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1、,Period Nine,动词及其时态,大纲中要求掌握五个基本时态;一般现在时、一般过去时、一般现在进行时、一般将来时、现在完成时。理解各种时态的概念,掌握在句中的结构和提示时态的时间状语。一、动词的定义及分类1.动词的定义 动词是表示人物的动作或状态的词,有时态,语态等形式上的变化,一般在句中构成谓语。2.动词的分类,二、及物动词与不及物动词1.及物动词的定义 及物动词是指后面有宾语的动词,宾语通常由 名词、代词、v-ing形式、动词不定式等构成。eg:I like English.我喜欢英语。2.及物动词的用法(1)及物动词可用于被动语态中。eg:The house was built t

2、wo years ago.这座房子是两年前修建的。(2)及物动词可以有一个或两个直接宾语、间接宾 语或复合宾语。eg:,My mother gave me 5 yuan.我妈妈给了我五元钱。Keep the classroom clean and tidy.保持室内干净、整洁。(3)sell,feel,taste,wash,read,write等及物动词常 用作不及物动词,表示被动的意思,用来说 明主语的特征,这时主语是物而不是人。eg:The kind of food tastes sweet.这种食物尝起来很甜。My new pen writes well.我的新钢笔很好使。3.不及物动词

3、的定义 不及物动词是指后面不直接带宾语的动词。eg:,Please look at the blackboard.请看黑板。三、系动词1.系动词的定义 系动词本身有一定的词义,但不能单独作谓语,必须和表语一起构成谓语,常见的系动词有:be(是),become(变成、行为),feel(感觉),get(变得、成为),grow(变得),keep(保持),look(看上去),seem(似乎、好像),turn(变得),sound(听起来),smell(闻起来),taste(尝起来),go(变为,处于状态)等。这类词没有被动 语态形式,也不用于进行时态。,2.系动词的用法(1)表状态的系动词有:look,

4、be,seem,sound,taste,feel,smell,keep,lie,stay等。构成谓语 的方式是:look+形容词/名词/介词短语/动词不定式/过 去分词/as if从句;be+名词/代词/介词短语/副 词/形容词/动词不定式/名词所有格/名词性物 主代词/现在分词/过去分词;seem+形容词/名 词/动词不定式/从句;feel/sound/taste/smell+形容词。eg:She looks disappointed.她看上去很失望。It looks as if its going to be a nice day.看样子是个好天。,His job is to clean

5、the blackboard.他的工作是擦黑板。The book is mine.这本书是我的。It seem(to be)the best solution.这似乎是最好的解决方法。It seems that she is right.似乎她是对的。The dinner smells good.这饭菜闻起来真香。Please keep quiet.请安静。We stayed to see what would happen.我们留下来看进一步的发展。(2)表示状态变化的系动词有:become,get,turn,grow.它们构成谓语方式为:,人/物+become+名词/形容词;人/物+get

6、+形容 词/过去分词/动词不定式;物+go+形容词;人/物+grow+形容词/过去分词/动词不定式;人/物+turn+形容词。eg:He becomes a writer.他变成了一位作家。They plan to get married in the summer.他们打算夏天结婚。Fish soon goes bad in hot weather.天热时鱼坏得快。It began to grow dark.天渐渐黑了。四、短语动词1.短语动词的定义,动词与其他一些词构成的起动词作用的短语称 为短语动词。有的相当于及物动词,有的相当 于不及物动词,有的兼有及物和不及物动词的 特点。2.短语动

7、词的分类(1)动词+介词,相当于一个及物动词。如:look after,look for,look at,arrive at等。eg:Im looking for my notebook.我正在寻找我的笔记本。Look at the map on the wall,please.请看墙上的地图。,(2)动词+副词,这类动词有的可作及物动词,有 的可作不及物动词。如:ring up(用作及物动 词),look out(用作不及物动词)等。eg:Ill ring you up the day after tomorrow.我后天给你打电话。Look out!Theres a car coming.

