
上传人:牧羊曲112 文档编号:5473308 上传时间:2023-07-11 格式:PPT 页数:11 大小:373.50KB
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1、Ive been thinking for a long time about what we do in our life.,我从很久以前就想着在我们这一生要做些什么,We start by being taught in schoolhow to become good citizens.,We spend a great part of ourchildhood studying,and finally we get the diploma that willensure us“the position we deserve”.,我们在学校开始被教育成要成为一个好公民,我们在学习上花费了

2、很多童年的时光,最后我们获得了一张文凭来确保地位,We participate to the increase of unemployment,.until we find a job.,Through hard tests we areaccepted in the world of work.,我们参与了一场场不被录用的面试,直到找到了工作,通过艰难的测试获得了一份工作,We perform a good professional careerfilled with activity and efforts,a lot,a lot of efforts.,till we fall down

3、 exhausted.,BUT we are great professionalswith our valuable market share.,花了很多精力让我们在工作上有好的表现,很多很多的精力,直到精疲力盡,Time keeps on passing,and.,.we select new targets.,We meetthe sweetheartof our life.,.and promisea neverendinglove.,and there comesa baby into ourhome.,Damned night,couldnt close my eyes!,当时间慢

4、慢过去,我们改变新的目标,我们遇见了生命中的另一半,而且承诺这段永恒的爱,家中增加了新的成員,多少夜晚不能合上我的眼,We keep on advancingin the society,trying to make the best of our time.,and we are finallyRICH!,But we needsome time more,to succeed completely.,我们继续提升社会地位,试着表現更好,最后变成有钱人,但是我们需要更多的时间,获得完全的胜利,Gosh!One day they tellthey can do without you.,By

5、this time,you think getting crazy,you feel youlost means ofcommunication.,You realise you are cut off from everything.,Now timedoes not passany longer,still you are loosing it.,天啊!有一天公司对你说不再需要你了,在这时候你快疯了,失去和他人沟通的意义,你发现你被所有事击倒,时间不再长久而你失去了一切,You realiseyouve been livingin the fog,in search ofa silly t

6、arget.,You become a walkingghost,trying to escapeyour enemies.,你发现你生活在雾霾,追求可笑的目標标,像行尸走肉般,想要消灭所有的敌人,Upon this evaluation,an ideacame to my mind on how to improve my life.,根据上述评述,脑中出现新的点子来改善我的生活,Ill take thingseasy.,Ill try to open my heartto my love.,Ill listen moreto the onessurrounding me.,Ill save

7、 more timeto spend it with my friends.,Ill try to travel more.,让事情简单,试着打开我的心去爱,听更多关于我身边的事,花更多时间和朋友同乐,有更多的旅行,Ill make my bestto cook tasty food.,试着去做最好吃的食物,I do not know whether it is good for everybody,but Im sure that at least I will have had a wonderful time which by the way is what counts more.DONT YOU THINK SO?,我不知道是不是对每个人都是好的,但至少我將有美好的时光照我的方式来做 你认为呢,


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