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1、Father knows Better教 案 设 计,The analysis of teaching material,New College English(Second Edition)integrated course 2,Unit 3 The Generation Gap.The title of the text is Father Knows Better,which presents an amusing portrait of the misunderstandings that can arise between the generations.,Teaching obje

2、ctives,learn some background knowledge about the generation gap;understand the main idea and structure of the comedy;master the key language pointslearn some reading skillslearn to express their ideas with what theyve learned and share information with each other,Teaching approach,Task-based languag

3、e teaching method,Teaching facilities,multimedia classroom(overhead projector,computer etc.),PPT,blackboard.,Important points and key points,Master the useful words and expressions;Learn to get information with different reading skills;Learn to describe topics related to generation gap with your own

4、 words,Teaching procedure,Pre-reading activities,While-reading activities,Post-reading activities,Warm-up activities,Background information,Framework of the text,Key language points,Discussion,Translating,Reading for the gist,The Generation Gap,Text A Father Knows Better,generation gap,n.代沟(两代人之间的隔阂

5、)a difference in values and attitudes between one generation and another,especially between young people and their parents.,Warm-up Questions,Is there a generation gap between you and your parents?What will you do if you have different opinions from you parents?,Text A,Father Knows Better-Marsh Cass

6、ady,Marsh Cassady,an American novelist and playwright.,This text is taken from Funny Business(1997).,Senior Prom,A formal dance party for senior high school students,Spelling Bee,Every year millions of students participate in spelling competitions around the country.Some dread these annual school ev

7、ents and are relieved to drop out in the early rounds.Some,however,study for hours a day,hoping to take part in the glory of Bee Weekthe National Spelling Bee finals.,Spelling Bee,Bee WeekIn 2004,the National Spelling Bee took place on June 13.But the Scripps Howard National Spelling Bee actually st

8、arts not long before,as competition is narrowed at school,local,and regional events.Ultimately about 250 spellers are sent to Washington,DC,for the national finals.Bee Week isnt all spelling.Competitors also enjoy sightseeing,ice-cream socials,barbecues,and a talent show.In 2003,Sai Gunturi took hom

9、e$12,000 cash,among other prizes,for correctly spelling pococurante.,Spelling Bee,How It Came to BeeThe National Spelling Bee was launched by the Louisville,Kentucky,Courier-Journal in 1925.With competitions,cash prizes,and a trip to the nations capital,the Bee hoped to stimulate general interest am

10、ong pupils in a dull subject.,The Scripps Howard News Service took over the Bee in 1941.Over the years,the Bee has grown from a mere 9 contestants to the 2003 high of 251.,Spelling Bee,Whats a Bee?The word bee has long been used to describe a busy gathering of people who come together for a special

11、purpose,such as quilting,spinning,logging,or raising a barn.Spelling bee in particular is an American term that came into use by the 1870s.Many think that this use of bee was inspired by the hard-working social insect of the same name.But some scholars believe it comes from the Middle English bene,m

12、eaning a favor,which was sometimes used to describe neighbors helping out with a particular activity.,What are the major components of a play?,characters,settings,stage directions,language,conflicts,climax and themes.,Center stage,Stage right,Stage left,Down left,Down right,Up left,Up right,Text ana

13、lysis who are they?,Scan the play and identify the characters:The Thompson family:(father,mother,Heidi,Diane and Sean)Restaurant manager,how old is he?(In his twenties.)Mrs.Higgins,who is she?(School official in charge of admitting new students to Benjamin Harrison High School.),Text analysis confli

14、ct of the play,Conflicts are the essence of a play,a clash of actions,ideas,desires or wills.Three forms of conflicts:man against man,man against environment,orman against himselfThe conflict in this play is between _ and _.(Mr.Thompson,his children),When a conflict develops to the most intensified

15、point,it becomes a climax.,Text analysis how is the play organized?,Scan the play and decide on how many settings it comprises.Hint:Just read the stage directions put in the brackets.Suggested answer:3 settingsSetting 1 A fast-food restaurantSetting 2 The Thompson family dining roomSetting 3 An offi

16、ce at a high school,Reading for the gist,Task:Students divide into three groups,(group A,group B,group C),each take charge of one scene.Read the part aloud and then report the main idea to the class after discussion.(fill in the following blanks),In a fast-food restaurant,In the dining room,In an of

17、fice at a high school,Father embarrassed Sean by talking too proudly to the restaurant manager.,Father embarrassed Diane by persuading a work-mate into pressing his son to the senior prom.,Father embarrassed Heidi by boasting to an official of her new school about how bright she was.,Comprehension,T

18、ask:read the play carefully,underline the difficult words and expressions,mark the parts that you do not understand.Discuss within your group,after which do some T/F questions together and answer some questions.,1)Sean knew his father would come to his work place.(Sean didnt know his father would co

19、me.)2)Sean tried to hide himself when he saw his father in the restaurant because he felt embarrassed.3)Diane disliked Kyle and did not want to go to the senior prom with him.(Diane liked Kyle and wanted to go to the senior prom with him.)4)Mother thought the children should respect their father.,Tr