8、小心!有辆汽车来了。(3)动词+副词+介词,这类短语动词用作及物动 词。如:catch up with,run out of,get on/along with等。eg:,If you dont study hard,you wont catch up with him.如果你不努力学习,你就不会赶上他。(4)动词+名词+介词,这类短语动词也用作及 物动词。如:take care of,take part in。eg:My mother asks me to take good care of myself.妈妈让我好好照顾我自己。五、动词的基本形式动词的基本形式主要有四种:现在时,v-ing

9、形式、过去时,过去分词。它们的构成及形式如下:,注不规则的动词过去式和过去分词变化规则如下:三个形式完全一样 eg:hurthurthurt cutcutcut putputput 后两个形式一样 eg:meetmetmet leaveleftleft loselostlost 三个形式完全不一样 eg:dodiddone beginbeganbegun swimswamswum,六、动词的时态1.一般现在时 一般现在时除主语为第三人称单数时动词用单 三形式外,谓语动词都用动词原形(谓语是be 动词时,有自己独有的规则)。其否定形式在 am/is/are后加not;含有行为动词的借用于 doe

10、snt/dont,后加动词原形;其疑问形式则把 am/is/are提前;含有行为动词的借用于 does/dont,后加动词原形。(1)表示经常或习惯性的动作或存在的状态,常 与often,usually,always,sometimes,everyday,once a week等 频度副词和时间状语连用。eg:,They often go to school on foot.他们常常步行去上学。He gets up at six oclock every day.他每天六点起床。(2)表示现在的特征或状态。eg:Kate is always ready to help others.凯特总是乐

11、于助人。Nobody is pleased with his answer.没有人对他的回答感到满意。(3)表示客观真理、客观存在等。eg:The earth goes around the sun.地球绕着太阳转。Fujian lies in the southeast of China.福建在中国东南部。,(4)在时间和状语从句中,用现在时表示将来。eg:If you dont go soon,youll be late.如果你不马上走的话,你会迟到的。Ill call you as soon as I get to Beijing.我一到北京就给你去电话。(5)用于谈论日历、时间表、旅程

12、表、籍贯、国 籍等。eg:What day is it tomorrow?明天是星期几?Do you know what time their plane leaves Beijing?你知道他们的飞机几点离开北京吗?,2.一般过去式 一般过去时由动词过去式表示。be 动词变成 was/were;行为动词变成其过去式的形式。其 否定形式在was/were后加not;含有行为动词的 借用于didnt,后加动词原形;其疑问形式则 把was/were提前;含有行为动词的借用于did,后加动词原形。常见的表示过去的时间状语有:last night,yesterday,just now,two year

13、s ago,in 1989等。(1)表示过去某时发生的动作或情况。eg:Li Lei had a busy day yesterday.李雷昨天很忙。It rained last night.昨天晚上下雨了。,(2)表示过去未指明具体时间的动作。eg:I thought you werent at home.我原以为你不在家。I didnt know he was so busy.我不知道他这么忙。(3)表示过去某一段时间内经常或习惯性的动作。eg:Every night,the man upstairs came back late.每天晚上楼上的那个人都回来的很晚。When I was i

14、n the university,I read English aloud every morning.当我在上大学时,每天早晨大声朗读英语。(4)表示过去常常或反复发生的动作,也可用“used to 动 词原形或would+动词原形”。eg:Jim used to be a policeman.吉姆过去曾是一名警察。She would take a walk in the park.她过去常常在公园里散步。,3.一般将来时 一般将来时表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态,或将来某一段时间内经常性的动作或状态,常 与tomorrow,the day after tomorrow,next week,i

15、n a few days等。表示将来的形式主要用四种:(1)助动词will/shall+动词原形,表示将要发生或 存在的状态。eg:The day after tomorrow will be windy.后天有风。What time shall we come?我们应该什么时候来?(2)be going to+动词原形,表示“打算”,有“预 先计划”的意思。eg:Im going to go home tomorrow.我打算明天回家。,She is going to spend her summer holiday in Beijing.她打算在北京度暑假。(3)有些表示位置移动的动词,可

16、用现在进行时 表示按计划或安排即将要进行的动作,如:come,go,leave,return 等。eg:Uncle Wang is coming to supper.王叔叔要来吃晚饭。His sister is flying to Tianjin the day after tomorrow.他妹妹后天得坐飞机去天津。(4)某些动词的一般现在时形式也可以表示按计 划或时刻表要发生的事,如:come,go,leave,start等。eg:The train leaves at nine oclock.飞机九点开。,4.现在进行时 现在进行时表示此时此刻或现阶段正在进行的 动作,常由“am/is/

