Scanning and-Skimming 使用技巧.ppt

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《Scanning and-Skimming 使用技巧.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Scanning and-Skimming 使用技巧.ppt(9页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、Scanning and Skimming,Let us test your reading speed!,Can you read my mind?,Skimming and scanning are very rapid reading methods in which you glance at a passage to find specific information.These reading methods make it easier for you to grasp large amounts of material,especially when youre preview

2、ing.They are also useful when you dont need to know every word.,Skimming and scanning are especially valuable when there is only one item of information that you need to find from a particular passage.,Read the title.Read the introduction or the first paragraph.Read the first sentence of every other

3、 paragraph.Notice any pictures,charts,or graphs.*Notice any italicized or boldface words or phrases.Read the summary or last paragraph.,Skimming refers to the process of reading only main ideas within a passage to get an overall impression of the content of a reading selection.An example of this is

4、when we read the title of a newspaper to know what happens everyday.,How to skim:,State the specific information you are looking for.Try to anticipate how the answer will appear and what clues you might use to help you locate the answer.For example,if you were looking for a certain date,you would qu

5、ickly read the paragraph looking only for numbers.Use headings and any other aids that will help you identify which sections might contain the information you are looking for.Selectively read and skip through sections of the passage.,Scanning is a reading technique to be used when you want to find s

6、pecific information quickly.In scanning you have a question in your mind and you read a passage only to find the answer,ignoring unrelated information.,How to scan:,Skim and Scan this special note in 30 seconds,Special Note:When you skim and scan,you need to cover everything,even titles,subtitles,si

7、de features,and visuals.That bit of information you need may not be tidily packaged in a paragraph,so you need to check the entire page-not just the main body of the text,there are also many visual clues that help you to find information.Heads and subheads break up the text and identify the content

8、of each part.Where key terms are introduced and defined,they appear in boldface type.Graphs and charts have titles and/or captions that tell you what they are about.These clues will help you to find information.but only if you use them.,Cover everythingCheck entire pageVisual cluesGraphs,charts have

9、 titles/captions,SW:Skim and Scan the text:,A newly published report indicates that jogging could have adverse health effects,especially for those who do it alone.A team of researchers from Harvard University has suggested that going for a run on your own is not as healthy as previously believed and

10、 is nowhere near as beneficial as jogging as part of a group.They suggested it could actually be detrimental to ones health.Experiments conducted on rats indicated that running alone raises stress levels and stifles brain cell regeneration.Professor Elizabeth Gould,who led the research,said:“These r

11、esults suggest that,in the absence of social interaction,a normally beneficial experience can exert a potentially deleterious influence on the brain.”,The researchers monitored two groups of rats on exercise wheels.One group exercised alone,the other as part of a rodent jogging team.After two weeks,

12、the scientists conducted tests to ascertain the rate of brain cell growth in all of the test animals.The results revealed that the communal joggers had double the amount of new brain cells as the solo runners.Professor Gould concluded that:“When experienced in a group setting,running stimulates neur

13、ogenesis(brain cell growth).However,when running occurs in social isolation,these positive effects are suppressed.”Joggers around the world should perhaps take the research with a pinch of salt and remember that jogging is healthier than the rat race.,Part 1:Skimming,Answer the following questions u

14、sing your own words but taking into account the information in the text.According to the text,is jogging alone beneficial for our health?Why?Has this piece of research been tested on humans?2.Choose a,b or c in each question below.Only one choice is correct.Some Harvard researchers claim that joggin

15、g alone not as healthy as it was not as healthy as it was thought.Jogging alone.increases the production of brain cells.increases the size of the brain.c.reduces the production of brain cells.,Part 2:Scanning,Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE?Identify the part

16、 of the text that supports your answer.Jogging with rats stimulates the brain cell production:_ Evidence:b.Jogging rats produce more brain cells if they do it in group:_ Evidence:Answer the following questions:c.What does professor Gould says about the results of this experiment?d.What were her conclusions?,


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