1、Alexandra Tse20060204914School of foreigh studiesRussian,由影视文化小窥中西文化差异A glance of cultural differences between Chinese and western countriesfrom the view of film and television industries,Amlie,What are you looking at?,Oh,my god!,What a Crazy stone!,I bet that you must be very familiar with,MyOwnSwo
2、rdman,Friends,How about,Growing pains,Very funny that these two TV series even share the same English name!,Love me if you dare!,Some love stories begin so early in their childhood.These naughty kids are brave to shout:,Stories between father and son sometimes seem very simple at first sight,but the
3、y also turn out to be very moving.Here is such a story:,Postman in the mountains,Urgly betty,Hairstyle being amusing,they are both brave girls with a big heart.,Prison break,But dont forget that there still being policemen who are much smarter than thieves,Differences in ways of broadcasting TV seri
4、es.,Chinese ways:As we all know,most of the TV series in China are broadcasted by several chapters every day,sometimes are broadcasted on several TV stations at the same time.Western ways:Lett take American ways for example Keyword:season.,一部美国电视剧一般25集左右,这是由美国特有的播映方式决定的。美国商业电视以每年9月中旬至第二年4月下旬为一个播出季(S
7、益稳定高效,因此美国电视剧的制作投入也越来越高,著名的急诊室的故事每集的制作投入高达1300万美元,超过很多电影的预算,由美英两国联手制作的罗马,仅第一季12集就历经7年拍摄和1亿美元的投入。这样高投入的产物与我们中国20万50万一集的电视剧自然不可同日而语。由于制作成本高昂,所以打响品牌很重要,这也就解释了为何美国精品电视剧往往会一季又一季地播放下去。当然这种情况也影响到电视剧结构,美国电视剧很少有我们这样完成的封闭结构的故事,而是独立的、开放式的,可以让故事无限继续下去。,Differences in influence of the actors of films and TV seri
8、es.,Who attract more audiences and who make more money,movie actors or TV series actors?The answer is somehow different between Chinese and western countries.,在西方演艺界的传统而言,电影的地位要高于电视,就像戏剧的地位高于电影一样。一个演员一旦靠拍电影出名,而且片约不断,自然既没有时间也没有精力(再加上传统观念上的一点点轻视)去从事电视拍摄了。相反地,拍电视剧成名的演员有机会都想向大银幕发展。而很多著名的电影演员倒要找机会到舞台上演部戏
9、证明一下实力。其实就是自然而然形成的现象,并非刻意为之。在中国,电视剧的受众明显多于电影。观众更容易通过电视剧而不是电影认识演员。演员为了多争取上镜机会,一般是电视电影双栖,甚至有些演员常常同时扎几部戏。但应该说,真正的电影巨星是少拍或不拍电视剧的。例如章子怡和成龙。确实,拍电视剧太累,钱少,名气限于国内,拿不了国际奖项。而且电影演员、导演多少有点看不上电视剧,认为是低档次的艺术形式。凡是电影演员、导演开始拍电视了,只会为了以下几个原因:1 电影不景气。如王晶的明言:与其香港电影救市,不如北上发展电视。2 电影演员国内人气下滑,拍电视跟观众混个脸熟,毕竟电视剧播放期间天天见面。3 电视剧制作方
10、很牛,人家邀请你不好拒绝。4 电视剧剧本真的很好,这种情况很少很少,Differences in the way vampires be,Western classic ones,Chinese classic ones,western future ones,Chinese future ones,Western modern ones,Chinese modern ones?,Thanks to him,we dont have modern vampires,Introduction to some directors with unique styles.,Genius they ar
11、e.And nobody else on earth can copy their styles.From their works maybe we can have a clearer idea that why movie styles of Chinese and Western are so different.,Steven Spielberg,MinichWar of the worldMinority Report A.I.:Artificial Intelligence band of brotherSaving Private Ryan Schindlers List Jur
12、assic Park Hook Empire of the Sun The Color Purple E.T.the ExtraTerrestrial E.T.Jaws,Lu Chuan,And now Lu Chuan is busy with his new film.It must be very notable!,Tim Burton,Whats new?有“鬼才”之称的好莱坞导演Tim Burton就在5号领取了第64届威尼斯电影节“终身成就金狮奖”。这位以剪刀手爱德华和僵尸新娘等前卫影片独树一帜的导演,也成为“最古老的电影节上最年轻的终身成就奖得主”。没有悬念的,给他颁奖的是他的老
13、搭档Johny Depp.,Introduction to some classic plays.,Following are some plays from both China and west.They are so classic that they cant be replaced by any similar ones,Introduction to some films showing cultural conflicts,The cultural differences between China and the west is rather big.What will happen and how to deal with them if cultural conflicts occur to us?The following woks may to some degree give us the answer,