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2、;适当的照此;因此摘要;梗概警觉的,警惕的,明智的,合情合理的准许进入;承认准确性令人愉快的,惬意的易到达的;易到手的易亲近的先进的;高级的反常的,异常的代理人;代理商适应了的,习惯的住处;膳宿;方便设施吸收;理解调整;调节,P1-P6,admitto/intobe againstact astake/follow ones advicetakeinto accountagree onadd tophoto/stamp albumhave the/an ability to do sth.afford sth./to dotake actionahead of,according toabov

3、e allin advanceat the airportbe absorbed inbe afraid ofin addition toa piece of adviceby accident/chancetravel/news agencyacid rainagain and again/over and overtake(full)advantage of,P1-P6,be absent fromallow sb.to doadd up toaim atbe/get accustomed toprivate/family/foreign affairsat/beyond/under th

4、e age ofafter allhave access toadmire sb.forreach an agreementact on/uponfire alarm,由于advantage overbe afterfirst aidadvise sb.to doadapt(oneself)toadmit doing/having donetraffic/car accidentin allmake great achievements inadvertise foropen an account,P1-P6,Please take my feelings into account befor

5、e you make any decision.As far as I remember,she was ahead of all her classmates in every subject.Im glad to be employed to act as an interpreter in the Beijing Olympics.The doctor advised him to stay in hospital until he recovered.The scientist is absorbed in research all day,neglecting sleep and m

6、eals.Unlike the Chinese,the English like to add milk and sugar to tea.Driving while using cell phone is against the traffic rules.The top of the mountain is only accessible to tourists by helicopter.The driver who had knocked down an old woman admitted drinking before driving.Immediate action must b

7、e taken to reduce the losses caused by the typhoon.,P1-P6,He is so independent that he wont allow anyone to lead him by the nose.Since were still young,we shouldnt be too much afraid of making mistakes.We are not accustomed to seeing so many kinds of goods in the shop.It is clear that everybody admi

8、res him for his fine sense of humor.Anyway,we agree with you in principle.Anyway,we agree to your suggestion in principle.In the old society,people from poor families had little access to education.He couldnt adapt his way of life to the company,so he had to resign.He cant afford 1000 yuan a month f

9、or a house.In his twenties,he had already made great achievements in engineering.Taking full advantage of solar energy is one of the ways to save energy.,P7-P12,appearanceastronautattractiveanyhow/anywayamateurathleteangerattentiveargumentarticleauthorancient,atmospherearrivalaltogetheraspirinapplic

10、ationapartmentarouseambulanceattend自动的;不自觉的人工的,人造的;做作的建筑(学)分析,P7-P12,防止(环境)污染显然的志向;强烈欲望每年的感激;欣赏;鉴赏任务;作业焦虑;渴望批准;赞成乐趣;娱乐(活动)假定;承担改变(向.)鼓掌视听的,恼人的,讨厌的角度权利;(复数)当局惊人的,令人惊奇的可接近的;易亲近的协助,帮助宣布;通告吸引人的祖先合适的,适当的联系;联合;协会任命,委任,P7-P12,a large/small audienceask(sb.)aboutdraw/attract/catch/get/capture ones attentiona

11、sas possible=asas one canapologize to sb.for,make an apology to sb.forappreciate(ones)doingshop assistantbe ashamed of/to do/thathave no alternative but to doelectrical/household appliancesattitude towardsarrange forto do,appeal toask(sb.)for sth.along/together withholdin ones armsapplytoassure sb.t

12、hat/of sth.be anxious for/to do/thatapart fromarrive inI would appreciate it(very much)if you would/couldhold ones attentionargue with sb.about/overbe angry at/to do/that,be annoyed at sth./with sb.,P7-P12,as for/tobe attached tomake an appointment with sb.to do sth.have a good/poor appetitearise fr

13、omin all aspectsread aloudThere appear(s)(to be)make arrangements forpay attention toas if=as thoughbe anxious aboutapproach to sth.,assign sb.sth.=assign sth.to sb.in armsbe amazed at/to do/that,be astonished at/to do/thatbe associated withask/tell sb.to do sth.tourist attractionapply(to)forjust as

