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1、四 求职信重点句式:,1.我特地写信给贵方,对于您们近来广告上登出的招聘兼职,我很感兴趣I am writing to express my interest in your recently advertised position for a part-time assistant.2.这个职位将为我的学习和进步提供良机,他对我十分重要This position would provide an avenue for learning and advancement,which is important to me.3.我对于这个职位可能提供的学习和创造性挑战十分感兴趣I find the

2、possibilities for learning and productive challenge in this position extremely attractive.,四 求职信重点句式:,4.对于贵方广告招聘网络工程师一职,本人十分有兴趣,特地呈上申请I am very interested in your advertisement for a Network Engineer,I would like to apply for this position.5.我看到贵公司于6月26日在。上所登的招聘秘书的广告,如果您能考虑本人对此工作的申请,我将不胜感激。I have re

3、ad your advertisement in.of June 26 for a secretary,and should be grateful if you consider me favorably as a candidate for the position.6.本人非常想应聘贵公司的一个职位I am keen to apply for a job vacancy with your company.,四 求职信重点句式:,7.我很乐意为您提供更多有关我的学历和工作经历的情况I shall be pleased to furnish you with any further inf

4、ormation concerning my education and work experience.我精通。I have a fair mastery of./have a good command of.我随时可以接受面试,请打。号码与我联系I am available for an interview any moment.Please contact me a./I can be reached at,四 求职信重点句式:,.如果您有任何职位空缺,请在您方便时给我一次面试的机会。感谢您的时间和考虑If you have any position available,please g

5、rant me a job interview at your convenience.Thank you for your time and consideration.我希望您能够考虑我的申请,并给与我面试的机会。I hope you would take my application into account favorably and entitle me to an interview.随信附上我的简历。I have enclosed my resume with this letter.,求职信背诵范文,Dear Sir,I have read your advertisement

6、 in“Xi an Evening Paper”of June 26 for a secretary,and should be grateful if you consider my favorably as a candidate for the position.Since 2000,my main work includes administration and customers and other related duties.I am in charge of writing most of our company letters to foreign parties and c

7、ustomers and drafting agreement and contract for my boss.,求职信背诵范文,I am also familiar with the filing system used in many companies,which will help to locate document without difficulty.I will suggest you to use this system to improve office efficiency.I can use electric typewriter and operate any si

8、milar machine.I am seeking your employment to upgrade my working knowledge and to have the opportunity meet more challenges.Looking forward to receiving your favorable reply.Thank you.Yours sincerely,LiMing,求职信背诵范文,Dear Sir,I have read your advertisement in“Xi an Evening Paper”of June 26 for a secre

9、tary,and should be grateful if you consider my favorably as a candidate for the position.Since 2000,my main work includes administration and customers and other related duties.I am in charge of writing most of our company letters to foreign parties and customers and drafting agreement and contract f

10、or my boss.,求职信背诵范文,I am also familiar with the filing system used in many companies,which will help to locate document without difficulty.I will suggest you to use this system to improve office efficiency.I can use electric typewriter and operate any similar machine.I am seeking your employment to

11、upgrade my working knowledge and to have the opportunity meet more challenges.Looking forward to receiving your favorable reply.Thank you.Yours sincerely,LiMing,三 道歉信重点句式:,1.我必须为。向你道歉I must apologize to you for2.我感到很抱歉,因为。I am terribly/awfully sorry that.3.我做。,实在太欠考虑了It is thoughtless/inconsiderate

12、of me to do 4.恐怕我给您添了许多麻烦I am afraid what I have done has caused many inconveniences to you.,三 道歉信重点句式:,5.我很遗憾的告诉您我不能。I regret to inform you that I am unable to do.6请在再次为。接受我真诚的道歉Please accept my sincere and humble apology to you for.7.我衷心希望您能够接受我的道歉I sincerely hope that you will kindly accept my ap

13、ologies.8.对与贵公司不得不忍受这次延误,我们十分遗憾I am sorry that it was your company that had to be the one to suffer the delay9.真心希望这不会给你造成太多不便。I hope that this does not cause to your too much inconvenience.,道歉信范文,Dear Zheng,I am very sorry that I was out when you came to see me yesterday afternoon.The fact is that

14、an engagement with some friends and,ignorant of your visit,accompanied them to the cinema.Not until nine oclock in the evening did I come back.You must have been disappointed by my absence.I hope you will not leave the city this week,I will take you to some places that may interest you.Please wait f

15、or me in your hotel at the appointed time.Yours lovely,LiPinpin,感谢信重点句式,.我特地写信感谢你来医院看望我I am writing to you to thank for your visiting me in the hospital.这封信将满载着我对你热情款待的真挚感谢之情I would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks to you for your hospitality.你能按着日程安排组织信息,我十分感激I especially appreciat

