1、人 性 的 弱 點How to Win Friends&Influence People,戴爾卡內基Dale Carnegie(1936),(一)待人接物的藝術Fundamental Techniques in Handling People,要善於了解和原諒別人,這樣你會被別人很快地接受。Dont criticize,condemn or complain.,誠於嘉許,寬於稱道,這樣會讓人心甘情願。Give honest and sincere appreciation.,(一)待人接物的藝術Fundamental Techniques in Handling People,給他最想要的,他
2、就會給你最想要的。Arouse in the other person an eager want.,(一)待人接物的藝術Fundamental Techniques in Handling People,(二)使人喜歡你的6種方法6 Ways to Make People Like You,真實地對別人發生興趣 Become genuinely interested in other people.總是微笑 Smile.,(二)使人喜歡你的6種方法6 Ways to Make People Like You,記住一個人的名字,這是語言中對於他最甜蜜最重要的聲音。Remember that a
3、 persons name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language.,(二)使人喜歡你的6種方法6 Ways to Make People Like You,善於靜聽,鼓勵別人談論他們自己。Be a good listener.Encourage others to talk about themselves.就著別人的興趣談話。Talk in terms of the other persons interests.,(二)使人喜歡你的6種方法6 Ways to Make People L
4、ike You,努力使別人感覺到自己很重要 並且真實地去做。Make the other person feel important-and do it sincerely.,(三)讓別人同意你的12種方法12 Ways to Win People to Your Way of Thinking,得到辯論最大利益的方法,就是避免辯論。The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it.表示對對方意見的尊重,請永遠不要指出他的錯誤。Show respect for the other persons opinions.Never
5、say,“Youre wrong.”,(三)讓別人同意你的12種方法12 Ways to Win People to Your Way of Thinking,如果你錯誤,請立即鄭重地承認。If you are wrong,admit it quickly and emphatically.用友善的方法開始。Begin in a friendly way.,(三)讓別人同意你的12種方法12 Ways to Win People to Your Way of Thinking,立即得到對方信任的方法是:說“是,是”。Get the other person saying”yes,yes”imm
6、ediately.讓對方多說話。Let the other person do a great deal of the talking.,(三)讓別人同意你的12種方法12 Ways to Win People to Your Way of Thinking,讓對方覺得這主意是他的。Let the other person feel that the idea is his or hers.要誠實地站在對方的觀點看事情。Try honestly to see things from the other persons point of view.,(三)讓別人同意你的12種方法12 Ways
7、to Win People to Your Way of Thinking,對於對方的意念及欲望表示同情。Be sympathetic with the other persons ideas and desires.激發對方比較高尚的動機。Appeal to the nobler motives.,(三)讓別人同意你的12種方法12 Ways to Win People to Your Way of Thinking,表演你的意念。Dramatize your ideas.拋出下一個挑戰。Throw down a challenge.,(四)改變別人而不冒犯或引起反對的9種方法9 Ways
8、to Change People Without Giving Offence or Arousing Resentment,用稱讚及誠實的欣賞開始。Begin with praise and honest appreciation.讓別人間接地注意自己的錯誤。Call attention to peoples mistakes indirectly.,(四)改變別人而不冒犯或引起反對的9種方法9 Ways to Change People Without Giving Offence or Arousing Resentment,在批評對方之前先談自己的錯誤。Talk about your
9、own mistakes before criticizing the other person.提出問題而不直接發出命令。Ask questions instead of giving direct orders.,(四)改變別人而不冒犯或引起反對的9種方法9 Ways to Change People Without Giving Offence or Arousing Resentment,讓對方保存面子。Let the other person save face.稱讚最細微的進步,並且稱讚每一個進步。(誠於嘉許,寛於稱道)Praise the slightest improvemen
10、t and praise every improvement.Be“hearty in your approbation and lavish in your praise.”,(四)改變別人而不冒犯或引起反對的9種方法9 Ways to Change People Without Giving Offence or Arousing Resentment,給對方一個好的名分,並且顧全它。Give the other person a fine reputation to live up to.採用鼓勵,讓人們覺得錯誤容易被改正。Use encouragement.Make the fault seem easy to correct.,(四)改變別人而不冒犯或引起反對的9種方法9 Ways to Change People Without Giving Offence or Arousing Resentment,使對方快樂地去做你所建議的事。Make the other person happy about doing the thing you suggest.-完 END-,