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3、zeproponent,opponent;advocate,dissidentcourt,jury,defendant,plaintiff,evidence fast,bear,holiday,构词法记忆的好处,词义辨析:Transmit,emit;migrate,immigrate,emigrate 一词多义:compose 构成,构图,谱写,创作 bear 忍受,承担,支撑,生育词汇扩充:regress,congress,aggressive,egressreputation,computer,dispute,众口齐说,fessconfess,profess,manifest,manife

4、stocombine,compete,conclude,confirm,condense,consolidate,conflictprogress,project,prominent,众口齐说,voc,vokvocal,vocalist,vocation,avocation,vocabulary,advocate,evoke,revoke,evocation,provokeaccelerate accumulate,aggravate,appoint,assent,attendexclude,exceed,exhale,ex-wife,众口齐说,Claim,clamclaim,acclaim,



7、的;表人或科学;,6 峰回路转,universe,diverse,adverse,verse,advert,converse,version,versus,reverse,vert=turn,表示转“,7 引领大局,produce,reduce,introduce,educate,deduce,induce,deduct,induct,conduct,duc=lead,bring,表示引导,带来,2 眼疾手快,perspective,inspect,expect,aspect,persist,permanent,persuade,suspect,respect,spect,spic=look/

8、see,表示“看;per=表“贯穿,自始至终;全部”;表“假,坏;,2 眼疾手快,出现频率:Aspect 7 expect 16 respect 11 inspect 2 perspective 2 prospect 4 retrospect 1 suspect 3 spic 4真题例句:A parallel situation exists in respect of predatory mammals and fish-eating birds.Thus the American president and vice-president have surnames starting wit

9、h B and C respectively;Jennifer Senior suggests in her article that raising a child can bring happiness in retrospect.,2 眼疾手快,supervise,advise,visible,vision,provide,supernatural,superficial,evident,revise,vis,vid=see,表示“查看;separate,表示“分开;super=表“在上面”;表“超级,超过,过度;,2 眼疾手快,出现频率:vision 23 visible 1 revi

10、s 4 supervis 7 eviden 23 provide superfluous 3真题例句:The framers of the Constitution envisioned law as having authority apart from politics.Provided you are modest,youll surely make progress.Humans create superfluous material goods-paintings,sculpture and architecture-and superfluous experiences-music

11、,literature,religion and philosophy.,2 眼疾手快,describe,prescribe,script,description,manuscript,transcribe,ascribe,subscribe,inscribe,scrib,script=write,表示“写“,2 眼疾手快,出现频率:describ 26 subscribe 5 prescription 3 真题例句:Copyright rested with the journal publisher,and researchers seeking knowledge of the resu

12、lts would have to subscribe to the journal.Its a theory to which many economists subscribe,but in practice it often leaves railroads in the position of determining which companies will flourish and which will fail.,2 眼疾手快,factoryeffect,facilitate,faculty,factor,infect,defect,perfect,affect,facility,

13、fect,fact,fec,fac,fic,fig=do,make 表示做,制作,2 眼疾手快,出现频率:facilitate 1 faculty 1 affect 6 effect 26 infect 2真题例句:It facilitates public investment in scientific research.He was drunk and not in control of his faculties.He listened to them,affecting an amused interest.Scientists jumped to the rescue with s

14、ome distinctly shaky evidence to the effect that insects would eat us up if birds failed to control them.At the start of the 20th century,under-nutrition and childhood infections got in the way.,3 川流不息,intermit,transmit,permit,admit,submit,interfere,intervene,commit,emit,mit/miss=send/cast,表时送,放出,派,

15、错过“inter=“在之间,相互”,3 川流不息,出现频率:commit 11 submit 3 admit 7 interfere 1 interact 6真题例句:It was reneging on a longstanding commitment to abide by the strict nuclear regulations.No one,he submits,could have written it without possessing some power of reasoning.The casino included a photo of Williams among

16、 those of banned gamblers,and wrote to him a“cease admissions”letter.,3 川流不息,succeed,exceed,succession,proceed,concede,accede,secede,recede,precede,ced/ceed/cess=go 表示“行走,3 川流不息,出现频率:succe 30 preced 5 exce 2 access 13 concession 1真题例句:As boards scrutinize succession plans in response to shareholder

