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1、Product Description,产品说明书,Definition定义,产品说明书是一种常见的说明文,是生产厂家通过文字、符号、标识、数字及图案等形式向消费者全面、明确地提供产品名称、用途、性质、性能、原理、构造、规格、使用方法、保养维护、注意事项、销售范围和免责声明等内容的产品信息。主要有说明指导、宣传促销、信息交流、强制指令的作用。产品说明书在英语中通常有4种说法,即Direction(指示、用法说明)、Introduction(介绍)、Instruction(使用指导)、Description(说明书)。,表现形式及内容,表现形式:产品说明书主要用文字、符号、标志、标记、数字及图案



4、路图、构造图、分子式(医药)等等。这种商品的说明书往往印成小册子作为商品附件。落款 即写明生产者、经销单位的名称、地址、电话、邮政编码、Email、电挂及产品的批号、生产日期、优质级别等内容,为消费者进行必要的联系提供方便。不同的商品说明书,落款的项目有所不同,应根据实际需要落款。,Example1:,Kenwood Dynamic Microphone MC-550 Instruction ManualMain Features The magnet is made from neodymium so that high level and high quality sound is pro

5、duced.(注意语态)The unit employs a double dome diaphragm in order to achieve a wellbalanced sound quality from the lower range to the upper range.A high duty CCAW(aluminum wire)is employed for the voice coil in order to achieve a crystal clear sound quality.A reliable Canon brand connector is employed.,

6、Example1:,Operating InstructionsInsert the microphone plug into the microphone terminal.Flip the microphone switch to the“ON”position and adjust the volume with the volume control knob on the amplifier.When handling the microphone to somebody else or when finish using,flip the microphone switch to t

7、he“OFF”position.Handling Precautions If the microphone head is covered by hand or the microphone is approached to the speaker,a howling sound may be generated.This phenomenon of howling is caused by the microphone picking up the sound output from the speaker.To prevent this,first decrease the volume

8、,then place the microphone so that it is not pointed to the speaker and that there is a sufficient distance between the microphone and the speaker.,Example1:,The microphone is sensitive equipment.Do not drop,hit it or apply strong shock to it.Do not store the microphone in a place with high temperat

9、ure or humidity.Pointer for proper use of microphoneThe optimum distance between the microphone and the mouth is from 5 to 10 centimeters.If the microphone is too close to the mouth,the sound may be unclear with too much enhanced base(proximity effect)or may be uncomfortable to ears with pop noise g

10、enerated every time when the singer breathes in and out.,Example1:,SpecificationsType.Dynamic microphoneDirectivity.unidirectionalImpedance600ohmsFrequency response60 to 17,000HzSensitivity-52dBCords.6mm dia.,5m.With 6.3mmmdia.Standard phone plugDimensions.Max diameter 54 mm;Max length 170 mmWeight2

11、15g,without cord,Example1:,以上产品说明书正是从产品的特点、使用方法、注意事项及规格等方面向消费者介绍了麦克风这种产品,使消费者对该产品的性能、特点和使用方法能有客观、全面、准确的了解。,Language Features语言特点,一、Word Features词汇特点:1.措词朴素,修饰适当产品说明书语言用来传递所说明产品的基本信息,反映客观事实,用词简明、准确,措词朴素,一般不用修饰手段,语气客观冷静,无渲染、夸大成分。这在上述各例说明书中就可以看出。但措词朴素并不意味着完全不具文采,有些说明书为了生动的说明产品的特点,也常用一些丰富多彩的词句,特别是形容词的使用

12、,更增添了说明书的可读性。如例3中的 indispensible、strong、healthy、delicious、refreshing、ready、instant等,语言客观准确,但语气仍然客观严肃、没有夸大成分,说明书无意鼓动消费者购买该产品,它只体现语篇的信息功能,并不包含劝说功能。产品说明书的作用在于向消费者介绍产品的特点、性能、规格、用途、使用方法及注意事项,能使消费者客观、正确地了解及使用产品,因而产品说明书对消费者具有指导作用。2.专业术语的运用产品说明书行文措词严谨,为了更好的说明产品产品的特性,根据不同的产品,常含有一定的专业词汇,如例1中的 magnet(磁体),neody

13、mium(钕),a double dome diaphragm(双球顶型震膜),terminal(端口,接口),connector(连接器),amplifier(扬声器),Impedance(阻抗),Frequency response(频率响应)等。,Language Features语言特点,Language Features语言特点,二、Syntactic Features句法特点1、句式简练、行文通俗易懂2、被动语态的使用3、祈使句的反复使用(请从上面的例子中找出特点。)翻译要点:1、遣词造句简练得体;2、语气风格与原文一致;3、调整语序,理清条理;,Example 2.,Transl

14、ate the following description and give a title:The Kurzweil Reading machine is a special kind of computer.It can read books for blind people.The Kurzweil machine consists of three components:a scanner,a computer and a voice synthesizer.These three parts are like your eyes,your brain and your voice.T

15、he scanner is the“eye”of the machine.It scans,or looks at,the words on the page of a book and changes the words into digital signals.These digital signals then go to the computer,the“brain”of the machine.The computer analyzes the signals and recognizes the words.,Example 2.,The computer sends inform

16、ation about the words to the voice synthesizer.The voice synthesizer makes the sounds of the words.To use the machine,a blind person simply opens the book and puts it face down on the scanner(like a photocopy machine).The machine“reads”the words on the page.When one page is finished,the blind person

17、 turns the page and puts the book on the scanner again.,Example 3.,MYFAVOTE CHOCOLATE HEALTH DRINKMYFAVOTE contains protein,vitamins A,D and B1,all indispensible to life.Taking it frequently will make you strong and healthy.It is an ideal beverage for all ages,esp.for children and expectant mothers.

18、Ingredient:Condensed Milk,Malt Extract,Cane Sugar,Cocoa,Milk powder,Glucose and EggsPreparation:MYFAVOTE may be served hot and cold as you like.Put two or three teaspoonfuls(about 30g)of it in a cup.Pour in boiled water(hot or cold)or milk and stir well to get it dissolved.A very delicious and refreshing drink will be ready in an instant.,Example 3.,Each 100 g of MYFAVOTE contains:Vitamin A 1,500 I.U.Vitamin D 1,000 I.U.Vitamin B1 500 I.U.Storage:Keep bottles tightly closed and stored in cool and dry place.Net Weight:600g x 2,


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