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1、定语从句,1.The man is a farmer.,2.The man is speaking at the meeting.,合并句子:,The man who is speaking at the meeting is a farmer.,Mary is a girl.,Mary has long hair.,合并为一个句子,Mary is a girl who has long hair.,定语从句,概念:在复合句中修饰名词或代词的句子.定语从句要放在所修饰的词后。,(Attributive clause),Mary is a beautiful girl.,Mary is a gi

2、rl who has long hair.,形容词作定语,句子作定语,修饰girl,叫做定语从句,先行词,关系词,定语从句,Mary is a girl who has long hair.,关系代词,关系副词,which,who,whom,whose,that,Where,when,why,定语从句的构成:先行词+关系词+定语从句,1.先行词:被定语从句修饰的名词或代词叫做先行词。,2.关系词:指代先行词,放在先行词和定语从句之间起连接作用,并在订单与从句中作句子成分的词叫做关系词。包括关系代词和关系副词。关系代词:that,who,whom,whose,which.关系副词:when,wh

3、ere,why等,3.关系词的三个作用:引导定语从句代替先行词在定语从句中担当一个成分,所以定语从句中不能再出现相当于先行词的词。,注意:(1)关系代词在句中作宾语时常可以省略。(2)关系代词前有介词且先行词指物时,关系代词只能用which;指人时,关系代词只能用whom,且不可以省略。,二.关系代词引导的定语从句:,1.which 引导的定语从句.,which指物,在定语从句中作主语,宾语。作宾语时which可以省略,如果介词提到which 前,则which 不可省略。,eg.These are the trees which were planted last year.,(which 作

4、主语,不可省),The story which he told was very popular.,(which作told的宾语可以省略),The house in which I used to live has become a shoe shop.,(which作in的宾语不可省略),2.who,whom引导的定语从句,两者都用于指人,who在定语从句中作主语,宾语;whom在定语从句中作主语宾语。作宾语的关系代词who,whom可以省略,如果介词提到who,whom的前面时,则只能用whom且不可以省略。,eg.The man who is speaking at the meetin

5、g is a worker.,(who做主语不可省略),The woman who/whom they wanted to visit is a teacher。.,(who/whom作visit的宾语可以省略),The person to who you just talked is Deep.,(x,who-whom,且不可省略),3.that引导的定语从句,that既可以指人也可以指物,在定语从句作主语,宾语,表语。作宾语时可以省略。作介词宾语时,介词不可以提到that 之前,若介词提前,指物用which,指人用whom.,eg.The woman(that who/whom/)they

6、 wanted to visit is a teacher.,The letter(that/which)I received yesterday is from my uncle.,Where is the girl that/who was injured(受伤)in the accident?,(4)She is no longer the girl that she was in her childhood.,(that/who/whom指人作宾语,可省略),(that/which指物做宾语,可省略),(that/who指人做主语,不可省略),(that指人作表语,不可省略),4.wh

7、ose 引导的定语从句,whose既可以指人也可以指物,在定语从句中作定语,I know the girl.,The girls mother is a teacher.,I know the girl whose mother is a teacher.,I live in a room,The rooms window opens to the south.,I live in a room whose window opens to the south.,三.定语从句中的主谓一致,关系代词在定语从句中作主语时,定语从句的谓语动词要和先行词的人称和数保持一致.,eg.She loves m

8、usic which is quiet and beautiful.,I like musicians who write their own music.,下列情况只能用that,1.当先行词是序数词或形容词最高级,或被其修饰时。,eg.Tom is the cleverest boy that I have ever known.,2.当先行词是不定代词或被不定代词修饰时先行词是指物的anything,everything,nothing,something,some,few,little,much,any,all,none,the one,等不定代词时或者由every,any,all,s

9、ome,no,little,few,much等不定代词修饰时,关系代词用that,不用which。,eg.Everything that we saw in the film was OK.,eg.All that I can do has been done.3.当先行词被all,little,few,much,any,every,no等修饰时 eg.I have eaten all the food that is left.4.当先行词是There be 句型中的主语且指物时。eg.There is little work that is fit for you.没有什么工作适合你做。,

10、5.当先行词同时包括人或物时。eg.We often talk about the people and the things that we are interested in.我们常常谈论我们感兴趣的人或事。6.当主句是who或which时。eg.Who is the girl that has black long hair?eg.Which is the pen that you bought?,7.当先行词作主句的表语时。eg.China is not the country that used to.中国不再是过去那样的国家。eg.Its a sunny day that we a

11、re longing for.这就是我们所渴望的晴天。,8.当先行词被the only,the very,the same,the last等修饰时。eg.This is the very beautiful girl that Im looking for.这正是我一直在寻找的漂亮女孩.eg.Thats the only thing that I can do now.eg.You are the last person that I meet here.你是我在这儿遇见的最后一个人。,只能使用which不用that的情况。1、非限制性定语从句中指事物时。eg.Mary has a book

