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1、代 词,1.Look at the photo.The girl beside _is Nancy.A.I B.my C.me D.mine 2.My aunt has two children.But of them lives with her.A.each B.neither C.either D.both 3.On sides of the street are a lot of colorful flowers.A.each 13.both C.either D.all,C,B,B,4.Weve got two TV sets,but works well.A.any B.both

2、C.either D.neither 5.-Do you prefer milk or orange juice?-I dont like.I usually drink coffee.A.other B.another C.neither D.either 6.Oh!I came in a hurry and forgot to bring food.-Never mind.You can have_ A.us B.ours C.you D.yours,D,D,B,考点精析与解题指导 英语代词可分为八大类:人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、不定代词、指示代词、疑问代词、关系代词和连接代词八种。h

3、er,they,mine,their,himself,those,how,none,what.,考点一:人称代词,1选择主格与宾格 人称代词分为:主格形式与宾格形式。如:He is a student.(he是主格,作句子的主语)We dont know him(him是宾格,作句子的宾语)2人称代词的排序(1)I的用法:先人后己。如:He and l will go to the library.(2)混合排序:you he/she and I如:You,he and l went fishing last Sunday.,3it作形式主语(宾语)(1)it代替动词不定式。如:Its int

4、eresting to learn English(2)it代替动词的-ing形式。如:Its nice talking with you.(3)it代替从句。如:lts true that he failed the exam(4)it 代替动词不定式,作宾语.I found it difficult to finish the work on time.,1.-Sally,could you go and help your father wash the car?-Why?Im busy now.Amy is lying on the grass doing nothing。A.me B

5、I Chim Dher2.Please tell about it if doesnt know itA.she,she Bhers,her Cherself,her Dher,she3.We find impossible to get there before 8 oclockA.her B.it C.this D.that,A,D,B,考点二:物主代词,表示所有关系的代词叫作物主代词。物主代词分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。形容词性物主代词在句中只能作定语,相当于一个形容词,后接名词;名词性物主代词在句中可作表语、主语和宾语,相当于一个名词。1形容词性物主代词与名词性物主代词的区别

6、 形容词性物主代词,作定语,后面加名词。如:This is my book.名词性物主代词,具有名词特征,后面不加名词。如:This book is mine,2含有物主代词的重要词组:do ones best try ones best all ones life do ones homework on ones way to take ones time with ones help to ones surprise change ones mind,解题指导 1.-ls this your bicycle,David?-No.its not.Its Helens.A.his B.your

7、s C.mine D.hers 2.-Which classmate is the best friend of_?I think Helen is A.you B.your C.yours D.yourself 3.-Excuse me,is this _ watch?-No,its not _.Its Toms.A.your,my B.yours,mine C.your,mine D.yours.my,C,C,C,考点三:反身代词反身代词是表示“某人自己”的代词。其形式有:,解题指导 1.No one helped Millie.She did it all by_.A.myself B.

8、herself C.himself D.yourself 2.Joan and Dick are too busy to help us.Lets do it_.Aherself Bhimself C.themselves D.ourselves 3.Hi,boys and girls,did you enjoy _ at the party?(you),B,D,yourselves,考点四:常见不定代词的一般用法1few,a few,little,a little的用法:,2some,any,no,every构成的复合不定代词,如果有形容词修饰,该形容词必须后置。如:There is not

9、hing wrong with the radio.这台收音机没有毛病。I have something important to tell you.我有重要事情告诉你。,3both/all/none all的意思是“全体”,“所有”,可代表或修饰三个以上的人或物。如:昨天我所有的朋友都来看我了。All my friends came to see me yesterday.both指“两者都”。如:我父母两人都是医生。Both of my parents are doctors.none“没有”表示三者或三者以上都不,后常跟介词of。如:他们没有一个人是工人。None of them are

10、(is)workers。,4every/each(1)every+单数名词“每一个”,强调共性,作定语,形式上为单数。如:Every student must study hard每个学生必须努力。(2)each“每一个”,强调个性,作定语、主语、宾语和同位语,常与of连用。如:Each student must study hard.每个学生必须努力。Each of them likes football.他们每个人都喜欢足球。,5.both/either/neither(1)both“(两者)都”,作主语时,看作复数;作定语时,后跟名词复数。如:Both of the two boys c

11、an play basketball very well.这两个孩子打篮球都打得很好。There are many trees on both sides of the street.在街道的两旁有许多树。,(2)either“两者中任何一个”,作主语时,谓语用第三人称单数;作定语时,后跟名词单数。如:There are some trees on either side of the street.在街道的某一边有一些树。-Which one do you like better,this one or that one?这个和那个相比,你更喜欢哪一个?-Either is OK哪个都行。,

