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1、A Farewell Party,Recycle 2,1 活学语言并活用到实际交际中去。2 了解机场常用设施和登机通告。,1.综合复习该册学生用书的主要语言和词汇。2.综合复习be going to句型,there be结构,一般过去时及有关问路、乘机的功能性语言。,教学重点:,教学难点:,Revision,Talk:What are they doing?,Listen to the tape and answer the questions:,What can Chen Jie,Zhang Pen,Sarah and Mike do?,2.When do they have a farew

2、ell party?,Teacher:Good morning,boys and girls.It is the end of the school year.Were going to have a farewell party next Sunday.Would you like to perform at the party?Ss:Sure.Chen:I can sing songs.Zhang:I can play the piano.Sarah:I can play erhu.Teacher:What can you do,Mike?Mike:Let me see.I can do

3、Chinese kung fu.Ss:How about you,Miss White?Teacher:I can dance.Lets invite your parents to the party.Zhang:Super!Other students:Great!,Read after tape.,We are going to have a farewell party next Sunday.“下周日我们将举行一个道别晚会。”,点拨1:,此句的时态为一般将来时,表示在将来的某个时间将要发生的动作,其结构为:be going to/will+动词原形,一般将来时的标志词有:tomorr

4、ow,the day after tomorrow,next week/month等,如:She will visit her grandparents next week.,点拨2:,此句中的have不是“有”的意思,而是“举行”的意思。与have 搭配的短语还有:have supper(吃晚餐);have a meeting(开会);have a rest(休息一下);have a look(看一看)。,2.We are going to have a farewell party next Sunday.“下周日我们将举行一个道别晚会。”,3.I can play the piano.我

5、可以弹钢琴。,点拨3:,play与乐器之间要加the,但二胡除外;与球类之间不加the,如:play football.,4.Let me see.,这句的意思是“让我想想看。”,5.Lets invite your parents to the party.,点拨4:,invite 意为“邀请”,常构成短语:invite地点“邀请某人去某地”;invite do sth.“邀请某人去做某事”。如:I want to invite Jenny to Beijing.I want to invite Jenny to come to Beijing.,考考你1:,(单项

6、选择),Dalin can play()erhu.A.the C./2.We()go to see our teacher tomorrow.A.will B.are going to C.going to3.Would Chen Jie like()with us?A.going B.goes go,C,A,C,考考你2:,(句型转换),She is going to swim next Saturday.(变否定句)She _ _ _ swim next Saturday.2.I can sing songs.(变为一般疑问句)_ _ sing songs?3.Zhan

7、g Peng can do Chinese kung fu.(画线部分提问)_ _ Zhang Peng _?,isnt,going,to,Can,you,What,can,do,考考你3:,(英汉互译),让我想想看 _.你呢?_?do Chinese kung fu _ invite _,Let me see,What about you,表演中国功夫,邀请,学一学,看看英文请柬是怎么写的:,Finish the invitation and tick or cross.,1.The farewell party will be on June 20th.()2.The party will

8、 be at a stadium.()3.Only Chinese food will be served.()4.Only students can go to the party.(),根据提示,学写英语请柬:,Dear:You are invited to.Place:Date:Time:Food:,Invitation,点拨1:,1.I am going back to America next month.,be back 意思是“返回”,be back to+地点,“返回某地”,也可说成:come/go back to+地点;如:He comes back to China.,2.

9、Everyone is going to bring gifts.,everyone“人人,每一个人”,是不定代 词,作主语时,谓语动词要用单数.如:Everyone goes home on foot.,点拨2:,3.I dont want to say goodbye to my friends.,sayto sb.“对某人说.”,say goodbye to 向某人道别;say hello/hi to sb.向某人问好。,考考你1:,(单项选择),()1._ everyone here today?Yes,we _ all here.A.Is,is B.Are,are C.Is,are(

10、)2.We dont go to school B.on forget to say goodbye _me when you leave.A.for B.with,C,B,C,考考你2:,(句型转换),I will leave China.(变为否定句)I _ leave China.2.I can sing this song.(变一般疑问句)_ _ sing this song?3.I am sad.(变一般疑问句)_ _ sad?,wont,Can you,Are you,考考你3:,(把下列短语译成英语),1.带来礼

