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1、Task 1(背3+写1),总体结构是:总分总 总体介绍+分段描述+总体概括(通常是45段);,Task 1 Bar Charts/Column Graphs,首段:一般2句话/1句话:(主题+总体趋势)Sentence 1:should define what the graph is about,i.e.the date,location,what is being described,etc.要说出图表的主要内容是关于什么;Sentence 2:to sum up the overall trend(optional)总体趋势;中间段:主要描述具体趋势、规律+最大最小/最多最少/最好最差

2、等数据(不用事无巨细,只描述重要细节,每种类型具体语言会有所变化);末段:总结概括(换一种方式来概括大体趋势,根据情况可省 略);注意:只描述,不解释 describe the data,do not explain it,Page 8 Model Answer,和铁路相比,电力工业在二十年代仍然很年轻。与上年相比,水质有所下降。,Page 8 Model Answer Language Focus,Compared to the railroads,the electrical industry was still young.和铁路相比,电力工业在二十年代仍然很年轻。Compared wi

3、th the previous year,the pollution of the waters is more serious.与上年相比,水质有所下降。,Page 8 Model Answer Language Focus,这种差距正在拉大如果差距越拉越大南北发展差距进一步拉大南北贫富差距进一步拉大贫富差距拉大,Page 8 Model Answer Language Focus,this gap is widening 这种差距正在拉大if the gap becomes too big,如果差距越拉越大the gap between the development in the Sou

4、th and North becomes wider and wider 南北发展差距进一步拉大,The wealth gap between the North and the South is being enlarged 南北贫富差距进一步拉大The gap between the rich and poor has increased rapidly 贫富差距拉大,Page 8 Model Answer Language Focus,如今在英国,手机短信的发送量达到了每天430万条,比一年前增加了一倍多。2004年美国12大报纸出版商的平均利润率为21%,这一数字比财富500强公司的平

5、均利润率高出一倍多。,Page 8 Model Answer Language Focus,Britons now send 43 million text messages every day,more than double a year ago.如今在英国,手机短信的发送量达到了每天430万条,比一年前增加了一倍多。The average profit margin for Americas 12 biggest newspaper publishers in 2004 was 21%,more than double the average of the Fortune500 comp

6、anies.2004年美国12大报纸出版商的平均利润率为21%,这一数字比财富500强公司的平均利润率高出一倍多。,Page 8 Sample Answer 1 Language Focus,This annual number saw a recent jump in 2004 and 2005,which may or may not be related to the December 2004 tsunami in Indonesia and the destruction caused in the southern U.S.by Hurricane Katrina during t

7、he summer of 2005.,Page 8 Sample Answer 1 Language Focus,继续推进社会进步有助于的进步或成长促进社会进步,Page 8 Sample Answer 1 Language Focus,It will continue to promote social progress 继续推进社会进步To contribute to the progress or growth of 推进有助于的进步或成长foster social progress 促进社会进步,Page 8 Sample Answer 1 Language Focus,他的言行极不一

8、致。英文版本与中文版本没有出现不一致的地方。,Page 8 Sample Answer 1 Language Focus,There is a great inconsistency between what he said and what he did.他的言行极不一致。There is not any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions.英文版本与中文版本没有出现不一致的地方。,Page 9 Sample Answer 1 Language Focus,他能在体育和学习方面胜过他的朋友。中国钢铁产量将比需求量高出6

9、300万吨。到2020年时,原油的需求量将超过产量。,Page 9 Sample Answer 1 Language Focus,He can outstrip his friend both in sports and in studies.他能在体育和学习方面胜过他的朋友。By 2010 steel production in China will outstrip demand by 63 million tones.到2010年,中国钢铁产量将比需求量高出6300万吨。Demand for crude oil will outstrip production by 2020.到2020

10、年时,原油的需求量将超过产量。,Page 9 Sample Answer 1 Language Focus,声音在水中的速度是在空气中的速度的4倍多。专业卫生技术人员389.8万人,增加6.7倍。,Page 9 Sample Answer 1 Language Focus,The velocity of sound in water is more than four times that in air.声音在水中的速度是在空气中的速度的4倍多。the number of professional health workers reached 3.898 million,7.7 times t

