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1、,Foreign Trade Correspondence,一、课程类别:国贸专业/中英文秘书必修课或专业选修课(Compulsory or optional course for majors in international trade or Chinese-English Secretary)二、开课单位:国贸系三、授课专业:国际贸易专业/中英文秘书专业四、适应对象:职高(for College of Vocational and Technical)五、学时与学分:80学时;4学分,分两个学期,每学期每周2节课(故在此要和学生们说明教材安排)六、首选教材:董琴主编:外贸函电(Forei

2、gn Trade Correspondence),西南财经大学出版社,,七、教学方式:本课程采取教师在课堂讲授一般外贸函电的写作技巧及相关知识点,学生课堂练习(比赛活动),通过组织具体的案例分析和在多媒体教室进行实验课教学的方式,结合教师在实际工作中和外商来往的商务函件,以及学生在课外阅读资料与完成作业相结合的方式组织教学。八、考核方式:闭卷考试平时表现(暂定为期末闭卷考试占70,平时表现占30),具体安排如下:考试:平时成绩(30%)+期末考试(70%)平时成绩(10030%):)=课堂表现(15%)+作业(15%)当堂交作业课堂表现是由学生打分决定,4个评委,综合打分(课堂表现从前学号开始


4、际过程,注重培养学生的实际应用能力,更加贴近学生就业需求。要求学生通过本课程的学习,能够具有运用英语从事国际商务活动的能力和技巧,了解商务信函的基本格式、掌握用英语进行商业沟通、发盘、询盘、还盘、开具商业发票、下订单、进行销售确认、包装、保险、调停商业争执等商业沟通和谈判能力。,This course is a practical core course in international business and trade which involves all the procedures in foreign trade such as the job requirements and t

5、he forms of Business letter,establish business relation,credit inquiry,enquiries and replies,quotation and proforma invoices,offer,counter-offers and re-counter offers,orders and their fulfillment,sales confirmations,terms of payment,packing,insurance,shipping instructions and shipping advice,trade

6、dispute and settlement,sales promotion and expos,etc.It requires the students to grasp related skills of business writing such as the forms of business letter,how to write and answer enquires in English,how to offer,counter offer and re-counter offer,how to make a proforma invoices,how to make order

7、,confirmation and insurance,how to settle business disputes,etc.,Conclusion,Why you must or have to learn“Foreign Trade Correspondence”?What is the difference between normal communication and foreign trade correspondence?,The first story:Boost Sales With These 7 Social Media,When social media first

8、hit the scene,I thought three things:this is a waste of time,I dont have time for it and my customers are not here.I was wrong on all three counts.Social mediums are vital to your business.They all can grow your brand awareness and your profits.Just three years ago I was oblivious to these tools.Tod

9、ay,my companies have more than 5 million views on YouTube,accumulated 300,000 Facebook followers and another 275,000 active followers on Twitter.Like you,I started with no followers and a very limited belief in these platforms.,Related:This Is How Small Businesses Are Using Social MediaHere are thin

10、gs we did that helped us build a presence:1.Start.The most important thing to do is to start,and start fast.You dont need to know anything to do this.Create an account and commit to posting content.Thats all!Nothing is going to happen without starting.Billions of people are using social media worldw

11、ide-proof that its not complicated.,2.Post often and keep posting.There are some“experts”out there who discourage frequent posts.They think if you post too often people will quit following you,but in the beginning,you dont have followers.The only way you are going to get attention is through frequen

12、cy.Those who quit following you because you post too much arent your market and wont buy from you anyway.If people arent complaining about how much you post you are not posting enough.In three years,I posted more than 1,200 videos on YouTube,the social medium I consider to be one of the most powerfu

13、l.Thats almost 400 videos a year.,3.Be the celebrity expert in your space.Post content that makes you the expert in your space.Think in terms of providing information based on what you know and the service your business or products offers.Offer tips and insights such as how to,how not to,what to avo

14、id,how to find the best,what makes it the best,how to fix it,repair it and what you must know.If you are a dry cleaner,post everything there is to know about dry cleaning,stain removal and fabrics.,总结思考:各位同学是否使用了网络媒体进行过宣传,以后进入工作单位是否考虑,如果进入贸易企业是否可以做出相应共享。在某种意义上说,Foreign trade correspondence 的应用范围是否扩大

15、了?,Lesson 1 An Introduction to Foreign Trade Correspondence,Every business produces paperwork.A prospective business needs conveying various kinds of business information to its employees,clients,trading partners and funding bodies in order to operate the business and to promote products and service

16、s.Business writing serves to pass on information,to express ideas,to exchange feelings and to deal with social business.,Successful foreign trade correspondence can realize two goals,i.e.the receiver interprets the message as the sender intended it,it achieves the senders purposes.At every stage,flu

17、ent,error-free writing can give a big advantage.Good writing will be used in different contexts to develop businessmen or to expand the business.Therefore,it is necessary for people who engage in foreign affairs to have a good command of the linguistic features and writing techniques in practical En

18、glish writing.,English foreign trade correspondence refers to letters,telegrams,telexes,faxes and E-mails used for communication in foreign trade(and domestic trade).Broadly speaking,the functions of trade correspondence may be said to be:(1)to ask for or convey information;(2)to make or accept an o

19、ffer;(3)to deal with matters concerning business.A good trade correspondence is essential and important for a businessman.When it comes to doing a business,it usually includes establishing business relations,inquiries,offers,counter-offers,acceptance,orders and declining orders,terms of payments,pac

20、king and shipment,etc.,外贸函电是一门将英语与外贸业务相结合的课程。通过介绍外贸实务中各种英文业务函件,电传和传真以及其他方式的写作格式,商业术语和各种不同的表达方法,并通过介绍对外贸易各环节的具体做法,使学生在提高英语水平的同时,熟练掌握对外贸易业务中常用的基本术语及表达技能,培养和提高他们的外贸业务工作能力。,本课程的目的是学习外贸业务书信的标准格式,了解通过哪些途径来发展新客户,开拓新市场,如何进行询购某个商品,怎么报盘和还盘,怎样灵活运用付款方式,如何做到重合同守信用,怎样去审查信用证,做到不出差错,在理赔和索赔中做到有理有利有节;学会拟写信函和电传传真的写作技巧。,本课程主要学习信例,大量学习外贸实务基本环节中有代表性的信例。外贸实务基本环节有:建立业务关系和自信调查、询盘、报盘和报价、还盘、订单,履行订单、支付、包装和运输、信用证的修改和展期,索赔和解决索赔等。,是一门实践操作性很强的课程.也就是说,要达到正确拟写外贸业务信函的目的,仅有理论是远远不够的,学员必须学习大量外贸实务中有一定代表性的信函,深入体会何为7个C写作的基本理论知识,更重要的是通过学习信例,熟悉大量外贸业务中各个环节中常用语,包括词汇短语句型以及习惯表达方式等,再通过一定量的练习,对常用于进行操练运用,从而达到掌握并熟练使用的目的.-学习方法,Thank You!,


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