11、物_2.我确信_3.在未来_4.我所有的朋友_,bring presents,Im sure,in the future,all my friends,Match and say:,看左图,描写你所看到的事物:,Start like this:What a beautiful classroom!There are some desks in it.There are.,Its time to say goodbye to_,Its time to say goodbye to_.Goodbye to the _,Goodbye to the _,Goodbye to China and fr

12、iends.,Its time to say goodbye to China.Its time to say goodbye to my friends.I studied hard,I learned _,Goodbye to China and friends.,Its time to say goodbye to China.Its time to say goodbye to China.Its time to say goodbye to my friends.Goodbye to the _,Goodbye to the _,Goodbye to China and friend

13、s.,点拨:,1.Its time to.意为该是做.的时候了;例:Its time to say goodbye to my friends.该是向我的朋友们说再见的时候了。2.Goodbye to.意为再见了,.例:Goodbye to China and friends!再见了,中国;再见了,我的朋友们。,Listen and answer:,Whats wrong with Liu Yun?Are they having a good time?Will they give Liu Yun a surprise?,Look at the pictures and guess what

14、they are talking about.,Answer the questions:,Read after the tape.,Teacher:Hello.Whos that?Liu:Hello.This is Liu Yun speaking.I have a cold.I cant go to the party.Teacher:I am sorry to hear that.How do you feel?Liu:I have a sore throat.,Read after the tape:,Teacher:I hope you will get better soon.Li

15、u:Thank you.Is everybody having a good time?Teacher:Yes.Zhang Peng is playing the piano.Chen Jie and Mike are singing.John is dancing.Ed is opening a present.Amy and Wu Yifan are playing games.,Read after the tape.,Liu:I want to come,too.Teacher:Dont be sad.We will give you a surprise.Liu:Really?Wha

16、t will that be?Teacher:Just wait and see.Get well soon.Liu:Thank you again and say hello to my friends.Bye.,Fill in the blanks:,Teacher:Hello.Whos that?Liu:Hello._ Liu Yun _.I have a cold.I cant go to the party.Teacher:_.How do you feel?Liu:I have a sore throat.,This is,speaking,Im sorry to hear tha

17、t,Fill in the blanks:,Teacher:I hope you will _.Liu:Thank you.Is everybody _?Teacher:Yes.Zhang Peng _ the piano.Chen Jie and Mike are singing.John is dancing.Ed is opening a present.Amy and Wu Yifan _.,get better soon,have a good time,is playing,are playing games,Fill in the blanks:,Liu:I want to co

18、me,too.Teacher:Dont be sad.We will _.Liu:Really?What will that be?Teacher:_.Get well soon.Liu:Thank you again and _to my friends.Bye.,give you a surprise,Just wait and see,say hello,点拨1:,1.电话用语:Is that.(speaking)?你是.?This is.(speaking).我是.Whos that?你是谁?Hold on a moment.稍等。May I speak to.?我可以与.通话吗?,点

19、拨 2:,2.I have a cold.,have a cold“着凉,感冒”,同义短语为:catch a cold.,3.Im sorry to hear that.,此句用于当别人遇到不幸时对别人表达同情。,点拨3:,4.Chen Jie and Mike are singing.,此句为现在进行时,表示当前或当前一段时间内正在进行的动作,结构为:be+动词的-ing形式,句中常含有now,look,listen等标志词。如:Look!They are running.,考考你:,May I speak to Zhang Hua?_.A.Yes,I am B.Yes,speaking C

20、.No2.I am sorry _ hear that.A.for C./3.Its 6:00 now.They C.are watching,B,B,C,能力提高(选做题),着凉/感冒_给你一个惊喜_ Just wait and see._ will get better soon_,have a cold,give you a surprise,等一下看看吧。,很快就会好的,Amy is working on some puzzles.Can you help her?,Amy is working on some puzzles.Ca

21、n you help her?,Amy is working on some puzzles.Can you help her?,Amy is working on some puzzles.Can you help her?,Amy is working on some puzzles.Can you help her?,Now lets look at the answers:,dictionary,If there are some words you dont know,look them up in the dictionary.,Look them up in the dictio

22、nary.,Look up“查询”,up为副词,如接宾语为代词时,只能放在look up的中间,如为名词时既可放在look up的后面,也可放在其中间。一定要注意,“查字典”绝不能说成look up the dictionary.,教你如何查英语词典:,方法小贴士:,英语词典里的单词都是按照字母表的顺序(Aa Zz)来排列的,也就是说所有以字母a开头的单词都排在最前面,接下去是以字母b,c 开头的词,最后为字母z开头的词。查某个词时,要先看该词的第一个字母是什么,在词典中找到以这个字母开头的单词,再看所要查找词的第二个字母、第三个字母、第四个字母依次类推,最后就可查到要查的单词。如要查cup这