12、(3)neither“(两者)都不”,含有否定意义,用法同either。如:-Which do you like better,coffee or milk?咖啡和牛奶,你更喜欢哪个?-Neither,Id like to have some tea,please.都不喜欢,我只想喝些茶。,6.another/the other/the others/others(l)one-the other”(两者中)一个,另一个”。如:I have two brothers.One is a policeman,and the other is a doctor.我有两个兄弟。一个是警察,另一个是医生。

13、(2)another+单数名词“(三者以上当中的)另一个”。当我们“买东西,吃东西”时,尽管只提到了两个东西,但要用another。如:-This shirt is too small.Would you please show me another one?这件衬衣太小。再给我拿一件,好吗?-Sure.What about this one?好,这件怎么样?,(3)the other+复数名词一the others“(确定范围内剩下的)其他的人或物”There are fifty students in my class.Among us,twenty-five are boys,the o

14、thers are girls.我班有50个学生。其中25个男生,其他是女生。(4)others“(不确定范围的)别人”Lei Feng is always ready to help others.雷锋总是乐于助人。Its impolite to laugh at others.嘲笑别人是不礼貌的。,解题指导 1.On sides of the street are a lot of colourful flowers A.each B.both C.either D.all 2.We ve got two TV sets,but works well.A.any B.both C.eith

15、er D.neither 3.-A latest English newspaper,please!-Only one copy left.Would you like to have_,sir?A.it B.one C.this D.that,B,D,A,考点五:指示代词的一般用法 表示“这个”“那个”“这些”“那些”等指示意义的代词称为指示代词。指示代词有this,that,these,those等。(I)This(these)常用来指在时间或空间上较近的事物。this单数-these复数。that(those)常指在时间或空间上较远的事物。that单数-those复数。(2)它们都可以指

16、代前面提到过的名词。例如:My room is larger than that of my brother.我的房间比我弟弟的大。,The books here are more expensive than the ones(those)over there,这里的书比那里的贵。The weather in Beijing is different from that in Harbin.北京的天气与哈尔滨的天气不同。The population of China is larger than that of Japan.中国的人口比日本的人口多。,解题指导 1.The populatio

17、n of China is much larger than_ of Russia.A.this B.those C.it D.that 2.The pears in my basket are smaller than _ in Jims A.it B.that C.ones D.those 3.The cars made in Japan are much cheaper than_ made in America.A.ones B.those C.than D.it,D,D,B,考点六:疑问代词的基本用法 疑问代词是指5个“wh”:who(谁),whose(谁的),whom(谁)what

18、(什么),which(哪个)。1who与whom who在句中通常用作主语和表语whom作宾语。在口语中,常用who代替whom,但是若前面有介词,还是用whom.Who is the woman in blue sweater?那个穿蓝色毛衣的女人是谁?Whom are you waiting for?你们在等谁?Whom did you play basketball with?你和谁一起打篮球的?,2which与what which常表示在一定范围之内的选择,what则没有这种限制,如:Which do you prefer,rice or noodles?你喜欢哪个,米饭还是面条?Wh

19、at do you like to do on weekends?你在周末做什么?,解题指导 1-_is your telephone number?-8652738.AHow BWhat CHow many DHow much 2-does your cousin look like?-Hes tall and thin.A.What B.Where C.Who D.Which 3.-idea did you take?-Johns A.What B.Who C.Where D.Whose,B,A,D,1-Is here?-No,John and Bob have asked for lea

20、ve.A.nobody Banybody C.somebody D.everybody 2.A lot of story books are on sale.but_ are good ones.A.any B.some C.few D.many 3.-May I have a glass of beer,please?-Beer?Sorry.theres_ left.but would you tike some juice instead?A.none Bsomething Cno one Dnothing 4.Each of the students is going to have_

21、examination before graduation.A.he Bhim Chimself Dhis,D,C,A,D,5.-I saw Tony at the party.But he didnt speak to me _evening.-Maybe he didnt see you.A.all B.every C.either D.another 6.As students.we should always be ready to help_ whenever they are in trouble.A.others B.the other C.the others D.the ot

22、her student 7.-Oh,the new school uniform looks ugly!I dont like the colour!-.I think the uniform is.out of style!And girls should wear skirts pants!A.Me,neither;instead of B.Me,too;instead of C.Me,neither;without D.Me,too;without 8.My son wants a pet rabbit for long,but I have no time to buy for him

23、.A.it B.that C the one D.one,A,A,A,D,9.-It was quite a heavy snow last night.Is everyone here now?-Yes,and of us was late for school this morning.A.neither B.either C.all D.none 10.-Two Evening Papers,please!-Only one copy left.Would you like to have,sir?A.one B.it C.this D.that 11.-Do you like the

