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1、(一)定语从句专项讲解,(重在讲解相关知识,具体上课情况根据学生的问题针对讲解),定语:修饰、限制名词或代词的成分由下列词,短语,从句等表示:1.限定词:a book 2.adj及其短语:a good book3.名词及其短语:a 10-day leave4.数词及其短语:two miles5.-ing分词及其短语:a swimming pool6.-en分词及其短语:a retired teacher7.介词及其短语:his days at school8.不定式及其短语:I have many books to read.,9.adv及其短语:a village nearby。10.定语从

2、句,1.关系词,1.1关系代词(relative pronoun),即代替先行项在从句中作主语、宾语等的关系词。常用的有who(m),which,that,另外的还有as,but等。eg:Anybody who says that is mistaken.This is the book which/that I bought yesterday.when和where也可以做关系代词,在从句中作介词的宾语。eg:I went to bed at 10,before when I was reading for an hour.We went up to the roof,from where

3、we had a good view of the procession(队伍).,1.2关系限定词(relative determiner),即代替先行项在从句中作定语的关系词,只有whose和which。例如:The woman whose umbrella you took is very angry.It stromed all day,during which time the ship broke up.,1.3 关系副词(relative adverb),即代替先行项在从句中作状语的关系词。常用的有when,where,why等.例如:This is the school whe

4、re I am going to work.The reason why he failed is still obscure.Peter always comes on those days when I am busy.,2.定语从句的种类,2.1 根据它们和先行项的关系分为限制性定语从句(restrictive attributive clause)和非限制性定语从句(nonrestrictive attributive clause)。1)限制性定语从句限制先行项,非限制性定语从句补充说明先行项。试比较:He has a brother who is a doctor.He has a

5、 brother,who is a doctor.非限制性定语从句一般用逗号隔开,2)限制性定语从句的先行项指部分,非限制性定语从句的先行项指全部。例如:His aunt who lives in California came to visit him recently.His aunt,who lives in California came to visit him recently.,2.2 定语从句根据结构可以分为:1)简单定语从句(简单句构成的定语从句):The man you saw right now is our headmaster.2)并列定语从句(两个或更多定语从句并列

6、修饰一个先行项):Miss Li,who knows English and French but who does not know Chinese,has great difficulty in studying Chinese literature.,3)多重定语从句(两个或更多定语从句重叠修饰一个先行项):There is no man on earth who knows him that does not respect him.4)复合定语从句(复合句用作定语从句,即定语从句还带有其他从句):John,who I rememeber was good in high school

7、,didnt do so well in college.补充:复合句即含有一个或更多从句(从属的主谓结构)的句子This is where she was born.,3.关系词的选择,知识回忆:(1).在限制性定语从句中,先行项指人时可以用()。(2).在非限制性定语从句中,先行项指人时用(),指物时用(),非限制性定语从句中的关系代词都不能省略。,(3)关系代词在定语从句中作介词的宾语时,若介词位于从句句尾,可以用who(m)/that指人,用which/that指物,都可以省去;若介词位于从句句首,只能用whom指人,which指物,不能省去。The man(that/who/whom

8、)I bought it from told me to oil it.The man from whom I bought it told me to oil it.,(4)一般只用that的情况:先行项是指物的不定代词all,little,much,none,something,anything,everything等时。(例句自己想)先行项被不定限定词any,every,all,no等修饰时(eg:)先行项被最高级形容词修饰时先行项被表示顺序的序数词和last,next修饰或被表示唯一性或强调的形容词only,(the)very等修饰时,先行项指人而在从句中做表语或补语时,例如:Thom

9、as isnt the hero that I thought he was.I am not the fool that you thought me.先行项是既指人又指物的名词短语时,例如:The heroes and their deeds that he describes are familiar to us.(注意回顾familiar的用法)先行项是疑问代词who、which时eg:Who that have worked with him do not like him?,存在句中用作定语从句时,that几乎总是省去例如:We want the best(that)there i

10、s.This is the best book(that)there is on this subject.补充:存在句:there be+np(名词词组)+placethat在存在句中作主语There is everything going on,(5)注意:下列情况下常用关系代词who,而不用that,1)先行项是指人的those或all时,例如:All(those)who want tickets should go to the office.2)先行项是指人的he或one时,例如:He who makes no mistakes makes nothing.3)先行项是由-body或

11、-one构成的复合不定代词时,例如:There is someone who wants to see you.,(6)一般只用which的情况,1)先行项是用作单数指整体的集合名词时;用作复数指人时,需用关系代词who。试比较:He joined the party which was in power.He joined the party who were walking before him.2)先行项是表示身份,职业,性质的名词而关系代词在从句中做表语时,例如:Martin looked like a lawyerwhich he was.Martin seemed a foreig

12、ner,which in fact he is.,注意:若先行项不表示身份,职业,性质的名词而指人时,常用关系代词that作表语或宾补。3)先行项是主句或主句的一部分时,例如:Terry changed his mind,which made me very angry.注意:若从句位于主句之前,只能用as,不能用which。eg:As is known to all,the earth goes round the sun.,4)先行项是用作表语的形容词及其短语时,例如:Richard is rich,which I am not.(7)常用关系代词as的情况1)先行项是such或被such

