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1、商品分类流程Assortment Process,Merchandise Unit South Region,Assortment Process,January 2003,品种与当地消费市场衔接不够 Assortment not in line with local markets consumption 因送货导致的缺货很多 Shortage due to Delivery issues 部分全国供应商反应慢和灵活性差 Lack of Flexibility from some national suppliers,以往缺陷 Diagnosis,2003年目标 Objectives for

2、 2003,目前情况 Current Situation,在全国组织结构的基础上,确定正确的当地单品结构.Define the right assortment at local level through national structure 提高店内的反应力和吸引力,更好地满足当地顾客的需求 Increase store reactivity and attractiveness,to better satisfy local customer needs加强与供应商合作,更好控制他们的地区网络,以降低缺货 Reduce shortage working with suppliers,co

3、ntrolling well their distribution network,Main principles 主要原则,Strategy andassortment structure策略/商品组织结构,Items selection单品选择,National SDD 全国SDD,Unit 区域,Unit and National SDD区域及全国SDD,Assortment structure control and follow up商品组织结构的控制及跟踪,商品分类流程 Assortment Process,National SDD,National Negotiation,Uni

4、t,Stores,Key players主要控制者,National structure definition全国商品结构定义,Items selection 单品选择,分类定位 Family positioning组织结构 Assortment structure 排面陈列指南 Implementation guidelines,提议当地特产的单品Item Proposal for specific local,巩固及控制组织结构的连续性Consolidate and control consistency with structure,根据全国分类指南进行陈列Implementation

5、according to family national guidelines,业绩分析 Performance analisis排名 Benchmark 最佳例子 Best practise,业绩 跟踪及行动计划Performance follow up and action plan,Follow up and benchmark 跟踪及排名,全国性单品及品牌单品谈判National items or brands negotiationNational must have,分类最后决定 Final assortment当地单品谈判 Local items negotiation,区,店,总部谈判,总部SDD,


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