14、answer to the question/letterassembly lineattempt to doIt appears(to sb.)that=sth./sb.appears to do,P7-P12,I have arranged for a taxi to meet you at the airport.The teacher assigned the students(to write)a composition about their own experiencesYou should apologize to the people present for what you

15、 have just done.He drew my attention to the point I had overlooked.Busy as he is,he spares a few minutes every day to read English.Students should be encouraged to apply what they have learned in class to practice.We were amazed at her wonderful performance at the concert.He felt much ashamed of bre

16、aking his promise.He argued with me about whether we should encourage people to raise pets.The government is appealing to everyone to save water.Unexpectedly,he took a friendly attitude towards us.,P7-P12,I assure you of the success of the project.I assure you that the project will succeed.I am not

17、free this afternoon because I have an appointment with my dentist.Dont jump the red light,or you will be fined.He attempted to hide the fact,only to pay a heavy price for it.If possible,I want to ask Professor Wang for advice on my composition.Since he is ill,he has no appetite for dinner.On arrival

18、 in Australia,he called to inform his parents of his safety.Id appreciate it very much if you could help me with my English.The students are anxious to know the result of the final examination.The students are anxious for the result of the final examination.,P13-P18,besidesboring blanket baggage bea

19、utifulballet awake baseball belief bake barbecue blind,bookavenue behavio(u)r band ball bathroom beat bill backward 开花 讨价还价 没有意识到的 有益的,P13-P18,投弹(于),轰炸 不平衡 基本的 有苦味的;痛苦的;残酷的 打赌 身体的 几乎没有;仅仅 看护婴儿,充任临时保姆 所有物,财产 保佑;祝福 战役,战斗;搏斗 不可避免的 超过,障碍物;栅栏 笨拙的;尴尬的 细菌 流血的;血腥的 禁止;禁令 生物学的 吹嘘,自吹自擂 乞求,恳求 电池 背景 可怕的;糟透了的;非常的

20、 堵塞,封锁;住址,妨碍,P13-P18,be to blame for sth.benefit sb.=sb.benefit from sth.upset/disturb/destroy the balance of nature from beginning to end be bored with award sb.sth.for=award sth.to sb.for cant bear/stand/doing be based on,on the basis of fall/be behind()in be(ill)in bed do/try ones best to dobooki

21、ng office,sth.be available to sb.believe in because of begin/start with have/take a bath not a bit had better not do be(fully/well)aware of/that/whring the bell be born in bear/keep sth.in mind,keep in mind that.human being25.keep a balance between work and play,P13-P18,behave oneself on(the/an)aver

22、age be about to do sth.seat/safety belt be bad for blame sb.for sth.=blame sth.on sb.notice board the barbers at/on the beach be bound to do avoid doing as before banfrom doing,body language belong to big game come into being make a/the/ones bed on board behave well/badly behind ones back bathing su

23、it be born with at the beginning of boast about/of/that,P13-P18,The movie based on a true story is very moving It is known to all that knowledge begins with practice.Im really bored with trying every means to please my boss all the time.The winner was awarded the first prize for her picture.I benefi

24、t a lot from the experience of working as a volunteer.The experience of working as a volunteer benefits me a lot.Wherever you go,bear in mind that when in Rome,do as the Romans do.Some ads on losing weight have been banned from being broadcast on TV.It is generally believed that smoking does harm to

25、 health.Obviously,fresh milk is available to the people in the country at any moment.The children are not to blame for what happened yesterday.,P13-P18,Because of the heavy fog,the flight from Shanghai to Beijing was delayed nearly two hours.When I was about to pay the money,I couldnt find my credit

26、 card.The dictionary whose cover is blue doesnt belong to me.I dont think you are fully aware(of)how mcuh this means to me.The historical novel is so attractive that I cant bear putting it down.He borrowed some reference books rather than detective novels from the library.It was many years before th

27、e secret was finally revealed.I tried to avoid meeting him because he always bored me.Youd better not play with fire,or your may hurt yourself.Every drug has some side effects which may be bad for ones health.,P19-P24,1.bright 2.carelessness 3.newly-built 4.capital 5.branch 6.carpet 7.candy 8.career

