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1、,Lyrical Ballads抒情歌谣集,Coleridge and William Wordsworth were close pals and their collection of poetry titled Lyrical Ballads(1798)was an early pillar of what became known as the Romantic movement in poetry and art.,Born:7 April 1770 Birthplace:Cockermouth,EnglandDied:23 April 1850(aged80)Occupation:

2、PoetAlma mater:Cambridge UniversityLiterary movement:RomanticismNotable work(s):Lyrical Ballads,Poems in Two Volumes,The Excursion,William Wordsworth,William Wordsworth started with Samuel Taylor Coleridge the English Romantic movement with their collection LYRICAL BALLADS in 1798.When many poets st

3、ill wrote about ancient heroes in grandiloquent grndlkwnt夸张的style,Wordsworth focused on the nature,children,the poor,common people,and used ordinary words to express his personal feelings.His definition of poetry as the spontaneous spntens自发的overflow of powerful feelings arising from emotion recolle

4、cted in tranquility trkwlt平静was shared by a number of his followers.,In 1795 he met Coleridge.Wordsworths financial situation became better in 1795 when he received a legacy and was able to settle at Racedown,Dorset,with his sister Dorothy.Encouraged by Coleridge and stimulated by the close contact

5、with nature,Wordsworth composed his first masterwork,Lyrical Ballads,which opened with Coleridges Ancient Mariner.About 1798 he started to write a large and philosophical autobiographical poem,completed in 1805,and published posthumously in 1850 under the title THE PRELUDE.The long work described th

6、e poets love of nature and his own place in the world order.,Samuel Taylor Coleridge,Born:21 October 1772 Birthplace:Devonshire,England Died:25 July 1834(heart attack)Best Known As:The author of The Rime of the Ancient Mariner,the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings arising from emotion recoll

7、ected in tranquility 诗歌是情感的自然流露 华兹华斯,The Rime of the Ancient MarineWithslopingmastsanddippingprow,/AswhopursuedwithyellandblowStilltreadstheshadowofhisfoe,/Andforwardbendshishead,/Theshipdrovefast,/loudroaredtheblast,/Thesouthwardayewefled./Andnowtherecamebothmistandsnow,/Anditgrewwondrouscold:/Andi

8、ce,/mast-high,/camefloatingby,/Asgreenas emerald./AndthroughthedriftsthesnowycliftsDidsendadismalsheen:/Norshapesofmennorbeastsweken-Theicewasallbetween./Theicewashere,/theicewasthere,/Theicewasallaround:/Itcrackedandgrowled,/androaredandhowled,/Likenoisesinaswound!/AtlengthdidcrossanAlbatross,/Thor


10、也是一个基督徒,我们以上帝的名义向它欢呼。,Samuel Taylor Coleridge was famous for dreamy and somewhat creepy poems like The Rime of the Ancient Mariner(古舟子咏),Christabel(克里斯特贝尔)and Kubla Khan(忽必列汗).The Rime of the Ancient Mariner,which describes a sailor who curses himself and his ship by killing an albatross.Coleridge i

11、s also remembered for his turbulent tbjlnt personal life,especially his decades-long addiction to opium opjm鸦片.,Tintern Abbey 丁登寺,.For I have learnedTo look on nature,not as in the hourOf thoughtless youth;but hearing often timesThe still,sad music of humanity,Nor harsh nor grating,though of ample p

12、owerTo chasten and subdue.And I have feltA presence that disturbs me with the joy Of elevated thoughts;a sense sublime Of something far more deeply interfused Whose dwelling is the light of setting sunsAnd the round ocean and the living airAnd the blue sky,and in the mind of manA motion and a spirit

13、 that impels All thinking things,all objects of all thoughtAnd rolls through all things.,因为我已懂得如何看待大自然,再不似 少不更事的青年;而是经常听到 人生宁静而忧郁的乐曲,优雅,悦耳,却富有净化 和克制的力量。我感觉到 有什么在以崇高的思想之喜悦 让我心动;一种升华的意念,深深地融入某种东西,仿佛正栖居于落日的余晖 浩瀚的海洋和清新的空气,蔚蓝色的天空和人类的心灵:一种动力,一种精神,推动着 思想的主体和思想的客体 穿过宇宙万物,不停地运行。,Wordsworths poem“Tintern Abbe