11、hat of 1949.专业卫生技术人员389.8万人,增加6.7倍。,Page 11 Model Answer Language Focus,价格14.90美元,邮资包括在内这本词典连邮费共一百元。,Page 11 Model Answer Language Focus,Price$14.90,postage included 价格14.90美元,邮资包括在内This dictionary is 100 yuan,postage included.这本词典连邮费共一百元。,Page 11 Model Answer Language Focus,这样的价格接近于垄断价格。他今年的收入接近八千美

12、元。,Page 11 Model Answer Language Focus,Such pricing come close to monopoly pricing.这样的价格接近于垄断价格。His income this year approximates to 8,000 dollars.他今年的收入接近八千美元。,Page 11 Model Answer Language Focus,This years profits were marginally higher than last years.今年的利润比去年稍微高些。A dime is equal to/equals to 10

13、cents 一角的硬币相当于十美分。,Page 12 Suggested Answer 1 Language Focus,自由党的竞选开支远远超过了A党派。,Page 12 Suggested Answer 1 Language Focus,A party was heavily outspent by the Liberals in election.自由党的竞选开支远远超过了A党派。,Page 12 Suggested Answer 1 Language Focus,我们生产的产品品种繁多,种类齐全。有年龄从七岁到十四岁的两百个男孩。时间为几小时至1-2天。,Page 12 Suggest

14、ed Answer 1 Language Focus,We produce/provide a wide variety of products including/ranging from.to.我们生产的产品品种繁多,种类齐全。There are two hundred boys ranging from seven to fourteen in age.有年龄从七岁到十四岁的两百个男孩。periods ranging from a few hours to 1 to 2 days 时间为几小时至1-2天。,Page 12 Suggested Answer 1 Language Focus

15、,货币兑换率是经常改变的。极微小的压力变化在不同的店里这个产品的价格也不一样。,Page 12 Suggested Answer 1 Language Focus,Currency exchange rates are always subject to variation.货币兑换率是经常改变的。a very slight variation in pressure 极微小的压力变化There will be variation in price from store to store for the product.在不同的店里这个产品的价格也不一样。,Page 19 Exercise 1

16、 Language Focus,我看不出他们有什么大的差别。她的处境与我们的有很大的差别吗?一个很大的区别这对我会大不一样。,Page 19 Exercise 1 Language Focus,I cant see much difference in them.我看不出他们有什么大的差别。Is there a very big difference between her situation and ours.她的处境与我们的有很大的差别吗?one major difference一个很大的区别This will make a great difference to me.这对我会大不一样。

17、,Page 19 Exercise 1 Language Focus,男人数目比女人多得多。黑人与白人的比例超过5:1。全国注册选民资格的民主党人数大大超过了共和党的人数。,Page 19 Exercise 1 Language Focus,Men substantially outnumber women.男人数目比女人多得多。Blacks outnumber whites by better than 5 to 1.黑人与白人的比例超过5:1。Democrats far outnumber Republicans among registered voters statewide.全国注册

18、选民资格的民主党人数大大超过了共和党的人数。,Page 19 Exercise 1 Language Focus,“无论如何,我必须为那个可怜人做一些事情。”他虽然竭尽人事,仍无补于事。每一种药都可能有副作用。,Page 19 Exercise 1 Language Focus,I must do something for that poor man,however.“无论如何,我必须为那个可怜人做一些事情。”His efforts were fruitless,however.他虽然竭尽人事,仍无补于事。Every drug has possible side effects,howeve

19、r.每一种药都可能有副作用。,Task 1 Line Graphs,曲线图总体描写原则:(多条=2条)首段:两条曲线的总体特征。中间2段:分别描写两条曲线的上升/下降/保持不变的趋势。末段:两务曲线的相同点和不同点。,Page 23 Sample Answer 1 Language Focus,turn out:be found to be in the end;end up,result as.谁会想到他原来是这样一个软骨头。这完全是瞎猜的,结果却答对了。,Page 23 Sample Answer 1 Language Focus,Whod have thought hed turn ou

20、t to he such a softy.谁会想到他原来是这样一个软骨头。It be a complete shoot in the dark but it turn out to be the right answer.这完全是瞎猜的,结果却答对了。,Page 23 Suggested Answer 1 Language Focus,城镇失业率仅为2.5%左右。年末1美元兑6元人民币。中午达到摄氏38 度。,Page 23 Suggested Answer 1 Language Focus,the urban unemployment rate stood at only 2.5 perce

