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1、With the Shaanxi Expressway networking toll, toll extension business is now weighing charges for storage charges database security and backup of business data has become more prominent. After two years of operation, more and more awareness of the operating units to database stability issues is a pro

2、blem not to be ignored. Simple examples such as: failure of the servers and databases, general maintenance and management staff, in many cases, cannot be independent and quick recovery, had an impact on production. So we need a proper data backup solutions. Database is the core of the whole system,

3、database security should pay more attention. Therefore, the formulation of appropriate database backup strategy, is to maintain database security norms as well as the guidelines, to backup the data it needs from the technical, as well as administratively regulated. In data security, data security st

4、rategy is to maintain the integrity, confidentiality and availability of information. Therefore, database security policy will focus on these three points, including physical security, access control, data backup and emergency response. Here, in the toll collection system in the province uses the SQ

5、L Server database as an example to illustrate the idea of developing its security policy. 1 research background of construction of networked Expressway toll collection system reduced the number of drivers vehicles in the road network and improve road capacity, reducing environmental pollution due to

6、 parking, enhance the economic benefits of Highway and social image. Shaanxi Provincial Expressway networking toll began in May 2004, as of now there are more than 200 data server, as more sections of grid-connected charges, charges data as the core of the whole system, it is necessary to establish

7、a set of data security and reliable solution. 2 purpose this time through the analysis of network data in server health, Shaanxi Provincial Expressway networking toll system based on data, statistical methods of data storage, data research, original charge as possible security, integrity and privacy

8、 of data. For the opening section after incorporation fees provide a reliable set of data security policies. 3 database security situation in the province Shaanxi Provincial Expressway networking toll system overview 3.1 database-tier systems, management systems, branch-level management system, the

9、provincial network centre split and transfer system, four-level system. Each system has its own separate data server is used to store their collection of premium business data, provide the basis for statistical analysis. 1, stand-level server storage fees collected from toll lanes flowing data and p

10、ass on this site blessing Kaku, cartridge information within this site, card box allocation, cartridge combination of information and frequency information. 2, the main storage server server charges collected water from under the jurisdiction of the station data and the pass of blessing Kaku, the in

11、ternal cartridge information, reallocation of the cartridge and cartridge combination, personnel information, flight information, charges the actual payment data entry work. 3, Center-class server storage server charges collected water from under the jurisdiction of the station dataWater data integr

12、ity can be up and running. So when a database server fails, you do not need to pass data to recover, simply through the collection procedure for charging water data collection to complete the fast recovery of server failures. 4.4 analysis summary summary analysis, lane because it is not a complete s

13、tation level data, so there is no need for dedicated backup. Stand-level server data because it is at the front of the charge as a whole, its fault directly affects the exercise normally, you need a complete offsite backup solution. Management, and data center server, due to its operations without m

14、anual data entry, so just use common artificial scheduled backups can be. 5 solutions in order to ensure that when the server after a hardware failover, backup data without changes or only minor changes can be quick and easy troubleshooting of server data recovery, you青岛游艇产业园区C-1-8地块工程 临电施工方案(桩基) 中国

15、建筑第二工程局有限公司2013年12月15日need to select the real-time synchronization method of the programme. Typically backup system comes with backup solutions should be preferred. If the system comes with a backup plan if it cannot meet the requirements, software development methods is needed. Or third-party softw

16、are systems are selected for backup. Because third-party backup software is usually priced very high, charging units require high price, so for only the first two methods are studied below. 5.1 use MS SQL2000 synchronized backups of SQL 2000 database in three ways, namely snapshot replication, trans

17、actional replication and merge replication. By comparison, excluding the first two programmes, select synchronization transactional replication and database Nothwind database, for example, for testing. The three parts of the main considerations in the synchronization of the data, can be thought of a

18、s three hosts. The Publisher, Distributor, and Subscriber; can be understood from the literal meaning, function is actually implemented to keep subscribers through the Distributor data timely and consistent data at the Publisher. 1, about snapshot replication to copy data changes infrequently, or ar

19、e not required to keep the data current values (low latency), snapshot data is one of the best methods of data replication. When synchronization occurs, complete snapshot is generated and sent to the Subscriber. Because snapshot replication bulk copies released (items collection) a complete copy, it