14、y”b寺院is a poem which describes how his revisit reminded him of the sublime sblam壮丽的,宏伟的scenery in the past.As a twenty-three-year-old man,Wordsworth had been traveling at the beautiful Wye river怀伊河,the time-honored Tintern Abbey and Monmcutshire蒙茅斯郡which located in western England.Five years later,a

15、ccompanied by his sister Dorothy,Wordsworth revisited the abbey.Though all the scenery was still in old spot,he felt everything had changed and went into meditation,mdten冥想.The pleasure of revisiting mixed with the reluctance rlktnt不情愿to his youth and the expectation for his future.Set off by the sc

16、enery of the nature,the pleasure,reluctance and expectation was presented by a feeling including happiness and sadness at the same time.,We Are Seven 我们是七个,A Simple Child,这是一个单纯的小孩子,That lightly draws its breath,她正在轻松地呼吸:And feels its life in every limb,她感到周身充满了活力,What should it know of death?怎知道什么叫

17、做死?I met a little cottage Girl:我碰到一个小女孩,She was eight years old,she said;住乡下小屋,说她八岁。Her hair was thick with many a curl 浓密的发丝一卷卷从四方 That clustered round her head.包裹着她的小脑袋。She had a rustic,woodland air,她带了山林野地的风味,And she was wildly clad:衣着也带了土气 Her eyes were fair,and very fair;她眼睛漂亮、真漂亮,Her beauty ma

18、de me glad.她的美使我欢喜。,Sisters and brothers,little Maid,“小姑娘啊,”我问道,How many may you be?How many?“你可有几个兄弟姊妹?”Seven in all,she said,“几个呢?一共七个。”她答道,And wondering looked at me.看着我,奇怪有什么不对。And where are they?I pray you tell.“告诉我,他们都在哪儿?”She answered,Seven are we;她答道:“一共七位,And two of us at Conway dwell,两个去航海

19、,And two are gone to sea.两个住康卫。Two of us in the church-yard lie,“哥哥姐姐两个,My sister and my brother;埋在坟里。And,in the church-yard cottage,靠近他们,那小屋I Dwell near them with my mother.妈妈和我住在一起。”,You say that two at Conway dwell,And two are gone to sea,Yet ye are seven!-I pray you tell,Sweet Maid,how this may

20、be.Then did the little Maid reply,Seven boys and girls are we;Two of us in the church-yard lie,Beneath the church-yard tree.How many are you,then,said I,If they two are in heaven?Quick was the little Maids reply,O Master!we are seven.But they are dead;those two are dead!Their spirits are in heaven!T

21、was throwing words away;for still The little Maid would have her will,And said,Nay,we are seven!,“你说有两个是住在康韦,两个在海船上干活,可你们是七个!告诉我,好姑娘,这话怎说?”“我们有七个姐妹和兄弟,”小姑娘这样地回答,“两个躺在教堂墓地里,躺在那墓地的树下。”我说:“他们两个进了天国,那你说你们是几个?”小姑娘的回答来得利落:“先生,我们是七个。”“可他们两个都已经死去!灵魂儿已进了天国!”这些话全都是白说,因为,这位小姑娘还是不改嘴;“不,我们是七个,”她说。,The little gir

22、l in the poem is unable to realize that she is separated from her dead siblings.She is unable to understand death,and she is forever in an imaginative state of being,and nature is interfering to keep the girl from understanding her separation from her siblings.The seemingly silly squabbleskwb!争吵betw

23、een adult and child is already a revelation of the early and continuing tension in the poet between the hope for a perpetual pptul bliss and the incursion of a harsh reality,Lines written in early spring,I heard a thousand blended notes,While in a grove I sate reclined,In that sweet mood when pleasa

24、nt thoughts,Bring sad thoughts to the mind.To her fair works did nature linkThe human soul that through me ran;And much it grievd my heart to thinkWhat man has made of man.Through primrose-tufts,in that sweet bower,The periwinkle traild its wreathes;And tis my faith that every flowerEnjoys the air i

25、t breathes.,早春遣句我听见一千种混合的音调,在树林里当我躺倚着的时候,那样美好的情景里快乐的思潮竟把悲哀的思潮带上我心头。通过我的感受,大自然,把人类的灵魂和她的杰作联接起来了,这使我的心灵更悲伤地想起人又是怎样对待人的。穿过樱草花丛,在那绿荫之中,长青花在编织它的花环,我坚决相信每一枝花朵都在它所呼吸的空气里尽情享受。,鸟儿在我四周蹦跳雀跃,它们的心意我可无从捉摸但即便是它们细微的动作,也好象是一种激动的欢乐。嫩枝萌芽伸展如扇,要捕捉那轻快的微风,我必须想到,尽我之所能,在那里正有着欢乐。如果这种信念来自天启,如果这就是大自然的神圣安排,我还有什么理由悲叹人是怎样对待人的?,Th

