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1、文化Culture,勤奋好学Diligent and Eager to Study,中国人重视读书、勤奋好学,The Chinese people attach great importance to study,and it has become a fine tradition passed on from generation to generation to be diligent and eager to learn.,少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲,If one does not work hard when young,it will be useless for him to regr

2、et when old.,书山有路勤为径学海无涯苦作舟,In the high mountain of books,industry is the only path leading to the peak;on the boundless sea of learning,diligence is ones own vehicle of passage.,活到老,学到老,One is never too old to learn.,悬梁刺股,战国时期的苏秦,夜以继日地读书,实在太累了,就用锥子刺腿来使头脑清醒。汉代的孙敬,为了防止读书时瞌睡,便用一根绳子把自己的头发系在房梁上,只要一打瞌睡就会

3、被扯醒。,悬梁刺股,Su Qin(475-221 BC)read day and night,when he was too tired,he could jab his legs with an awl to keep himself awake.,悬梁刺股,Sun Jing(206 BC-220 AD)tied his hair to a ceiling beam to prevent him dozing off;thus,as he felt sleepy,he would be jerked back to wakefulness.,悬梁刺股,王羲之-墨池,东晋大书法家王羲之自幼苦练

4、书法。他每次写完字,都到自家门前的池塘里洗毛笔,时间长了,一池清水变成了一池墨水。后来人们把这个池塘称为“墨池”。王羲之通过勤学苦练,终于称为著名的书法家,被人们称为“书圣”。,王羲之-墨池,The great calligrapher Wang Xizhi(317-420 AD)practiced calligrapher from his childhood.Each time he finished writing,he would go to the pond in front of his house to wash his writing brush;,as time passed,a pond of clean water became a pond of Chinese ink.Later,people called his stretch of water the“Chinese ink pond”.Wang Xizhi finally became a famous calligrapher.,王羲之,


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