain

27、.What an unlucky day!,many,felt,what,weekend,When,for,anger,empty,the,Dear Jim,Id like to tell you something more about our school sports meet.It was holding on Oct.6th,it was a fine day.There were over 1,000 students and teachers attended it.Wang Lin,a student from my class won the 100-meters race.

28、He finished the race in 12.6 seconds and broke the school record.The sports meet was really success.That was because we were all trying to do my best.Although I was not one of the winner,I was proud of that we had done.Looking forward to receive your letter.Yours,Li Ping,Practice 3,Dear Jim,Id like

29、to tell you something more about our school sports meet.It was holding on Oct.6th,it was a fine day.Therewere over 1,000 students and teachers attended it.Wang Lin,a student from my class won the 100-meters race.Hefinished the race in 12.6 seconds and broke the school record.The sports meet was real

30、ly success.That was because we were all trying to do my best.Although I was not one of the winner,I was proud of that we had done.Looking forward to receive your letter.Yours,Li Ping,held,which,attending,meter,our,a,winners,what,receiving,(1)整体把握短文大意,关注人称与时态。(2)逐句分析,把握结构。(3)粗略分析词法、句法、逻辑上是否有 问题。(4)逐行修改,先易后难。(5)复读全文,验证答案。(6)要注意答题是否合乎规范。,小结:应试技巧点拨,Good bye!,


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