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1、English Grammar,Parts of Speech英语的词性,Eight Parts of Speech,Nouns名词,Adjectives形容词,Adverbs副词,Conjunctions连词,Interjections感叹词,Word that names,A Person 人物,An Idea一个建议,A Thing一样东西,A Place地点,Noun 名词:,Kinds of Nouns名词的种类,普通名词,专有名词,单数名词,复数名词,单数所有格,复数所有格,The Verb动词,A word that expresses action or otherwise h

2、elps to make a statement表示动作或者帮助说明一种情况的词,Linking连接,“be”verbs&tastefeelsoundlookappearbecomeseemgrowremainstay,Subject物体,Predicate谓语,Action动作,Every sentence must have每个完整的句子都必须要有一个动词,a,VERB,Kinds of Verbs动词的种类,Action verbs express mental or physical action.,Linking verbs make a statement by connectin

3、g the subject with a word that describes or explains it.,He rode the horse to victory.,He has been sick.,实际的动作,助动词,The Pronoun代词,The pronoun is a word used in place of one or more nouns.It may stand for a person,place,thing,or idea.代替人,地点,东西,建议等,Personal Pronouns人称代词I,me,mineyou,your,yoursshe,her,he

4、rs,it,itswe,us,our,oursthey,them,their,theirsmyselfyourself,Indefinite Pronouns不定代词anybodyeacheithernonesomeone,one,etc.,Interrogative Pronouns疑问代词whowhomwhatwhichwhose,Demonstrative Pronouns指示代词thisthatthesethose,The Adjective形容词,Modifies or describes a noun or pronoun.修饰或者描述名词或代词,Is that a wool sw

5、eater?那是件羊毛衣吗?,Just give me five minutes.请给我五分钟,Did you lose your addressbook?你丢了你的地址本?,Answers these questions:回答这些问题,What kind?,Which?,How many?,The Adverb副词,Modifies or describesa verb,an adjective,or another adverb.修饰或者描述动词,形容词副词,Answers the questions:回答的问题是:,How?,He ran quickly.,She left yester

6、day.,When?,We went there.,Where?,It was too hot!,To what degree or how much?,Kinds of Adverbs副词类型,InterrogativeAdverbs疑问副词introduce questions引入一个问题,How?,When?,Where?,How often?,How did you break your leg?,When does your plane leave?,How often do you run?,Where did you put the mouse trap?,The Preposi

7、tion介词,A preposition introduces a noun or pronoun or a phrase or clause functioning in the sentenceas a noun.The word or word group that thepreposition introduces is its object.介词在句子中引入名词、代词、短语、从句等等,引入对象。,They received a postcard from Bobby telling about his trip to Canada.,The preposition never sta

8、nds alone!介词不能单独使用,Preposition介词,Noun名词,Pronoun代词,object ofPreposition介词的对象,preposition,object,can have more thanone object,object can have modifiers,You can press those leaves under glass.,Her telegram to Nina and Ralph brought good news.,It happened during the last examination.,Some Common Preposi

9、tions常见的介词,aboardaboutaboveacrossafteragainst alongamongaround atbefore,behindbelowbeneathbesidebetweenbeyondbydown during except for,frominintolikeofoffonoverpastsincethrough,throughouttotowardunderunderneathuntilupuponwithwithinwithout,The conjunction连词,A conjunction is a word that joins wordsor g

10、roups of words.连词是用来连接几个或者更多词语的词,and,or,but,either/or,neither/nor,The interjection感叹词,is an exclamatory word that expressesEmotion表达情绪感情的词,Goodness!What a cute baby!,Wow!Look at thatsunset!,Oops!(感叹词interjection)My(代名词 pronoun,在这做形容词)sister(名词noun)falls(动词verb)into(介词preposition)a big(形容词adjective)h

11、ole(名词)and(连接词conjunction)cries(动词verb)loudly(副词adverb),Oops!My sister falls into a big hole and cries loudly!,复习题,填写单词的词性When(1)Mary Lennox(2)was(3)sent to Misselthwaite Manor to live(4)with her uncle everybody(5)said she was the(6)most disagreeable-looking child ever seen.It was true,too.(7)She ha

12、d a little thin face(8)and a little thin body,thin light hair and a(9)sour expression.(10)Her hair was(11)yellow,and her face was yellow(12)because she had been born(13)in(14)India and had always been ill in one way or another.,答案:(proper)noun专有名词/(helping)verb助动词/(action)verb表示动作的动词/preposition介词又称

13、前置词/(action)verb表示动作的动词/adverb副词/pronoun代词/(coordinating)conjunction 并列连接词/adjective形容词/possessive pronoun(or)adjective表示所属关系的代词,在此处还表示形容词修饰头发/(predicate)adjective表语形容词/(subordinating)conjunction 从属连接词/preposition介词又称前置词/(proper)noun专有名词,复习题,答案:1-H-b/2-F-e/3-G-c/4-B-d/5-C-g/6-D-f/7-A-a/8-E-h,复习题,答案:

14、BBABB/BBABA,复习题,答案:BAABA/BBBAA,如何进行英文的自我介绍,1)开场白Good morning/afternoon/evening,my name is.It is really a great honor to have this opportunity/chance to introduce myself.I am.I am from.I am XXX years old and,如何进行英文的自我介绍,(2)关于职位、工作I am in charge of I am responsible for I have been working for.I used to work as.I am quit familiar with.,如何进行英文的自我介绍,(3)关于个人(家庭,爱好.)I live in.I have a son.I am married.I like football,Thats all for now.,More Later,


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