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1、练习1 There _(be)a pen,a knife and several books on the desk.2Either you or she _(be)to go.3The teacher together with some students _(be)visiting the factory.4 He as well as I _(want)to go boating.5.Not only she but also I _(be)mistaken.6.The young _(be)the vital forces in our society.7Neither you nor

2、 he _(be)to blame.,答案:is;is;is;wants;am;are;is主谓一致中的靠近原则1)当there be 句型的主语是一系列事物时,谓语应与最邻近的主语保持一致。There are twenty boy-students and twenty-three girl-students in the class.2)当either or 与neither nor,连接两个主语时,谓语动词与最邻近的主语保持一致。如果句子是由here,there引导,而主语又不止一个时,谓语通常也和最邻近的主语一致。,Here is a pen,a few envelops and so

3、me paper for you.谓语动词与前面的主语一致当主语后面跟有with,together with,like,except,but,no less than,as well as 等词引起的短语时,谓语动词与前面的主语一致。,结果状语从句 比较:so和 such词性不同。such形容词+名词(词组),so 是副词,修饰形或副词。so与数量形容词many,few,much,little连用。so foolishsuch a fool so nice a flower such a nice flower so many/few flowers such nice flowers so

4、much/little money.such rapid progress so many people such a lot of people(so many 已成固定搭配,a lot of 虽相当于 many,但 a lot of 为名词性的,与such搭配。),练习:分词作状语1 _(not receive)any letter from him,I gave him a call.2 _(give)more attention,the trees could have grown better.3_ some officials,Napoleon inspected his army

5、.4 With some officials_(follow),Napoleon inspected his army.5_there(be)fine,I went outing.6 Little Jim lay on his back,with his hand _(clench).,答案:Not receiving;Given;following;There being;clenching分词作状语1 As I didnt receive any letter from him,I gave him a call.由于没有收到他的信,我给他打了电话。2 If more attention

6、was given,the trees could have grown better.假如多给些照顾,那些树会长得更好。3 with 介词+v-ing 分词(主/被)4 一个句子只有一个谓语动词,除非有连词,练习1There was a terrible noise _(follow)the sudden burst of light.2_(heat),liquids can be changed into gases.3_(use)for a long time,the book looks old.4_(invite)to the party,Joan was greatly hurt.

7、5._ is done cannot be undone.,答案:following;Heated;Being used;Not having been invited;what1由于声音在闪电后,因此为声跟随着光,声音为跟随的发出者,为主动。用现在分词。2分词作为状语。现在分词表主动,正在进行的;过去分词表被动的,已经完成的。对于液体来说是加热的受动者,是被动的,=状语从句 When it is heated,看主句的主语是否是动作的发出者,是就选现在分词。3 由于用了很长时间,这本书看上去很旧。Using the book,I find it useful.在使用的过程中,我发现这本书很有

8、用。,练习:1The murder was brought in,with his hands _(tie)behind his back。2 He lay there,his teeth set,his hand clenched,his eyes _(look)straight up.3Weather_(permit),well go out for a walk.4 The meeting _(go)over,everyone tired to go home earlier.5The test _(finish),we began our holiday.6 This_(do),we

9、went home.,答案:tied;looking;permitting;gone;finished;done1表伴随时,with+名词(代词)+分词+介词短语结构。本句中名词手与分词绑是被动关系,因此用过去分词4会议结束后,每个人都想早点回家。独立主格结构一般有逗号与主句分开。5=When the test was finished,we began our holiday.考试结束了,我们开始放假。工作完成后,我们才回家。,(一):独立主格结构的构成:名词(代词)+现在分词、过去分词;形容词;副词;不定式;介词短语构成。(二)独立主格结构的特点:1)独立主格结构的逻辑主语与句子的主语不同

10、,它独立存在。2)名词或代词与后面的分词,形容词,副词,不定 式,介词等是主谓关系。3)He came out of the library,a large book under his arm.他夹着本厚书,走出了图书馆,练习分词1 The secretary worked late into the night,_(prepare)a long speech for the president.2While _(walk)in the garden,he hurt his leg.3_(finish)his homework,he went out.4_(not receive)a rep

11、ly,he decided to write again.,答案:preparing,walking;Having finished;Not having received;1 此处没有连词,又因前后两个动作同时发生,且与主语为主动关系,应用现在分词。2分词作时间状语,如果先与主动词的动作,且强调先后,要用having done。=As he had finished his homework,he went out.做完作业后,他出去了。3分词的时态与分词的否定式。根据题意判断,分词的动作(接信)发生在谓语动词的动作(决心再写信)之前=Because he had not received

12、a reply,he decided to write again.,关系代词/关系副词。例1.Is this museum _ you visited a few days age?A.whereB.that C.on which D.the one例1变为肯定句:This museum is _ you visited a few days ago.在句1中,所缺部分为宾语,而where,that,on which都不能起到宾语的作用,只有the one既做了主句的表语,又可做从句的宾语,可以省略关系代词,所以应选D。,例2.Is this the museum _ the exhibit

13、ion was held.A.whereB.that C.on whichD.the one例2变为肯定句:This is the museum _ the exhibition was held.而句2中,主、谓、宾俱全,从句部分为句子的状语表地点,既可用副词where,又因 in the museum词组,可用介词in+which 引导地点状语。而此题中,介词on 用的不对,所以选A。,关系词的选择依据在从句中所做的成分,先行词在从句中做主、定、宾语时,选择关系代词(who,whom,that,which,whose);先行词在从句中做状语时,应选择关系副词(where 地点状语,when

