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1、Text 2 Warning on epilepsy drugs for young,Step one preparative before the classStep two some useful words about our professionalStep three warning on epilepsy drugs for youngStep four reading and translation,Step one,preparative before the class,Step two,some useful words about our professional,卫生事

2、业管理,health service organization,health administration,health policy management,health service administration,卫生服务组织,卫生行政组织,卫生政策管理,Step two,some useful words about our professional,卫 生 部,health sector,health sector reform,health system,Ministry of Health,卫生部门,卫生部门改革,卫生系统,Step two,卫生筹资,health service

3、planning,health system performance,health project,health financing,卫生服务规划工作,卫生系统绩效,卫生项目,Step two,卫生行动,community health,community health service,health action,社 区 卫 生,社区卫生服务,8,What is Your Recovery Rate?,无忧PPT整理发布,9,What is your recovery rate?How long does it take you to recover from actions and beha

4、viors that upset you?Minutes?Hours?Days?Weeks?,The longer it takes you to recover,the more influence that incident has on your actions,and the less able you are to perform to your personal best.In a nutshell,the longer it takes you to recover,the weaker you are and the poorer your performance.,10,Do

5、nt live your life in the past!Learn to live in the present,to overcome the past.Stop the past from influencing your daily life.Dont allow thoughts of the past to reduce your personal best.Stop the past from interfering with your life.Learn to recover quickly.,Step three:Warning on epilepsy drugs for

6、 young,The first paragraphwarning n.警告,预告,通知,预兆epilepsy n.医癫痫症on drugs 吸毒rat vt.俚诅咒,责骂 n.【医】鼠 老鼠highlight n.加亮区,精彩场面,最显著(重要)部分 vt.加亮,使显著,以强光照射,突出,risk riskvt.冒.的危险n.冒险,风险epileptic adj.癫痫的,癫痫性的 n.癫痫患者activity n.活跃,活动性,行动,行为immature adj.不成熟的,未完全发展的neuron n.解神经细胞,神经元experiment on v.对.进行实验,The first par

7、agraph,The first paragraph,suggest vt.建议,提出,使想起,暗示treat tri:t n.宴请,款待,请客 vt.视为,对待,论述,治疗,款待 vi.交涉,谈判,协商,款待,作东Benzodiazepine n.化苯(并)二氮harm vt.伤害,损害n.伤害,损害,claim n.(根据权利提出)要求,要求权,主张,要求而得到的东西 vt.(根据权利)要求,认领,声称,主张,需要claim a large amount against him 要求他赔偿大量金额neurotransmitter n.生化神经传递素,神经递质unlock vt.开.锁,开启

8、,显露,放开 vi.开着,解开,cause n.原因,导致某事发生的人或事,动机,理由,根据,目标,理想,事业 vt.引起,惹起,使(发生),促成,The first paragraph,chemistry n.化学actually adv.实际上,事实上,竟然,居然,如今promote vt.促进,发扬,提升,提拔,晋升为promote growth 促进增长activity n.活跃,活动性,行动,行为,核放射性,The first paragraph,The first paragraph,used to 惯常,惯于seizure n.抓,捉,没收,查封,夺取(疾病、尤指脑病的)发作,侵

9、袭infant n.婴儿 adj.婴儿的,幼稚的adult n.成人,成年人 adj.成人的,成熟的electrical adj.电的,有关电的associate with v.联合,联系,与交往=relate to,The second paragraph,anticonvulsant adj.北海treatment n.待遇,对待,处理,治疗,The second paragraph,network n.网络,网状物,广播网;网(络),(计算机,电路)网络路NET brainsusceptible adj.易受影响的,易感动的,容许.的 n.(因缺乏免疫力而)易得病的人sensitive

10、adj.有感觉的,敏感锐的易受伤害的,容易生气的,The third paragraph,counteract vt.抵消,中和,阻碍Mediterranean n.地中海(=Mediterranean sea,位于欧,亚,非三大洲之间),地中海沿岸的居民 adj.地中海的,地中海民族的institute n.学会,学院,协会 vt.创立,开始,制定,开始(调查),提起(诉讼),The third paragraph,neurobiology 神经生物学remove from 除掉,移开particularly adv.独特地,显著地interest in 对.有兴趣hippocampus n

11、.希神罗神马头鱼尾的怪兽,鱼海马,The fourth paragraph,neurotransmitter n.生化神经传递素gamma n.100万分之1克,微克butyric adj.奶油的,由奶油中提取的,酪酸的amino adj.化氨基的acid n.化酸,迷幻药 adj.酸的,讽刺的,刻薄的,The fourth paragraph,trigger vt.引发,引起,触发 n.板机hallmark n.特点,标志,特征enhance vt.提高,增强 v.提高,The fifth paragraph,conversely adv.相反地,反过来block n.木块,石块,块,街区,

12、印版,滑轮,阻滞,(一)批 vt.防碍,阻塞nerve cell n.解神经元,神经细胞receptor n.接受器,感受器,受体,The sixth paragraph,surgery n.外科,外科学,手术室,诊疗室carbohydrate n.化碳水化合物,醣类intractable adj.难处理的,难治的,The seventh paragraph,therapy n.治疗effective adj.有效的,被实施的,给人深刻印象,有生力量foundation n.基础,根本,建立,创立,地基,基金,基金会,The eighth paragraph,relatively 相关地,相对

13、地,impressiverare adj.稀罕的,杰出的,珍贵的,(肉类)半熟的adv.非常medic medik n 医师,实习医生look at v.看,考虑,着眼于,The eighth paragraph,speculate vi.沉思,思索,揣想,设想,推测推测,思索,做投机买卖chloride n.化氯化物ion n.离子build up v.树立,增进,增大,堵塞predispose vt.预先安排,使偏向于be predisposed to本来爱好.,有.的倾向;易患.病,Tenth paragraph,inhibit 抑制,约束,化医抑制associate with v.联合in the way adv.挡道,因为,由于,这样by the way adv.在途中,顺便transport n.传送器,运输,运输机,激动,流放犯,狂喜 vt.传送,运输,流放,放逐in and out adv.进进出出,弯弯曲曲,Eleventh paragraph,investigate v.调查,研究Whether conj.是否,不管,无论pregnant adj.怀孕的,重要的,富有意义的,孕育的,


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