17、pressure,executives who dont get the nod also may wish to move on.Excessive demands increase the cost of health careThey are easily accessible to the general public.But by giving in to critics now they are inviting pressure to make more concessions.,3 川流不息,suffer,infer,differ,refer,offer,prefer,succ

18、eed,confer,transfer,fer=bring/carry 表示“带来、拿走“su=under/after 表示在下面;随后,3 川流不息,出现频率:offer 20 prefer 6 refer 10 infer 13 confer 7真题例句:It is preferable for journalists to rely on their own notions of significance and make their own judgments.The knowledge and skills needed for a particular specialization

19、 are transmissible but not transferable.Certain astrological signs confer superior soccer skills.,3 川流不息,occur,currency,current,occurrent,curriculum,excurse,occasion,concur,incur,cur=run 表示“跑、发生“ob/oc=to/against/towards 表示“向、对,3 川流不息,出现频率:occur 8 current 10 incur 1真题例句:If a relevant and important id

20、ea occurs to you now,work it into the draft.They believe the data support an idea current among marine biologists,that of the“shifting baseline.”We learn from Para.1 that Gilberts appointment has incurred criticism/raised suspicion/received acclaim/aroused curiosity.,4 手到擒来,dispose,propose,compose,e

21、xpose,purpose,disarm,distract,oppose,impose,pose=put,表示放;引申为职位“dis 表示“分开;分离;否定;不”之义,4 手到擒来,出现频率:expose 9 propose 4 compose 3 oppose 11 dispose 3 suppose 12 component 4真题例句:To be sure,he performs an impressive variety of interesting compositions.Kids need a range of authentic role models as opposed t

22、o members of their clique,pop stars and vaunted athletes.While it is easy to ignore in our contact with them the effect of our acts upon their disposition,it is not so easy as in dealing with adults.,4 手到擒来,retain,attain,obtain,contain,detain,reflect,recommend,entertain,maintain,tain=hold,表示拿住,握住,支撑

23、;挽留re=1.表示回,向后,相反,不;2.表示一再,重新,4 手到擒来,出现频率:contain 2 obtain 5 maintain 6 retain 2 attain 2 entertain 6 sustain 6 content 10真题例句:A Spero can hardly maintain her business.C high-quality newspapers retain a large body of readers.C news about pregnant celebrities is entertaining.,while we may be able to

24、sustain the illusion of control through the conscious mind alone,Playing video games encourages immediate content.,4 手到擒来,receive,perceive,conceive,deceive,except,concept,conception,accept,reception,ceive=take/hold/seize,表示拿,抓,握住“,4 手到擒来,出现频率:receive 15+6 conceive+3 decept-3 perceive 3+1真题例句:Soccer-

25、mad parents are more likely to conceive children in springtime.lest animal rights misinformation go unchallenged and acquire a deceptive appearance of truth.Rosenberg is a perceptive observer.,4 手到擒来,report,transport,import,export,porter,portable,opportunity,passport,support,port=carry,表示拿,运,4 手到擒来,

26、出现频率:support 30 真题例句:From the text we can conclude that the author.A is supportive of both sides.have contributed 11 to the intellectual and cultural life of the West,B disproportionately,5 站如青松,assist,resist,insist,consist,insistence,resistance,persistent,consistent,persist,sist=stand,表示“站立,5 站如青松,

27、出现频率:assist 6 consist 5 insist 5 persist 6真题例句:Yet a considerable number of the most significant collections of criticism published in the 20th century consisted in large part of newspaper reviews.smoking would kill us but the doubters insisted that we didnt know for sureThose suffering from persist

28、ent nightmares should seek help from a therapist.,5 站如青松,structure,destruct,instruct,construct,instruction,destruction,obstruction,construction,obstruct,struc=build,表示“建立,5 站如青松,出现频率:construct 3 instruct 2 structure 12+1真题例句:It is stated in paragraph 1 that construction of a new education system This clearly seems to be a market in which big retailers could profitably apply their scale,existing infrastructure and proven skills in the management of product ranges,logistics,and marketing intelligence.,


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