14、 时间状语,why 原因状语)。只能用that作为定语从句的关系代词的情况a)在there be 句型中,只用that,不用which。,b)在不定代词,如:anything,nothing,the one,all,much,few,any,little等作先行词时,只用that,不用which。c)先行词有the only,the very修饰时,只用that。d)先行词为序数词、数词、形容词最高级时,只用that。.e)先行词既有人,又有物时。,练习(关联词)1 Theres no much _ can be done.2 _ we need is more practice.3 The

15、tree,_ is four hundred years old,is very famous here.4 We depend on the land from _ we get our food.5 This is the mountain village _ I visited last year.6 I will never forget the days _ I spent in the countryside.7 They asked them _ it was.,答案1 that;2what;3 which;4which;5which;6which 7what1 当that引导定

16、语从句时,通常用作关系代词,而引导名词性从句时,是个不充当任何成分的连接词。宾语从句和表语从句中的that常可省略。What引导名词性从句,用作连接代词,作从句的具体成分,且不能省.I think(that)you will like the stamps.3不用that的情况a)在引导非限定性定语从句时。b)介词后不能用。,4 用关系代词,还是关系副词 看从句中的谓语动词。及物动词后面无宾语,就必须要求用关系代词;而不及物动词则要求用关系副词。例如:This is the mountain village where I stayed last year.Ill never forget t

17、he days when I worked together with you.判断先行词在定语从句中的成分(主、谓、宾、定、状),综合练习1 填连词,1 _she is young,she knows quite a lot.2.He sat there calmly _ nothing had happened.3.The news of his visit _(release)to the public.4 _(know)why any word has a certain meaning is interesting,too5I felt surprised _ I seemed to

18、 have seen him somewhere before.6 It is high time that the children _(go)to bed.7 Whats the good of continuing production _ the products do not sell well?,答案:1 Although。虽然她很年轻,却知道许多2 as if好象3 was released4 Knowing5 because6(should)go7 if,部分倒装是指将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态倒装至主语之前。如果句中的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do,does或d

19、id,并将其置于主语之前。1)句首为否定或半否定的词语,如no,not,never,seldom,little,hardly,at no time,in no way,not until 等。Never have I seen such a performance.Nowhere will you find the answer to this question.Not until the child fell asleep did the mother leave the room.当Not until引出主从复合句,主句倒装,从句不倒装。,语态有两种:主动语态和被动语态。主语是动作的发出者

20、为主动语态;主语是动作的接受者为被动语态。1)若宾语补足语是不带to 的不定式,变为被动语态时,该不定式前要加to。此类动词为感官动词。feel,hear,help,listen to,look at,make,observe,see,notice,watchThe teacher made me go out of the classroom.-I was made to go out of the classroom(by the teacher).We saw him play football on the playground.-He was seen to play footbal

21、l on the playground.2)情态动词+be+过去分词,构成被动语态。Coal can be used to produce electricity for agriculture and industry.,不能用于被动语态的及物动词或动词短语:fit,have,hold,marry,own,wish,cost,notice,watch agree with,arrive at/in,shake hands with,succeed in,suffer from,happen to,take part in,walk into,belong toThis key just fi

22、ts the lock.Your story agrees with what had already been heard.3)系动词无被动语态:appear,be become,fall,feel,get,grow,keep,look,remain,seem,smell,sound,stay,taste,turn It sounds good.,4)带同源宾语的及物动词,反身代词,相互代词,不能用于被动语态:die,death,dream,live,lifeShe dreamed a bad dream last night.5)当宾语是不定式时,很少用于被动语态。(对)She likes

23、 to swim.(错)To swim is liked by her.主动形式表示被动意义1)wash,clean,cook,iron,look,cut,sell,read,wear,feel,draw,write,sell,driveThe book sells well.这本书销路好。This knife cuts easily.这刀子很好用。,2)blame,let(出租),remain,keep,rent,buildI was to blame for the accident.Much work remains.3)在need,require,want,worth(形),deser

24、ve后的动名词要用主动形式。The door needs repairing.=The door needs to be repaired.This room needs cleaning.这房间应打扫一下。This book is worth reading.这本书值得一读。4)特殊结构:make sb.heard/understood(使别人能听见/理解自己),have sth.done(要某人做某事)。,练习(被动)1.They _(ask)to participate in the meeting.2.Many teachers were praised at the meeting,

25、Mr.Zhou _(include).3 This is a photo of the power station that _(set)up in my hometown.4 My sister _(take)care of by Grandma.5 Such a thing _(hear)never of before.,答案;have been asked;included;has been set up;will be taken care;has never been heard of 短语动词是一个整体,不可丢掉后面的介词或副词。对错题练习 The price has been r

26、isen.()The price has risen.()The accident was happened last week.()The accident happened last week.()The price has raised.()The price has been raised.()Please seat.()Please be seated.,不用被动语态的情况1)不及物动词或动词短语无被动语态:appear,die disappear,end(vi.结束),fail,happen,last,lie,remain,sit,spread,standbreak out,com

27、e true,fall asleep,keep silence,lose heart,take place.After the fire,very little remained of my house.,比较:rise,fall,happen是不及物动词;raise,seat是及物动词。(错)The price has been risen.(对)The price has risen.(错)The accident was happened last week.(对)The accident happened last week.(错)The price has raised.(对)The

28、 price has been raised.(错)Please seat.(对)Please be seated.,被动形式表示主动意义be determined,be pleased,be graduated(from),be finished,be prepared(for),be occupied(in),get marriesHe is graduated from a famous university.他毕业于一所有名的大学。表示同某人结婚,可用marry sb.或get married to sb.。He married a rich girl.He got married to a rich girl.The library needs_,but itll have to wait until Sunday.A.cleaning B.be cleaned C.clean D.being cleaned答案A.need(实意)+n/to do,need(情态)+do,当为被动语态时,还可need+doing.如有to be clean 则也为正确答案。,


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