21、nt.城镇失业率仅为2.5%左右。The exchange rate stood at 1 US dollar=6 RMB at the end of the year.年末1美元兑6元人民币。The thermometer stood at 38 at noon.中午达到摄氏38 度。,Page 23 Suggested Answer 1 Language Focus,一只不会飞的鸟是一个异常情况。存在一种特殊情况。英语拼法的不规则,Page 23 Suggested Answer 1 Language Focus,A bird that cannot fly is an anomaly.一

22、只不会飞的鸟是一个异常情况。An anomaly exists.存在一种特殊情况。the anomaly of English spelling 英语拼法的不规则,Page 23 Suggested Answer 1 Language Focus,经急剧通货膨胀之后物价现已趋於平稳。图表上的曲线突降之后逐渐趋於平稳。股票价格经昨天急剧上扬后已趋平稳。,Page 23 Suggested Answer 1 Language Focus,After a period of rapid inflation,prices have now reached a plateau.经急剧通货膨胀之后物价现已

23、趋於平稳。The graph flattened out gradually after a steep fall.图表上的曲线突降之后逐渐趋於平稳。Share values have levelled off after yesterdays steep rise.股票价格经昨天急剧上扬后已趋平稳。,Page 24 Suggested Answer 2 Language Focus,stark:sheer and utter这傻瓜完全是在胡扯。赤裸裸的事实两条曲线形成鲜明的对比。,Page 24 Suggested Answer 2 Language Focus,The fool is ta

24、lking stark nonsense.这傻瓜完全是在胡扯。This stark fact 赤裸裸的事实The two lines are in stark contrast.两条曲线形成鲜明的对比。,Page 24 Suggested Answer 2 Language Focus,世界人口数量变化起伏不定。欧洲主要股市升降不一。,Page 24 Suggested Answer 2 Language Focus,There were many ups and downs in the earths numbers.世界人口数量变化起伏不定。Major stock exchanges in

25、 Europe saw ups and downs.欧洲主要股市升降不一。,Page 26 Sample Answer Analysis,3国家都要分析 注意:整体趋势+转折点(3)不用面面俱到,Page 26 Model Answer Language Focus,dip:to decline slightly价格下降到一个较低水平。到1995年,文盲人数已降到1.45亿,成人文盲率下降为16.48%。,Page 26 Model Answer Language Focus,Prices dipped to a lower level 价格下降到一个较低水平。By 1995,the numb

26、er of illiterates had dropped to 145 million,and the rate of adult illiterates had dipped to 16.48 percent.到1995年,文盲人数已降到1.45亿,成人文盲率下降为16.48%。,Page 26 Sample Answer 1 Language Focus,薪水是第一个星期十元,以后十二元。此后不久,普京遇到了他从前的法律系教授。,Page 26 Sample Answer 1 Language Focus,The salary was ten dollars for the first

27、week and twelve thereafter.薪水是第一个星期十元,以后十二元。Shortly thereafter,Putin encountered his old law professor.此后不久,普京遇到了他从前的法律系教授。,Page 26 Sample Answer 1 Language Focus,今年预告将其提升87达到313亿元。预期中国经济本年增长百分之八。,Page 26 Sample Answer 1 Language Focus,This year it is forecast to rise by 87%to 31.3 billion yuan.今年预告

28、将其提升87达到313亿元。Chinas economy is forecast to grow by 8 per cent this year.预期中国经济本年增长百分之八。,Page 26 Sample Answer 1 Language Focus,他们吵了一架,之后她就离开了他。他看到我来,于是把座位让给了我。教员走进了房间,随之我们全站了起来。,Page 26 Sample Answer 1 Language Focus,They got into a quarrel,whereupon she left him.他们吵了一架,之后她就离开了他。He saw me coming,wh

29、ereupon he offered me his seat.他看到我来,于是把座位让给了我。The instructor entered the room,whereupon we got to our feet.教员走进了房间,随之我们全站了起来。,Task 1 Pie Charts,中间段落需要:交待百分比+进行比较,Page 36 Sample Answer 1 Language Focus,汤姆没有时间准备讲稿,加之他身体欠佳。除此之外,还有另外一种东西。,Page 36 Sample Answer 1 Language Focus,Tom had no time to prepar

30、e his lecture,besides which he was unwell.汤姆没有时间准备讲稿,加之他身体欠佳。Besides which,there is another thing.除此之外,还有另外一种东西。,Page 36 Sample Answer 1 Language Focus,scenario:an outline of events在这样的情况下在最差的情况下战争中可能出现的情况.,Page 36 Sample Answer 1 Language Focus,Under such a scenario,在这样的情况下In the worst-case scenari

