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1、开放式作文 一、“开放式作文”释义所谓开放式作文,是相对于我们过去一直沿用的“书面表达”这种“指导性”写作(Guided Writing)而言的。它是一种比传统的“书面表达”限制较少的、留给考生自由发挥空间更大的考查学生书面表达能力的一种题型。开放作文属于命题作文,考生要根据所给命题,独立进行构思,并必须做适当的发挥。它在一定的程度上考查了考生的写作能力,即要求考生根据写作动机选择相应的写作策略,并根据自己已有的相应知识完成写作。,二、写作导航开放式作文一般不提供具体的情景,也没有固定的模式限制,但其体裁和词数仍然要受制于所提供的内容。写此类题型的作文时,审题非常关键。应根据所给的体裁,打开思


3、4逻辑是否清晰;5语言是否规范;6交际是否得体。据此,我们须记住开放式作文的写作要诀:开放式作文不可怕,“两合”原则属最佳;思路开阔“合情理”,句子写作“合语法”。词数最少要50,篇幅最多六句话!,三、具体写作步骤:,1、描图对比(实在记不住句套子,就用there be 结构,此部分简单描述即可)常用以下句式:1)As we can see from the picture,;2)From the picture we can see that;3)From the picture I can see 4)As is shown in the picture,;5)What an intere

4、sting picture!具体描述方法:选一个你认为合适的主体,接下来描述这个主题的动作。然后在描述其他人或物体与这个主体之间的关系。注意写时先出主题句,再适当加13句话做解释说明,或做因果描述,或阐述彼此之间存在的某种逻辑上,因果,转折或方位上的关系。,2、在具体描述之后,要对途中主体的行为进行评论,或支持或反对,也就是解图、议图对比,即:套话+提出论点。常用以下句式:1)The vivid picture is trying to convey to us a message that;2)What the picture attempts to tell us is that3)Fro

5、m the picture we can draw a conclusion that-.4)I think the picture conveys the message of(gain and loss to us)5)The picture seems to be reflecting a kind of social phenomenon.6)The picture wants to tell us that7)The picture reminds me of sth.(the environmental problems.),3、联系实际生活中和图中主体所反映的同类现象,并及时表明

6、你自己的态度,在遇到类似情况时,应该采取的措施应:该向图中主体学习其精神、态度还是摒弃其做法。总结、升华号召大家应该1)In conclusion/2)All in all/3)Therefore,4)So in my opinion,5)In a word,6)Above all,(倒装句、祈使句、虚拟语气),1.请根据右图提示,写一篇短文。词数不少于50。解析:仔细观察该图后,根据上面的解题指导,我们可以列出下表所示的可写要点。,As we can see in the picture,a boy with two wings(主体)is flying(主体的动作)high in the

7、sky,his face shining with a confident smile,while below him there are many people holding up their thumbs or giving signs of victory.(具体描述)We can see it is others praise that helps the boy make progress with confidence.What the picture tries to tell us is the importance of encouragement.(结论),1.请根据下面

8、提示,写一篇短文。词数不少于50。In your spoken English class,your teacher shows you the following picture.You are asked to describe the picture and explain how you understand it.,In the picture,between two closely-located buildings grows a big tree.Unlike most trees,this one bends in the middle,struggling all the

9、way up to get more sunshine.The picture reminds me of those who succeed in unfavorable conditions.Faced with difficulties,they never give up but try their best to find a way out.Life can be hard.But if we have the courage and determination,we will finally get the sunshine we want as the tree in the

10、picture does.,2、请根据下面提示,写一篇短文。词数不少于50。In your spoken English class,your teacher shows you the following picture.You are asked to describe the picture and explain how you understand it.,As is shown in the picture,there is a man who is trying to open a door by pushing it very hard.Without doubt,he wil

11、l fail because the door is supposed to be pulled open.He is getting into a wrong way.Just like the case in the picture,sometimes when we face some difficulties or meet some challenges,it is in such a hurry that we get down to solving them as we regarded without thinking twice about the right means.A

12、s a result,we cant get them done at all.Therefore,once a problem comes,it is more important for us to analyse it first and find out how to solve it.Only in this way can we reach our target,解释原因Tell your friends why you are looking forward to the weekend.,Having a good rest and reading some books are

13、 the most important weekend activities.Besides these two,I sometimes go shopping with my parents.Sometimes I go to visit my friends.I can also do something I like,such as watching TV,playing ping-pong,etc.I enjoy weekends very much because only on weekends can I find myself a true person but not onl

14、y a student.,发表评论What do you think of going online in our spare time?I think we can go online in our spare time.Through the Internet,we can gain plenty of the newest knowledge and the latest news at home and abroad.Whats more,network offer us a convenient way to communicate with each other.The Inter

15、net makes our lives outside class colourful and various.But I dont think it is right that a lot of precious time is spent in playing computer games,or even some students are often absent from school for days.I think we should control the time online.,设计活动You are talking with one of your close friend

16、s about your plans for the summer vacation.You say to him,“Im going to enjoy myself in the summer vacation.”He asks,“what exactly are you going to do to have fun?”You tell him what you want to do to make your vacation great fun.Be sure to use one or more examples to show what you mean.,Ill go to a b

17、each to see the seabirds flying in the dark-blue sky and drive a motorboat,sailing through clear water toward the rising sun.Then Ill surf the“”website,play games on“FreeE,or chat with friends online about hot movies like“The Lord of the Rings”and“Harry Potter”.,解决方案On the morning of June 7,Li Ming

18、is taking a bus on his way to take the entrance examination.Unfortunately,he is caught in a traffic jam because of an accident.How can he manage to get there in time?Please think out two or three different ways for him.,First of all he can persuade the bus driver to allow him to get off so that he c

19、an walk out of the heavy traffic jam to take another bus or a taxi.Or he can get off and ask an assistant in a nearby shop to lend him a bike.Since it is an important day for the high school graduates,dialing 110 and getting help from the police is one of the choices as well.,复述故事One day,we were hav

20、ing an English class when suddenly there was a knock on the door-,One day,we were having an English class when suddenly there was a knock on the door.Our teacher went out and soon returned with a smile on her face.She told us that a group of American students were visiting our school and they would like to chat with us in English.We were very glad to have this opportunity to practise our English.Soon pleasant conversations began.,


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