28、 9.brand 10.cancel 11.butter 12.calendar,13.cartoon 14.breathe 15.captain 16.bowling 17.caf 18.carpenter 19.bride 20.cancer 21.brave 22.carrot 23.capable 24.预算(案)25.计算,P19-P24,26.浏览,随便翻阅 27.天花板 28.制动器,刹车 29.兑现(支票等)30.宽的,广阔的;广泛的 31.运河 32.子弹 33.植物(学)的 34.手推车 35.早午餐(晚吃的早餐,用以代 替午餐)36.停止 37.战役;运动;竞选 38.掩

29、埋,39.爆发 40.捕获,俘虏;占领 41.食堂;小卖部 42.打扰;使烦恼 43.目录 44.候选人;求职者;应试者 45.砖;积木 46.偶然的;随便的;不经意的;漫不经心的 47.灿烂的;极聪明的 48.碳的 49.罐装的 50.机舱,船舱;小屋,P19-P24,1.be busy with./be busy doing2.call for 3.build up ones confidence 4.pay in cash 5.break out 6.be careful not to do,take care not to do 7.on campus 8.burst/break in

30、to tears/laughter=burst out crying/laughing 9.carry out 10.in brief 11.notbut 12.catch up with,13.bump into 14.break down 15.at the bottom of 16.calm down 17.pocket calculator 18.bring sb.sth.=bring sth.to sb.19.carry on 20.business hours 21.be caught in 22.have/take a break 23.digital camera 24.the

31、 cause of 25.be buried in=bury oneself in,P19-P24,26.call on sb.27.nothing but 28.casual clothes 29.can not/never too 30.do business 31.can do nothing but do=cant do anything but do 32.on business 33.out of breath,lose ones breath 34.follow a career 35.not only but(also)36.but for,37.care about 38.b

32、uy sb.sth.=buy sth.for sb.39.bus stop 40.call on to do 41.bring up 42.go camping 43.bear/carry/shoulder the burden of 44.in no case 45.from the bottom of ones heart 46.none of your business 47.press the button 48.fire brigade 49.care for 50.be capable of doing,P19-P24,1.At the exciting news,I couldn

33、t help bursting into tears.2.Working as a teacher in the kindergarten calls for a lot of patience.3.Im afraid that they have been caught in a traffic jam.4.As a top student in the class,she is capable of working out these maths problems.5.What young people lack now is not book knowledge but practica

34、l experience.6.Parents must be equally responsible for bringing up children.7.Her plan sounds good,but well have many difficulties carrying it out.8.Because of my illness last week,I missed some lessons,but I will try to catch up with others.9.If it is convenient for you,I want to call on you tonigh

35、t.If it is convenient for you,I want to call at your house tonight.10.The writer was so buried in his writing that he forgot his serious illness.,P19-P24,11.She doesnt care about the award,and what matters to her is her experiment.12.Ill stay in the hotel in case there is a telephone call.13.The pol

36、ice are trying their best to find out the cause of the fire.14.He not only realized his weakness but also desired to overcome it.Not only did he realize his weakness,but also he desired to overcome it.15.The rescue team managed to get there soon after the earthquake broke out.16.In order to afford t

37、o go abroad,you cannot be too economical.17.Staying in an air-conditioned room for too long may cause people to fall ill.18.Be careful not to fall off the bike,as youve just learned to ride.19.We can do nothing but wait for further notice.20.Dont disturb James,as he is busy practising for the school

38、 concert.Dont disturb James,as he is busy with the practice for the school concert.,P25-P30,1.challenging 2.chemistry 3.chat 4.climate fortable 6.cheer 7.clear munity 9.chocolate 10.central 11.childish 12.claim,edian 14.chairman 15.cheese 16.clerk munication 18.character 19.century 20.collect mittee

39、 22.cloudy 23.champion 24.citizen 25.colo(u)rful,P25-P30,26.certainly 27.相比较而言的,相对的 28.文明的;开化的 29.慈善;救济物品;(复数)慈 善组织 30.揭露 31.证书;证明 32.殖民地 33.追逐,追求34.线索,提示 35.共同的;常见的;一般的,普 通的 36.经典作品 37.庆祝 38.收费;充电;谴责;控告,39.评论 40.分类 41.首领,领袖;上司 42.海岸 43.基督教徒 44.细胞 45.克隆,使无性繁殖 46.共产主义(者)的 47.(书籍的)章 48.同伴;伴侣 49.平民(的)5