20、 will publish all writes made to the snapshot folder. Project is to specify that you want to copy tables, data partitioning, or database objects. Projects can be a full table and certain columns (using a vertical filter), certain rows (using a horizontal filter), a stored procedure or view definitio

21、n, the stored procedure execution, view, indexed, view, or user-defined function. Snapshot replication does not maintain data the fastest real-time updates, and the bulk copy released (items collection) a full copy of the mechanism will generate a lot of network traffic. Only small volumes of replic

22、ation used, data is static and does not need to be updated in real time database. So do not use snapshot replication the synchronization modeData table, add a new data field MSrepl_tran_version, publishing software depending on whether the contents of this field changes to determine whether you need

23、 to publish the data. And SQL 2000 data is modified judging is managed by the kernel, not for external programming. Such as modify the structure of the original data table, a direct result of running lanes and management software that doesnt work. Due to the above test results to prove that this sce

24、nario is not suitable as a backup method for networking toll system in Shaanxi Province. 5.2 using specially developed backup software after the above tests, through the systems subscriptions, publish method in Shanxi province under the networking software sync backup, demand cannot be met, backup s

25、oftware so I decided to use for the development of synchronization, synchronize backups. As a result of independent development, it has a high degree of flexibility in backup. Easier for seamless integration with existing systems. Backup software developed for the synchronization, you must meet the

26、following requirements: in order to ensure synchronous backup software can start on Windows startup, and are not easily shut down by the operation, it should be developed using a Windows service. Synchronize backup software is the software that runs 24 hours, must be able to steady operation. In ord

27、er to reduce network bandwidth to the greatest degree in the backup, and only need to back up the tolling system generates the new data table. The backup software should be able to automatically filter the add new data in a database table, and synchronized backups of data that meets the conditions o

28、f form. Flags field of the current charging system using a dedicated TransferMark, any kind of toll system software after changing the record, both on the field is zero, this record has been changed to notify other software. Use this field as a flag to identify whether data has changed. In addition

29、to this field, 目 录1编制说明12编制依据13工程概况14现场临电平面布置14.1布置原则14.2线路布置方案25施工用电设置25.1线路设施的设置25.2配电箱设置35.3电器灯具设置35.4重复接地的设置36施工用电管理46.1施工现场用电管理46.2生活区临时用电管理46.3施工用电应急措施57安全用电措施57.1安全用电组织措施57.2安全用电技术措施67.3用电防火措施88施工用电计算108.1施工机械配置(初版,根据正试图调整)108.2总用电量计算108.3配电导线截面计算119附图:现场临电平面布置图(桩基)13中国建筑第二工程局有限公司 青岛游艇产业园区C-1

30、-8地块临电施工方案临电施工方案1 编制说明为青岛游艇产业园C-1-8地块项目桩基工程的施工临时用电提供较完整的技术指导文件,便于建筑施工临时用电的施工流程和施工质量控制,能优质、快速、高效的完成建筑施工临时用电的施工任务,并为业主、监理对工程的施工方法、质量、工程进度等各方面的详细了解提供依据。2 编制依据1、业主提供游艇产业园C-1-8地块2013-12-11版CAD版结构电子版图2、建筑工程施工现场供电安全规范GB50194-933、供配电系统设计规范GB50052-20094、施工现场临时用电安全技术规范JGJ46-2005 5、建筑施工安全检查标准JGJ59-20113 工程概况青岛

31、游艇产业园C-1-8地块位于青岛市黄岛区前湾港附近,齐长城路北。C-1-8地块建筑面积约26万,地下为一层整体地库,建筑面积约41500;地上为6栋高层住宅,建筑面积约220000,其中1#楼32层,建筑高度93.5m,2#楼32层,建筑高度93.5m,3#楼33层,建筑高度96.4m,4#楼33层,建筑高度96.4m,5#楼33层,建筑高度96.4m,6#楼34层,建筑高度99.3m。基础结构为桩基+筏板,主体为剪力墙结构。4 现场临电平面布置4.1 布置原则现场临时用电配线严格按三相五线制覆盖整个施工现场,工作零线(N线)和保护零线(PE线)必须严格分开。工作零线(N线)仅用于负载(即22