26、e birds around me hoppd and playdTheir thoughts I cannot measure,But the least motion which they made,It seemd a thrill of pleasure.The budding twigs spread out their fan,To catch the breezy air;And I must think,do all I can,That there was pleasure there.If I theses thoughts may not prevent,If such

27、be of my creed the plan,Have I not reason to lamentWhat man has made of man?,Poetry is the breath and finer spirit of all knowledge;it is the impassioned expression which is in the countenance of all Science.(2nd ed.,1800),Wordsworths path-breaking works were produced between 1797 and 1808.His poems

28、 written during middle and late years have not gained similar critical approval.Wordsworths Grasmere period ended in 1813 when he moved to Rydal Mount,Ambleside,where he spent the rest of his life.His daughter Catherine and beloved son Thomas had died and his friendship with Coleridge,suffering from

29、 addiction,was breaking apart.Wordsworth was appointed official distributor of stamps for Westmoreland.From the age of 50 his creative began to decline.Wordsworth abandoned his radical faith and became a patriotic,conservative public man.In 1843 he succeeded Robert Southgey(1774-1843)as Englands poe

30、t laureate桂冠诗人.Wordsworth died on April 23,1850.,The winter 1798-99 Wordsworth spent with his sister and Coleridge in Germany.There he wrote several works,including the enigmatic Lucy poems.After return he moved Dove Cottage,Grasmere.In 1802 married Mary Hutchinson.They cared for Wordsworths sister

31、Dorothy for the last 20 years of life-she had lost her mind as a result of physical ailments.,Preface to Lyrical Ballads(1802),The principal object,then,which I proposed to myself in these Poems was to chuse incidents and situations from common life,and to relate or describe them,throughout,as far a

32、s was possible,in a selection of language really used by men;and,at the same time,to throw over them a certain colouring of imagination,whereby ordinary things should be presented to the mind in an unusual way;and,further,and above all,to make these incidents and situations interesting by tracing in

33、 them,truly though not ostentatiously,the primary laws of our nature 这些诗的主要目的,是在选择日常生活里的事件和情节,自始至终竭力采用人们真正使用的语言来加以叙述或描写,同时在这些事件和情节上加上一种想象的光彩,使日常的东西在不平常的状态下呈现在心灵面前,最重要的是从这些事件和情节中真实地而非虚浮地探索我们的天性的根本规律,Accordingly,such a language,arising out of repeated experience and regular feelings,is a more permanen

34、t,and a far more philosophical language,than that which is frequently substituted for it by Poets,who think that they are conferring honour upon themselves and their art,in proportion as they separate themselves from the sympathies of men,and indulge in arbitrary and capricious habits of expression,

35、in order to furnish food for fickle tastes,and fickle appetites,of their own creation.因此,这样的语言从屡次的经验和正常的情感产生出-来,比起一般诗人通常用来代替它的语言,是更永久、更富有哲学意味的。一般诗人认为自己愈是远离人们的同情,沉溺于武断和任性的表现方法,以满足自已所制造的反复无常的趣味和欲望,就愈能给自己和自己的艺术带来光荣。,but by a man,who being possessed of more than usual organic sensibility,had also though

36、t long and deeply.For our continued influxes of feeling are modified and directed by our thoughts,which are indeed the representatives of all our past feelings;and,as by contemplating the relation of these general representatives to each other we discover what is really important to men,so,by the re

37、petition and continuance of this act,our feelings will be connected with important subjects 可是凡有价值的诗,不论题材如何不同,都是由于作者具有非常的感受性,而且又深思了很久。因为我们的思想改变着和指导着我们的情感的不断流注,我们的思想事实上是我们已往一切情感的代表,我们思考这些代表的相互关系,我们就发现什么是人们真正重要的东西;如果我们重复和继续这种动作,我们的情感就会和重要的题材联系起来。,it is this,that the feeling therein developed gives imp

38、ortance to the action and situation,and not the action and situation to the feeling.是情感给予动作和情节以重要性,而不是动作和情节给予情感以重要性。and assuredly such personifications do not make any natural or regular part of that language.They are,indeed,a figure of speech occasionally prompted by passion,and I have made use of