31、o 在最差的情况下a possible scenario for war 战争中可能出现的情况.,Page 38 Sample Answer 1 Language Focus,go on:continue她从怀特(专科)学校毕业后,进了怀特学院,Page 38 Sample Answer 1 Language Focus,After graduating from White Academy,she went on to White College 她从怀特专科学校毕业后,进了怀特学院,Page 42 Example 2 Answer Language Focus,黑暗中,他仅能勉强把路辨清。

32、我们不能弄清一般模式。,Page 42 Example 2 Answer Language Focus,He was just able to discern the road in the dark.黑暗中,他仅能勉强把路辨清。We could not discern a general pattern.我们不能弄清一般模式。,Task 1 Tables,总体特点:数字较多,但规律性强;重点就是对极值、最值的描述。,Page 48 Sample 1 Answer Language Focus,会计交出一份开支明细帐。资产负债表一开头是公司的固定资产总额和公司的投资总额,接着是净流动资产分类。

33、,Page 48 Sample 1 Answer Language Focus,The accountant gave a breakdown of the expenses 会计交出一份开支明细帐。The Balance sheet starts with the total cost of its fixed assets and any trade investments followed by a breakdown of net current assets资产负债表一开头是公司的固定资产总额和公司的投资总额,接着是净流动资产分类。,Task 1 Flow Charts/Proces

34、s,总体特点:只需要包含主要相关信息;+按顺序描述;,Page 57 Model Answer 1 Language Focus,那辆汽车突然驶离了公路路面。那所房子离大路好几英里远。这条路从大街上岔了出来。,Page 57 Model Answer 1 Language Focus,The car suddenly veered off the road 那辆汽车突然驶离了公路路面。The house stands miles off the main road 那所房子离大路好几英里远。The road splits off the main street这条路从大街上岔了出来。,Page

35、 57 Model Answer 1 Language Focus,Lying below the horizon 在地平线以下,Page 57 Model Answer 1 Language Focus,相反,我觉得他就显得理智些。这个同那个比起来显得小多了。相反的,企业气候可以很快就创造出来!,Page 57 Model Answer 1 Language Focus,In contrast,I find him more rational 相反,我觉得他就显得理智些。This appears small in contrast with that.这个同那个比起来显得小多了。In con

36、trast,business climate can be created quickly!相反的,企业气候可以很快就创造出来!,Page 57 Model Answer 2 Language Focus,hence:for this reason;therefore此后,我们成为了好朋友。因此他不能同意。由此产生磁铁这个名称。,Page 57 Model Answer 2 Language Focus,Hence,we became good friends.此后,我们成为了好朋友。He was hence unable to agree.因此他不能同意。Hence comes the na

37、me magnet.由此产生磁铁这个名称。,Page 57 Model Answer 2 Language Focus,accessible:easily approached or entered一个可由铁路到达的镇子。车子无法通到他家。这个岛只有坐船才能到达。,Page 57 Model Answer 2 Language Focus,a town accessible by rail.一个可由铁路到达的镇子。His house is not accessible by car.车子无法通到他家。The island is accessible only by boat.这个岛只有坐船才能

38、到达。,Page 59 Model Answer Language Focus,蚊子的幼虫牡蛎的幼虫可以自由浮游。,Page 59 Model Answer Language Focus,The larva of a mosquito 蚊子的幼虫The larva of the oyster can be free-swimming.牡蛎的幼虫可以自由浮游。,Page 59 Model Answer Language Focus,牛主要以草为食。有斑点的鸟以松果为食。靠朋友吃饭,Page 59 Model Answer Language Focus,Cattle feed chiefly on

39、 grass.牛主要以草为食。Speckled birds feed on nuts.有斑点的鸟以松果为食。to feed on ones friends 靠朋友吃饭,Page 59 Model Answer Language Focus,emerge:to begin to appear or develop(小鸡等)破壳而出你在那儿,兔子是不会出洞的。像鱼从水中露出水面一样。雨后,太阳从云层后面出来。,Page 59 Model Answer Language Focus,to emerge from or break out of an egg.(小鸡等)破壳而出The rabbit w