16、ed your organizing the information according to the items on the agenda.我非常感谢你的。I am grateful/obliged to you for.我为你所做的一切表示感激I am greatly indebted to you for what you have done,感谢信重点句式,.感谢你在。其间给与我无私的帮助I am thankful/obliged to you for your unselfish assistance during.我非常感谢你的好意,并希望有机会回报你I deeply appre

17、ciate your courtesy and we hope to have the opportunity of rewarding you.我借此机会对你所给与我的帮助表示深深的感谢I take this opportunity to express my deep appreciation of your kind help you rendered me.,感谢信重点句式,.你为我这样做真是太好了,我感激不尽It was kind and generous of you to do this for me,and I appreciate it more than I can say

18、.请接受我诚挚的谢意,感谢你及时的帮助,我将难以忘怀Please accept my most cordial thanks for your timely help,which I will never forget.感激之情难以言表Words fail me when I want to express my gratitude to you.我在此向你表示感谢Again,I would like to express our warm thanks to you.,感谢信,Dear John,Thanks for your kindness during my visit to your

19、 house last week.I had a wonderful time there.I enjoyed our free talk as well as your delicious food.Of course,the beautiful scenery among your surroundings were impressive upon me.When you are free.You can pay a visit to my college.Im really expecting your coming.Once again I would like to thank yo

20、u for your hospitality.Best wishes Yours Li Na,邀请信重点句式,1.您能接受邀请前来参加6月8号抵达北京会议并发言,使我十分感激Im delighted that you have accepted our invitation to speak at the conference in Beijing on June 8th.我们真诚的邀请王教授来我校做客座教授We would like to invite Professor Wang to our university as a guest lecturer.您如果能来出席我们今晚的宴会,我们

21、将十分高兴We should be very pleased if you could come and have dinner with us this evening.我很高兴邀请您参加从。到。在。举行的。活动I am pleased to invite you to participate in.to be held from.to.in,邀请信重点句式,.如能邀请您参加。是我莫大的荣幸It is my pleasure/a great honor for me to invite you to.我希望您不会拒绝我的邀请I hope that you wont decline my in

22、vitation.您能否早日告诉我是否接受我的邀请Would you please let me know as soon as possible if you can accept my invitation?.我确实希望您能够接受我的邀请I do hope you will be able to accept our invitation.我期盼着您的来信,并希望能见到您I am looking forward to your reply,and eventually,seeing you.,邀请信背诵范文,24 June,2007Dear Mr.Bool,We have pleasure

23、 in inviting you to our annual conference.This year it will be taking place at the University of Nottingham,from 20 to 24 August.We enclose details of the conference,accommodation arrangements and a business activity program.Last year you gave a very interesting talk on the subject of“Academic Stand

24、ards and Expectationss”.We would be very grateful if you would consider giving us and update on this.We would appreciate it if you could confirm your participation at your earliest convenience.Yours sincerely Philip Luford Conference Organizer,投诉信重点句式,1.我先写信向你表达对。的不满I am writing to express my dissat

25、isfaction with.2.我现写信向你投诉有关。Im writing to complain about.3.我希望你注意到在。方面的一些问题。一方面。另一方面。There are some problems with.but I wish to bring to attention.In the first place,In the second place,.4.我抱怨的原因如下The reasons why I complain are as follows.,投诉信重点句式,5.为了改善局面,建议采取以下措施。其一。其二。In order to improve the situ

26、ation,Its advisable to take the following measures.For one thing.for another,.6.我希望问题可以尽早得以解决I do hope that the problems will be solved as some as possible 7.我希望你们能够考虑一下我的建议,以便改善局面I hope my suggestions will be taken into consideration to improve the situation.,投诉信重点句式,I think the problem of should b

27、e brought into attention.Its advisable to take the following measures to solve the problem.For one thing,for another,.I do hope something will be done to improve the present situationI do hope this problem will be solved as soon as possible,or I will be forced to take legal actions I hope my suggest

28、ions will be taken into consideration.,新购彩电质量问题投诉信,Nov.10th,2006Dear Sir/Madam,On November 3,I ordered a color TV from your company.It looked good from outside when it arrived seven days ago.However,it gave no sound when I turned on the TV,I called the sales assistant,to ask for a solution.It really

29、 disappointed me that the repairman did not turn up until now.Since I spent a week without enjoying my favorite programme in the evening,I request an immediate and a satisfying solution to this problem,I dont want to miss the football match on this Friday.I am looking forward to your early reply.Har

30、ry Brown,祝贺信重点句式,1.衷心祝贺您顺利毕业Heartiest congratulations upon your graduation.2.对你的高质量工作我们十分欣赏We much appreciate the high quality of your work.3.祝你生日快乐,你是最棒的!I hope your birthday is especially happy;you deserve the best.4.我们祝愿您在新的职位取得成功,期待我们的进一步合作We wish you success in your new post and look forward to

