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1、extend和expand区别,extend:直线状“伸展”,引申“扩展范围、领域 等;用于比喻意义时,表影响、势力和范围都 超过目前;expand:为最普通用语,主要指物体由于外力或 内力的作用而使面积、体积、数量等变 大;也可以用于抽象事物。extend用于具体事物,expand多是抽象事物。管道设施的架设延伸,就用extend;市场的扩大延伸,就是expand。,extend vi/vt.1.延续,持续(to continue to happen or exist for a certain period of time);The tourist season extends from

2、May till October.旅游季节从五月延续到十月2.延长,推延(to increase a period of time that has been agreed,especially in order to finish a job or pay money that you owe)Cant you extend your visit for a few days?你们访问的时间不能延长几天吗?3.扩大;延长建筑或道路等(to continue for a particular distance or over a particular area);。,4.伸开,舒展(to st

3、retch out a part of your body)He extended his hand in greeting.他伸出手来表示欢迎。5.提供,给予,表示(help,sympathy,thanks etc)(+to)I would like to extend a warm welcome to our visitors.我想对我们的来访者表示热烈的欢迎6.使竭尽全力(to make someone use all their strength,intelligence etc,in order to archieve good results)7.延伸,扩大(if you ext

4、end your control,influence etc or if it extends over sth.,it becomes more powerful),expand vt./vi 1.展开,张开(帆,翅等)The eagle expanded its wings.老鹰展开翅膀。2.(使)膨胀/扩张 Water expands when it freezes.水结冰时体积膨胀。A tire expands when you pump air into it.轮胎打了气就会胀大。3.扩大,增强(to become greater in size,number,or amount,o

5、r importance)In ten years the citys population expanded by 12%.十年之中,该城人口增加了百分之十二。Student numbers are expanding rapidly.expand ones words/expand the local airport 扩建机场,4.(使)业务扩展(if a company,business etc expands or if someone expands it,they open new shops,factories etc)He is thinking of expanding hi

6、s business.他正考虑扩展他的生意。expanding economy不断发展的经济 The coffee shop may expand into a full restaurant.那家咖啡店将可能扩展成为一家完善的餐馆We have plans to expand into the US market.我们打算扩展业务进入美国市场。5.增加活动量;扩展活动范围(to increase the amount or range of an activity)6.详细说明(+on/upon)They have expanded my view on the question.他们已更充

7、分地阐明了我对这个问题的观点。,expand/enlarge/widen 可接view/mind/knowledge;knowlege的扩大不是在一个方向上,所以只能用expand/enlarge/widen expand/swell 均可表示膨胀,extend 多指(如meeting/visit/visa/stay)在时空上的延展;expand 指范围的扩张(如telephone network/knowledge);enlarge 指扩大物体(如house/photograph)的尺寸、范围和体积;stretch指身体四肢(如hand/leg/neck 等)的伸展;multiply 指数量

8、的成倍增加;widen 着重指增加某物的宽度,1.Because the company was doing more business it was necessary to_the factory.A).expand B).extend C).increase D).grow由于公司的生意越做越大,因此有必要将工厂(建筑)扩建.2.After some further discussion between Kitty and Tammy about_ the village school system to other communities around Hebe,Kitty and I left.Aexpanding BextendingCincreasing Dspreading在Kitty和Tammy就村级学校体制推广到赫柏周边的其他社区进行了进一步商讨之后,我和Kitty就离开了。extend“扩展;延伸(范围)”,B,B,


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