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1、,Marrakech,Outline,Background information,Types of writting,The analysis of text,Figures of speech,Writting techniques,Theme of this text,Marrakech,the third biggest city of Morocco and the political centre of south Morocco the city wall was made of red stones in the past the weather is warm the Pea

2、rl of South Morocco,George Orwell(19031950),British novelist and essayist,was born in India.He is famous for his ironic and political novels.Main Works:Down and Out in Paris and London(1933)Burmese Days(1934)The Road to Wigan Pier(1937)Homage to Catalonia(1938)Animal Farm(1946)Dickens,Dali and Other

3、s(1946)Nineteen Eighty-Four(1949)Shooting an elephant(1950),Exposition:describing things or telling people principle three description orders:time order,space order and logic order.,Argumentation:reasons are advanced for and against some proposition or proposal the methodical process of logical reas

4、oning,Narration:a message that tells the particulars of an act or occurrence or course of events the act of giving an account describing incidents or a course of events,Type of writing:Exposition In this passage,the author sets six examples to describe Marrakechs peoples poor and unenlightened life

5、situation.(1)The poor funeral.(2)A poor worker beg for a piece of bread.(3)Jews life situation in the city.(4)Simple and the crude way of farming.(5)A thin and short old woman overloaded firewood.(6)There were black infantry.,Scene 1:The burial of the poor inhabitants(Para.1-3),Life is cheap.People

6、are so poor that they can not afford proper burials.,supporting details,the flies left the restaurant table in a cloud but they came back in a few minutes later.shows the unsanitary conditions of the city,poor,the taxis and the camels modern transportation the old and backward transportation,wailing

7、 a short chant hack an oblong hole dump the bodyfling over it a little of the dried-up earth quick speed and simple burying procedure,Are they really?Do they?Or are they?rhetorical questions added force to authors denunciation(谴责),They rise out of the earth,they sweat and starve sink back into the n

8、ameless showing the monotonous(乏味的)life,All colonial empires are in reality founded upon this fact.(Para.3),What does it mean?,It is the colonial empires that make the people so poor.Empires are built up by treating the people in the colonies like animals.(by not treating the people in the colonies

9、as human beings).,exposes the evils of imperialism(帝国主义),Question one,Question two,“What really appeals to the flies is that the corpses here are never put into coffins,they are merely wrapped in a piece of rag and carried on a rough wooden bier on the shoulders of four friends.”,What is the tense?,

10、Vividness and authenticity,The situation described still exists,Dramatic present,Scene 2:The begging of bread of an employee(Para.4-7),Life is poor.People cant afford proper food,I could eat some of that indirect request and expresses a desire to eat some.The word“could”suggests politeness

11、and uncertainty.I took off a piece and he stowed it gratefully in some secret place under his rags.The word“stow”and“secret”show that the navy looks at the piece of bread as something precious.He is afraid of loosing it.This man is an employee of the municipality.“Even an employed laborer goes starv

12、ing,so you can imagine the plight of the poorer people.,Scene 3:Jews condition in Marrakech(Para.8-15),1.sore-eyed children 2.clouds of flies3.a little river of urine,1.long black robe 2.little skull-cap 3.dark caves,Malnutrition,dirty,a large quantity,bad working condition,1.dark

13、 holes2.clamoring for cigarettes3.working more than 12 hours a day,Suffer exploitation,Invisible in the field,the same color as earthless interesting to look at,Jew,Arab,European,Scene4:The way of ploughing in Morocco(Para.16-18),1.tear up weeds with their hands2.a wretched wooden thing3.plough with

14、 a cow and a harrows,exotic,Camels,castles,palm trees,backward ploughing,People in Morocco lived in a backward and hard life.,Scene5:The old women carrying firewood(Para.19-21),mummifiedtiny,shrill wailscreamviolate a law of nature,hobbledfollowing on footcarrying baggage,hard life situat

15、ion,povertyget used to it,invisibilitygender discrimination,1.the evil of exploitation2.the crulty of colonists and imperialists,scene5 The old women carrying firewood,question1 the firewood2 the color of women3 mummified,why are the women almost invisible?,Moroccan donkey,St.bernard dog,the contras

16、t between donkey and Bernard dog,Scene6:The black infantry(Para.22-26),1.they slumped under the weight of packs 2.faces were glistening with weat,difficult life,the opression(压迫)of the colonies,Infantry,Storks(colonist),contrast,northwhitehigh,southblacklow,no hostility no sullen no inquisitiveness,

17、they think the white rice are the master,wide-eyed Negro look profound respect,expose the fact that colonists enslave the inhabitants,the look,on the contrary,.,while the great birds drifted over them in the opposite direction,glittering like scraps of paper.,一切反动派都是纸老虎!,strongly against colonialism

18、,Figures of speech(1),Alliteration:refers to the repetition of a particular sound in the first syllables of a series of words or phrases E.g.:they sweat and starve for a few years,and then they sink back into poor life,Figures of speech(2),Synecdoche:a part is used for the whole,the whole for a part

19、,the specific for the general,the general for the specific,or the material for the thing made from day a poor creature who could not have been more than four feet tall human being,Figures of speech(3),Metonymy:one word or phrase is substituted for another with which it is closely associat

20、ed.e.g.a white skin white peopleSimile:two essentially unlike things are compared,often in a phrase introduced by like or as.E.g.bent double like inverted capital Ls overloaded,Figures of speech(4),Understatement(含蓄陈述):which contains an expression of less strength than what would be expected.E.g.I a

21、m not commenting,merely pointing to a fact.Dont want to agonist his own country,Writing Technique-comparison and contrast,Comparison-the similarityContrast-the difference,The tense,The use of present tense to illustrate the past thingsGeneral condition:persecution;discriminationThe condition still exist,Theme,the guilty of colonialism and imperialism,colonial rules,poor and miserable life,


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