32、0V照明及220V用电设备使用)。施工现场所有用电设备除作保护接零(PE线)外,必须在设备负荷线的首端处设置漏电保护装置。配电线路采用熔断器作短路保护时,熔体额定电流应不大于绝缘导线允许截流量的1.5倍。配电线路采用自动开关作短路保护时,其过电流脱扣器,脱扣电流整定值,应不小于线路末端单相短路电流,并应能承受短路时过负荷电流。临电总电源由业主现场地块安装的8个容量为630KVA的箱变提供,临时供电系统采用树状辐射埋地分布,至各临时用电机械设备及二级配电箱再至各开关箱。考虑用电紧张通过计算合理分配各用电设备的作业时间,以确保作业的正常进行。4.2 线路布置方案施工临时用电主要考虑现场机械使用、照


34、20主电缆同箱变连接;315A总开一级箱采用YJV-4120+170主电缆同箱变连接。(该配置充分考虑公司内部调配及新电缆采购相结合的方案,最大的节约电缆使用)2、结构施工待正式施工图下发,结构开始施工前7天内编制并上报。5 施工用电设置5.1 线路设施的设置根据现场施工条件,电缆的采取埋地配管暗设,严禁沿地面明设,电缆穿越道路,易受机械损伤的场所及引出地面从2m高度至地下0.2m处,必须加设保护套管。埋地敷设电缆的接头应设在地面上的接线盒内,接线盒应能防水、防尘、防机械损伤并应远离易燃、易爆、易腐蚀场所。电缆在直接埋地敷设的深度应不小于0.8m,并在电缆上下各均匀铺设不小于50mm 厚的细纱

35、,然后铺盖砖等硬质保护层。现场电缆采取沿基坑上口绕地块一圈设置,办公、生活区沿围墙埋地至办公区生活区。5.2 配电箱设置1、本工程所设置的配电箱、开关箱为厚度1.5mm铁板制作的标准配电箱。配电箱、开关箱应装设端正、牢固,移动式配电箱、开关箱应装设在坚固的支架上。2、配电系统设置室内总配电屏(配电室)和室外分配电箱,实行分级配电。3、开关箱为末级分配电箱配电,分配电箱与开关箱的距离不得超过30m。开关箱与其控制的固定式用电设备的水平距离不宜超过3m。4、配电箱、开关箱的开关电器(含插座)应按其规定的位置紧固在电器安装板上,不得歪斜和松动,配电箱、开关箱内的工作零线应通过接线端子板连接,并应与保


37、用橡皮绝缘电缆。9、固定式配电箱、开关箱的下底与地面的垂直距离应大于1.3米,小于1.5米,移动式配电箱、开关箱的下底与地面垂直距离应大于0.6米,小于1.5米,进出口一律设在箱体的下底,并有防绝缘损坏措施(可采用加缠二层塑料绝缘带)。5.3 电器灯具设置电器、灯具的相线必须经开关控制,不得将相线直接引入灯具。施工现场办公室、加工房内配线必须采用绝缘导线,严禁采用护导线直接配线,且全部配线穿PVC管。施工机械和移动碘钨灯应加防雨罩配电缆线。5.4 重复接地的设置1、现场临时供电系统采用TNS接零保护系统,在施工现场临时分配电箱处设专用保护接地线(PE线)直接接地,接地体48钢管,12圆钢连接,


39、属结构体,但应保证电气连接可靠。4、总配电箱进线处和变压器低压母线上应装设低压避雷器,施工现场和临时生活区,高压在20m以上的脚手架、正在施工的建筑物以及塔式起重机、机具、建筑用大钢模板等都要用防雷接地保护,避雷针长度12米,可用16圆钢端部磨尖。避雷针保护范围按60遮护角防护。6 施工用电管理6.1 施工现场用电管理1、现场用电管理设专职电工两名,各用电设备实行专人专机,并经培训教育后方可操作,按规定配备劳保用品。2、建立电工岗位责任制,现场要严格执行。3、用电管理人员应经常检查电气装置,保证设施完好,并做好记录。4、专职电工,必须对配电箱、开关箱作好管理,不得转让他人管理。5、专职电工及管