13、限定时,例如:Lend money only to such as will repay it.Henry is not such a fool as he looks.Such people as knew Tom admired him.比较下列两组句子,注意它们的区别:(分析句子类型),This is such a good book as everyone is ready to read.This is such a good book that everyone is ready to read it.2)先行项是the same或被the same限定时,先行项被the same

14、限定时可以用that代替,但不如as常用。same有时可以省去,例如:My stand on this is just the same as it was four years ago.,作表语或在省略形式的定语从句中不能用that代替as,例如:Bob is not the same as he used to be.Bob gave the same answer as(he had given)before.Bob is not the man that he used to be.Bob is not what he used to be.先行项指人时不能用as,只能用that或wh

15、o(m)例如:Dick is the same student that/who came yesterday.,关系代词as不能在从句中作介词的宾语,必须将介词后置而用that或which作关系代词,例如:Is the John Smith in the paper the same(one)as I went to school with?3)在asas结构中先行项的定语被many/much修饰时,例如:They provided as many books as are asked for.,4)以主句做先行项时,as可以在从句中作主语或宾语,从句位于主句之后时可以用which代替,例如

16、:As was reported on TV,a big earthquake occurred in Janpan last season.补充:as含有“正如”“像那样”的意思,引导的定语从句必须和as的词义一致,否则只能用which。Sue got married again,as/which was reported.Sue got married,which was unexpected/which delighted us.,5)以主句的表语(名词或形容词)或宾补(形容词)作先行项时,这种定语从句有时可以看作状语从句。David is tall,as are my brothers

17、.注意:下列句中的as是关系副词,例如:I live in the same place as/where Tom does.He dances in so graceful a manner as=(in which)his sister does.,(8)补充知识点:,关系代词but通常只用于主句含有否定词时,偶尔用于主句是疑问句时,在从中作主语。例如:There is no one in the world but knows the Great Wall.that does not know the Great Wall.There are very few but admire hi

18、s talents.who dont admire his talents.知识拓展:but本身具有否定之意=who/thatnot(双重否定表示肯定),(9)关系限定词whose的用法,知识了解与回顾:Whose表示所属关系,既可以指人,又可以指物;先行项指物时可以用of which代替,例如:The man whose legs are broken cant walk.The house whose roof/the roof of which was damaged has not been repaired.The house whose windows/the windows of

19、 which are broken is unoccupied.(空闲的,没人居住的),补充:whose相关知识,先行项指人时只能用whose,不能用of whom;不表示所属关系时,只能用of whom或of which,不能用whose代替。例如:He is the boy of whom we have just been speaking.I can lend you two books of which both/both of which are very good.回顾高考:(分析出错的相关题目,并分析句子成分),随堂练习:,1.After graduating from col

20、lege,I took some time off to go to traveling,_turned out to be a wise decision.A.that B.which C.when D.where2.This is Mr.Green,_ I think has something interesting to tell you.A.whom B.who C.whose D.which3.One reason for her preference for city life is _ she can have easy access to places like shops

21、and restaurants.A.that B.how C.what D.why,4.Ive become good friends with several of the students in my school_ I met in the English speech contest last year.A.who B.where C.when D.which5.If our parents do everything for us children,we wont learn to depend on_.(高一预备班)A.themselves B.them C.us D.oursel

22、ves6.This is the first time we_ a film in the cinema together as a family.A.see B.had seen C.saw D.have seen,7.Friendship is needed by all,_ plays an important role in peoples lives.A.which B.that C.whoD.it8.Uncle Li _ I worked three years ago has retired now.A.who B.whom C.with whom D.to whom9.Is t

23、his the reason _ at the meeting for his carelessness in his work?A.he explained B.what he explained C.how he explainedD.why he explained,10.Teachers,_ work is rather hard,are being better paid than before.A.who B.that C.whichD.whose11.The Olympic Games,_ in 776 BC,didnt included women players until

24、1912.A.first playingB.to be first playedC.first played D.to be first playing12.The houses _ for the teachers and the construction work will start soon.A.built B.to be built C.to buildD.being built,13.How many of us_,a meeting that is not important to us would be interested in the discussion?A.attend

25、edB.attendingC.to attendD.have attended14.She has three children,_ is working in Australia.A.who B.one of whom C.one of themD.none of them,模拟试题,1.Susan is the very girl _ the good deed.A.whom I think didB.whom I think she didC.who I think did D.I think who did2.Luckily,the poor boy had enough money

26、_ he could buy a train ticket.A.by which B.on whichC.with which D.for which3.The book _ he devoted much time is to come out next month.A.where B.whichC.to whichD.on which,4.The day came finally _ I was given an opportunity to act in the play.A.whenB.in that C.whichD.in which5.Dont you think the question _ tomorrow is of great importance.A.being discussedB.discussedC.to be discusseD.to discuss6.The food _ at the moment is for the dinner party.A.cooked B.to be cooked C.is being cookedD.being cooked,


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