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1、八年级(下)Modules 12,最新外研版八年级英语下册复习课件全套,英语新课标(WY),Module 1 易错点针对训练,.单项选择()1.We shouldnt spend more time_ computer games.Aplaying Bto play Cplays Dplay()2.The book is very _.All of us are _ in it.A.interesting;interesting B.interesting;interested Cinterested;interesting Dinterested;interested,易错点针对训练,A,B

2、,()3.The woman made his son _ finally after she told him some jokes.A.laughed B.to laugh Claugh Dlaughing()4.The famous writer introduced us his new book that will _ next month.A.give out B.come out Cput out Dpick out,C,英语新课标(WY),Module 1 易错点针对训练,B,.根据汉语意思完成下列句子1在我六岁的时候,我妈妈给我买了一台电脑。My mother _ _ _ _

3、 when I was six years old.2托尼的父母不想让他在玩电脑游戏方面花费太多的时间。Tonys parents _ _ _ _ _ too much time playing computers games.3有空时帮你父母做些家务很有好处。It is very good _ _ _ _ _ _ _ when you are free.,英语新课标(WY),Module 1 易错点针对训练,bought,a,me,computer,dont,want,him,to,spend,to,help,your,parents,some,do,housework,.根据汉语意思完成下

4、列句子1在我六岁的时候,我妈妈给我买了一台电脑。My mother _ _ _ _ when I was six years old.2托尼的父母不想让他在玩电脑游戏方面花费太多的时间。Tonys parents _ _ _ _ _ too much time playing computers games.3有空时帮你父母做些家务很有好处。It is very good _ _ _ _ _ _ _ when you are free.,英语新课标(WY),Module 1 易错点针对训练,bought,a,me,computer,dont,want,him,to,spend,to,help,

5、your,parents,some,do,housework,英语新课标(WY),Module 1 模块语法,模块语法,英语的基本句型 英语句子成分的排列顺序与汉语不同,因为英语是一种结构型的语言,以谓语动词为核心构成各种句型。下面我们一起总结一下英语的基本句型。,系动词,及物,英语新课标(WY),Module 1 模块语法,直接定语,宾语补足语,There,英语新课标(WY),初二下 Module 2模块过关测试卷,英语新课标(WY),Module 2 易错点针对训练,.单项选择()1.The little boy is _ living alone.He cant take good ca

6、re of himself.Aafraid to Bafraid Cto be afraid Dafraid of()2.What _ to Jack?He fell off his bike and hurt his leg.Ahappen Bhave happened Chappened Dhappened with,易错点针对训练,D,C,()3.Do you think_?Ais he a popular teacher Bhe is a popular teacher Cwas he a popular teacher Dhe was a popular teacher()4.I d

7、ont know _ it will rain or not.A.if Bwhether Cfor Dsince()5.He feels like _ some kinds of novels.A.read B.to read Creading Dreads,英语新课标(WY),Module 2 易错点针对训练,B,B,C,.根据汉语意思完成下列句子1我害怕独自一人在家。Im _ _ _ at home _.2史密斯先生问他的女儿什么围绕着地球转。Mr Smith asked his daughter _ _ around the earth.3我想知道昨天谁作的报告。I want to kn

8、ow _ _ the report yesterday.,英语新课标(WY),Module 2 易错点针对训练,afraid,what,to,alone,stay,goes,who,gave,4在那时,一个男孩跑进了教室。_ _ _,a boy ran into the classroom.5老师转过身来,看见丽萨正在纸上画画。The teacher _ _ and saw Lisa _ on the paper.,英语新课标(WY),Module 2 易错点针对训练,At,that,moment,turned,back,drawing,英语新课标(WY),Module 2 模块语法,模块语法

9、,宾语从句 宾语从句属于名词性从句,在句中作主句的宾语。掌握宾语从句,就要牢记宾语从句三要素:_,语序,时态。一、引导词 1.由从属连词that引导的宾语从句 注意:that 在句中无词汇意义,在从句中不能充当成分,在口语当中往往省略。I hear(that)you passed the exam.The teacher told us(that)the sun rises in the east.,引导词(连接词),英语新课标(WY),Module 2 模块语法,2由从属连词 whether,if 引导的宾语从句(重点掌握)if/whether 意为“_”,说明对陈述的事物不明确或不清楚。常