17、are+现在分词”构成。否定形式:am/is/are+not+现在分词。疑问形式:Am/Is/Are+主语+现在分词?肯定回答:Yes,主语+am/is/are.否定回答:No,主语+am/is/are+not(1)表示现在正在进行或发生的动作。eg:He is writing a letter.他正在写信。They are playing basketball.他们正在打篮球。,(2)表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进 行的动作,但说话时不一定正在进行。eg:Were preparing our lessons these days.这几天我们正在准备功课。What are you do

18、ing here in Hainan?你在海南做什么呢?(3)go,leave,come,arrive,start等动作的现在 进行时,表示即将发生的动作。eg:She is going to visit the museum this Sunday.这周日她要去参观博物馆。,5.现在完成时 现在完成时表示过去发生的对现在有影响的动 作,或者表示某时间开始一直延续到现在的动 作和状态。常由“助动词have/has+过去分词”构 成。其否定形式在have/has后加not,疑问形式 则把have/has提前。(1)表示过去发生或已经完成的某一动作对现在 造成的影响或结果。eg:I have ju

19、st had lunch.我刚刚吃过午饭。(说明现在饱了),She has become a teacher.她已经当了老师。(她现在仍是老师)动词变为与之相对应的延续性动词。eg:(2)表示动作或状态在过去已经开始,持续 到现在,也许还要保持下去。常和for,since连用,表示持续的动作或状态多为 延续性动词。eg:I have lived here since 2000.自2000年以来我就住在这儿。Hes been here for two years.他来这儿已两年了。(3)与现在完成时连用的时间状语有:,already,yet,never,ever,just,this mornin

20、g,this week,so far,in the past few years等。eg:Ive never lost a book before.我以前从未丢过书。So far she has learned 800 English words.至今他已学了800个英语单词。In the past few years,our city has changed a lot.在过去的几年里,我们的城市发生了很大的变化。注非延续动词表示的行为是短暂的、瞬间就结束的,如:buy,borrow,leave,open,close,begin,start,finish等;延续性动词表示的行为或状态可以在一

21、个比较长的时间内延续,常用的词有:be,teach,keep等。,非延续性动词在肯定句中不能与for,since等表 示一段时间的状语连用,但是可以把非延续性误His grandmother has died for five years.正His grandmother has been dead for five years.他奶奶已经死了五年了。误She has bought a new book for two days.正She has had a new book for two days.这本新书他买了两天了。还可以用句型It is/has been+时间段+since从句(从句

22、通常用一般过去时)。所 以以上句子还可变为:,It is/has been five years since his grandmother died.It is/has been two days since she bought a new book.6.过去进行时 过去进行时表示在过去某一时刻或某一段时间 内正在进行或发生的动作,由“was/were+现在 分词”构成。其否定形式在was/were 后加not;疑问形式把was/were提前。常用的时间状语有:this morning,all day,yesterday,at the moment,at that time等。eg:I w

23、as watching TV at eleven oclock yesterday morning.昨天上午十一点种我正在看电视。,At this time,the man downstairs was trying to sleep.在这个时候,楼下的男人正准备睡觉。7.过去完成时 过去完成时表示过去某一时间以前或过去某一 动作以前已完成的动作,即过去的过去,由“had+过去分词”构成。其否定形式在had后加 not;疑问形式把had提前。(1)过去完成时常与by和before引导的短语连用,如:by the end of,by that time,before 2004等。eg:How m

24、any English words had you learnt by the end of last term?到上学期期末你学了多 少个英文单词?,He had left before eight.他在八点以前就走了。(2)与when或before等引导的状语从句连用。在过 去不同时间发生的两个动作中,发生在前,用过去完成时;发生在后,用一般过去时。eg:She had finished her work before I came here.在我来这儿以前,她已经完成了工作。The film had been on when she got there.当她到那里时,电影已经开始了。(3

25、)过去完成时还可以和for,since引导的表示一段时 间的短语或从句连用。eg:He said that he had worked there since 1980.他说他自1980年就在那儿工作。,I had studied Chinese for two years before I came here.我来这里以前已经学了两年汉语了。8.过去将来时 过去将来时表示在过去将来的某一时间发生的 动作或存在的状态,由“would/should+动词原 形”构成。(1)过去将来时表示从过去某一时刻预计要发生 的动作或存在的状态,常用于宾语从句中。eg:She told me she woul

