1、初级汉语精读Elementary Chinese Intensive Reading,D y k 第 一 课,N ho你好,Lesson 1,一、语音y yn Phonetics,Formation of chinese syllablesPinyin Initals Finals Tonesho h ao wn w en,1.声母 shng m Initals b p m f d t n l g k h 2.韵母 yn m Finals a o e i u ai ei ao ou,一、语音y yn Phonetics,3.拼音 Initial-final Combinations,ba,bo
3、ndent syllables:yiwuyu,4.声调 Tones,Modulations of tones,n ho,n ho,miho,bihi,gin,ddo,bn,fdo,(一)操 作 方 法,1.你 n you2.好 ho good;fine3.一 y one4.五 w five5.八 b eight6.大 d big7.不 b not8.口 ku mouth9.白 bi white10.女 n female;woman11.马 m horse,二、生词 New words,New words,你,好,一,五,八,大,不,口,白,女,马,三、课文k wn Text,A:你 好!N ho!B:你 好!N ho!,四、作业 homework,1、Copy the new words 10 times with Pinyin2、Read Pinyin3、Prepare twoexercise-books,one is used for dictation in class,the other used for homework.,