23、个词,先在词典中找到以c开头的单词,再找c后的第二个字母u,找到u之后再去找字母p,便可找到cup这个词。,turkey,Turkey,比一比,学一学:,china,China,Pronunciation:,Wu Yifan is reading some tongue twisters.Would you like to join him?Get in groups and see how many tongue twisters you can read in one minute?,听录音,看图片,点拨:,1.We ate turkey in Turkey and bought chin

24、a in China.注释:该句中的turkey 与Turkey,china与 China形同而意不同:turkey(火鸡),是西方人在每年的圣诞节必享的美食;Turkey(土耳其),是一个地跨欧亚两洲的西方国家;china(陶瓷),中国最著名的陶瓷是景德镇陶瓷;China(中国),是我们伟大的祖国的英文称呼。,Can you guess who is he?,Can you guess who is she?,Can you guess who is he?,Can you guess who is she?,点拨:,1.He lives far from school.2.He lives

25、 next to school.注释:这两句中的far from.和next to.互为一对反义词组,意为:1.他住的地方远离学校;2.他住的地方紧靠学校。,离.远 _ 听音乐 _ 做风筝 _ 画画 _ 教同学们英语 _,far from,listen to music,make a kite,draw a picture,teach the students English,试试身手:,1.She is from Canada.(同义句)She _ _ Canada.2.He likes playing football.(画线部分提问)_ _ he _?3.He has two siste

26、rs.(变为一般疑问句)_ he _ two sisters?,comes from,What does,like,Does,have,试试身手:,Do you know the ways to say goodbye?,Good luck!,Write soon!,Take care!,Keep in touch!,Have a good trip!,Listen and answer:,1.Does Liu Yun feel better today?2.Who comes to see Liu Yun?3.Do they take a picture?,Look at the pictu

27、res and what can you see in the pictures?,What can you see in the picture?,I can see.,Read after the tape.,Read after the tape.,点拨:,Yes,its me.,当询问是谁在敲门时用:Who is it?“你是谁?”回答时用 Its.,2.Lets take a picure together.,take a picture“照相”,take a picture for sb.“为某人照张照片”;take a picture with sb.“与某人合影”。,考考你的记

28、忆力根据课文内容填空,Teacher:How are you today?Liu:_.Chen:Here is a book of stamps.I know you _.Liu:Thank you.This is a small gift _.I hope you like it.Amy:I _.I hope you like it.Liu:Thank you.This is a book about panda.Amy:Thank you so much.Teacher:Lets _!Ss:Great!Teacher&Ss:Cheese!,I feel much better,like c

29、ollecting stamps,from me,wrote a poem,take a picture together,试试你的身手:,1.Who is it?_ Wang Jie.A.I am B.This is C.It is2.Here _ some books.A.are C.have3.This skirt is _ my mother.She bought me yesterday.A.for C.from,C,A,C,能力提高(选做题),1.集邮_ 2.写诗_ 3.照相_ 4.等一等_,collecting stamps,writing poems,tak

30、ing photos,just wait,Listen and answer:,1.Where is Zip going?2.What grade will Zip be in?3.Will Zip write to Zoom?,Read the story after the tape.,Read the story after the tape.,Read the story after the tape.,根据下列提示词来复述这个小故事:,some good news,go away,for a long time,has a new job there,be going to a ne

31、w school,be in Grade 7,write to me,take care,Retell the story:,You can start like this:Zip:I have some good news and bad news.Zoom:What is it?Zip:Im going away.Zoom:Im sorry to hear that.,点拨1:,news 为不可数名词,a piece of news 一条消息,I have some good news and some bad news.,2.I am going away for a long time

32、.,go away 表示“离开”,也可说成be away,如:She is away.,for后面加一段时间。,点拨2:,Take care!“保重!”,它还有“当心,小心”的意思。,3.Take care!,take care of.“照顾,照料”;take good care of“细心照顾”。,Homework,单项选择,Would you like to swim with us?Id love to.But I have _ work to do.A.many B.much C.no2.No news _ good news.A.are C./3.My brother hurt his arm._.A.Oh B.Sorry C.Im sorry to hear that,B,B,C,


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