39、them as such;but I have endeavoured utterly to reject them as a mechanical device of style,or as a family language which Writers in metre seem to lay claim to by prescription.I have wished to keep my Reader in the company of flesh and blood,persuaded that by so doing I shall interest him.拟人法事实上只是偶尔由

40、于热情的激发而产生的辞藻,我曾经把它当作这样的辞藻来使用,但是我反对把它当作某种风格的人为的手法,或者把它当作韵文作家按照某种特权所享有的一种自己的语言。我希望读者得到有血有肉的作品作为伴侣,使他相信我这样做,会使他感到兴趣。,He is a man speaking to men:a man,it is true,endued with more lively sensibility,more enthusiasm and tenderness,who has a greater knowledge of human nature,and a more comprehensive soul,

41、than are supposed to be common among mankind诗人是以一个人的身份向人们讲话。他是一个人,比一般人具有更敏锐的感受性,具有更多的热忱和温情,他更了解人的本性,而且有若更开阔的灵魂,LUCY Strange fits of passion have I known:And I will dare to tell,But in the lovers ear alone,What once to me befell.When she I loved lookd every dayFresh as a rose in June,I to her cottage

42、 bent my way,Beneath an evening moon.Upon the moon I fixd my eye,All over the wide lea;With quickening pace my horse drew nighThose paths so dear to me.,露西(1)经历了奇异爆发的激情:我会勇敢地讲述我的事情,发生在我身上的历历往事,但只讲给多情的人听。那时我爱慕的露西每天似六月鲜艳的玫瑰,在一个洒满月光的夜晚我骑马向她的家园奔飞。我的眼睛紧盯着月亮,它升冉在宽阔的荒原;快马驰骋,离露西家越来越近,归家之路尤感亲切。,And now we re

43、achd the orchard-plot;And,as we climbd the hill,The sinking moon to Lucys cotCame near and nearer still.In one of those sweet dreams I slept,Kind Natures gentlest boon!And all the while my eyes I keptOn the descending moon.My horse moved on;hoof after hoofHe raised,and never stoppd:When down behind

44、the cottage roof,At once,the bright moon droppd.What fond and wayward thoughts will slideInto a lovers head!O mercy!to myself I cried,If Lucy should be dead!,现在我们来到了果园;当爬上了山坡,那渐渐西沉的月亮越来越接近露西的小屋。慈爱的上苍给我最温柔的恩赐,让我归家的美梦如此甜蜜!一路上我的眼睛都能观望沉落月亮的步履。我的马继续前行;一步又一步疾驰向前,从不停息:当走到露西小屋顶的背后,一刹那,晶莹的月亮坠落不见踪迹。一个多么愚昧任性的想

45、法悄然钻入我多情的脑海里!噢,可怜啊!我对着自己痛哭,露西是否会死去!,Lake Poets,The Lake Poets are a group of English poets who all lived in the Lake District of England at the turn of the nineteenth century.As a group,they followed no single school of thought or literary practice then known,although their works were uniformly disp

46、araged by the Edinburgh.They are considered part of the Romantic Movement.The three main figures of what has become known as the Lakes School are William Wordsworth,Samuel Taylor Coleridge,and Robert Southey.They were associated with several other poets and writers,including Dorothy Wordsworth,Charl

47、es Lloyd,Hartley Coleridge,John Wilson,and Thomas De Quincey.The beauty of the Lake District has also inspired many other poets over the years,beyond the core Lake Poets.These include James Payn,Bryan Procter,Felicia Hemans and Walter Scott.,Romanticism was an artistic,literary and intellectual move

48、ment that originated in the second half of the 18th century in Europe,and gained strength in reaction to the Industrial Revolution.In part,it was a revolt against aristocratic,rstkrtk贵族的 social and political norms of the Age of Enlightenment and a reaction against the scientific rationalization,rnlz

49、en 合理化of nature.It was embodied most strongly in the visual arts,music,and literature,but had a major impact on historiography,education and natural history.,Romanticism,THE PRELUDE OR,GROWTH OF A POETS MIND;AN AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL POEM(第一卷1-45行),OH there is blessing in this gentle breeze,A visitant tha

50、t while it fans my cheekDoth seem half-conscious of the joy it brings From the green fields,and from yon azure sky.Whateer its mission,the soft breeze can comeTo none more grateful than to me;escaped From the vast city,where I long had pinedA discontented sojourner:now free,Free as a bird to settle


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