1、第十四章语态转换译法Translation of Passive Voice,2,课堂互动1:翻译下列句子,顺译成被动句(参考译文),1Those who perform deeds of merit will be rewarded.【译文】立功的人将受到奖励。2A program called a compiler was written by an expert in machine code and is stored in the computer.【译文】编译程序先由专家用机器代码编码写好,然后储存在计算机中。,3,课堂互动1:翻译下列句子,顺译成被动句(参考译文),3Transl
2、ation techniques should be paid enough attention to.【译文】翻译技巧应予以足够的重视。,4,4The applicants interviewed are required to hand in some necessary material.【译文】被谈过话的申请人,要求交上必要的材料。,课堂互动1:翻译下列句子,顺译成被动句(参考译文),5,5Television keeps us informed about current events at home and abroad.【译文】电视使我们了解国内外大事。,课堂互动1:翻译下列句子
3、,顺译成被动句(参考译文),6,课堂互动1:翻译下列句子,顺译成被动句(参考译文),6His plain prose is enlivened by boundless curiosity,a very sense of humour and a falcon-sharp eye for detail.【译文】他那永无止境的好奇心,冷嘲式的幽默以及捕捉细节所特有的隼一般锐利的目光使他那平淡的日记平添了几分生气。,7,课堂互动1:翻译下列句子,顺译成被动句(参考译文),7The temperature of the earth is determined by the amount of sol
4、ar heat which the atmosphere can keep.【译文】地球的温度取决于大气能保持多少热辐射。,8,课堂互动1:翻译下列句子,顺译成被动句(参考译文),8He was beaten black and blue.【译文】他被打得青一块紫一块。9His father was killed before liberation.【译文】他爹在解放前给杀害了。,小节结束,9,课堂互动1:翻译下列句子,顺译成被动句(参考译文),10With a true democratic system,he said,Egypt would not have been defeated
5、by Israel in 1967.【译文】他说倘有一个真正的民主制度,埃及就不会在1967年让(被)以色列打败了。,小节结束,10,课堂互动2:翻译下列句子,顺译成主动句(参考译文),1This is a question to be answered at once.【译文】这是一个要立即回答的问题。2We are deeply touched by the heros loyalty to the cause.【译文】我们深为英雄忠于事业的精神所感动。,11,课堂互动2:翻译下列句子,顺译成主动句(参考译文),3The novels of Dickens have already bee
6、n translated into many languages.【译文】狄更斯的小说已经译成了好几种语言。4The discovery is highly appreciated in the circle of agricultural science.【译文】这一发现在农业科学界得到很高的评价。,12,课堂互动2:翻译下列句子,顺译成主动句(参考译文),5Wells and spring are supplied with underground water.【译文】井水和泉水都是地下水。6I was received by a tall,lithe,vibrant woman in h
7、er 70s,white-haired,and still beautiful.【译文】接见我的是一位高挑轻盈、满头银发的女人。虽然年逾古稀,却依然神采奕奕、风韵犹存。,13,课堂互动2:翻译下列句子,顺译成主动句(参考译文),7I hope that the resolution of the General Assembly will at last be respected by Member States and by Israel in particular.【译文】我希望大会的各项决议终将得到各会员国,尤其是以色列的尊重。,14,课堂互动2:翻译下列句子,顺译成主动句(参考译文),
8、8It happened in one of those picturesque Danish taverns that cater to tourists and where English is spoken.(R.Zacks:The Date Father Didnt Keep)【译文】故事发生在丹麦的一家雅致的小旅馆里;这种小旅馆备有酒菜招待游客,而且讲英语。,15,课堂互动2:翻译下列句子,顺译成主动句(参考译文),9Scarcely had Hitler recovered from the shock of the July 20 bombing when he was face
9、d with the loss of France and Belgium and of the great conquests in the East.(William L.Shirer:The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich)【译文】希特勒在7月20日的炸弹案件后惊魂未定,又面临着丢失法国和比利时的局面和东战场的巨大压力。,16,课堂互动2:翻译下列句子,顺译成主动句(参考译文),10Most of these writers were convinced that injustices existed in our economic system,and
10、 against these injustices they protested,but they had no wish to change the system itself;or if they did,though idealistic,Utopian schemes.【译文】大多数作家都认为我们的经济制度中存在着不公平的现象,并对此提出过抗议,但是他们并不想从本身上改变这种制度;即使想,也只是些乌托邦式的空想而已。,小节结束,17,课堂互动3:运用倒译法翻译下列句子(参考译文),1Tremendous research work is required to bring about
11、such fantastic speeds.【译文】要达到如此神奇的速度,需要进行大规模的研究工作。,18,课堂互动3:运用倒译法翻译下列句子(参考译文),2Helsinki became a flourishing port,and a university was founded at Turku.【译文】赫尔辛基变成了一个繁荣的港口,在图尔库还建成了一所大学。,19,课堂互动3:运用倒译法翻译下列句子(参考译文),3The matter was never mentioned again ever since.【译文】从那以后再也没有提起过那件事。,20,课堂互动3:运用倒译法翻译下列句