40、理人员要及时做好技术交底,做好电设备的验收,接地电阻测试,技术资料的收集整理工作。6.2 生活区临时用电管理1、配电室必须配备足够的绝缘灭火器材,灭火器材应放在方便易取的地方。灭火器材应定期检查,过期失效应立即更换。2、值班人员不得离开工作岗位,发现超负荷或其他隐患时应予以消除。严禁配电过负荷或带病运行。3、不得在电线上挂杂物及衣物等物品。4、一旦发生电气火灾,首先必须切断电源,防止在灭火过程中发生触电事故;其次要用绝缘性能好的灭火剂灭火。现场设备相应灭火器(二氧化碳、干粉等灭火器及足够的黄砂)。6.3 施工用电应急措施考虑施工现场实际突发现状,现场配备一台500KW柴油发电机,供紧急使用。发

41、电机房搭设防噪声棚,在发电机房单独设一组重复接地装置,接地电阻实测值不大于3。6.4 现场箱变及高压电缆防护1、现场箱变防护(1)对现场的箱变均进行防护,箱变基础四周外扩1.8m范围进行100mm厚C15砼硬化,防护临时采用48x2.8mm钢管及密目安全网,钢管立柱L=1800mm2000mm,设上中下三道横杆。(2)正式开工后,所有箱变换装工具式成品防护,防护为方钢立柱+密目钢丝网(网眼小于3cm),顶棚为双层50mm厚木跳板硬防护,并在侧面安装单开门及上锁专人管理。每天专职电工进行检查维护,并做检查记录,电工必须有入网操作证。2、箱变高压电缆防护现场箱变专用高压电缆已由供电局埋地敷设完毕,

42、埋深约1m。现场施工时,采用高压电缆标识牌及砼桩进行标识,施工中严禁触碰,基坑土方开挖施工时严禁触碰电缆,开挖土方距离电缆一侧2m范围内采用人工开挖探沟后再进行人工开挖。7 安全用电措施7.1 安全用电组织措施1、建立临时用电施工组织设计和安全用电技术措施的编制、审批制度,并建立相应的技术档案。2、建立技术交底制度向专业电工、各类用电人员介绍临时用电施工组织设计和安全用电技术措施的总体意图、技术内容和注意事项,并应在技术交底文字资料上履行交底人和被交底人的签字手续,注明交底日期。3、建立安全检测制度 从临时用电工程竣工开始,定期对临时用电工程进行检测,主要内容是:接地电阻值,电气设备绝缘电阻值

43、,漏电保护器动作参数等,以监视临时用电工程是否安全可靠,并做好检测记录。4、建立电气维修制度 加强日常和定期维修工作,及时发现和消除隐患,并建立维修工作记录,记载维修时间、地点、设备、内容、技术措施、处理结果、维修人员、验收人员等。5、建立工程拆除制度建筑工程竣工后,临时用电工程的拆除应有统一的组织和指挥,并须规定拆除时间、人员、程序、方法、注意事项和防护措施等。6、建立安全检查和评估制度施工管理部门和企业要按照JGJ59-2011建筑施工安全检查标准定期对现场用电安全情况进行检查评估。7、建立安全用电责任制 对临时用电工程各部位的操作、监护、维修分片、分块、分机落实到人,并辅以必要的奖惩。8

44、、建立安全教育和培训制度 定期对专业电工和各类用电人员进行用电安全教育和培训,凡上岗人员必须持有劳动部门核发的上岗证书,严禁无证上岗。7.2 安全用电技术措施1、建立健全的用电管理制度,各处设立专职的值班电工,配合安全员对临时用电进行管理。值班电工必须持证上岗,经常对现场的电气线路和设备进行安全检查,定期测试电气绝缘、接地接零电阻、漏电保护器等开关是否完好。并做好业内资料,台讯季节要强化检查,对查出的问题限期整改。2、建立对总配电室、各路配电箱、供电线路及电气设备检查、维修、保养等安全管理制度,严禁电气设备带病运行。3、在总配,分配和(移动)开关箱分别设置漏电断路器,实行“三级配电,二级保护”






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