10、用在ask,wonder,can(could)you tell me 等后。I want to know whether/if he is right.Could you tell me whether/if that film is interesting?,是否,英语新课标(WY),Module 2 模块语法,注意:只能用whether不能用if的情况:(1)在介词后面We are worried about whether it will rain tomorrow.(2)在动词不定式前They asked me whether to go skating.(3)当与or not连用时I

11、 dont know whether hes free or not.,英语新课标(WY),Module 2 模块语法,3由连接代词 who,whom,whose,which,what和连接副词 where,how,why,when引导的宾语从句。这些代词或副词连接主句和从句,并在从句中担当句子成分,具有一定的意义,不可省略。Do you know whose book it is?Do you know which answer is the best?Can you tell me how we can get there?Could you tell me when we should

12、meet?,英语新课标(WY),Module 2 模块语法,二、语序1._ 即:主句连接词从句(主语谓语 其他成分)Do you remember how old the man was at that time?2当从句的原句为以下句子以及当what,_作主语时,语序不变:Whats wrong?/Whats the matter?/What happened?I dont know whats the matter.Can you tell me who is over there?,陈述句语序,who,英语新课标(WY),Module 2 模块语法,三、时态 1主句用一般现在时,现在进行

13、时或一般将来时等“现在”范畴的时态时,从句的时态根据事实来定,不受主句影响。I want to know what time he got up this morning.He will tell us that he has been able to look after himself.2主句用过去时,从句用与 _ 相关的时态。Kate said there was a box under the desk.She asked whether I had seen her before.,过去,英语新课标(WY),Module 2 模块语法,3从句说明的是一般真理、客观事实、自然现象、名言

14、时,仍用现在时。Dad told us that it is better to do than to say.He told me the earth moves around the sun.4从句中有具体时间状语,即使从句动作发生在主句动作前,仍用一般过去时。The teacher told me she was born in 1960.,八年级(下)Modules 34,英语新课标(WY),Module 3 易错点针对训练,.单项选择()1.Bob speaks English very well.He practice _ English every day.Aspeaking B

15、speak Cspeaks Dto speak()2.It _ that the worker didnt eat anything.Aseems Bseemed Cseeming Dseem,易错点针对训练,A,B,英语新课标(WY),Module 3 易错点针对训练,()3.My uncles house is _ to a supermarket.Aclosing Bclose Cbehind Dnear()4.The worker keep _ in order to make money for their living Aworking Bto work Cwork Dworks,

16、B,A,英语新课标(WY),Module 3 易错点针对训练,()5.The cloth _ soft.Afeels Bsounds Csmells Dtastes()6.Can you tell me _ English at home?Listen to the English program and do a lot of reading.Ahow to read Bhow to learn Cwhen to use Dwhat to read,A,B,.根据汉语意思完成下列句子1我忘记把英语作业带到学校了。I _ _ _ my English homework to school.2我

17、们记得曾给你写过一封信。We _ _ a letter to you.,英语新课标(WY),Module 3 易错点针对训练,forgot,to,bring,remembered,writing,3她停止哭泣,听起了音乐。She _ _ and listened to the music.4她进来时,我们停下来和她交谈。When she came in,we _ _ _ with her.5似乎他早已经做完了作业。_ _ _ he has already finished his homework.,英语新课标(WY),Module 3 易错点针对训练,stopped,crying,stopp

18、ed,to,talk,It,seems,that,.用所给单词的适当形式填空1They walked for a while and stopped _(have)a rest.2The boy is busy _(write)to his father in his study.3Remember _(tell)him about it before he goes away.4I havent _(find)anything out about him yet.5The heating _(go off)at night.,英语新课标(WY),Module 3 易错点针对训练,to hav

19、e,writing,to tell,found,goes off,英语新课标(WY),Module 3 模块语法,模块语法,动词不定式(to v)与动名词(v.ing)作宾语一、必须跟动词不定式作宾语的动词:1want to do sth.想做某事2.would like to do sth.想/愿意做某事3.hope/wish to do sth.希望做某事4agree to do sth._ 5plan to do sth.计划做某事6.need to do sth.需要做某事7decide to do sth.决定做某事,同意做某事,英语新课标(WY),Module 3 模块语法,二、必

