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1、Project Process Steps项目流程,Process Steps项目流程,Form a Team 组建小队Identify an Issue 确定主题 Learn about the Issue 了解这个主题Measure the Current Impact 衡量目前的影响Make an Action Plan 制作行动计划Communicate your message 沟通你的信息Measure Success(including Carbon Savings)衡量成功(包括减排效果),1.Form a Team 组建小队,At Global Action Plan we

2、find that projects work well with teams of 10-15 students.在“全球行动计划”,我们发现工作得最好的项目都是由10-15个学生组成的小队 Ideas for recruitment:招募成员的方法:Speak about the project at an assembly and ask students to volunteer在人员集中的地方宣讲,吸引参加Ask students to submit an application to take part叫学生提交申请表Put posters around the school to

3、 advertise your first meeting在校园张贴海报,宣传你们的第一次会议,1.Form a Team 组建小队,ACTIVITY Discussion活动 讨论 Discuss which recruitment methods would get your students interested and excited about taking part in the project.Choose your groups top three ideas to share.讨论你的同学们最感兴趣和最想参与的招募方式。选择排名最靠前的三种方式来进一步讨论。,2.Identi

4、fy an Issue 确定主题,Issues can be identified from topics such as waste,water,transport,energy,food,biodiversity可以从以下领域来选择你们关注的问题:垃圾、水、交通、食物、生物多样性。To identify an issue you could:为了发现一个问题,你可以:Take some initial observations and opinions in your school在你的学校进行一些初步的观察,建立初步的想法构思Choose a current curriculum top

5、ic从现成的课程主题中选择Ask your team of student volunteers what they would like to take action on跟小组成员讨论,看他们最想在哪一个话题上采取行动.,2.Identify an Issue 确定主题,ACTIVITY Discussion活动 讨论 Discuss how you could use each of the above methods to identify an issue with your student team.Share with your group any other methods y

6、ou have found successful too.Add your top ideas to the sheets around the room.讨论怎样运用以上的方法来与学生小队确定主题。如果你发现有更好的更成功的方法来确定主题的话,也可以跟你的组员分享。将你觉得最好的主题贴在教室的题板上.,3.Learn about the Issue了解这个主题,An example learning activity on energy use以能源使用的主题的学习案例:Key questions:关键问题How have we used energy today?我们今天是怎样使用能源的?

7、How is energy generated and what is the impact of this?能源是怎样产生的?其影响是什么?What changes to our behaviour can we make to reduce this impact?我们的行动可以为减少这些影响带来怎样的改变?,3.Learn about the Issue 了解这个主题,How have we used energy today?我们今天是怎样使用能源的?,3.Learn about the Issue 了解这个主题,How is energy generated and what is

8、the impact of this?能源是怎样产生的?其影响是什么?ACTIVITY Process cards活动 过程卡片 The cards in the envelopes give different stages in the process of generating energy.Open the envelopes one at a time and put the cards in the correct order.信封里的卡片描述了能源产生的各个阶段。每次打开一个信封,将卡片按照正确的顺序排列。Envelope 1:basic process of generatin

9、g energy信封1:能源产生的基本阶段Envelope 2:more details on the production process信封2:能源产生阶段的更详细描述Envelope 3:linking stages of the process信封3:在这个阶段中的关联环节Envelope 4:impacts of the process信封4:此过程的影响,3.Learn about the Issue了解这个主题,What changes to our behaviour can we make to reduce this impact?我们如何改变我们的行为以减少这种影响?AC

10、TIVITY Brainstorming活动 头脑风暴Working in pairs,brainstorm how we could reduce each of the impacts identified in the process cards.两人一组为单位,自由讨论我们如何减少上述过程卡片中提到的每一种影响?Feedback your pairs most innovative idea to the rest of your group.将你们小组的最有创意的点子与其他组员分享.,4.Measure the Current Impact衡量目前的影响,Measuring the