40、ill not emerge from its hole while you are there 你在那儿,兔子是不会出洞的。to emerge from the surface,as of fish in water.像鱼从水中露出水面一样。After the rain,the sun emerged from behind the clouds.雨后,太阳从云层后面出来。,Page 59 Model Answer Language Focus,长长的解开的蚕茧把(某物)从一个绕筒上退卷下来,Page 59 Model Answer Language Focus,a long unwindi

41、ng silk cocoon 长长的解开的蚕茧To unwind(something)from or as if from a reel 把(某物)从一个绕筒上退卷下来,Page 59 Suggested Answer Language Focus,afterwards:later,subsequently 后来他给我来过许多信。我后来就没见过他。后来,她又生了一个孩子。,Page 59 Suggested Answer Language Focus,Afterwards he wrote me many letters.后来他给我来过许多信。I did not see him afterwa

42、rds.我后来就没见过他。Afterwards she had another child.后来,她又生了一个孩子。,Page 61 Suggested Answer Language Focus,namely:that is to say;specifically这就是说,团结就是力量。只有一个人能做这项工作,那就是你。只有一个男生缺席,就是哈利。,Page 61 Suggested Answer Language Focus,Namely,unity is strength.这就是说,团结就是力量。Only one person can do the job,namely you.只有一个

43、人能做这项工作,那就是你。Only one boy-student was absent,namely Harry.只有一个男生缺席,就是哈利。,Page 61 Suggested Answer Language Focus,readily:easily容易被理解。他欣然答应给予帮助。不容易被注意到,Page 61 Suggested Answer Language Focus,readily comprehended 容易被理解He readily promised to help.他欣然答应给予帮助。not readily noticeable 不容易被注意到,Page 61 Sugges

44、ted Answer Language Focus,tend to:be disposed or inclined to欧洲人往往很喜欢汽车。趋向于支持妇女欢迎退休。,Page 61 Suggested Answer Language Focus,Europeans tend to love their cars 欧洲人往往很喜欢汽车to tend to be in support of 趋向于支持Female workers tend to have a favorable attitude toward retirement.妇女欢迎退休,Page 61 Suggested Answer

45、Language Focus,对比起来,他的作文写得很好。相比之下,全世界的军费开支每年高达约8000亿美元。,Page 61 Suggested Answer Language Focus,His composition is very good by contrast.对比起来,他的作文写得很好。By contrast,world military expenditures stand at about$800 billion a year.相比之下,全世界的军费开支每年高达约8000亿美元。,Page 61 Suggested Answer Language Focus,settle o

46、n/upon:become fixed on一场雨使马路上的尘埃落定。鸟落在树冠上。,Page 61 Suggested Answer Language Focus,A rainfall will settle the dust on the road.一场雨使马路上的尘埃落定The bird settled on the tree top.鸟落在树冠上。,Page 62 Suggested Answer Language Focus,all the way:the whole way那条路全部是上坡路。你是一路走来的吗?,Page 62 Suggested Answer Language F

47、ocus,The road is uphill all the way.那条路全部是上坡路。Did you come all the way on foot?你是一路走来的吗?,Page 62 Suggested Answer Language Focus,在报纸即将付印之前第一卷付印时他们决定五月底为付印的最后期限。,Page 62 Suggested Answer Language Focus,just before the paper went to press 在报纸即将付印之前when the first volume went to press 第一卷付印时They set the

48、 end of May as the deadline for going to press.他们决定五月底为付印的最后期限。,Page 62 Suggested Answer Language Focus,他变形成了一个怪物。蝌蚪变成青蛙。格雷一家把他们的车库改成了客房。,Page 62 Suggested Answer Language Focus,He transformed into a monster.他变形成了一个怪物。A tadpole is transformed into a frog.蝌蚪变成青蛙。The Greys have transformed their garag

49、e into a guest house.格雷一家把他们的车库改成了客房。,Page 62 Suggested Answer Language Focus,arrive at:reacharrive at a conclusionarrive at a decisionarrive at an agreement,Page 62 Suggested Answer Language Focus,seek:search for寻求答案实事求是,Page 62 Suggested Answer Language Focus,seek for an answer 寻求答案seek truth from

50、 facts 实事求是,Page 62 Suggested Answer Language Focus,deliberation:careful considering推定经过细心分析得出的结论没有预先的考虑,Page 62 Suggested Answer Language Focus,a judgment reached after deliberation推定经过细心分析得出的结论without prior deliberation 没有预先的考虑,Page 62 Suggested Answer Language Focus,subsequent:following;succeedin


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