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1、Superhuihui,In this picture,the middle-aged Pi is telling his story to the writer,The movie adopts the form of recollecting an adventure on the sea,Pi was born in India.He believes in Christianity,Islam,and Hinduism at the same time.his father run a zoo,so Pi had a good understanding of animal behav

2、ior Pi family moved to Canada by ship with the animals,for Pis father want to take them to a foreign country to sell at a good price,From here,The movie officially entered into a“fantasy drift”.,the ship they took experienced a similar type of the Titanic sinking,Pis family members were all dead.He

3、luckily fell on the lifeboat and survived,and there were other creatures in the same boat,a hyena,a zebra with an broken leg,a chimpanzee,as well as an adult Bengal tiger Richard-Parke.,In the first 3 days,the hyenas killed the gorilla,live to eat zebra,the tiger kills hyena.,Only PI and the tiger a

4、re on the boat,Next,the Pis survival story is about how to deal with Richard Parke,Pi knew that he cant beat Richard,so he made the final choice to get along with Richard in the face of drift life.In 7 months,he collected water,fish and shrimp,and used all the sea survival skills to feed the tiger,a

5、lso to let himself down.,Of course,the drift also encountered storm,sharks and a variety of exciting and bloody scenes.,The cannibal Islands食人岛,meerkat 狐獴,Miracle,Everyone has a Bengal tigerHow to get along with their own,After a short stay in the cannibal.Pi left with the tiger in panic and again b

6、egan drifting until he was rescued in Mexico beach.At the same time,the tiger Richard turned to the forest and disappeared without looking back.,Truth,The middle-aged Pi told the other edition of the adventure which he claimed to make up to persuade the people from the Insurance company:the lifeboat

7、 is with no animal,but a cook,a seaman with an broken leg,Pi and his mother.The cook killed and ate the seaman,then killed Pis mother,eventually Pi killed and ate the seaman.The two stories have one thing in common:in the end only Pi survived.,In the reality every animal represents a person,But look

8、ing back the reciprocating scenes and all playful details,its not hard to find the truth of the adventurethe second story.So,the first story is the metaphor of the reality,the second one is the reality.,This movie is really fantastic and meaningful,In me the tiger sniffs the rose.Look in my heart,kind friends,and tremble,Since there your elements assemble.,


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