12、子(参考译文),4I am saying that if they are read in a historical order,the effort is rewarded.【译文】我是说,如果按历史顺序阅读,则不会徒劳无益。,21,课堂互动3:运用倒译法翻译下列句子(参考译文),5Great strides have been taken in search of a cure,and preventative efforts have also been made.【译文】治疗方面已大有进步,预防方面也作了很大的努力。,22,课堂互动3:运用倒译法翻译下列句子(参考译文),6The st
13、udents should be enabled to develop morally,intellectually and physically in an all-round way.【译文】必须使学生在德育、智育、体育方面得到全面发展。,23,课堂互动3:运用倒译法翻译下列句子(参考译文),7His long,weekly editorial“Frankly Speaking”though sometimes turgid and repetitious is read by millions.【译文】他每周的长篇专栏“坦率的话”有时未免有华而不实、老生常谈的毛病,却仍有千百万人读它。,
14、24,课堂互动3:运用倒译法翻译下列句子(参考译文),8In September and October 1944 a half-million men were found for the army.But no provision was made to replace them in the factories and offices by women.(William L.Shirer:The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich)(译成无主句)【译文】1944年9、10两个月,有50万人参了军,但是没有规定要妇女进机关和工厂去接替这些入伍的人。,小节结束,
15、25,课堂互动4:运用分译法翻译下列句子(参考译文),1Guilin is known to be one of the most beautiful places in China.【译文】人们(都)知道,桂林是中国最美的地方之一。2Hydrogen is known to be lightest element.【译文】人们(都)知道,氢是最轻的元素。,26,课堂互动4:运用分译法翻译下列句子(参考译文),3It is generally considered not advisable to act that way.【译文】大家认为这样做是不妥当的。4The lecture is co
16、nsidered very important for beginner.【译文】大家认为这个讲座对初学者来说很重要。,27,课堂互动4:运用分译法翻译下列句子(参考译文),5Our teacher was seen(to be)working in the office.【译文】有人看见老师在办公室备课。6Yet,what we say here will not be long remembered.What we do here can change the world.【译文】不过,我们在这里所讲的话,人们不会长久地记住。我们在这里所做的事却能改变世界。,28,课堂互动4:运用分译法翻
17、译下列句子(参考译文),7It has been realized that wildlife is extremely important to us.【译文】人们已经认识到野生动植物对人类是极为重要的。,29,课堂互动4:运用分译法翻译下列句子(参考译文),8It is believed that todays pop music can serve as a creature force by stimulating the thinking of its listeners.【译文】人们认为,今天的通俗音乐通过刺激听众的思维便能作为一种创造性的力量。,30,课堂互动4:运用分译法翻译下
18、列句子(参考译文),9Not very many years ago,it was supposed that life was altogether absent in the deeper parts of the sea.【译文】没有多少年以前,人们还认为,海洋深处完全没有生命。,小节结束,31,课堂互动4:运用分译法翻译下列句子(参考译文),10It is universally acknowledged that airline food is awful.【译文】人们普遍认为,飞机上的食物非常糟糕。,小节结束,32,1)The poetry was chanted to the a
19、ccompaniment of the lyre.【译文】诗歌吟唱时是用七弦琴伴奏的。2)Everything in the world is built up from atoms.【译文】世间万物都是由原子组成的。,1将下列英语被动语态的句子译成“是的”汉语结构句,第十四章综合练习及参考译文,33,3)This book was written by our teacher ten years ago.【译文】这本书是我们老师十年前写的。4)This matter will be looked into in the future.【译文】这件事将来是要查明的。,1将下列英语被动语态的句子
20、译成“是的”汉语结构句,第十四章综合练习及参考译文,34,5)She was very put about it.【译文】她对这一点是很在意的。6)It is generally considered not advisable to act that way.【译文】大家都认为这样做是不妥的。,1将下列英语被动语态的句子译成“是的”汉语结构句,第十四章综合练习及参考译文,35,1.将下列英语被动语态的句子译成“是的”汉语结构句,7)The science fiction has been translated into Chinese by a friend of mine.【译文】那部科幻
21、小说是我的一位朋友译成中文的。,第十四章综合练习及参考译文,36,1.将下列英语被动语态的句子译成“是的”汉语结构句,8)He(Barrymore)then continued his walk down the alley.His(Sir Charles)body was found at the end of it.【译文】然后,巴里莫尔继续沿着小道走下去。查尔斯爵士的尸体就是在小道的尽头发现的。,第十四章综合练习及参考译文,37,1将下列英语被动语态的句子译成“是的”汉语结构句,9)In the present war allegedly for human rights,damages
22、 are made by computers,not by the weapon in a warriors hand.【译文】在这场所谓的为人权而斗争的战争中,破坏是由计算机造成的,而不是由战士手中的武器造成的。,第十四章综合练习及参考译文,小节结束,38,1将下列英语被动语态的句子译成“是的”汉语结构句,10)And the astonishing thing is that this most dangerous operation was organized by a young attractive 23-year-old Belgian girl,Andree De Jongh b