40、0.衣领;(动物)项圈,P25-P30,1.the chief engineer/editor/cook 2.win the championship 3.have no choice but to do e to realize 5.be characterized by 6.first/economy class 7.check in 8.ten degrees centigrade 9.go to church 10.pay by check/cheque e to(oneself)12.under/in no circumstances,13.meet the challenge 14

41、.choose from pare A to B 16.change for 17.go the cinema 18.play chess 19.opening/closing ceremony 20.classical music 21.in charge of 22.claim that/to do 23.miss a chance 24.have/catch/get a(bad)cold 25.have a lot/nothing in common,P25-P30,26.chain store 27.keep pany 28.clear up 29.在海上 bine A with B

42、31.click the mouse 32.have a large collection of 33.wedding/graduation/award ceremony mon sense35.Every coin has two sides.36.choose to do,37.in ones childhood 38.cheer up municate with 40.It is certain that e across ment on 43.on Christmas Eve 44.charge sb.with sth.45.have a good command of 46.in t

43、he 21st century e up with 48.free of charge 49.fish and chips50.留下零钱,不用找了,P25-P30,1.While the manager is away,Robert will be in charge of your department.While the manager is away,your department will be in the charge of Robert.2.The students have come to realize that friendship is more important th

44、an money.3.Fortunately,we had a lot in common and got along very well.4.The scientists claim that they have found a new cure for this disease.The scientists claim to have found a new cure for this disease.5.The old man felt lonely,so he raised a dog to keep him company.6.Everyone was at a loss what

45、to do,but Peter came up with an idea at last.7.At that time the taxi driver had no choice but to turn to the tourist for help.8.Its certain that cutting down trees in large numbers will upset the balance of nature.Cutting down trees in large numbers is certain to upset the balance of nature.9.We oft

46、en compare children to flowers and teachers to gardeners.10.Your research will be useless unless you combine theory with practice.,P25-P30,11.There were so many electric toys to choose from in the shop that he didnt know which to choose.12.Body language helps the speaker to communicate his ideas to

47、the listeners clearly.13.All the volunteers here are expected to have a good command of English.14.The sky cleared up shortly after the heavy rain.15.The singing competition provides me with a rare chance to challenge myself.16.Compared with other students,the girl has better listening and speaking

48、abilities in English.17.It was in the supermarket that I came across my former class teacher.18.Thinking of the victims,he refused to comment on it.19.He chose to face up to the failure instead of giving himself up.20.I dont like the color,so may I change it for a different one?,P31-P36,1.confidence

49、 2.couple3.contain 4.correct 5.creative pletely 7.cooperation 8.contribute 9.cousin petition/contest 11.cotton 12.concert 13.copy,14.convenient 15.cover 16.cooker 17.请教,咨询;查阅 18.概念;观念 概念;19.冲突 20.进行(实验)指挥(乐团);导 电 21.祝贺22.组成;创作(乐曲、诗歌)23.批评的,评论的;危急的;至关重要的24.关于25.承认,坦白,P31-P36,26.生物(动物或人)27.不断的 28.抱怨;投

50、诉 29.昂贵的;代价高的 30.连接;联系;31.(数量、程度)相当大的,可观的 32.危机 33.上下文,语境 34.证实,确认 35.征服,攻克;克服(困难);革除(坏习惯)36.运送,传送;传递,传达(思想、感情、信息等)37.不断的;经常的;38.(正式的)会议,39.(飞机)坠毁;(汽车)碰撞40.比较41.大陆,大洲,42.混淆,混乱;困惑,糊涂 43.消耗,消费;吃完,吃光 44.(车、船、飞机)全体工作人员 45.合同 46.使电脑化 47.下结论;结束 48.复杂的 49.内容;目录;满足,满意;50.罪犯,P31-P36,1.be concerned about 2.a


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