20、须跟v.ing形式作宾语的情况:1enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事2.finish doing sth.完成做某事 3.practise doing sth.练习做某事 4keep doing sth._ 5be busy doing sth.忙于干某事6feel like doing sth.想要做某事7look forward to doing sth.期待着做某事,一直做某事,英语新课标(WY),Module 3 模块语法,三、既可以跟动词不定式又可以跟v.ing形式的词:1_ 停下来去做某事 stop doing sth.停止做某事2.forget to do sth.忘了去

21、做某事 forget doing sth._ remember to do sth.记得去做某事 remember doing sth.记得做过某事 4like to do sth.喜欢去做某事 like doing sth.平时喜欢做某事5try to do sth.努力做某事 _ 试着做某事,stop to do sth.,做过某事而忘了,try doing sth.,英语新课标(WY),阶段综合测试卷一 易错点针对训练,.单项选择()1.Tony is _ in collecting sports cars.It is an _ hobby.Ainteresting;interested

22、 B.interest;interesting Cinterested;interesting Dinterested;interest()2.He is very _ because his hobby has brought him _and success.A.luck;enjoyment B.lucky;enjoyment Cluck;enjoy Dlucky;enjoyable,易错点针对训练,C,B,英语新课标(WY),阶段综合测试卷一 易错点针对训练,()3.I like listening to the radio but I hate _ TV.Awatching Bwatc

23、h Cwatches Dwatched()4.My father told me that light _ much faster than sound.A.is traveling B.will travel Ctraveled Dtravels,A,D,英语新课标(WY),阶段综合测试卷一 易错点针对训练,()5.Do you feel like _ with me?A.go shop B.going shopping Cto go shop Dgo shopping()6.Do you know _?Awhether we should water the flowers Bwhethe

24、r should we water the flowers C.should we whether water the flowers Dwhether we had watered the flowers,B,A,英语新课标(WY),阶段综合测试卷一 易错点针对训练,.用所给单词的适当形式填空1Im sorry I forget _ _(bring)my homework here.2My father agreed _ _(take)me to the museum.3Mike stayed out for the whole night.His mother was _(worry)ab

25、out him.4The novel is written from _(person)experience.5He is a shy boy and he often feels _(alone),to,bring,to,take,worried,personal,lonely,英语新课标(WY),Module 4 易错点针对训练,.单项选择()1.You may borrow my bike,but you mustnt _ it to others.Aborrow Bkeep Clend Duse()2.Mike _ his computer and checked his email.

26、Aturned on B.turned off Cturned up Dturned down,易错点针对训练,C,A,()3.This is the most _ news _ the local reporter.A.surprise;of B.surprised;from Csurprising;of Dsurprising;on()4.I dont know if it _ tomorrow.If it_,I will stay at home.A.will rain;rains B.rains;will rain Cwill rain;will rain Drains;rains()

27、5.I saw a snake bit Jim on _ arm on my way home.A.his B.her C/Dthe,英语新课标(WY),Module 4 易错点针对训练,D,A,D,.用所给词的适当形式填空1Its kind of you _ _(save)my life.2He _ _(hide)behind that big tree for ten minutes.3He said he would be here at four,but _ _(not appear)till six.4The snake _(bite)him on the foot,and he f

28、ell down.5It _(hurt)me when you talk to me in that way.,英语新课标(WY),Module 4 易错点针对训练,to,save,has,hidden,didnt,appear,bit,hurts,英语新课标(WY),Module 4 模块语法,模块语法,if引导的条件状语从句()条件状语从句表示主句动作发生的条件。引导条件状语从句的连词不多,初中阶段最常用的引导词为_。本模块主要讲述“if从句祈使句”这种结构。1if从句位置灵活,可放在祈使句(主句)之前,此时从句和主句要用逗号隔开。若祈使句(主句)在if从句之前,中间不需要用逗号隔开。If

29、 I have enough money,I will go to Paris for my vacation.I will go to Paris for my vacation if I have enough money.如果我有足够的钱,我将去巴黎度假。,if,英语新课标(WY),Module 4 模块语法,2在“if从句祈使句”中,if从句常用 _ 时。If it rains tomorrow,I wont go there with you.如果明天下雨的话,我就不和你一起去那儿了。,一般现在时,八年级(下)Modules 56,英语新课标(WY),Module 5 易错点针对训练

30、,()1.A camel needs _ water when it is in desert.Asuch few Bso little Cso few Dsuch little()2.Lets go fishing if it _ this weekend.But nobody knows if it _.A.is fine;will rain B.will be fine;rains Cwill be fine;will rain Dis fine;rains,易错点针对训练,B,A,英语新课标(WY),Module 5 易错点针对训练,()3.Li Lei _ Jim and _ the