12、,which is very precious.2、关系代词前有介词且指事物时。eg.This is a house in which lives an old man.3、当主句中的主语被that修饰或者先行词本身是that时。eg.That dog which I found in the street belongs to Mary.,下列情况指人只能用who,而不用that,1.当先行词是指人的不定代词anyone,one,ones,those时,只能用who,egAnyone who works on math problems must be careful.,2.在非限制性定语从

13、句中只能用who,以及介词后面时只能用whom。,eg.I have a son,who is really lovely and interesting.There are 40 students in the class,most of whom are boys.,Exercise,1.I have a friend _ likes listening to classical music.,who/that,which/that,whose,3.The man _ leg broke in a match used to be a football player.,2.Yesterda

14、y Emily was wearing the new dress _ I gave her.,4.My parents live in a house_ is more than 100 years old.,5.The boy with _ John spoke is my brother.,which/that,whom,6.Kevin is reading a book _ is too difficult for him.,which/that,7.Is there anything _ you want to buy in the town.,8.All _ we can do i

15、s to study hard.,9.The first one _ stands up is a little boy.,that,that,that,Consolidation exercises.Fill in the blanks with suitable relative pronouns.1.This is the only book _ I got last year.2.Is this the book in _ you are interested?3.This is the largest animal _ Tom saw in the zoo.4.Rose still

16、remembers the trees and teachers_ exist(存在)in the mother school.5.All the desks _ are bought look really wonderful.6.Do you have any money _is used to build the factory?7.Tom has a toy,_ was given by his father.8.This is the second watch _ my father bought for me.,that,which,that,that,that,that,whic

17、h,that,句子翻译,1.这就是救了那个孩子命的医生.,This is the doctor who saved the boys life.,2.正在跑步的那个人是我的叔叔.,The man who is running is my uncle.,3.我喜欢可以随之而唱的音乐.,I like the music that I can sing along with.,4.住在隔壁的那个女的是一名教师.,The woman who lives next door is a teacher.,四.关系副词引导的定语从句:,1.when 引导的定语从句,when指时间,在定语从句中作时间状语。它

18、的先行词通常是time,day,week等表示时间的名词。此时可用on which,in which,during which 等代替.,She wont forget the days when they stayed together.,2.where 引导的定语从句,where指地点,在定语从句中作地点状语。它的先行词为place,huose,country等表示地点的名词。此时可用in which,at which等代替。,Is this the house where(in which)Mr Smith lives?,3.why 引导的定语从句,why指原因,在定语从句中做原因状语。

19、它的先行词通常为reason.此时通常可用for which代替。,I dont know the reason why(for which)he havent come today.,关系副词when,where,why的用法以及与关系代词的区分。关系副词在定语从句当中只能充当状语,当一个句子能够完整地表达一个意思时,我们就可以给这个句子加上特定的关系副词。eg.I wont forget the time when I got married.Have you still remember the days when we stayed together?This is the place

20、 where we had a good time.Is this the house where Mr Smith lives?I dont know the reason why he wont join us.Do you know the reason why he didnt come to sweep the classroom?,关系副词when,where和关系代词that,which的区分。同样是修饰一个地点,有时使用where,有时使用that/which;同样是修饰一个时间,有时使用when,有时使用that/which。这主要看两点:一是定语从句是否完整;二是定语从句中

21、的谓语动词是否是一个及物动词。请比较以下句子:This is the park that we visited last year.This is the park where we held a birthday party.She wont forget the days that she spent on the island.She wont forget the days when they stayed together.Thats the date when we went to the college.Thats the date that she wont forget fo

22、r ever.I like the time when we lived together.I like the time that we had together.,关系副词when,where,why 和介词+which之间的关系。关系副词when,where,why可以用适当的介词+which来替代。如:when=in/on/at+which,where=in/on/at+which,why=for+which介词的位置非常灵活,有时放在关系代词之前,有时放在动词之后。eg.1.I wont forget the date when(on which)I was born.2.This

23、is the room where(in which)I lived.=This is the room which I lived in.3.I dont know the reason why(for which)he havent come today.4.Tom still remembers the days when(in which)they lived in Tianjin.,Exercises:Fill in the blanks with appropriate relative pronouns and adverbs.1.Is this the room _ you c

24、leaned last time?2.Is this the room _ we lived before?3.This is the garden _ they stayed for a night.4.This is the garden _ they visited last time.5.Tom has forgotten the day _ he left his home.6.Tom has forgotten the day _ I told him last day.7.She still remembers the year _ she found her first job

25、.8.She still remembers the year _ she spent in Jining.,9.Is this the room _ we spent our childhood?10.This dictionary is the second one _ I bought in the shop.11.I still remember the date _ I went to Nanjing for the first time.12.Tom is thinking about the grass and the persons _ he saw in the yard.1

26、3.There are 100 old men in the street,some of _ are drinking tea.14.Do you know the days _ you spent on English?15.All the books _are on the shelf belong to Mary.16.Are you satisfied with the park _ you visited last time?17._As we all know,the building will soon be destroyed.18.I have the same book _ she has.,Thank you!,Bye-bye,


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