31、 closer cooperation with you.,祝贺信重点句式,5.祝你好运,祝你幸福Wish you the best luck and every happiness.6.在你生日之际,送上我们所有人最衷心的祝福We all send you hearty greetings on your happy birthday.7.我们对你生活中最幸福的事表示真诚的祝贺We sincerely congratulate on the happiest event of your life.8.我相信我将获益匪浅I believe I will derive great benefit

32、s from it,祝贺信背诵范文,Dear Sir or Madam:Im very glad to hear that you have passed the entrance examination and been accepted by a very famous university.I feel very proud of you and I believe you really deserve the honor since you have been working so hard on that.Studying in university has been the goa

33、l for most of the high school students.With the rapid development of science and technology,the society is changing fast.As a result,more and more people with high education background are needed.It is no doubt a better choice to pursue further study in university because there are a lot of informat

34、ion and useful facilities for your convenient reference as well as numerous knowledgeable professors for your consultation.So I think youve made a correct decision.,祝贺信背诵范文,While in university,you are sure to be surrounded by many smart students as well,and you are provided with many opportunities t

35、o broaden the horizon.You can learn a lot from each other and be well equipped for the future.A totally different picture scroll is unfolded before your eyes and Ill cross my fingers to wish you a bright future.Yours sincerely,Li Ming,推荐信背诵范文,Business School Ball State UniversityMuncie,47306Dear Pro

36、f.Terence,Zhao Yigang was enrolled as a student in my Economics course at the Renmin University of China in 1994.His performance in the class was quite outstanding.Mr.Zhao was diligent in his studies and participated in all the class discussion with his own ideas.He was capable of clear and logical

37、analysis of complex subjects with his keen insight and made valuable contribution.In addition,Mr.Zhao has a pleasant personality.He gets along well with his colleagues because of his warm and friendly attitude toward them.Mr.Zhao has proved that he can engage in research work as an undergraduate in

38、our university.I am sure that he will perform well in your college.I recommend him to you with no reservations.Sincerely yours,Wang Ning(Doctor,Professor),Farewell Letter(告别信),August 12,2007Dear Mr.Johnson,As you prepare to return to Oxford for PhD degree,I take the greatest pleasure of sending to y

39、ou,on behalf of all members of this organization and in my own name,our good wishes for the future.I must also express our thanks to you for the personal interest you have shown in our affairs over the past years.Sincerely,Wang Yupeng,慰问信重点句式:,1.我们俩希望/祈祷你能很快地完全康复We are both looking forward to/hoping

40、 and praying for your speedy and full recovery.2.你的诸位好友真心希望你早日康复Your many friends are hoping for your quick return to health early recovery/rapid recovery3.真心希望能减轻你的痛苦I hope you are getting dome relief from the pain.4.我们非常遗憾的获知We are very sorry to learn of,慰问信重点句式:,5.我刚刚得知上个星期你的病了I just heard that y

41、ouve been on the sickness last week6.当我听说。我非常关心I was deeply concerned when I learned that7.我希望你能很快地康复I wish you a complete speedy recovery.8.倾向你的家人转达我们最深切的同情Please extend our deep sympathy to your family.,慰问信重点句式:,8.倾向你的家人转达我们最深切的同情Please extend our deep sympathy to your family.9.我只想让你知道我们是多么担忧I jus

42、t wanted to let you know how concerned we are 10.如果需要我的帮助,请告知If there is anything I can do to help you,please let me know.,英语口语比赛通知,NOTICE In order to stimulate the students enthusiasm for English study,the Foreign Language Department decides to hold an oral English Contest through the college.Arran

43、gement of the contest:There are two levels:English major and non-English major.Each group will follow three steps:preliminary contest,semi-final contest and final test.It will be held on Dec.10th.Content of the contest:First,recite a short passage.Second,make a five-Minute speech on a given topic.La

44、stly,answer some questions based on the speech.Registration:Dec.2nd Room 201,office building The foreign Language Department,简历,简历写作主要围绕个人基本信息、教育情况、工作经历、求职目标和专长,按照顺时针或逆时针的顺序来写,其中个人信息和教育及工作经历是必不可少的项目。简历中使用的语言应该简洁明确,尽可能使用短语形式,一般不用完整的句子。简历中常用的惯用语:Date of birth/birthplace/native placePresent address/per

45、manent addressHome phone/office homePost code,Marital status(married or single)Education backgroundWork experienceEmployment recordPart-time/full-time jobAchievement Job objectivePosition wantedDate of availability(可到职时间)Major/minor,specialized courses,/courses takenScholarshipIntern(实习生)Hobbies/interests,


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