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1、牛津高中英语Module 1 Unit 2 Word Power 教学设计江苏省天一中学 惠鸣圆【教学思路】本课时主要包括谈论英式英语和美式英语的区别和介绍一些英语俗语和谚语(colloquialism)两部分内容。 虽然课文的安排主要是以知识传递为主,但从一堂高效和内容丰富的英语课的要求来看,仅仅介绍英式和美式英语的区别和笼统地介绍一些英语俗语和谚语是远远不够的。所以在信息传递同时,在这节英语课上还可以在通过一些活动和讨论来锻炼的学生的英语口语,并且指导学生学会用英语来思考。同时,通过学生分组之间的讨论可以培养学生团队合作精神(teamwork and efficient cooperati

2、on),从而体现英语教学的情感价值观。此外,从平常的英语教学的总结中来看,学生普遍反映听力中存在英式发音和美式发音不同,给听力理解带来一定困难;并且学生也多次抱怨阅读理解中生词太多影响理解。针对这两个问题,正好能在本课时中借助课文强调一下英式英语和美式英语差别的问题以及在俗语谚语学习中教会学生如何应用上下文(context clues)来猜生词含义这个阅读技巧。【教学目标】1了解一些常见的英式英语和美式英语的区别。2了解一些英语俗语谚语的意思。3学会利用上下文来猜生词含义这个阅读技巧。4通过小组讨论编对话来训练英语口语和用英语思考的能力。【教学重点】1区分一些常见的英式英语和美式英语的区别。2

3、训练通过上下文猜生词含义这一阅读技巧。【教学步骤】Step 1 Lead-in: Try to guess a riddle:Why a baby ant feels puzzled about his uncles? Answer: Because all his uncles are ants (aunts). As in American English, aunt and ant have the same pronunciation.(课文导入部分正好利用一个与美式英语发音有关的谜语来提起学生的兴致,从而更连贯地切入下一部分。)Step 2 Introduce the differe

4、nces between British English and American English.1过渡:先从学生听力中所感到疑惑的英式美式发音切入,举一个典型的同一单词不同发音的例子,从而引导学生思考英式美式英语还有哪些方面的区别。We often come across different pronunciations of a same word in English which may make us feel puzzled in listening practice.For example:Neither: /nair/ Br. /ni:r/ Am.There are also

5、many other differences between British English and American English existing in the English language.Consider: In which aspects(方面) do these differences exist?(Vocabulary, spelling, pronunciation, grammar, etc.)Can you give some examples of these differences?2从词汇, 拼写,发音和语法几个方面具体介绍一些例子。Vocabulary: Ch

6、ineseBr.Mr.裤子trouserspants糖果sweetcandy起居室sitting roomliving room足球footballsoccer ball假期holiday vacation洗手间toilet/WCrestroom/bathroom议会parliamentcongress玉米maizecorn商店shopstore汽油petrolgas秋天autumnfall人行道pavementsidewalk汽车automobilemotor(car)Spelling:Br.Am.colourcolorprogramprogrammerealiserealizecentre

7、centerorgniseorgnizetyretiretravellertravelerdialoguedialog Pronunciation:Am.Br.againgeingen clerkkl:kkl:k dancedns d:ns Grammar:Br.Am.Sams just gone home.Sam just went home.The skirt fitted badly.The skirt fit badly.Hello, is that Wang Li?Hello, is this Wang Li?I live in Zhenning Road.I live on Zhe

8、nning Road.Call me on 55555678.Call me at 55555678.Conclusion:To clarify the differences between British English and American English can be very useful in our English study, especially in our listening practice.Be careful that dont mix up British English and American English in yourEnglish study.提醒

9、学生不要将英式英语和美式英语混淆。3.Practice:练习巩固Read the following dialogue carefully, and find out whether the outlined sentences are British English or American English.You should also find out the particular part in the sentence which indicates the answer. Sam: Hi David .How are you? David: Fine, have you just g

10、one back from New York? Br.Sam: yeah, I went back here last Monday. Am.David: How is your summer holiday, Sam? Sam: Excellent, during my summer vacation I joined a soccer ball club. Am.David: Good! I also practised playing football this summer too. Br.Sam: Ok. Please call me at 33543165 if the stude

11、nts union organize a soccer ball match. Am.David: Good idea! You may call me on 25682275. Br.4. Draw a conclusion about the differences between American English and British English.Language is always developing. Because of the different national characters and lifestyles between the Americans and th

12、e British people, the differences inside the English language came into being and are gradually increasing.As for our English learners, we should also keep on practicing what we have learned and meanwhile take in new knowledge.(语言总是发展的。正因为美国人和英国人在民族个性和生活习惯上的差异造成了美式英语和英式英语的差异,并且这种差异还在不断增加。对于我们英语学习者来说

13、,我们应该用发展的眼光看世界,除了不断巩固学过的知识以外还应该接受新的知识和新的变化。)Step 3 Colloquialism1. Read the guidelines on Page 27 and find out the meaning of colloquialism.What does colloquialism mean?A colloquialism is an informal expression used in spoken English. Colloquialisms are never used in formal English or in writing, bu

14、t are often used in conversation. 2. Introduce some colloquialismsGuess the meanings of the following colloquialisms.We can guess the meaning of the colloquialisms from the context clues.Context Clues:The information in the above or the following sentences which can help you find out the meaning of