31、 first prize.A.beat;won B.won;beat Cbeat;beat Dwon;won()4.He is proud of _ able to play the piano.A.being B.to be Cbe Dbe done()5.What a beautiful painting it is!Ive never seen _ painting.A.this better B.a Csuch Dsuch a,A,D,A,英语新课标(WY),Module 5 模块语法,模块语法,If引导的条件状语从句()在Module 4中,我们所接触的大多是“if从句祈使句”的句子

32、,其实,if作为一个连词更多的应用于句式:If从句完整的句子。一、条件状语从句的时态 1主句是一般将来时,条件状语从句用 _ 代替将来。If it doesnt rain tomorrow,we are going to have a picnic.2当主句有情态动词时,从句通常用一般现在时。If you are sleepy,you can go to bed.,一般现在时,英语新课标(WY),Module 5 模块语法,二、正确区分条件状语从句与宾语从句 1在宾语从句中if的意思是“_”,从句时态表将来,应用将来时。从句一般放在主句之后。He wants to know if he wil

33、l pass the exam.2在条件状语从句中,if的意思是“_”,从句应用一般现在时表示将来,从句可放在主句之前,也可放在主句之后。If I play games on it,it will go wrong.,是否,如果;假设,英语新课标(WY),Module 5 模块语法,三、条件状语从句与祈使句的转换 主句为you的条件状语从句还可与“祈使句_ 简单句”句式转换。You will learn English well if you study hard.Study hard,and you will learn English well.If you dont hurry up,y

34、oull miss the train.Hurry up,or youll miss the train.,and/or,英语新课标(WY),阶段综合测试卷二 易错点针对训练,.单项选择()1.Wed like to hear Jane _ the piano.A.play B.plays Cplaying Dto play()2.What makes him _ sailing.A.likes B.like Cto like Dliking()3.Her words made her teacher _.Ato angry B.angrily Cangry Dbe angry,易错点针对训练

35、,A,B,C,英语新课标(WY),阶段综合测试卷二 易错点针对训练,()4.There _ in the newspaper.Aare anything new Bis new anything Cis something new Dare new something()5.Mike suggest _ early.Ato go home Bgoing home Cgo home Dwent home()6.Kitty said she _ when I called her yesterday.Areads Bis reading Cread Dwas reading,C,B,D,英语新课标

36、(WY),阶段综合测试卷二 易错点针对训练,.用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空 1Do you mind my _ the radio?I want to listen to music.2The boy _ the broken cup behind the door yesterday.3The shop has already _.You have to go to another shop to buy these things.4Ill _ only when you need me.5Jackie Chan is a movie star.Everybody wants to

37、_ his autograph.,turning on,hid,closed down,appear,asks for,hide,close down,come on,turn on,appear,pick up,take photos,ask for,look down,bite,英语新课标(WY),阶段综合测试卷二 易错点针对训练,6We _ at the valley below from the mountain.7I hear the film Ramona will _ soon.8The little boy _ by the dog on the hand this morni

38、ng.9She likes _ with her mobile phone.10I _ the book from the ground and went out.,looked down,come on,was bitten,taking photos,picked up,英语新课标(WY),初二下 Module 6模块过关测试卷,英语新课标(WY),Module 6 易错点针对训练,.单项选择()1.The light in his room is still on.Do you know _?In order to prepare for the coming exam.Aif he w

39、orks hard Bwhy he stays up so late Cwhy is he so busy Dwhen he will stop working,易错点针对训练,B,英语新课标(WY),Module 6 易错点针对训练,()2.Look!The students are having sports._ are running.Others are playing basketball.ASome BA few CMany DSome()3.I found a beautiful pen _ the two books.Aamong Bbetween Cin Dwith,A,B,

40、英语新课标(WY),Module 6 易错点针对训练,()4.Tom had a _ talk with his parents about his study.Afacetoface Bface to face Chand in hand Dshoulder to shoulder()5.I prefer speaking to listening in English learning.Oh,really!I think you should be good at _ of them.A.both B.neither Csome Dall,B,A,英语新课标(WY),Module 6 易错

41、点针对训练,.用所给单词的适当形式填空1The house price has been _(rise)rapidly in the last few years.2I am _(worry)about her,because she is not happy.3The doctor _(advice)Mr Black to take more exercise.Its good for his health.4Soft music makes me feel _(sleep)5He wants to be an _(act)So he practices acting every day.,

