南京工程学院 质量管理第9讲 持续改进.ppt

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1、2023/8/8,1,质量管理第三章 质量控制与质量改进第四节 持续改进,南京工程学院经济管理学院高 峰,2023/8/8,2,Kaizen,A philosophy of continually improving all areas.Personal life,home life,social life,working lifeWorkplace:continuous improvement involving everyone-managers and workers alike,2023/8/8,3,Kaizen,Quality:There is very little agreeme

2、nt on what constitutes quality.In its broadest sense,quality is anything that can be improved.When speaking of“quality”one tends to think first in terms of product quality.When discussed in the context of KAIZEN strategy nothing could be further off the mark.The foremost concern here is with the qua

3、lity of people.Building quality into people means helping them become KAIZEN conscious.,2023/8/8,4,Continuous Improvement(Kaizen),The foundation of continuous improvement is the belief that your organization can always be doing better.Operations can be more efficient.Quality can be improved.Costs ca

4、n be reduced.Sales can grow faster.And the company can be more profitable.If only everyone worked a little harder and smarter.,2023/8/8,5,J.B.Bury:civilization has moved,is moving,and will move in a desirable direction.,The foundation of modern civilization rests on a belief in progress.That society

5、 can be more just and humane.That we can,through innovation and initiative,alleviate more human suffering.That more people can find steady work,and live in safety and comfort.That more of us can be spiritually fulfilled and happy.If only we worked a little harder and smarter.,2023/8/8,6,Continuous I

6、mprovement vs.Kaizen,Taiichi Ohno and Shigeo Shingo developed both kaizen versions at Toyota.They are important tools for Lean Manufacturing,the Toyota Production System(TPS),Just In Time(JIT)and other effective manufacturing strategies.In Japanese,the definition of Kaizen is improvement and particu

7、larly,Continuous Improvement-slow,incremental but constant.Norman Bodek explains this and translates it as Quick&Easy Kaizen.,2023/8/8,7,Large-Scale Vs.Small-Scale Improvement,Large scale improvement is attractive.It promises quantum jumps in productivity,quality and effectiveness.However,it is diff

8、icult to implement because it affects many areas,people and processes.The design must be near-perfect because failure courts disaster.The risks and difficulties work against large-scale improvements.Small-scale improvements are easier and faster.The risks are low because they generally have limited

9、effect.However,the accumulated effect is often greater than a single large improvement.The Kaizen Blitz is a localized,smaller scale improvement and Mini-Kaizen are very small-scale improvements.,2023/8/8,8,The Kaizen Blitz,The Blitz or Event is a focused,intense,short-term project to improve a proc

10、ess.Substantial resources-Engineering,Maintenance,Cell Operators,and others are available for immediate deployment.An event usually includes training followed by analysis,design,and re-arrangement of a product line or area.The Event normally takes 2-10 days.The results are immediate,dramatic and sat

11、isfying.,2023/8/8,9,Mini-Kaizen,Before the recent popularity of the Blitz,kaizen meant Continuous Improvement.This is the slow accumulation of many small developments in processes and quality that,over 50 years,has helped make Toyota the lowest cost and highest quality automobile company in the worl

12、d.Lets call these improvements Mini Kaizen.Mini Kaizen is part of corporate culture.It requires both conscious and sub-conscious thinking about improvements day by day and minute by minute on the part of all employees.It also requires that these same employees possess the skills for this type of thi

13、nking.The mini variation is far more difficult to keep up and takes much longer for results than a blitz.But,as Toyota has demonstrated,it offers a more sustained competitive advantage.,2023/8/8,10,控制图上的解释,2023/8/8,11,控制图上的解释,2023/8/8,12,持续改进的战略思考,2023/8/8,13,持续改进的战术思考,2023/8/8,14,KAIZEN UMBRELLA,20

14、23/8/8,15,Point 5 of Demings 14 points states Improve constantly and forever the system of production and service,to improve quality and productivity,and thus constantly decrease costs.Deming also contributed the Chain Reaction-Improve quality costs decrease because of less rework,mistakes,delays,sn

15、ags,better use of machine time and materials productivity improves capture the market with better quality and lower price stay in business provide jobs and more jobs.An important element in point 5 and the chain reaction is the concept of“improve quality and costs decrease”.Previously and still in m

16、any peoples minds,this is not how to reduce costs,people believe that costs go up with better quality.The chain reaction only works with better quality and reduced costs.An alternative thinking process is we could reduce costs or improve quality if we had better technology or more resources.,2023/8/

