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1、XXXX,饰品测试能力简介Introduction to Jewelry Testing,Version 1.0,2,CTT中鼎是业内知名的第三方检测机构。CTT is one of the renowned professional 3rd party testing lab.中国合格评定国家认可委员会(CNAS)认可实验室和省资质认定(CMA)合格单位。CTT has been accredited by CNAS and CMA.CTT中鼎分别在东莞、深圳以及浙江都设有总面积达4500平方米的专业化测试中心。CTT has a total area of 4500 square mete

2、rs of testing centers in Dongguan,Shenzhen and Zhejiang.,公司介绍 About CTT,CTT中鼎实验室获得 Accreditations CTT has gained:-CNAS认可证书-美国消费品安全委员会(CPSC)认可 Accreditation by CPSC.,3,资质证书 Accreditations,中国玩具协会 理事会员单位;China Toy Association东莞市玩具协会 推荐检测机构;Dongguan Toy Association2009年,创建“技术性贸易壁垒(TBT)企业服务平台”;In 2009,CT

3、T built Enterprise Service Platform of Technical Barriers to Trade.2010年,获广东省“民营科技企业”资格称号;In 2010,CTT was qualified as Private Scientific and Technical Enterprise.2011年,获广东省中小企业公共(技术)服务示范平台;In 2011,CTT built the public(technical)service demonstration platform of small and medium enterprises.2011年,被评

4、为“2010年度广东省诚信示范企业”;In 2011,CTT was named as Top Creditable Enterprise of the year by Guangdong provincial authority.2011年,成为CQC指定的国际认证委托检验机构之一;In 2011,CTT was accredited by CQC as Recognized Laboratory for International Certification.,4,公司荣誉 Honor,CTT中鼎服务网络遍及东莞、深圳、广州、浙江、福建、香港、美国、欧洲等海内外多个分支机构。可为不同区域的

5、客户提供检测服务,满足客户多元化要求。,5,服务网络 Service network,Our service centers,forming a service network,can be found in more than 10 cities around the word,like Dongguan,Shenzhen,Guangzhou,Yiwu,Quanzhou,Hongkong,Pleasanton(USA)and Linz(Europe).These centers can provide multi-customized test services for different

6、customers in different areas.,6,实验室分布 Labs location,中鼎CTT,7,饰品测试 Jewelry testing电子电气测试 E&E testing玩具及儿童产品测试 Toys and childrens product testing纺织服装产品测试 Textile and garment testing皮革鞋类产品测试 Leather and Shoes testing食品接触材料测试 Food contact materials testing食品及保健食品测试 Food and health food testing 家具测试 Furni

7、ture testing工业产品测试 Industrial product testing 培训及咨询 Training and consulting,服务项目 Services,8,服务理念 Service concept,9,品保措施 Quality assurance,空白样品 Blank sample 加标回收 Spike recovery 标液回测 Calibration check standard solution 交叉实验 Crossover,10,部分仪器 Instruments,11,饰品测试能力介绍Introduction to Jewelry Testing,饰品测试

8、Jewelry testing,美国和欧盟对饰品都有严格的管控法规或标准,CTT能为您提供一站式的解决 方案,助您应对技术性贸易壁垒。USA and EU have released strict regulations and standards on Jewelry for the sake of peoples health.But this makes technical barriers to exporters.To help you tackle the barriers,CTT can provide you one-stop solution of jewelry testi

9、ng.,13,相关标准 Standards,化学项目 Chemical:-铅 Lead-镉 Cadmium-可溶性重金属 Soluble heavy metal-镍释放 Nickel release-邻苯二甲酸盐 Phthalates-高度关注物质 SVHC-偶氮 AZO dyes-甲醛 Formaldehyde燃烧性能测试 Flammability盐雾测试 Salt Spray(Fog)Test硫化物脱色实验 Decolorization test of sulfide标签要求 Labeling,14,耳环、项链、发簪、发夹、发箍等头饰Earring,necklace,hair clips,

10、etc.,机械物理项目 Mechanical:-尖点利边 Sharp point and edge-小部件 Small part-磁石危害 Magnet-使用和滥用测试 Use and Abuse-色牢度 Color fastness-耐拉伸测试等 Tensile strength etc.,15,耳环、项链、发簪、发夹、发箍等头饰Earring,necklace,hair clips,etc.,手表、手镯、戒指、手链等饰品Watch,bracelet,rings,hand chain,etc.,16,化学项目 Chemical:-铅 Lead-镉 Cadmium-可溶性重金属 Soluble

11、 heavy metal-镍释放 Nickel release-邻苯二甲酸盐 Phthalates-高度关注物质SVHC-甲醛 Formaldehyde燃烧性能测试 Flammability盐雾测试 Salt Spray(Fog)Test硫化物脱色实验 Decolorization test of sulfide标签要求 Labeling,手表、手镯、戒指、手链等饰品Watch,bracelet,rings,hand chain,etc.,17,机械物理项目 Mechanical:-尖点利边 Sharp point and edge-小部件 Small part-磁石危害 Magnet-使用和

12、滥用测试 Use and Abuse-色牢度 Color fastness-耐拉伸测试等 Tensile strength etc.,鞋或箱包上配饰品、钥匙扣等Accessories on shoes or bags,18,化学项目 Chemical:-铅 Lead-镉 Cadmium-可溶性重金属 Soluble heavy metal-镍释放 Nickel release-邻苯二甲酸盐 Phthalates-高度关注物质 SVHC燃烧性能测试 Flammability盐雾测试 Salt Spray(Fog)Test硫化物脱色实验 Decolorization test of sulfide

13、 标签要求 Labeling,鞋或箱包上配饰品、钥匙扣等Accessories on shoes or bags,19,机械物理项目 Mechanical:-尖点利边 Sharp point and edge-小部件 Small part-磁石危害 Magnet-使用和滥用测试 Use and Abuse-色牢度 Color fastness-耐拉伸测试等 Tensile strength etc.,服装上配饰品Accessories on garments,20,化学项目 Chemical:-铅 Lead-镉 Cadmium-可溶性重金属 Soluble heavy metal-镍释放 Ni

14、ckel release-邻苯二甲酸盐 Phthalates-高度关注物质 SVHC-偶氮 AZO dyes-甲醛 Formaldehyde燃烧性能测试 Flammability纤维成分分析 Fibre composition盐雾测试 Salt Spray(Fog)Test硫化物脱色实验 Decolorization test of sulfide标签要求 Labeling,21,机械物理项目 Mechanical:-尖点利边 Sharp point and edge-小部件 Small part-磁石危害 Magnet-使用和滥用测试 Use and Abuse-色牢度 Color fastness-耐拉伸测试等 Tensile strength etc.,服装上配饰品Accessories on garments,贵金属饰品测试 Noble metal jewelry testing-工艺外观 Outlook Checking-贵金属覆盖层质量 Quality of Covering厚度 Thickness附着强度 Attachment strength耐腐蚀性 Corrosion resistance-有害物质限制 Hazardous Substances,贵金属饰品 Noble metal jewelry,23,部分合作客户 Partners,


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