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1、动名词由动词原形+-ing构成,与现在分词同形。动名词既有动词的性质,有宾语和状语;也有名词的性质,可作主语、宾语、表语和定语。,动名词和动词不定式作主语,在许多情况下可以通 用,但动名词作主语表示抽象或多次的行为,不定 式作主语往往表示具体的或一次性的动作。,动 名 词,3,作主语:,Eating too much is bad for your health.吃的太多对身体健康有害。,作表语:,My mothers job is raising chicken.我母亲的工作是养鸡。,作宾语:,I dont mind listening to that story again.我不介意再听一

2、遍那个故事。,作定语:,Lets join the singing group.让我们加入合唱队吧。,a working method.工作方法,其后常接动名词的的动词及动词词组有finish,enjoy,practice,understand,mind,keep,consider,miss,avoid(避免),suggest,admit,be worth,have difficulty/problem/trouble/fun,waste time,cant help/cant stop,be used to(习惯于)等。,其后既可以接动名词,也可接动词不定式的动词有:love,like,pr

3、efer,begin,start,continue,remember,try,stop,forget,hate,need,allow,go on等。,介词后接动名词,如:keepfrom,stopfrom,make a contribution to,look forward to,spend(in),be afraid of,be proud of,be used for,feel like,give up,be interested in,put off等。,look forward to doing sth.,look forward to doing sth.“盼望做某事”Im loo

4、king forward to meeting you again.=I expect to meet you again.我期待再次见到你。1.be good at doing sth.善于做某事2.What about doing sth.做某事怎么样?3.be busy(in)doing sth.忙于/着做某事4 spend time(in)doing sth.花时间做某事5.have a problem(in)doing sth.做某事有问题/困难 6.have much fun(in)doing sth.much=great=lots of做某事有趣,7.keep sb.doing

5、sth.使某人不停地做某事8.enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事9.finish doing sth.完成做某事10.keep doing sth.不停地做某事11.mind doing sth.介意/在乎做某事12.practice doing sth.练习做某事,后面必须接ving的短语和单词,1.be good at doing sth.善于作某事2.What about doing sth.作某事怎么样?3.be busy(in)doing sth.忙于/着作某事4 spend time(in)doing sth.花时间 作某事5.have a problem(in)doing

6、 sth.作某事有问题/困难 6.have much fun(in)doing sth.much=great=lots of作某事有趣7.look forward to doing sth.期待做某事,8.do well in doing sth.善于作某事9.keep sb.doing sth.使某人不停地作某事10.enjoy doing sth.喜欢作某事11.finish doing sth.完成作某事12.keep doing sth.不停地作某事13.mind doing sth.介意/在乎作某事14.practice doing sth.练习做某事15.imagine doing

7、 sth.想象作某事,分词分为现在分词和过去分词。,分 词,4,区别:,现在分词表示主动,过去分词表示被动。如:,The man standing by the windows is our teacher.站在门边的人是我们的老师。,The house built last year has become our lab.去年建的房子已成了我们的实验室。,1,现在分词表示事物本身所具有的性质,意为“令人的”;过去分词表达由外界引起的内心活动,意为“感到的”。如:,the exciting news 令人兴奋的消息,the excited look 激动的表情,常用的还有:interestin

8、g/interested,tiring/tired,boring/bored.,现在分词表示正在进行的动作,过去分词表示完成的动作。如:,falling leaves 正在飘落的树叶,fallen leaves 落叶(已落下),developing country 发展中国家,developed country 发达国家,用法:,作定语:单个分词作定语一般放在所修饰的词前面,短语作定语常放在所修饰的词后面。如:,The question being discussed is important to us.正在被讨论的问题对我们很重要。,The excited people rushed in

9、to the building.激动的人们冲入了大楼。,作状语:分词或分词短语可以作时间、原因、方式、结果、伴随等状语。如:,Being a student,I must study hard.作为一名学生,我必须努力学习。(原因状语),He ran out of the room,shouting loudly.他大喊着从房间分阶段跑出来。(伴随状语),2,作表语:,The story is interesting.这个故事很有趣。,The window is broken.窗户破了。,作宾语补足语,一般用在see,hear,notice,feel,have等动词之后与宾语构成复合宾语。如:

10、,I saw a dog running across the street.我看见一只狗跑过街道。,I must have the bike repaired.我必须找人修理自行车。,不定式与分词都可跟在某些动词之后作宾语补足语。不定式作宾语补足语,表示动作发生的全过程;现在分词作宾语补足语,强调动作正在发生;过去分词作宾语补足语,则重在表示被动的概念。,When they went into the park,they saw some boys playing football.当他们走进公园时,他们看见一些男孩在踢足球。(正在做),Do you often see then play

11、football?你常看他们踢足球吗?(全过程),He speaks loudly to make himself heard clearly.他大声说以便让别人听清他的话。(他的话被听),2)forget to do sth.忘记去做某事(未 做)forget doing sth.忘记做过了某事(已 做)The light in the office is off.It was she who turned it off,but she herself forgot _(turn)it off.The light in the office is still on.She forgot _(

12、turn)it off.,3)remember to do sth.记着去做某事(未 做)remember doing sth.记着做了某事(已做)Do you remember _(meet)me at a party last year?You must remember _(leave)tomorrow.,4)stop to do sth.stop doing sth.5)regret to do sth.regret doing sth.I regret _(go)to his home town.I regret _(tell)you the truth.,6)try to do s

13、th.try doing sth.You must try _(do)it again.Lets try _(do)the work in some other way.,7)mean to do sth.mean doing sth.If it means _(delay)more than a week,Ill not wait.I mean _(go),and nothing can stop me.8)go on to do sth.go on doing sth.,9)like/love/start/begin/hate/continue to do sth.doing sth.10

14、)Sth.wnat/require/need to be done doing.The temple needs_(rebuild).The children require_(educate).,1、(2009四川泸州).My father always asks me_ too much junk food.A.dont eat B.not to eat C.not eat2、(2009凉山州)Though Alex had often made his little sister _,today he was made _ by his little sister.A.cry;to cr

15、y B.to cry;cry C.cry;cry3、(2009宁波)-Look at the sun!It s too hot today.-Yes.Why not _ your coat?A.take off B.take away C.take out D.take up,exercise,4、(2009浙江绍兴).Is Jack in the library?-Maybe.I saw him _ out with some books just now.A.going B.go C.to go D.went5、(2008甘肃兰州)I find _very important to lea

16、rn English well because it is an international language now.A.it B.its C.that D.this6、(2008甘肃嘉峪关)Fang Fang is old enough _to school.A.goes B.to go C.went D.go 7、(2008甘肃武陵)Sunglasses are used for _your eyes.A.protected B.protect C.pretecting D.to protect,8、(2008甘肃兰州)Mary was looking forward to _to Kates birthday party.A.inviting B.being invited C.invite D.be invited9、(2008甘肃甘南州)We saw his sister _basketball when we went to the office.A.play B.played C.playing10、(2008甘肃兰州)The headmaster said they would have _ library_.A.another;built B.other;built C.another;build D.other;building,Thank you!,


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