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1、,Register and Genre Kyky,1.Introduction2.Register 2.1Definition and social variables 2.2 Characteristics and function 2.3 Register and dialect 2.4 Register switching,mixing and borrowing 2.5 Misuse 2.6 Different views,Contents,3.Genre 3.1 Definition 3.2 Generic structure potential and contents 3.3 G

2、eneric structure forms 4.Register and Genre5.Conclusion,Contents,1.Introduction,Human activities take palce in a certain context.Malinowski:context of situation:the context refers to the relationship between the speech and social environment.(time,place,topic of speech and the occasion of the speech

3、 event and the participants features.)context of culture:the whole cultural background of linguistic activities.2.RegisterDefinitionRegister is the funtional variety of language-the type of lanugage which is selected as appropriate to the context of situation.,Three social variables that determine t

4、he register,1.Field of discourse(语场):subject matter(purpose)and setting of the lanugage activity.(what)techinical non-technical2.Tenor of discourse(语旨):role of relationship(who)personal tenor(个人基调):intimate,distant functional tenor(功能基调):didactic,expository,descriptice,persuasive.purpose of the disc

5、ourse3.Mode of discourse(语式):medium/channel(how)spoken,written,Characteristics,1.Classified according to delicacy:scientific English(mathematic English,psychological English)2.Distances among registers features of meaningE.G.:TV news reporting vs newspaper reporting(similar)mathematic English and po

6、etic English3.Open register and closed register unconstrained restrictive language alternatives:lack of creativity:daily talk news report,Functions,The basic function:to predict textual structure context textual structure(p276)Stephen:Yea.171 38802.Yea.Race 4 at Albion Park please.Ah,two units to wi

7、n number 8.Two units to win number 11.Ah,.Um.Um 5 um quinella(赌前两名).I think that is the lot thank you.Twenty units.Thank you very much.Handbookinger,predict,Register and dialect,The change of registers is according to use.The change of dialects is according to user.Dialect:geography,history,society

8、and personal factor.geographic dialect:soical dialect:American/British English bureaucratic/schoolboy tone,Register switching/mixing/borrowing,Register switching:from one register to anotherE.G.a leaders oral speech draft changed into news release Register mixing:more than one register in a text(p27

9、9)?Register borrowing:use a register different from the chosen one.E.G.,xx教练昨天下课了 二十天真相大白,Question,Code switching is the practice of moving back and forth between two languages,or between two dialects or registers of the same language.Also called code-mixing and style shifting.Register switching:spe

10、aker talk from one register to another.,The difference between register switching and code-switching?,Misuse of register,Definition:improper use of lanugage varieties in communication-ingore the subject;identification and contents.(p280),Different views,Halliday and Hasan:register,controlled by fiel

11、d of discourse,tenor of discourse,and mode of discourse.Martin:register is the combinatin of them,is in a context of situation genre:in the context of culture.,Register Model,Halliday,3.Genre,Definition:a genre is a particular class of speech events which are considered by the speech community as be

12、ing of the same type,which is classified according to purpose and other criteria.(p285)BakhtinSimple genre:a type of discourse which can directly reflect context of situation and daily discouse in real world Complex genre:a type of discourse which is institutionalized and reflect context of situatio

13、n,such as all kinds of academic writing,poetry,dramma.,Hasan paid attention to 1.Contextual configuration(语境构型):to realize field/tenor/mode of discourse,to predict structural elements of texts,their frequency and orders.2.Generic structure potential3.Genre is defined by textual obligatory elements.T

14、he text which has same obligatory elements belong to a same genre.Generic structure potential(语类结构潜势Halliday&Hasan):the potentiality of meaning structure of a certain genre.(意义结构有多种可能性)Research Contents:elements which are1.obligatory(必要的)2.optional(非必要的)3.sequence(顺序)4.recurrence(反复出现),Obligatory:Q+

15、A+F(教师提问+学生回答+教师反馈)E.G.:Teacher:What is two and two?Pupil:Four Teacher:RightOptionalE.G.:各位旅客,汽车启动,请拉好扶手。(注意环境卫生,车厢内不要乱丢垃圾。)下一站是老福山站,下车请准备。Sequence(p289)newspaper and TV news,result+processRecurrence(教师提问+学生回答)+教师反馈T:Who wrote Hamlet,Jack?J:DickensT:Who wrote Hamlet,Mary?M:Shakespeare.T:Right.Shakes

16、peare.,Generic structure potential(Hasan),E.G.:相邻成分()可取舍 多次出现 不止一个选择打招呼(Greeting)、买卖引发(Sales Initiation)、买卖询问(Sales Enquiry)、买卖请求(Sales Request)买卖依从(Sales Compliance)、出价(Sale)、购买(Purchase)买卖结束(Purchase Closure)、告别(Finis)(Greeting)?(Sale Initiation)(Sale Enquiry?)Sales Request Sales ComplianceSale Pu

17、rchase Purchase Closure(Finis),Generic Structure Forms,Take personal resumes as examples:1.Temporal structure(conform with time or not)2.Functional structure(p291)E.G.:抬头(heading)教育经历(educational experience)工作经历(work experience)其他经历(other experience)推荐人(reference)Jeniffer Wang1902 W.Chocolate Avenue

18、.EducationMBA,Georgia State University.Work Experience2003-present Vice-present2001-2003 Project manager.Other Experience.,Register and Genre,1.Register is product of the context of situation,and linguistic varieties of field of discourse,tenor of discourse and mode of discourse;genre is the product

19、 of context of culture,and the linguistic schematic structure of mode.2.Genre reflects the context of culture among speakers,register reflects the context of situation,and genre is superior to register.3.Every text has its own register,and such kind of register surely belong to a certain genre.(p295),Martin,4.Conclusion,The purpose of using language is to realize certain aims.When using lanugages,we have to take context of situation and culture into consideration.If we ingnore them,we will become Hymes cultural monster.,Thank You!Kyky,Picture slide,Bullet 1Bullet 2,


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