20、ue or False,(F),(T),(F),(T),3)Dan Lucas invited Father to have lunch at the French restaurant on Third Road.(Father invited Dan Lucas to have lunch at the French restaurant to Third Road.)4)Dan Lucas promised to ask his son to make a phone call to Diane because Father told him Diane was interested i

21、n his son.5)As an honor student,Diane was pleased with the result.(As an honor student,Diane was humiliated with the result.),(F),(T),(F),(title)Father Knows Better What does“Father knows better.”Mean?“Father knows better.”or“Father,you know better than that.”literally means“Father was wise enough n

22、ot to do something.”Actually it does not have this meaning here.It means“Father was not wise when he meddled with his childrens affairs.”,How many times does this sentence occur in the text?What can you infer from the sentence?This sentence occurs six times in the text.The children said it satirical

23、ly to show their disapproval of Fathers meddling with their affairs.,Group Discussion,Discuss the characteristics of Father,Mother and the Children.Group A-fatherGroup B-motherGroup C-the childrenEach group pick one student to report to the class.,Father:,Father showed great respect for Mother.He pu

24、lled the chair for her before dinner,and obeyed her commands like“do go on”,“do get on with it”,“dont keep us in suspense”.Besides,although Father was pleased with what he had done for Diane,he had learned from experience that his efforts were not always welcome.That was why he could quickly realize

25、 his blunder,as made clear by the sentence“I do?Yes,yes,I guess I do.Ive done it again,havent I?”,Mother:,Mother used quite a number of dos and donts,pleases,dears,and sweethearts in her speech.She was the real head of the Thompson household,giving out commands to her children as well as her husband

26、.Moreover,most times her orders were respected.On the other hand,knowing her childrens attitude towards Fathers meddling,she tried to maintain the peace,as in the instances when she maintained Fathers dignity by telling the children“Dont interrupt”,“Dont distract your father”,and“Do give your father

27、 the respect he deserves”,or when she tried to divert the conversation by talking about her dessert.,Children:,The Thompson children respected Mother,as shown by their frequent“Yes,Mother”and“Sorry,Mom”.On the other hand,they were used to Fathers meddling with their affairs.When Sean and Heidi found

28、 out that this time the bad luck had befallen Diane,they could afford to stand back and poke a few bemused comments.Dianes feelings were entirely different,though.She was put on guard when Father told her“I have a surprise for you.”Then she was embarrassed as Father mentioned her feelings toward you

29、ng Kyle.Later as Father went on delaying telling the truth,she became hysterical.Finally,when she learned the truth,she lost her temper.,know better:behave in a more sensible and acceptable way He is old enough to know better.他很明事理,不至于以貌取人。He knows better than to judge by appearances.Pattern:know be

30、tter than sb.know better than to do sth.,Key language points,dumb:adj.1)foolishThat was a dumb thing to do.He was so dumb that he left his keys at home again.2)unable to speakThe terrible news struck us all dumb.他生来不能说话,但是他设法找到一个好工作。He was born dumb,but he has still managed to get a good job.,in uni

31、son:acting in the same way at the same time All the babies cried in unison.国际社会准备一致反对恐怖主义。The international community is ready to work in unison against terrorism.,fade:vi.1)lose color or brightnessThe wallpaper has faded.2)disappear slowlyThe sound of thunder faded away into the distance.随着天气越来越冷,她

32、早锻炼的热情逐渐消失了。Her enthusiasm for early-morning exercises faded as the weather was getting colder and colder.Collocation:fade away逐渐消失fade out逐渐消失;淡出,overall:1) generalOverall,prices are still rising.Overall,I like her,despite her faults.2)adj.including everything;total(only before noun)The overa

33、ll length of the fish is 3 feet 5 for:exchange(sth.)for(sth.else)They traded their clothes for food.农民用农产品换工具和钱.The farmers traded farm produce for tools and money.,keep in suspense:delay telling(sb.)what they are eager to knowWeve been kept in suspense waiting for the examination resul

34、ts.观众的悬念一直持续到剧终。The audience is kept in suspense to the very end of the play.Collocation:break the suspense消除悬念hold suspense使某人处于悬念之中 be in suspense over对悬疑不安,bet:1) sureI bet it will snow tomorrow.I bet she was late for the meeting on purpose.2)v.risk(money)on the result of a future even

35、tI bet you$5 that they will win the next election.I bet on the wrong horse.It lost the race.,distract:vt.take(sb.s attention)away from sth.esp.for a short timeDont distract me from working.She was distracted by the noise outside.玩电脑游戏有时让他写作业分心。Playing computer games sometimes distracts him from his homework.Pattern:distract sb./sth.distract sb./sth.from,Discussion,1)What do you think causes the generation gap?2)What can be done to solve the problem of the generation gap?,Homework,Do exercise on page 72,74,Thank you,


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