17、8,16,Both shorter term survival(quality improvement)and long term survival depend on continually better meeting customer needs.,2023/8/8,17,PLAN计划,DO执行,CHECK检查,ACTION处理,工作程序PDCA管理循环(戴明环),2023/8/8,18,P,C,D,A,1.分析现状,找出问题2.分析原因3.找出主要原因4.拟定措施,制定计划,5.执行措施计划,6.检查工作,调查结果,7.形成标准,巩固成绩8.遗留问题,转入下期,2023/8/8,19,

18、特点,大环套小环,一环扣一环,小环保大环,推动大循环循环每转动一周,水平就提高一步。,P,D,A,C,P,D,A,C,原有水平,新的水平,2023/8/8,20,7 STEPS,Identification of ThemeData Collection and AnalysisCausal Analysis Solution Planning and Implementation Evaluation of ResultsStandardization Reflection and Next Problem,2023/8/8,21,Solving the wrong problem?,Ste

19、p 1 and the associated prework assures that the team has an important and clearly defined problem and that the other six steps can be completed by the group.over half of the cases in which teams fail to solve a problem,it is because they chose the wrong problem to solve or because there was a lack o

20、f agreement among the team members on what the problem was.For this reason,when doing seven-step training,spend one-third of the time on step 1.,2023/8/8,22,Jumping from problem statement to solution?,If you ask successful people for the keys to their success,they almost always have problem-solving

21、skills near the top of the list.But it is remarkable how often even good problem solvers are wrong.That is because we have a natural tendency to jump from the problem statement(step 1)to a solution(step 4)without bothering to collect data and analyze the causes of the problem.Steps 2 and 3 are there

22、 to improve the odds of coming up with the right solution.,2023/8/8,23,It is not my job to implement?,Have you ever received one of those memos that say Ive studied your problem and here is what you should do?Steps 4 and 5 are there to assure that the objective is not a solution.The objective is an

23、implemented improvement.All members of the team own the entire improvement process.,2023/8/8,24,I know this will work;lets just do it?,Often,proposed solutions are implemented without a test of their effectiveness.Step 5 requires the completion of a pilot or test of the proposed solution.If improvem

24、ent results,then the solution is implemented on a full-scale basis.One of the major parts of process redesign and re-engineering is the elimination of steps that do not add value.Often,these steps were created to improve the process,but without the completion of step 5,they had no effect on the prob

25、lem they were intended to eliminate.,2023/8/8,25,Were too busy to waste time on paperwork?,Without step 6,solutions reside in volatile human memory.Organizational learning is quickly followed by organizational forgetting.Processes drift back to their pre-improvement performance levels.,2023/8/8,26,N

26、ext problem,please,Step 7 has a vital element to it that focuses on the improvement process itself.Reflection on the teams improvement experience often uncovers correctable weaknesses in skills,methods or team dynamics.Step 7 helps teams become more effective at problem solving,thus reducing the hal

27、f-life.The subprocess of step 7 can also be described as deuterolearning:1 learning how to improve the way the team improves in order to accelerate its resulting rate of improvement.,2023/8/8,27,Deming Wheel and 7 Steps,Identification of Theme WHAT PLANData Collection and AnalysisCausal Analysis WHY

28、 WHOSolution Planning and Implementation WHEN DO WHERE HOWEvaluation of Results CHECKStandardization ACTIONReflection and Next Problem,2023/8/8,28,Some Points,Link them together.Operational performance metrics should The operational coherence spawned by measures that link business functions and acti

29、vities together distinguishes those organizations that make progress from those that dont.Measure what customers care about.Too many performance metrics look inward,reflecting what managers think is important.As a general rule,the more closely your numbers reflect what your customers value most,the

30、better off you will be.Of course you have to know what that is.,2023/8/8,29,Output isnt everything.As soon as you buy that fancy piece of equipment,throw away the capital investment calculations that were used to justify the expense.Just because the finance systems say that its better when the equip

31、ment is running non-stop because youre fully amortizing the investment,dont do it.Effectiveness trumps efficiency.If you are paying people for performance,you better make doubly sure that the way their performance is measured aligns with business objectives.More is better.Just because everything see

32、ms OK at your measurement point doesnt mean everything is running smoothly.The more activities that you measure,the less likely that problems will remain hidden.,2023/8/8,30,CI is not,Some graphs showing some improvement in some areas,Achieved only through technology purchase or additional resources,Only operations and only about costs.Only doing better what we do now,Only seeking improvement when or where there is a problem.,


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