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1、-Jessie,常见介词的基本用法,1、about 关于Do you know something about Tom?What about this coat?(怎么样)2,after 在之后,表时间Im going to see you after supper.Tom looked after his sick mother yesterday.(照看)3、across 横过Can you swim across the river.4、against 反对Are you for or against me?Nothing could make me turn against my co

2、untry.(背叛)5、along 沿着We walked along the river bank.,6、before 在之前I hope to get there before seven oclock.It looks as though it will snow before long.(不久)7、by 到时,和完成时连用 We had learned ten English songs by the end of last term.8、except 除了 Everyone except you answered the question correctly.,9、over 在正上方

3、,above 在上方 There is a bridge over the river.Tom goes over his English every day.(复习)10、round/around 围绕 The students stand around the teacher.,up,向上,往上;向楼上They hung the map up.他们把地图挂起来。2.在上面;在楼上She lives two floors up.她住在再往上两层。3.(价格、水平等)上升,上扬Prices for consumer goods are going up.消费品价格在上涨,6.向前;靠近He c

4、ame up to me and asked my name.他走到我面前,问我叫什么名字。7.(程度)增加,增大Speak up so that everybody can hear you.讲得响些,让大家都能听见。8.彻底地,完全地To my surprise,she drank up the whole bottle of wine.使我惊奇的是她把一瓶酒全喝了。Eat up,finish up,use up,break up,Put up with,wake up,三、常用易混淆介词辨析,1、after/in 皆可表示时间在之后,其区别为:after 1)表示“在某点时间之后”,用于

5、将来时。如:Well go out for a walk after supper.2)表示“一段时间之后”,用于过去时。如:My mother came home after half an hour.in表示“一段时间之后”,用于将来时。如:Well go to school in two weeks.2、in/by/with/through He writes in black ink.(用材料,语言)The guard cut one boot open with a knife.(具体的工具)She always goes to school by bike.(用手段,抽象性的)I

6、obtained the information through a friend.(通过媒介方法)3、besides/except We have seen the crocodile besides Li Fang.(除之外,还有)全部计算在内 We are all Chinese except Tom in our class.(除之外)不计算在内,6、on/over/above There is a boat on the desk(在某物面上,与此物接触。)There is a bridge over the river.(在某物正上方,与此物不接触,或横在某物上,或覆盖在某物上。)

7、She spread a cloth over the table.He held his heads above his head.(“在上”,强调“高于。”)7、of/for Its kind of you to come to see me.(既说明不定式本身特点,又说明逻辑主语的品性)Its important for you students to learn English well.(只说明不定式本身的特征),8、of/about/on表示“谈及,论述”Do you know of American singer John Denver?(涉及浅层关系)I have never

8、heard about him.(表示谈论等深一步的关系)This book is on grammar.(以为主要内容)9、despite=in spite of(介词)/although(连词)despite 是介词,后面接名词或动名词,不能跟句子although是连词,后面要跟句子。Although I was ill yesterday,I still went to school.Despite failure in the exam,I still have a chance to win in the term.,10、as/likeas 1)用作介词时意思为“作为,充当”如:S

9、he acted as an interpreter.2)用作连词时 意思为“像一样;当,由于”As it was cold,I didnt go outside.like 用作介词,意思为像一样 John sings like a nightingale.11、by day(指白天)/by the day(按日计算)I worked here by day and I am paid by the day.,如何美化你的文章,1,尽量用短语English is very important,so we should use our time fully to learn it well 改为

10、English plays an important part in our life,so we should make good use of our time to learn it well She thanked him much,because he tried to help her.改为She was very thankful to him,because he made a great effort to help her.,2,使用不同的表达方式Every one of us has his interest.Some like music.Some like sport

11、s.Some like chatting.Some like playing computer games.改为Every one of us has his own interest.Some like music and some are fond of sports.Some enjoy chatting and some are crazy about computer games.,3,尽可能使用过度性连接词如As you know.Whats more,.However,.Whats worse.To tell you the truth.At the same time4,尽可能多使用高级表达原则,如战士们的努力才使我们村庄恢复正常。It was the soldiers great efforts that made everything in our village return to normal.这个中年妇女满含眼泪地凝视着照片。The middle-aged woman stared at the photo with tears in her eyes.强调句,with结构,定语从句,状语从句,倒装句等。,


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