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1、Chinese Geography中国地理,Scope,Location 位置Territory&administrative divisions 疆域和行政区划Terrain 地形Rivers 河流,Location,Eastern part of the Asian continent western shore of Pacific Ocean位于:亚欧大陆东岸、太平洋西岸,Territory&Administrative divisions,the Zengmu Reef at Nasha Isands南沙群岛的曾母暗沙(4N附近),Center of Heilongjaing Riv

2、er,north of the town of Mohe 黑龙江省漠河以北的黑龙江主航道中心线上(53N附近),The Pamirs新疆帕米尔高原(73E附近),Location of four endpoint of China 四端点的位置,The confluence of the Heilongjiang and Wusuli Rivers黑龙江与乌苏里江主航道中心线的相交处(135E附近),2023/8/24,5,The land territory:9,600,000km 陆地领土:960万平方千米 International boundary on land:more than

3、20,000km陆上国界:20000多千米Neighboring countries:14陆地邻国:14个Territorial waters:370,000km 领海:37万平方千米,国土辽阔,2023/8/24,6,Administrative sea area:more than 3,000,000km管辖海域:300多万平方千米Mainland shoreline:more than 18,000km大陆海岸线:18000多千米Islands that area more than 500m:more than 6500面积在500平方米以上岛屿:6500多个Neighboring c

4、ountries lie across the nearby seas:6隔海相望的国家:6 个,国土辽阔,Neighboring countries:14 邻国:14个,North Korea,Russia,Russia,Mongolia,Kazakhstan,Kyrgyzstan,Tadzhikistan,Afghanistan,Pakistan,India,Nepal,Burma,Laos,Viet Nam,Bhutan,Republic of Korea,Japan,The Philippines,Malaysia,Indonesia,Brunei,Neighboring countr

5、ies lie across the nearby seas:6 隔海相望国:6个,Territory&Administrative region,我国34个省级行政区简称、省会,我国34个省级行政区简称、省会,Terrain,中国地形,Chinese topography appears a ladder-like distribution from west to east从西到东呈“三级阶梯状”分布,The 1st ladder:the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau第一级阶梯:青藏高原The 2nd ladder:Junggar Basin Tarim Basin Sich

6、uan Basin Inner Mongolia Plateau the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau Loess Plateau第二级阶梯:准格尔盆地 塔里木盆地 四川盆地 内蒙古高原 云贵高原 黄土高原The 3rd ladder:the Northeast Plateau North China Plain Yangtze Plain Shandong hilly Liaodong hilly Southeast China Coastal Hilly Regions第三级阶梯:东北平原 华北平原 长江中下游平原 山东丘陵 辽东丘陵 东南沿海丘陵,The boundary

7、 of 1st&2nd ladder:Kunlun Mountains Aerjin Moutains Qilian Moutains Hengduan Moutains一、二级阶梯分界线:昆仑山-阿尔金山-祁连山-横断山The boundary of 2nd&3rd ladder:Great Khingan Moutains Taihang Moutains Wushan Moutains Xuefeng Moutains二、三级阶梯分界线:大兴安岭-太行山-巫山-雪峰山,Rivers 河流,The Yangtze River长江The Yellow River黄河The Pearl Riv

8、er珠江,The Yangtze River,Longest The longest river in China The 3rd longest river in the worldDeveloped regionsArtery course through several of Chinas most economically developed regions,The Yellow River,The 2nd longest river in ChinaThe Mother RiverChinese civilization birthplace,The Pearl River,Special economic zoneThe World FactoryCompany based on the special economic zones,back overthe Pearl River Delta factory of the world,accounting for human and geopolitical advantages,since the establishment of steady development.,Thanks,


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