42、rising,worried,advised,sleepy,actor,英语新课标(WY),Module 6 模块语法,模块语法,直接引语与间接引语()陈述句的转述 直接引语如果是陈述句,变为间接引语时,用that引导,that在口语中常被省略,间接引语的人称、时态、指示代词、时间状语、地点状语等都要作相应变化。一、人称的变化1.She said,“I like tennis.”She said that she liked tennis.双引号内的第 _ 人称变间接引语时与主句 _ 的人称保持一致。口诀:一随主。,一,主语,英语新课标(WY),Module 6 模块语法,2.He said

43、to her,“You can finish it.”He told her that she could finish it.双引号内的第 _ 人称变间接引语时与主句 _ 的人称保持一致。口诀:二随宾。3.She said to me,“They want to help him.”She said to me that they wanted to help him.双引号内的第 _ 人称变间接引语时人称_。口诀:三不变。,二,宾语,三,不变,英语新课标(WY),初二下 Module 7模块过关测试卷,英语新课标(WY),Module 7 易错点针对训练,.单项选择()1.Can you

44、catch what the teacher said in the English class?Sorry,I can _ understand it.A.hardly B.almost Cnearly Dnever,易错点针对训练,A,英语新课标(WY),Module 7 易错点针对训练,()2.Show me the map,please.I wonder _.Look,its here,in the east of China,near Taiwan Province.A.where is Diaoyu Island B.where Diaoyu Island is Cwhat is

45、Diaoyu Island like Dwhat Diaoyu Island is like,B,英语新课标(WY),Module 7 易错点针对训练,()3.The cat jumped into the room _ the window.A.across B.through Cpast Dcross()4.I heard someone _ in the next room when I was doing my homework yesterday evening.Asing Bsinging Cto sing DSang()5.Tom told us about the exciti

46、ng news _ he knew all about it.Aas well Bas if Cas usual Dlook like,B,B,B,英语新课标(WY),Module 7 易错点针对训练,.根据汉语意思完成句子1停止制造噪音!你的小妹妹正在睡觉。Stop _ _.Your little sister is sleeping.2那位老人问我是否能帮帮他。That old man _ me _ I _ help him.3他们正在开晚会。一些人正在唱歌,另一些人正在跳舞。They are having a party._ are singing,_ are dancing.,maki

47、ng,noise,asked,if/whether,could,Some,others,英语新课标(WY),Module 7 易错点针对训练,4有时候,我步行去学校。_,I go to school on foot.5每个人都在期望好结果。Everyone is _ _ good results.,Sometimes,hoping,for,英语新课标(WY),Module 7 模块语法,模块语法,直接引语与间接引语()直接引语是疑问句和祈使句时,变为间接引语时要注意以下几点:一、疑问句的转述 1直接引语是一般疑问句、反意疑问句或选择疑问句时,要用连词_引导,后面用陈述句语序,没有间接宾语的,可

48、以加一个间接宾语(me,him,her,us等)。2直接引语是特殊疑问句时,仍用原来的疑问词作引导词,后面用陈述句语序。,if/whether,英语新课标(WY),Module 7 模块语法,二、祈使句的转述 1直接引语是肯定祈使句时,要将祈使句中的动词原形转换为 _ sb.to do sth.句型。2直接引语是否定祈使句时,要在不定式的前面加上not,构成tell/ask/order sb._ to do sth.句型。注意:如果直接引语中有please,变为间接引语时可去掉。,tell/ask/order,not,八年级(下)Modules 78,英语新课标(WY),初二下 Module

49、8模块过关测试卷,英语新课标(WY),Module 8 易错点针对训练,()1.The twins are coming to Meimeis house tonight.She will give them _ to eat.Aanything delicious B.something Chinese CChinese something Ddelicious anything()2.The girl didnt know what she should do _ her mother gave her some good advice.Awhen B.if Cas soon as Dun

50、til,易错点针对训练,B,D,英语新课标(WY),Module 8 易错点针对训练,()3.Im sorry I have _ so much time playing online games.Aspent Btaken Ccost Dpaid()4.Ill give you a call as soon as she _ here.Awill arrive Barrived Chas arrived Darrives()5.When I bought the house,my sister _ me _ with a loan.Ahelped;out Bhelp;out Chelped;


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