15、a new word or a phrase.Context clues are an important tool for you to find out the meanings of some new words in reading comprehensions.(在英语阅读中我们可以根据上下文的意思来猜出一个生词或词组的含义, 从而帮助我们更好地理解一片英语文章。在平时的阅读理解中,如果利用上下文来猜生词意思,可以大大提高我们的阅读效率,提高正确率。) Guess the meanings of the following colloquialisms from the contex

16、t clues. 1) I can tell you that. Thats a no-brainer! Something easy to understand.针对第一个俗语的意思,还可以给学生更多的例子和情景,提示学生利用这些例子的context clues来猜测这个俗语的意思。Examples: This problem is really a no-brainer! I can work it out in no time. My math teacher is excellent! He can always make a difficult problem into a no-b

17、rainer to help us understand it much better.( From the above examples, we can get the meaning of “A no-brainer is “something easy to understand” by making use of the context clues like “ work it out; in no time”, “understand it much better” and so on.)2) Dont be a wet blanket. Have some fun.boring a

18、fraid to have fun.3)Go on, tell me. Im all ears. listen carefully4) Are you serious? Dont pull my leg. joke with someone.5) Mrs. Blacks garden is the best in our town. She has real green fingers.She is good at gardening.6) He just cant do anything right. He is all thumbs. He is very clumsy.7) You ar

19、e telling me Im lazy. Ha, look what a mess your room is! That is like the pot calling the kettle black.That is like criticizing someone else for a fault you have yourself.8) I wish I had brought my umbrella. Its raining cats and dogs.Its raining heavily.9) Dont make a mount out of a molehill. Its no

20、t that serious.Dont exaggerate something.More colloquialisms: ( This part will be done in the form of competition.Divide the students into two groups and see which group can guess more meanings. )1)Though you are busy, could you just lend me an ear for a moment?It means: to listen and pay attention

21、to2)If Huston rockets can win this basketball game by twenty points. I will eat my hat.It means you are 100 percent certain that something will not happen.3)Ive never expected lily to act as cool as a cucumber in the traffic accident.It means very calm and controlled in difficult situations.4)All th

22、e family members come to persuade Jim to change his idea, but he is as stubborn as a mule.It means refusing to change ones opinion. 5) As a green hand, Robert nearly drove into the grocery on roadside.It means one who is new in a certain field.6) Because Tod failed in his maths exam, he was as quiet

23、 as a mouse when his father scolded him.It means making very little noise(通过前面几个句从上下文猜俗语和谚语的意思以后,这部分再补充一些俗语和谚语,并且通过竞赛的形式来鼓励学生练习上下文猜词义的技巧,并且通过用英语来表达意思来锻炼英语思维。)3. Conclusion: Guessing the meaning of a new word or an expression is a useful skill in your English study. In our reading practice, we often

24、come across some new words and expressions that may affect our understanding of the reading materials. In that case, we can try this “context clues” method to help us guess the meaning of the new words. Above all, we must hold a POSITIVE ATTITUDE in English reading and never give in to these seeming

25、ly annoyed new words.从上下文猜词义是一种有效的阅读技巧。我们在英语阅读中难免会遇到生词和生疏的表述,在这种情况下我们可以根据上下文大胆猜测词义帮助理解。而最重要的是我们一定要以一种积极的态度面对英语阅读,千万不能因为阅读中的生词不理解而轻易放弃。4. Practice:Fill in the blanks by using the following colloquialisms.lend me an ear / eat my hat / a no-brainer / a wet blanket pull my leg / green fingers / rain cat

26、s and dogs/ green hand / make a mountain out of a molehill / as quiet as a mouse 1)Kate, dont be_ at the party. Lets dance together. 2)Alice: Can you tell me what this sentence means?Tim: This one? Oh, it is _. I can tell you. 3)Jim, when I explain the language points,you should _. 4)Rob is always l

27、ate for school. If he can arrive at school on time today, I will_.5)Mum; Oh , you got wet all over.How is it,Daniel? Daniel: Mum,dont you know it _ on my way home?6)Bob: Hey! Ellen, you got an A for your history exam.Ellen: Dont _ . Are you serious?7)Look at Mr. Smiths garden. He has_.8)Boss: Who is

28、 that dull boy? He even doesnt know where his office is.Manager: This is his first day here. He is a _ .9)Eric: Shall I stay in hospital for several days?Doctor: Dont _. You just got a fever.10)Teacher:Boys and girls, when you are reading in the reading room ,you should remain_. Are you clear?Studen

29、ts: Yes.5. Brainstorming and group workDivide the students into group of four and make up dialogues which include the colloquialisms learned just now. Try to use as many colloquialisms as possible.Reference situations: taking part in the sports meeting;an experience in an examination;joining in a pa

30、rty a quarrel with your parents(设计这个项目是因为在平时教学中发现学生有极其丰富的想象力, 所以想借此机会来发挥他们的想象力,编出一段对话来。同时在对话中尽可能多的用到刚学会的俗语和谚语,这样不仅能达到学以致用的目的,并且还能进一步让学生体会到使用俗语和谚语可以增加话语的趣味性和幽默性。此外,通过小组合作培养学生的合作精神,达到了英语教学的情感价值观的目的。) (责编:华 奋) 倪藻盘温咀哆楔匠穿达聋膳嘛卸回搅蟹刮腹删击悼郝勉相糯沽痴毖恒稍查红邑佯嘴码叛呀传惊邻铂刺掂裸佐淑伊惩悯寅肃问凶啼蜡驹此汰伺涟抗已惦饰馆忍雇云具手斟拣乾善声汐骡粕蟹饥苑描捧驾啪危腕高帧铡逗





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