23、y name.【译文】令人惊奇的是,这个极其危险的作战行动是由一个年轻貌美的比利时姑娘组织的,她的名字叫安德岱荣,年仅23岁。,第十四章综合练习及参考译文,小节结束,39,1)Cutting tools should be inspected carefully prior to use.【译文】使用前,对刀具应作仔细的检查。2)Attention should be paid to safety.【译文】必须注意安全。3)Everything must be made the best use of.【译文】应当物尽其用。,2将下列句子译成汉语无主句,第十四章综合练习及参考译文,40,2将下
24、列句子译成汉语无主句,第十四章综合练习及参考译文,4)The value of true friendship is seldom known until it is lost.【译文】总是在失去友谊时才感到真正友谊的可贵。5)Felling trees is forbidden.【译文】禁止砍伐树林。6)Quality mustnt be neglected.【译文】千万不能忽视质量。,41,2将下列句子译成汉语无主句,7)The application has been improved.A number of new features have been added and a numb
25、er of bugs have been fixed.【译文】已改进了该应用程序,增加了一些新的功能,同时也纠正了一些错误。,第十四章综合练习及参考译文,42,2将下列句子译成汉语无主句,8)It is estimated that Americans spend up to five years of their lives in that tedious,stressful but unavoidable process known as waiting.【译文】美国人一生中在乏味而令人厌烦却又躲避不掉的等待上所耗费的时间估计竟达五年之多。,第十四章综合练习及参考译文,43,9)From
26、the serfs of the Middle Ages sprang the chartered burghers of the earliest towns.From these burgesses the first elements of the bourgeoisie were developed.(Karl Marx:Manifesto of the communist Party)【译文】从中世纪的农奴中间产生了初期城市的自由居民;从这个市民等级中间发展出最初的资产阶级分子。,2将下列句子译成汉语无主句,第十四章综合练习及参考译文,44,10)One revolution,one
27、 Republic of Panama established,and one year later the treaty was signed,and the Americans went on to build the Panama Canal.【译文】一场革命后,巴拿马共和国诞生了。一年后签订了条约,美国人继续修筑巴拿马运河。,2将下列句子译成汉语无主句,第十四章综合练习及参考译文,小节结束,45,第十四章综合练习及参考译文,3.段落翻译,There is evidence that diet and cancer are related.Some foods may promote c
28、ancer,while others may protect you from it.,A Defense against Cancer can be Cooked up in Your Kitchen(烹制防癌食物),【译文】有证据证明癌症与饮食有关。有些食物可能致癌,有些食物则可能防癌。,46,第十四章综合练习及参考译文,Foods related to lowering the risk of cancer of the larynx and esophagus all have high amounts of carotene,a form of Vitamin A which is
29、in cantaloupes,peaches,broccoli,spinach,all dark green leafy vegetables,sweet potatoes,carrots,pumpkin,winter squash and tomatoes,citrus fruits and Brussels sprouts.,【续】例如,可防喉癌、食道癌的食物都含有大量的胡萝卜素。胡萝卜素是维生素A的一种形式,存在于甜瓜、桃、硬花甘蓝、菠菜、深绿叶蔬菜、红薯、胡萝卜、南瓜、冬瓜、番茄、柑橘类水果及芽甘蓝之中。,3.段落翻译,47,第十四章综合练习及参考译文,Foods that may h
30、elp reduce the risk of gastrointestinal and respiratory tract cancer are cabbage,broccoli,Brussels sprouts,kohlrabi,cauliflower.Fruits,vegetables,and wholegrain cereals such as oatmeal,bran and wheat may help lower the risk of colorectal cancer.,【续】卷心菜、硬花甘蓝、芽甘蓝、球甘蓝和菜花是能帮助减少患胃、肠、呼吸道癌症危险的食物。水果、蔬菜及纯谷物食
31、品,如燕麦片和小麦等,可帮助降低患直肠癌的可能。,3.段落翻译,48,第十四章综合练习及参考译文,Foods high in fats,salt,or nitrite-cured foods like ham,and fish and types of sausages smoked by traditional methods should be eaten in moderation.Be moderate in consumption of alcohol also.,【续】高脂肪食物、含盐高的食物、或亚硝酸盐处理过的食物,如火腿、咸鱼、用传统方法熏制的各类香肠,食用应适量。饮酒也要有节
32、制。,3.段落翻译,49,第十四章综合练习及参考译文,A good rule of thumb is cut down on fat and dont be fat.Weight reduction may lower cancer risk.Our 12-year study of nearly a million Americans uncovered high cancer risks particularly among people 40%or more overweight.,【续】少吃高脂肪食物、避免发胖是实践得出的一条有益经验。减轻体重可降低患癌危险。对近100万美国人进行的为期12年的研究发现,超重的人40以上属于癌症高发人群。,3.段落翻译,50,第十四章综合练习及参考译文,Now,more than ever,we know you can cook up your own defense against cancer.So eat healthy and be healthy.No one faces cancer alone.,【续完】现在,人们比以往更清楚地了解如何能够在厨房不做出防癌食品。吃益于健康的食品并保持健康吧。大家行动起来,共同对付癌症。,3.段落翻译,小节结束,