24、pop star Zhou Jielun or the movie star Liu Dehua?-.I am not their fan.A.Both B.Either C.Neither D.All 12.Theres a red car parking in our neighborhood.Do you know it is?A.what B.who C.whose D.whom,D,B,C,C,13.-Which tie is more suitable for me the red one or blue one?-I have no idea.Youd better take t

25、hem.A.all B.each C.every D.both 14.-She is too busy to help us finish the work.-Lets do it.A.herself B.myself C.ourselves D.itself 15.Don t worry.He s got much food.You can share.A.some of mine B.some of yours C.some of his 16.Help to some fish,children.A.yourselves B.yourself C.you D.yours,D,C,C,A,

26、17.Peter cant look after.so her mother has to look after.A.him,himself B.himself,him C.he,him D.his,him 18.Who teaches French,do you know?A.we B.our C.us D.ours 19.-Do you live by yourself,Mr.Wang?-Yes.I have two sons.But of them lives with me.They are now studying in America.A.neither B.both C.none

27、 D.either 20.This machine is very easy to use.can learn to use it in a very short time.A.Somebody B.Anybody C Nobody D.Few people,B,C,A,B,21.There is someone at the door.Can you go and see who is?A.he B.she C.that D.it 22-When shall we meet again next time?-day is OK.A.Either B.Neither C.None D.Any

28、23.-When shall we meet again,this morning or this afternoon?-I dont mind.time is all right.A.Either B.Every C Neither D.Both 24.There is milk left.We have to go and buy some at once.A.a little B.a few C.few D.little,D,D,A,D,25.I want to buy a pair of shoes.A.me B.mine C.my D.myself 26.1ve never seen

29、 wonderful film before.A.a such B.such a C.such D.such an 27.Dont worry.We still have time left.A.few B.a few C.little D.a little 28.Not all of them go home on Saturdays._ still stay at school.A.Few B.A few C.Little D.A little,D,B,D,B,29.The question is so hard that of the students in our class can

30、answer it.A.all B.both C.none D.neither 30.The cars made in Japan are much cheaper than _made in America.A.ones B.those C.that D.it 31.My favourite is getting stamps.I need before I have 3000 0nes.A.more one B.any more C.one more D.more than 32.There are several pens here,You can use of them.A.any B

31、.both C.either D.every,A,29.The question is so hard that of the students in our class can answer it.A.all B.both C.none D.neither 30.The cars made in Japan are much cheaper than _made in America.A.ones B.those C.that D.it 31.My favourite is getting stamps.I need_ before I have 3000 0nes.A.more one B

32、.any more C.one more D.more than 32.There are several pens here,You can use_ of them.A.any B.both C.either D.every,C,B,C,A,33.-Have you got a ruler?-Yes,I have.I bought yesterday.A.one,it B.it,one C.it,it D.one.one 34.I have three skirts.One is old,two are new.A.other B.the other C.others D.the othe

33、rs 35.Remember not to lend this computer to.A.other B.the other C.others D.another 36.Would you like cup of tea,please?A.some B.any C.another D.some more,A,A,C,C,37._ my father nor my mother is a teacher.A.Each B.Either C.Both D.Neither 38.Here are two bikes.You can use of them.A.each B.either C.eve

34、ry D.neither 39.He didnt read as pages as she did.A.some B.many C.any D.all 40.The people want to plant apple trees on _ side of the river.A.other B.the other C.others D.another,D,B,B,B,41.do you like best,pork,chicken or beef?A.What B.Which C.Who D.Whose 42.We found necessary to protect the environ

35、ment.A.it B.this C.that D.what 43.He says he has to do with the matter.A.anything B.something C.everything D.nothing 44.can live without water or air.A.Anybody B.Somebody C.Everybody D.Nobody,B,A,D,D,45.We have three small rooms.room can seat about 20 people.A.All B.One C.Both D.Each 46.Lucy hasnt d

36、one as _ _ work as you have.A.much B.many C.lot D.more 47.The old man has friends.So he often feels lonely.A.few B.a few C.little D.a little 48.-Hello,who s?-Hello,is Mary speaking.A.this,that B.that,this C.this,this D.that,that,D,A,A,B,49.-Do you want more tea?-Yes,please.A.many B.much C.any D.some

37、 50.The weather in summer in Beijing is cooler than.in Shanghai.A.this B.that C.it D.its 51.A friend of will go with me.A.my B.me C.mine D.I 52.There are some trees on side of the street.A.each B.every C.both D.all,D,B,C,A,53.He gave me two answers _ the question,but of them is right.A.of,neither B.to,both C.of,none D.to,neither 54.He was too happy to say _ A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything 55.-_ is your father?-He is an officer.A.Who B.What C.That D.Whom,D,B,B,


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