11、current impact of our issue enables us to:衡量目前的影响以让我们能够:Identify problem areas to address in our action plan确认在我们的行动计划中需要解决的问题的领域Have some baseline data against which to measure the improvements we make对我们的行动做出的进展状况进行原始数据的记录.ACTIVITY Interviewing活动 采访In your groups,carry out the water survey.在小组中,开展

12、水调查活动,5.Make an Action Plan制作行动计划,An action plan should address the issues you identified in the measurement stage(step 4)行动计划应该针对你在衡量阶段(步骤4)确认的相关问题Action points should be specific and have a deadline for completion行动计划的每一点都应该详尽,并且每一步都有其具体的截止期限,5.Make an Action Plan制作行动计划,ACTIVITY Problem solving活动

13、解决问题In your group,read your scenario card and identify issues that need to be addressed in that school.以小组为单位,阅读你们的情景卡片,确定你们需要在学校中解决的问题。Make action points to address each of these issues.Write the action points on your action planning template.Fill in the other columns too.制定针对每一个问题的行动计划。在行动计划模板上写出你

14、们的每一条行动。再将其他对应各项填写完成,6.Communicate your message沟通你的信息,For your action plan to be successful,you must communicate it effectively to all the members of your school community为了你的行动取得成功,你需要将你的行动计划跟学校各方进行最有效沟通。Communication should be fun,creative and appropriate for the audience make people stop,think,sm

15、ile and take action!沟通要有趣、创新且适合受众让观众停下脚步、思考、微笑、行动。,6.Communicate your message沟通你的信息,ACTIVITY Group work活动 小组活动On the communication activity worksheet,match the audience with communication method(s)appropriate to them在沟通活动工作表上,将观众与其适合的沟通方法相对应Choose one pairing e.g.teachers and elevator pitch.In your

16、group,communicate one of your action points to your chosen audience in your chosen communication method.选择一种组合,如:教师和电梯推介。用你所选择的沟通方式,向你所选择的受众,沟通一条你的行动计划。Present to the whole group in your chosen communication method.用你所选择的沟通方式向全体展示你的行动计划。,7.Measure Success(including Carbon Savings)衡量成功(包括减排效果),Once y

17、ou have implemented your action plan and communicated about the project,measure again to see the difference you have made.当你开始执行行动计划,并且将你的项目进行沟通之后,再次衡量,看你的行动带来了怎样的不同。,Use the same measurement method as you used in your initial measurement(step 4)采用与你初步衡量同样的方法(见步骤4)Measure the difference between the

18、first and second measurements,and then convert this to carbon savings.看看第一次衡量和第二次衡量之间存在怎样的差异变化,再将其转换为减排量。,7.Measure Success(including Carbon Savings)衡量成功(包括减排效果),ACTIVITY Problem solving活动 解决问题Calculate the difference in carbon emissions between the first and second scenario cards.This enables you t

19、o calculate the carbon savings achieved by the project.计算第一张和第二张情景卡片之间碳排放量的差异。这将帮助你计算项目减排量。Use the carbon conversion factors sheet to help you do this.运用碳转换影响因素表帮助你做这项工作。,7.Measure Success(including Carbon Savings)衡量成功(包括减排效果),Dont forget to celebrate your success!别忘了庆祝你的成功!Help your student volunte

20、ers feel rewarded让你的学生志愿者感到他们是得到回报的Show others that making a difference is fun and achievable 让更多的人了解,作出改变是有趣的也是可实现的Encourage everyone to go on to make further positive changes鼓舞更多人去作出更多有益的变化,Does our project meet all the success criteria?我们的项目达到了所有成功的标准了吗?,Curriculum-linked与学科联系起来Student-led innovation and developing skills for employment以学生为中心的创新活动,提高他们未来需要的技能Measureable including carbon reduction项目是可衡量的(包括减排量)Good communications strategy to engage a wide audience通过更好的传播战略影响更广泛的受众Behaviour change改变人们的行为,


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