26、d go to Qinhuangdao for a holiday.她告诉我她要去秦皇岛度假。John said there would be a basketball match next week.约翰说下周将有一场篮球赛。,(2)过去将来时也可用“was/were going to+动词原 形”来表示。eg:They said they were going to buy a house.他们说他们打算买所房子。七、时态的一致 时态的一致主要是指在主从复合句中,主句与 从句之间的时态一致。通常主句的时态决定从 句的时态。原则是当主句是现在时与将来时,从句的谓语根据具体情况可以使用任何时态

27、。但是,当主句谓语使用过去时,从句一般使用 过去的某种时态。列表如下:,注 1.宾语从句和间接引语与主句的时态一致,符合 上述原则。但如果宾语从句表示客观事实和真 理,即使主句位于用过去时,从句的谓语也应 使用一般现在时。eg:Our teacher told us a little knowledge is dangerous.我们老师告诉我们一知半解的危险。He said that light travels faster than sound.他说光传播速度比声音快。2.有些形容词后也可以跟从句,这种从句常看成 宾语从句,它的主、从句时态也符合上述原则。,这些形容词有:afraid,gl

28、ad,sure,sorry,certain,aware,confident,delighted,lucky,surprised,worried。eg:Im sure that he will succeed.我确信他将会成功。3.主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句也要 与主句的时态一致。eg:That is why he was late for school.(表语从句)这就是他上学迟到的原因。,八、巩固练习1.Did you see the traffic accident yesterday?Yes.It happened when I past the museum.A.walk B.am

29、 walking C.will walk D.was walking 2.Where is Frank now?He his bike in the yard.A.fixed up B.fixing up C.is fixing up D.fixed3.Someone the classroom.Look!How clean it is!A.has swept B.is sweeping C.are sweeping D.have swept,D,C,A,4.What are you looking for,Michalle?My cousins MP3 player.It right in

30、here,and now its _.A.has been;gone B.was;gone C.was;going D.is;going 5.How long have you _?Since 1990.A.bought the MP3 B.joined the Party C.become a midfield player D.lived in the town 6.There a football match on TV this evening.A.will have B.is going to be C.has D.is going to have,D,B,B,8.Dont you

31、like this kind of food?.I would like something else.A.No,I dont B.Yes,I do C.Yes,I dont D.No,I do 9.Hurry up!Were all waiting for you.I for an important phone call.Go without me.A.wait B.was waiting C.am waiting D.waited 10.How was your weekend on the farm?Great!We with the farmers.A.enjoy ourselves

32、 B.went fishing C.will work D.make friends,A,C,B,11.Jimmy is leaving for a holiday.Really?Where he _?A.has;gone B.will;go C.did;go D.does;go 12.Dont make so much noise.The students an English class.A.are having B.have C.had D.were having 13.Where is my pen?I it here,but now I cant find it.A.put B.ha

33、ve just put C.was putting D.has just put,B,A,B,14.You dont have to describe her.I her several times.A.had met B.have met C.met D.meet 15.Dont leave until he back.A.have come B.comes C.will come D.came 16.Mr.Smith the Internet.He wants to find out _ to do on Hainan Island.A.looks;how B.looked at;when

34、 C.is looking at;what D.has looked at;where,B,B,C,17.Lucy,you _ your ticket?Not yet.A.did,find B.have,found C.has,found D.do,find 18.What did the teacher say just now?He said that the earth round the sun.A.go B.goes C.went D.will go 19.She said she me five letters in one month.A.has written B.will w

35、rite C.had written D.wrote,B,B,C,20.Well have to clean the plates before Mother_ home.A.will come B.is coming C.come D.comes 解析4)此题为语法时态题。It was right in here 表示刚才还在这,现在不在了,是过去时态,now its gone表示现在不见了,消失了延续状态,是现在完成时;its是it has的缩写,故选B。5)由语境How long和since 1990知道,此处动词应为延续性动词,而A、B、C中的buy,join和become均为瞬间动词,不能直接和时间段连用。故选D。,D,


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