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1、,单项选择、完形填空解读,中 考 专 题 复 习,阅读理解 Reading Comprehension,By Cheng YaojuYangmiao Middle School,Lets have a guessing game!,Translate the following famous English proverbs(谚语)into Chinese!,1.Far from eye,far from heart!,眼不见,心不烦!,2.Good medicine tastes bitter to the mouth.,良药苦口!,3.The early bird gets the wor

2、m.,早起的鸟儿有虫吃。,4.Laughter is the best medicine.,笑一笑,十年少。,5.Talk of the devil and he is sure to appear.,说曹操,曹操到。,Better understanding will help you a lot in reading comprehension!,Try to guess!,For those fourteen days,the students have to take care of the eggs as if they were real babies.Students whose

3、 eggs get broken have to start the two weeks all over again with a new egg.,In the third line of Paragraph 2,“they”refers to_.A.teachers B.students C.eggs D.babies,c,试题类型一:,词义、句义题,词义、句义题,试题类型一:,Robots also help disabled people,for example,blind people.Today many blind people have a guide(向导)dog to h

4、elp them.In the future,guide dogs might be robot dogs.,The underlined word“disabled”means_.不能的 有害的C.失灵的D.残疾的,D,They eat so little that they can lose as much as fifty percent of their total body weight,and although they look like skeletons,they still insist(坚持)that they are fat.,“They look like skele

5、tons”in paragraph 3 most probably means A.they are very pretty B.they are too thinC.they are very uglyD.they are starving,B,词义、句义题,试题类型一:,题干类型:1.In paragraph 2,“that”refers to_.2.What does the underlined word”anxious”mean in Chinese?3.What does the sentence“”really mean?,How to guess:the new words t

6、he new expressions,词义、句义题,试题类型一:,(1)构词法来帮你,disclosemodernizeroommate mis-understanding,室友误解现代化揭开,词义、句义题,试题类型一:,(2)定义释义来帮你,Microphone is an instrument(工具),We can speak loudly and clearly through it.Microscope means_.,麦克风,词义、句义题,试题类型一:,(3)关键词来帮你,He was found innocent in the court(法庭),that is to say,he

7、 could come home soon.A.无知的 B.有罪的 C.释放 D.无辜的,注意:that is to say,and,but,athough,because等信号词。,:等标点。,that is to say,D.无辜的,词义、句义题,这类题主要考察学生对社会、文化、历史、地理等一般科普常识的掌握程度。这类题有时与文章并没有直接关系,学生只能凭借自己所掌握的知识进行推理判断。,试题类型一:,(4)常识来帮你,eg:Chinese people usually use _ to eat food with.A.knives and forks B.fingers C.chopst

8、icks,C,直观题,试题类型二:,On Christmas Evethe night before Christmas Daychildren all over Britain put a stocking at the end of their beds before they go to sleep.Their parents usually tell them that Father Christmas will come during the night.,Christmas Eve is _.the night of Christmas Day the night before C

9、hristmas Day C.Christmas Day D.the evening of Christmas,the night before ChristmasDay,B,此类题主要考察学生对相关信息的识别能力,答案一般在原文中能找到。,推理题,试题类型三:,While in school,sometimes you are tired of your lessons,but have you ever noticed the happy smile on your teachers face when you did a good job?,According to the passag

10、e,in school,_.the students dont like their lessons the teachers dont like their teaching C.the teachers will be happy if the students do good jobs.D.the teachers are tired of their work,c,此类题需要透过文章信息进行深入的分析,根据上下文及其内在联系对篇章进行深入推断。,Which subject of the following was Jenny best at?A.Maths.B.Chinese.C.En

11、glish.D.Science.,试题类型四:,识图题,识图题一般以图片或图表形式出现,这类题难度低,只要我们耐心、细心读出它的含义。,A+,Which subject of the following was Jenny best at?A.Maths.B.Chinese.C.English.D.Science.,试题类型四:,识图题,C,2008年中考嘉兴英语试题,Students are leaving the junior high schoolWhat are they taking with them?A lot of things for sure,but the most im

12、portant thing is friends We asked some teachers to give us one last lessonThe lesson is proverbs(谚语、格言)about friendsProverbs teach people about lifeOlder people often teach proverbs to younger peopleEvery culture has proverbsThey are short and easy to remember Mrs.Minnelli says,It is important to re

13、member this Sicilian proverb,Only your real friends will tell you when your face is dirtyIt means that only good friends tell you when you are making a mistake,2008年中考嘉兴英语试题,Mr.Schmidt says,I have a favorite proverb about friends,Friendship is a plant we must waterIt is GermanIt means that we need t

14、o take care of friends like we take care of a garden Mr.Tulga says,My grandfather in Turkey told me,Nobody is so rich that he can throw away a friend It means that everyone needs friendsBe good to them The good news is:there is no test for this lessonThe bad news is:we will miss you Goodbye,friends!

15、Dont forget us!,是非判断题,试题类型五:,56.Which of the following is true from the passage?AOnly some countries have their proverbs about friends BAfter the last lesson,the students will have a test for it CIf you are rich enough,you can throw away your friends.DProverbs are usually short,and they teach people

16、 about life,D,是非判断题,试题类型五:,题干类型:1.Which of the following is(NOT)true?2.Which of the following descriptions about is right?3.“True”or“False”statements.,这类题往往最能反映出题者的意图,选项中会有干扰。干扰项常常是:无中生有,张冠李戴,以偏概全,扩大内容。排除法很有用哦!,主旨大意题,试题类型六:,57.The writer of the passage mainly wants us to know_.some proverbs about cu

17、lture B.ways to take care of a friendC.the importance of friendship D.students feelings in the last lesson,C,主旨大意题,试题类型六:,题干类型:Which is the best title of the passage?The writer thinks_.The writer wants to tell us_.The main idea of the passage is_.,这类题我们往往要通过理解全文的意思才能选出;切忌以点代面,以偏概全。阅读时要学会找出文章的中心句文章的首

18、尾段及各段的首尾句往往是探察全文内容的窗口。,Can you find the topic sentence?,1)主题句在段首,Practising listening is a good way to improve your listening skills.When you listen to something in English,try to note down key information.You can also write down key words and expressions.While listening,you may not understand much

19、at first.Keep on listening and you will understand more.,2)主题句在段末,If you were planning to buy a television set,the following advertisement would certainly attract your attention:“Color TV,only$79.Two day sale.Hurry.”However,when you go to the store ready to buy,you may discover that the advertised s

20、ets are sold out,but the salesman is quick to reassure you that he has another model,a more reliable set which is:just right for you.”It costs$395.Buying things on sale requires careful consideration of the goods and the reasons for the sale.,Can you find the topic sentence?,训练策略,略读全文抓中心(每段首末句)详读选项寻题眼(关键词)瞻前顾后用排除(出题者意图)复核检查定结果(相信第一感觉),Homework,Try to use these skills to finish reading comprehension from now on.,Thank you!,I wish you a success in the exam!,


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