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1、Unit 11 TRIPS,Text The TRIPS Agreement-To learn about the background of concluding TRIPS,the scope and the main principles thereof Text TRIPS:Part I:Art.1-Art.8&Part VII:Art.68,Art.71-Art.73-To learn some principles of TRIPS through reading part of TRIPSTypical Sentence Patterns:litigation instrumen

2、ts(I),Text The TRIPS Agreement,Useful expressions:to date(adverbial),lay-out design,set out/set off/set down/lay down,confer(right,degree,honor)on sb.,exception to(prep.),term/duration of protection,by reference,be silent on/as to.,remedy for,right holder,provide for,flow from,phase in cf.phase out,

3、be left free to do sth.,accord sth.to sb.,have a close attachment to sb./sth.,benefit(vt.)cf.benefit from,material reciprocity,become barriers to sth.,legitimate trade,in conjunction with,be conducive toTerms:minimum standards,moral right,provisional measure,border measure,NT,MFNProper names:TRIPS,B

4、erne and Paris-plus agreement,IPRs,the 1986 Punta del Este Declaration,the 1988/99 Mid-Term Review,Major contents of Text I,Full text:Summary:http:/www.wto.org/english/docs_e/legal_e/ursum_e.htm#nAgreementChinese version:1.General information of TRIPS:effective date,function,scope of protection2.Thr

5、ee main features:-minimum standards agreement(Part I,Arts.1(1),2):meaning and how?-enforcement of IPRs(Part III):general and additional principles-dispute settlement procedures(Part V):subject to the WTOs dispute settlement procedures3.Certain general provisions:embodied in the Preamble and Part I,T

6、erms,minimum standards 最低(保护)标准原则-see Part I,Art.2最低(保护)标准原则,是指各缔约国依据本国法对该条约缔约国国民的知识产权保护不能低于该条约规定的最低标准,这些标准包括权利保护对象、权利取得方式、权利内容及限制、权利保护期间等。在知识产权保护标准问题上,国际公约采取了“可就高不就低”的做法。所谓“不就低”,就是采取“最低保护标准”,各缔约国必须遵从之;所谓“可就高”,即是否超出最低标准,各缔约国可自行选择之。,moral right 精神权利、著作人身权-see Part II,Section 1,Art.9(1)-The only provi

7、sions of the Berne Convention which have not been incorporated into TRIPS concern moral rights.Moral rights are the right of the author to control certain uses of their works to protect their reputation as artists,and for their authorship to be recognized.Moral rights are distinct from what are some

8、times known as pecuniary/economic rights(such as the right to make copies or the right to broadcast).-,著作权人对其创作的文学、艺术和科学作品所享有的各项以人身利益为内容的权利。主要包括发表权、署名权、作者身份权、修改权、保护作品完整权及已发表作品的收回权。伯尔尼公约详细规定了人身权的种类。发表权:right to publish a work署名权:right to claim authorship 署名权有时候表述为身份权:right of paternity(父权)/the right

9、to identify as author保护作品完整权:right to the integrity of work修改权:right to alteration/modification收回权:right to recall/redeem a work,provisional measure 临时措施-see Part III,Section 3根据与贸易有关的知识产权协定(Trips协议)第五十条之规定,当任何迟延有可能对权利所有者造成无法弥补的损害,或者存在证据被销毁的明显危险时,权利所有者有权请求司法部门采取及时有效的临时性措施,以防止发生对知识产权的侵权行为,保存有关被指控侵权行为

10、的证据。这一规定,一般称之为临时性措施,也叫临时禁令。,border measures 边境措施-see Part III,Section 4对知识产权海关保护,指海关依法禁止侵犯知识产权的货物进出口的措施。NT 国民待遇-see Part I,Art.3MFN 最惠国待遇-see Part I,Art.4,Proper names,TRIPS 与贸易有关的知识产权(分)协议(the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights)-Annex1C of the Marrakesh Agreement Est

11、ablishing the World Trade Organization:Preamble&7 Parts(73 Articles),Contents table of TRIPS PREAMBLE PART I General Provisions and Basic PrinciplesPART II Standards Concerning the Availability,Scope and Use of Intellectual Property RightsPART III Enforcement of Intellectual Property RightsPART IV A

12、cquisition and Maintenance of Intellectual Property Rights and Related Inter-Partes ProceduresPART V Dispute Prevention and SettlementPART VI Transitional ArrangementsPART VII Institutional Arrangements;Final Provisions,Preamble Members,Desiring to;Recognizing;Recognizing;Recognizing;Recognizing;Rec

13、ognizing also;Emphasizing;Desiring;Herebyagree as follows:,Proper names,the 1986 Punta del Este Declaration(1986年9月乌拉圭回合谈判初的)埃斯特角宣言the 1988/99 Mid-Term Review 1988/89年中期审查,Text TRIPS:part of the text,Useful expressions:give effect to,be obliged to do sth.,criterion for,eligibility for,avail oneself of,derogate from,be exempt(ed)from,under the auspices of,resort to(prep.),in consultation with,in(the)light of,in pursuance ofTerms:exhaustionProper names:Council for TRIPS,UN Charter,Terms and proper names,exhaustion 权利用尽(原则)-see Art.6Council for TRIPS:TRIPS理事会-see Art.68UN Charter 联合国宪章,


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